Lewis E Manning and Lockey E Manning
to Robert C Applewhite Submitted by Natasha Miles Columbus County, NC ![]() |
This indenture made the sixth day of November in the year of
our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and Eighty three between Lewis E
Manning and Lockey E Manning his wife of Ransom Township Columbus
County and state of North Carolina of the first part and Robert C
Applewhite of
the said Township county and state of the
second part. Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and
in consideration of the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars, lawful
money of the United States to him duly paid before the delivery here of
hath bargained and sold and by these
presents doth grant and convey to the said
party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever all with the
exception of a small corner next
said party of the first parts' house that certain piece or parcel of
land lying and being in the county of Columbus and State of North
Carolina nd which is known as the broad water tract & beginning at
a pine Wells line thence running east across
the Allen branch about six hundred yards,
thence with said branch the road about same distance by line of
demareation, thence back with E J Rodgers line
to the run of Livingston Creek, thence
with the meanders of the creek to an oak, at the head of broad water
Lake Walls line, thence with said
line to the beginning. Containing sixty
acres more or less. Together with all and singular
the hereditaments and appurtances and all the estate title and ____ of
the said party of the first part doth hereby
covenant and agree with the said party of the second part that
at the time of delivery hereof, the said
party of the first part is the lawful owner of the premises above
granted and seized thereof in fee simple absolute and
that he will warrant and defend the above
granted premises in the quiet and peaceable possessons of the said
party of the second party, his heirs and
assigns forever. In witness whereof we
have hereunto set our hands and seals this sixth day of November one
thousand eight hundred and eighty three. Sealed and delivered in the
presence of Lewis E Manning {seal} Lockey A Manning {her mark and seal} State of North Carolina Columbus County |
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