Dempsy Reynolds to John Due Submitted by Bette Dew, April 1998 Columbus County, NC ![]() |
This Indenture made this Sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three Between Dempsey Reynolds of the State of North Carolina and County of Columbus of the one part and John Due of the same County and State of the other part Witnesseth that the said Dempsey Reynolds hath given and granted to the said John Due a certain tract or parcel of land supposed to contain eighty acres more or less Beginning at a Small pine on the South Side of the thoroughfare branch that is called the gap of said branch on Jas C Pierce line and running with said line until it strikes said Pierces corner on the south side of the String of the drinking pond thick thence South thirty five degrees West until it Strikes Said Reynolds corner it being the third corner of a fifty acre tract thence East fifty degrees South to the said Reynolds Second corner of the place known as the Sand ridge thence direct to the beginning to have and to hold to him his heirs and asissns forever and I the said Dempsey Reynolds do warrant and defend the aforesaid land to the John Due his heirs and assissns as his part of all the lands I possess against the lawful claim or claims of all and every perosn or persons whatsoever in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above Written Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Stephen M Pierce February Term 1853 |
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