William Reynolds to Nathan Little
Submitted by Bette Dew, April 1998
Columbus County, NC

This indenture made this 28 day of February in the year of Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine by and between William Reynolds of State of North Carolina and County of Brunswick planter and Nathan Little of the County of New Columbus and State afoursaid that for and in consideration by him the said Nathan Little before the signing of these presents the receipt wherof he doth hereby acknowledge there of every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the said Nathan Little his heirs Executors or administrators forever by these presents do freely and absolutely give grant bargin sell abenate confirm and convey unto the said Nathan Little his heirs and of signer forever, one mesuage or tract of land containing one hundred acres in the county of Columbus on the South side of the Marsh Swamp and lying on Bear Branch and Patined for Stephen Liler and bearing date the third day April in the year of our Lord 1789 after Stephen Liler decease then falling to Benjamin Liler by heirship the said Benjaim Liler conveyed to Thomas Newel to William Reynolds and Kittiain Reynolds to Nathan Little the said tract of land containing one hundred acres of land beginning in the centre of three large pines, and runs No.,West 45 22 chains 36 links to a stake then No. E 45.44 chains 72 links then four east 45.22 chains 36 links to a stake thence on Silvinus Soals line S.W. 45.44 chains 72 links to the beginning to have and to hold the above said mesuage tract or parcel of land with all rights and priviledges priviledges of house out house or chards and gardens woods under woods timber and trees thereof lying and standing all water courses profits and commodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the P., Nathan Little his heirs and assigns for ever and I the P William Reynolds for myself my heirs and Executors and administrators and assigns do covenant and grant to the said Nathan Little his heirs and assigns in mannor as follows biz. that it shall and may be lawful for the said Nathan Little heirs and assigns to have and to hold to use and occupy and enjoy the said bargins benifit without any set or molestation and the said William Reynolds do for myself, my heirs Executors administrators do covenant and agree to the said Nathan Little his heirs and afsignes that from time to time and at all times herafter warrant and defend the said bargained premiser the said Nathan Little his heirs and assigns forever against lawful claim or demands of all manner of person or persons whatever furthermore the said William Reynolds shall at any time hereafter make or cause to be made any further instrument of writing or his heirs their councel learned in the law shall think proper to make the titles more affentic in witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed sealed delivered this in presence of us

William Reynolds
Gent. John Little (mark)
Jesse Edwards