& wife & et. al. To Miles F and Henry B Wilkins, 1910 Submitted by Natasha Miles September 1999 Columbus County, NC ![]() |
State of North Carolina Columbus County This deed made this the 5th day of January 1904 by J L Wilkins and wife M R Wilkins, G H Wilkins and wife A C Wilkins, J C Walker and wife C V Walker and Alice E Wilkins of Columbus County and state of North Carolina of the first part to Miles F Wilkins and Henry B Wilkins of Columbus County and state of North Carolina of the second part. Witnesseth that said parties of the first part in consideration of fifteen dollars, to them paid by Miles F Wilkins and Henry B Wilkins, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold, and by these presents doth bargain sell and convey to said Miles F Wilkins and Henry B Wilkins, their heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land in Columbus County, state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of R C Applewhite, N A Byrd and others, bounded as follows, Viz: Beginning at a stake on Dans Creek above the Burguinn Ford Road Bridge the north west corner of R C Applewhite Davis land runs thence with Applewhite line S 15 W 27 1/2 chains to an old Pine stump said Applewhites corner thence N 61 1/2 W with R C and Rosa B Applewhite's line 19 18/100 chains to a pine stump Rosa B Applewhites corner in N A Byrds line thence with said Byrd's line No 4 W 11 chains to Dans Creek, thence down the various courses of said Creek to the first station, containing forty acres more or less. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land, and all privileges and appentenances thereto belonging, to the said Miles F Wilkins and Henry B Wilkins their heirs and assigns, to their only use and behoof forever. And the said parties of the first part covenanteth with said Miles F Wilkins and Henry B Wilkins their heirs and assigns that they are seized of said premises in fee, and hath right to convey in fee simple, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances and that they will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written attest. Alice E Wilkins {seal} State of North Carolina, Columbus County North Carolina Filed for registration at 11 am Jany 24th
1910. C E Smith (In deed book X1 page 340 & 341) |
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