JONES, Lovis (d. 1817)

DIED, on the 14th inst. Mr. Lovis JONES of this town, long a member of the Methodist Society.  He bore the trials of the long illness of which he died, with a resignation and patience truly characteristic of the distinguished excellence of his mind, and of the principles of christian piety, and of respectful submission to the will of a beneficent and merciful Providence.  He was an amiable man in society; a good life has been his preparation for death; let us hope he is now enjoying peace and happiness, for he who is good will obtain grace from the lord, he who is merciful will find mercy; while gracious warmth and liberality of soul deserve to be cherished, the recollection of his worth will never be effaced from the hearts of his friends.  He  has bequeathed a considerable sum of money to religious and charitable uses.

Source:  Carolina Federal Republican, 20 September 1817