What’s New

Newbern Social News (May 1, 1910)

Article is dated April 30

  • A. WADSWORTH and E.A. JACK of Newbern, and W.S. CHADWICK, of Beaufort, are in Mobile, enjoying the Confederate reunion this week.
  • Mrs. O.H. GUION has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Washington, NC
  • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce CRAVEN, of Kinston, have returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H.B. CRAVEN. 
  • Miss Nell JORDAN has gone to Raleigh, where she will live, her family having moved there some weeks ago.
  • Miss Huldah BOWDEN is spending some time in Asheville with friends. 
  • Mrs. DOWELL and Miss DUNCAN, of Raleigh, gave a music recital in the opera house last night, under the auspices of the women of the Presbyterian Church
  • Miss Maud MUNGER entertained a number of her friends a few nights ago in honor of Miss MAYO, of Washington; Miss ROGERS, of Raleigh; Miss WOODRUFF, of New York, and Miss Elmer FIFE, of Thomasville, NC.  The evening was delightfully spent in bridge whist, and afterwards a three-course buffet luncheon was served the guests. 

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 1 May 1910. ChroniclingAmerica.gov.