List of Taxables - 1787
Capt. Moon's District
Daniel McFarson 1 William Guthrie 1 1 Alexander McDonald 1 Edward Howard 366 Cumberland 1 6 800 Onslow James McCrackin 10 Joining Fayette 1 1 James Lassiter 1 1 Kinith Murkison 1 1 Dolphin Davis 1 1 1 Thomas Davis 1 Samuel Kenedy 1 John Wilson 1 2 John Lawton 1 Robert Huie (Hair?) 1 1 James Morrison 1 William Thompson 7 Joining Fayette 1 Mark Coll 6652 Cumberland 1 1 1 George Barge 1 1 Zachariah John 1 Jacob Taylor 1 1 John McFarson 320 Cumberland 1 George Scurlock 1 1 2 Philip Raiford 504 Cumberland 3 1 5 Silas Niles 1 2 William Armstrong 218 Cumberland 1 1 3 Peter McArthur 1 1 Archibald Stewart 1 David Stone 1 Benjamin McNatt 1 1 Duncan McCauslin 4 Duncan McNicoll 3 1 Maurice Carmichael 5 3 3 William Dy 100 Bladen 1 1 1 William Kinked 2 1 James Cant 1 Isack Burklow 620 Cumberland 4 3 Colin McLandon? 1 1 2 Estate Robt. Cochran 3008 Cumberland 7 18 William Cochran 1 John Classterer 1 1 Peter Tarbe 1 1 Robert Hails not of age John Boyd 300 Chatham 1 James Gross 11 Joining Fayette 1 2 Joseph Leatch 1 Caliss Gerauld 1 Samuel Fosdick 1 Donald McNair? 1 1 James Maves 1 1 Walter Hughs 1 Donald McLeod 1 1 Daniel McMullin 1 Joseph Tainter 1 Alexander Murkison 1 1 George Walker 1 2 William Ronald 1 Isack Hammon 100 Sampson 1 Peter Strong 1 Peter Moon 1 Patrick Story 1 John Toney 100 Sampson 1 John McKinsey 1 John Elis 1 Jerediah Burchard 1 David Shepherd 3 Joining Fayette 1 2 Robert Mitchel 1 1 Jessey Langley 1 Wm. Russell 250 1/2 Cumberland 1 1 2 Gabriel Dubrutz 800 1 1 John Lamon 1 1 Wm Corkins 1 Alexander McIver 200 Moore 1 1 1 200 Chatham Daniel McMurphy 1 Charles Campbell 1 1 Finley McRai 1 1 Joshua Carman 1 Joseph Mott 1 Samuel Hawly 1 Isack Hawly 1 John Ingram 300 3 1 4 Estate James Emmitt 1270 Orange 106 Bladen 150 Cumberland 2 4 Margret Emmit 1 Estate James Burges 2 Wm Burgess 1 3 Estate Jessey Doak 1 Wm Simpson 550 Cumberland 5 Carlton Atkinson 120 Cumberland 1 William Cook 1 Estate Wm Blansfield 2 8 Thomas England 1 William B. Grove 100 Moore 420 Cumberland 2 1 3 Hugh McDonald 1 1 John Wilkings 1 1 3 Cristopher McRaei 150 Cumberland 1 300 Moore Joseph Greer 790 Cumberland 1 3 James Thackston 1260 Orange/Chatham 1 1 7 James Bloodworth 4245 New Hanover 2 1 10 400 Cumberland 1 200 Duplin John Murphy 300 Cumberland 1 1 Jessey Potts 1 2 Fredrick Miller 1 1 1 Norman Campbell 100 Cumberland 1 William Rilly 1 Adam Craig 1 1 Donald McRai 100 Cumberland 1 Mark Russell 450 Cumberland 4 1 3 Michael Blocker 200 Cumberland 1 James Gee 330 Cumberland 2 1 2 James Walker 200 Montgomery 1 1 Richard Wilkison 350 Bladen? 1 350 Cumberland? Frank Owin 1 John Elwell 638 Cumberland 1 5 Alexn. McFarson, Jun.400 Cumberland 1 James Dick 1 1 2 Peter Perry 1 1 Augusten Secote 1 1 Mis Mary McLeod 200 Moore County 6 Estate Robert Hogg 5551 1/2 Cumberland 15 6 James Hogg 2 on Hay Mount 2 Robert Rowan 934 Cumberland 4 2 11 James Moon 259 Moore 470 Cumberland 1 1 6 Joshua Hadly 413 Cumberland 2 1 2 G. P? Linton 2 Lewis Barge 296 Cumberland 6 1 7 Johnathan Tums?Turns?200 Cumberland 1 Mrs. D. Campbell 6 Lewis Bowell 412 Cumberland 3 1 1 Widow Burklo 200 Moore 1 Theophilas Evins 2100 Cumberland 1 5 David Evins 900 Cumberland 1 3 William England 700 Moore 640 Cumberland 1 1 6 William Lord 320 Cumberland 1 1 4 James Dyer 3381 Cumberland 2 2 James Burnside 450 Cumberland 1 1 1 Mumford & Malletts 3 1 Robinson Mumford Senr.2210 Orange 1 2 5 & Junr. 640 Cumberland Peter Mallett 2501 Cumberland 1 1 26 920 New Hanover 1 450 Bladen John McAy (Miller) 1690 Cumberland 1 5 Robrt Adam 2 1 9 Neal McKay 2353 Cumberland 1 2 13 James Campbell 1480 Cumberland 3 1 John Mason 1 -- James 400 Cumberland 2 5 Duncan Ochiltree 832 Cumberland 1 William King 1 John Winslow 1 Estate Edward Winslow 4 9 Jane Isabela Winslow 1 2 Mary Winslow 800 Bladen Wm Gilaspey 2 Wm. Belitho 1 John Walsh 100 Moore County 1 1 Thomas Newman 2 James Richie 2 Samuel Noble 100 Cumberland 1 8 245 Onslow 50 Johns? James Patterson 2000 Chatham 1800 Cumberland 12 1 8 This tax list comes from the NC State Archives, Series: Misc. Records, Box 029.928.14, folder: List of Taxables 1787.
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