Submitted by Bobby Brock, Apex, NC.
Posted by Myrtle Bridges
November 15, 2002
This letter was written to Jenette, wife of Reddin House (12 Apr 1825 - 17 Oct 1897) by
Reddin House Co. D. 38 Regt NC Inf CSA (1825 - 1863).

February 2, 1862
My Dear wife,
I will seat myself this morning to write you a few lines to imform you that
I am well and I hope these few lined ma[y] find you enjoying the same blessing of God. I will
let you no how I fare. I fare tolerably well. I guet a plinty of bred and flower and we get
some bacon, sugar and molases. There is a good deal of sickness in camp at this time. There
is the rise of 20 sick in our Company.
I started a letter to you last fryday and I want to no if you receive it or not. I want you
to write to me how you is fareing. Send Buffen Hollon's wife word that he is well and guetten along
very well. I suspose there have bin a draff in Dismal and I want you to find me a list of all the
names that was drafted. Send word to Kelly Jackson to come as soon as he can and bring a cook with
him. I have no news of any importance to write so I must bring my letter to a close by asken you to
write soon to your Husband, Redden House
P. S. Direct your letters to Campt Mangum, Wake County in the cear of Capt. Ashford

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