The articles on this page were published December 31, 1862 in the Weekly Standard, a Raleigh,
North Carolina newspaper. W. W. Holden, Editor. Transcribed by Myrtle Bridges
February 27, 2003
Some remarkable facts have been developed by the late reduction of prices of cotton goods.
While the prices were high, almost all the sales were made in large quantities,--in lots of from 10 to 50
bales, to go out of the State. There was scarcely any demand for home consumption. People managed to without
them. But since the reduction, it is believed that every yard made in this place and vicinity-8000 to 10,000
yards a day-could readily be sold by the piece in this town. How long this demand will last we cannot say. It
has so far rendered it impossible to fill in whole the orders of merchants in various parts of the State who
wish to keep the goods, and whose orders have been pouring in upon the companies here. We suppose the fact to
be that the people had economized as long as possible and until they had "nothing to wear," and that soon this
home demand will be supplied and other parts of the State be able to get a larger shard.-Fayetteville Observer.
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