1851 - Datus Jones Highest Bidder at Auction near Spring House in Fayetteville
Submitted by Jo Ann Jackson
Posted April 20, 2002 by Myrtle Bridges.
ARCH A. F. Smith, Clerk Master of Equity
DATUS JONES State of North Carolina
Heard in a certain cause depending in the Court of Equity, for the County of Cumberland, where in R. A.
Shine and his wife, Mary Ann and others filed this petition against Robert J. Imereurum and others, for a sale
of real estate at Spring House, 1851, of said court a decree of sale was made and inference to the records of
said court will fully now at large appear: of the following tract or of land, situated and bounded as follows:
lying and being in the County of Cumberland and town of Fayetteville, (lower Fayetteville) and state of aforesaid,
beginning at the intersection of Bridge Street with Board Street running on the south margin of Bridge Street,
eastwardly at right angles with said Bridge Street, sixty six feet; there a line parallel north Bridge Street
two hundred and thirty feet to Board Street, thence with Board Street to the beginning and in pursuance of and
in obedience to decree.
Archibald A. F. Smith, Clerk and leader of said court, having advertised time and place of sale as required by
the decree of aforesaid did on the seventh day of July 1851, exposed the fore said tract or parcel of land to
sale, when and where, DATUS JONES, became the purchaser by being the last and highest bidder. Therefore at the
sum of four hundred and twenty dollars, this adventure witnessed that the said Archibald A. F. Smith, Clerk
Master in Equity as of foresaid for and in considertion, of the afore mentioned sum of four hundred and twenty
dollars to him in hand paid by the said DATUS JONES the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged doth hereby and
sell, alein, convey and confirm the above described premises with all and singular inheritances there unto belonging
over any wise appurtaining to him the said DATUS JONES, his heirs and assigns forever to have and to hold to his
and their only proper use and behalf, and the said Archibald A. F. Smith, Clerk and Master of Equity, aforesaid,
doth hereby convenant and agree to and with the said DATUS JONES that he will warrant and forever defend the title
to the land herein before described, with its appurtenance to him the said DATUS JONES, his heirs and assigns forever,
so far as he is enable to do selling and conveying under the decree of the Court of Equity, as foresaid and no futher.
Witness where of the said, Archibald A. F. Smith
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