Walt & Martha Smith
have submitted their copy of a letter written in 1777 by Farquhard
Campbell to Gov. Richard Caswell.
On 22 April 1776, the Continental Congress was informed that Farquhard
was a "delegate in the Provincial Congress, Spy and confidential
emissary to Governor Martin." During the fall of 1776, he was seized
at his home, while entertaining a party of Loyalists, tried and
banished to Philadelphia and his property was confiscated. He broke his
parole and returned to his home area. Several years after the Revolution,
he served as a member of the senate of North Carolina.
Myrtle Bridges.

His Excellency, Richard Caswell, Esq.,
Baltimore Maryland March 8, 1777
Considering the many obligations you laid upon me while under your
immediate authority I acknowledge that I ought to have long ago
transmitted to you an account of my unhappy circumstances, but two
motives suggested to me the propriety of deferring it till now.
Notwithstanding the intimacy that subsisted between you & me and
the place I held in the management of public affairs, so unmercifully
has my character been handled of late & so industrious were the efforts
of some men to blacken it, that I sometimes concluded a letter from me in
banishment and captivity and branded with all the infamous epithets that …
could invent would have been no compliment upon you. It is an old saying that
men's dispositions frequently change with the times. Indeed it is more than I
can say by experience with regard to yours, for had others treated me with
equal civility, my situation as prisoner should have been extremely comfortable.
Still it is very difficult for a man under the frowns of fortune to rid himself
of dire apprehensions which confirm the truth of the above observation, and I
for one have found it notoriously unified in several of my acquaintances. Besides
I have been living since in expectation of having the pleasure of giving you the
history of my captivity in person, but these hopes are now quite wasted by consent
of the Continental Congress. We petition the Convention of North Carolina for
permission to return home, promising to live inoffensively with our families
without prejudices, to the interest of the state offering them all the obligations
that our honor and interests as security for the performance of that promise. But Mr.
Hooker plainly told us that they never took our affair under consideration. For my
own part I offered both Mr. Hooper and Mr. Burk to mortgage my estate as security
for my peaceful behavior, provided they would permit me …sy the conference of my
friend [illegible] which one [illegible] to extend our parole to North Carolina
… may some of that state who assigned the instructions of their contents as is sufficient reason for so doing. Now I can not conceive what
danger there can be in granting me, and indeed all of us, the indulgence by the
above mentioned terms. My personal property in their power if I transgress; it is
the easiest thing imaginable for them to … both. Is it to be supposed that any
man in his senses would pledge all that is near and dear unto him for the
performance of a promise he intended to violate when there is not the slenderest
probability that he can have it to his power to extricate himself from the mischief
to which such a breach of faith would inevitably render him obnoxious? I appeal to
every man of sense whether such supposition can reasonably be admitted. I hope you
have known me long enough to be satisfied that I will not or cannot entertain a
scheme so disgraceful to my reputation, and so prejudicial to my interest. And
so for such of my fellow sufferers as you are a stranger to, you may use … that
difference in political principle has not rendered them wholly blind to their
own interest. To you, therefore as the most conspicuous man in the state, and
as a man whose candor and integrity I have already experienced, I apply for
relief in this matter. Far be it from me to beg any …sorry to claim your
friendship in any other terms than such as are sensible to you, as well as to
myself. Conscious therefore of the honesty for my intentions and flattering
myself, that you are sensible of this likewise, I hope your interest will not
be …to render my application respectful of any of the gentlemen in power look
upon me as peticularly dangerous, I will cheerfully mortgage all my property to
satisfy them with respect to the sincerity of my promises; & more reasonable
terms it is impossible for me to propose consistently with my principles &
conscience. I have, jointly with the other prisoners in this department
subscribed the enclosed memorial, which by my advice, they have committed
to your protection. Be pleased to write me concerning the result of the
application directing to me at Fredrick town in Maryland which, whether the
memorial have the desired effect or not, will greatly oblige.
Your most humble serv't
Ferq'd Campbell
His Excellency Richard Caswell
Gov. of the State of North Carolina

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