The article on this page was published in the January 18, 1860 issue of the Weekly Standard, a newspaper printed in Raleigh, North Carolina. W. W. Holden, Editor.     Transcribed by Myrtle Bridges    March 29, 2003

Good old father Loring editor of the Goldsboro Tribune, was 70 years old on Monday. He has spent a lifetime 
in the editorial corps, and his declining strength, it seems, only adds vigor to his pen. An aged and esteemed 
father of our craft, we look upon him as the patriarch and pioneer of newspsperdom, and trust that many years 
may yet be given him to labor so ably and faithfully as he has heretofore. Energy, ability and consistency are 
the reigning traits of his character. Fayetteville North Carolinian.

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