Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, Louisiana), Thursday, July 24, 1884
We make no charge for publishing these letters from subscribers. All others will be charged fifty cents.
Pastors will please read the requests published below from their pulpits, and report any case where friends were
brought together by means of letters in the SOUTHWESTERN.
Shared September 5, 2016 by Myrtle Bridges
Mr. Editor-I wish to inquire for my relatives. I had four sisters-Sallie, Rachel, Ellen and Lizzie. Ellen was burned
to death. I had two half-brothers, William and Hiram. Mother was Frankie McMillan, father I never saw. I believe his
name was Bedford. Hiram was living in Tuscaloosa county, Alabama, the last I heard of him, and brother William was in
Danville. My name then was Edward McMillan and is now Bedford. My owner in slave time was Jim McMillan. I was brought
to Texas by Jack Grove and Woodruff. Address me at Hallettsville, Texas, care of Sam Grant. Edmond Bedford.
Mr. Editor-Mr. M.C. Gary's youngest brother lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, and his name is Samuel Thomas. S.D. Handy
Mr. Editor-Please allow me to inquire for my relatives. Mother's name was Vannoy; my two sisters Harriet and Corilla, who
also belonged to the Vannoys, and, our mistress Polly Vannoy. We all lived in Palmyra, Missouri, and I was sold, in 1850,
to Grandaly Blakely, a trader, and was carried to St. Louis. We were sold to a Mr. McAtee. The white people carried brother
to Kentucky when quite a boy. Address me at Bryan, Texas. Matilda Jefferson.
Mr. Editor-I wish to inquire for my people, mother, two brothers and one sister. We all belonged to the widow Lovejoy, and
she lived in Jasper county, Georgia; and we were all sold two years before the surrender. A man by the name of Bill Parker
bought my mother and the baby child, and my sister was sold to Ann Stafford, a daughter of the Widow Lovejoy, who married a
man by the name of Stafford, and lived in Coweta county, Ga. A man by the name of Amos Brown bought me and my oldest brother,
Clark, in Morgan county, Ga. My mother's name was Elvay, oldest brother, Clark, sister Harriet, and youngest brother Alfred.
The last time I say my brother Clark was in Savannah, Ga., in 1865, and have not seen my mother, sister Harriet and brother
Alfred since we all were sold. I heard from Harriet when she was living in Newnan, Ga., about 7 years ago, and brother Clark
went and took her to Atlanta, Ga. I heard that she was married. I would be glad for ministers to read this in churches in
Atlanta, Ga. Address me at Wedowee, Randolph county, Ala. Jane Moultrie.
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