County, NC
Research Publications for Purchase
The publications on this page are listed with the hope that they may be useful in your research. If you know of other publications that should be listed on this page, please contact Myrtle
Cumberland County Genealogical Society has published several books: Bible Records Book Collected in Cumberland County, N.C. 253 pages, indexed, over 4,000 names Cemetery Surveys of Cumberland County, North Carolina (4 volumes) Book I, Book II, Book III, Book IV Abstracts of Deeds of Cumberland County, North Carolina Volume One, Books 1-3 1754-1770 Abstracts of Deeds of Cumberland County, North Carolina Volume Two, Books 4-7 1770-1785 These books are no longer available for purchase from Cumberland County Genealogical Society and are no longer being printed. They are available for reference at many libraries, genealogical societies, and historical societies. Abstracts of Deeds of Cumberland County, North Carolina, Volumes One and Two, are still available for purchase from Southern Historical Press, Greenville, S.C. Cumberland Chronicles newsletters back issues from 1984 are available for $3 each. To place an order, send your check or money order to Cumberland County Genealogical Society, PO Box 53299, Fayetteville, NC 28305-3299. QUESTIONS? Write to Cumberland County Genealogical Society at above address or e-mail to
is a documentary history of one of North Carolina's and Fayetteville's most distinguished citizens during reconstruction hard times and the folk pottery he produced. Poe's genealogy; business and partnerships are amplified chronologically; and his contributions to society are noted. SECTION II examines the "Folk Pottery" production of Poe; the makers, W. H. Hancock and M. W. Owens; and photographically surveys their wares. This important treatise is color illustrated, with many full page examples. A must for folk art and pottery enthusiasts, history buffs, antique dealers and collectors of North Caroliniana. 86 pages, 8 1//2 X 11 inches, soft cover. ISBN # 964 -829 -3 - 6 $ 35.00 Copies available from Museum of Cape Fear or order direct from author/publisher Quincy Scarborough, PO Box 67, Fayetteville, NC 28302, 910-483-2040. Quincy Scarborough postage $ 4.00. Limited edition - Satisfaction guaranteed
Bastards, Bound Children and Guardians: Cumberland County, NC 1791-1818; abstracts from the Minutes Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Also includes names of slaves, free blacks and other genealogical information included in the court records. 178 pages including every name index. $25.00 at Amazon Kindle version $9.99 (names can be searched but index is not available). Cumberland County, NC Bastards, Guardians and Other Genealogical Abstracts 1819-1822. 73 pages including every name index. Also includes names of slaves, free blacks and other genealogical information included in the court records. $12.00 at Amazon Cumberland County NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1823 - 1825 complete court records for the three years except for deeds. 246 pages including every name index. $25.00 Kindle version $9.99 (names can be searched but index not available. Cumberland County NC Slaves, Deaths and Relationships From Deed Books 53-55; $12.00. 142 pages including every name index of over 3500 entries; includes over 500 named slaves, owners, marriage contracts, estate divisions, deaths of witnesses, neighbors, movements to other states and relationships not easily seen Harnett County, North Carolina: Will Book I Abstracts with biographical notes. 82 pages. Some caveat applies. This covers 1895-1909, 1915-1935, but there are many earlier wills which had been re-recorded after the courthouse burned. Includes every name index plus index to named land and index to known African-Americans. for $12.00. Order from or contact Carolyn Gibbons at
Hello. I am the author of "Guardian Angels, A History of the Killen Family", pub. in 1995. My book has sold out except for a few copies I kept for my grandchildren, but I am currently re-writing it, updating it, adding more photos, etc. Given the cost of printing and the current recession, my plan is to sell the updated version on CD-ROM rather than printed copy. The family is connected to many others in the area – McDougal, Campbell, Creech, etc. Perhaps you can make a notation that the book is being updated, and that anyone interested can contact Victoria Rumble. 7 N. Alabama St., Wetumpka, AL 36092. Thank you. Thistle Dew Books Where History and Fun are Not Mutually Exclusive!
Rebecca Owens, of Dunn, and Ruth Creech, of Fayetteville, have recently finished their 2500+ page, 2 volume compilation entitled JOHNSON-LEE FAMILIES, SOUTH OF THE NEUSE. Under sponsorship of the Johnson-Lee Reunion Committee, they have researched and compiled lineages on many of the descendants of Hugh Lee (ca.1650-1721, Prince George, Virginia), John Lee, Esq. (ca. 1700-1768, Johnston County, North Carolina) and William Johnston (ca. 1648-1719, Isle of Wight, Virginia). The inter-relationships of descendants of these men and many other allied families are explored over the past 250+ years. While many present-day descendants still reside in the Johnston-Harnett-Sampson-Cumberland County area, additional information tracks other descendants as they migrated throughout the United States. Information from existing records is documented and will provide a springboard for additional research by interested genealogists and family members alike. A special bonus section includes over 500 family photographs (some from the 1800s) collected and identified during the compilers' extensive research.
For more information, please contact Rebecca Owens at the Johnston County Heritage Center on Mon- Tues 919-934-2836.
Newspaper marriage and death notices have long been the subject of genealogical interest. In 1991 Bessie R. Hubbard published Marriage & Death Notices 1816 - 1840 Abstracted from the Fayetteville Observer and Predecessor Papers, and in 1997 Fayetteville Observer (N.C.) Marriage & Death Abstracts 1841-1850. This 387 page book contains marriage and death abstracts from antebellum 1851 through the Civil War, when Gen. William T. Sherman's Union army destroyed the Observer's offices in 1865. This 8.5" X 11" soft cover publication contains a surname index of almost 14,000 names. Cost: $35.00 plus $2.36 NC Tax and $5 shipping cost. Myrtle Bridges. Website:
"News Items & Marriage and Death Notices in Weekly Standard Newspaper 1859-1864" is a rich source of information about people whose lives were dramatically disrupted by a conflict over a century ago. Articles relating to North Carolinians have been selected for their genealogical and historical content. The organization of this book is simple. A chronological arrangement of selected news items, letters and articles, form the first part. The second and third parts include marriage, and death notices, followed by a thirty-four page comprehensive index with over 5,000 names. This 6" x 9" publication containing 635 pages is printed on fine quality acid free paper. A perfect gift for Civil War enthusiasts. Myrtle Bridges. Website:
If there are more persons out there who prefer to have a soft bound (8 1/2 x 11) copy please let me know before March 18, 2003, the date I will take it to the printer.
The US $15 for shipment to the US and Canada and £14 (or US $21) for shipment to the UK. Both include postage. My address is: Dean Gilchrist 8696-A S.W. 88th Ct. Rd. Ocala, Florida, 34481. If you have any questions please email Dean or call 352-854-1440. For those of you who may not be familiar with the book, you can view all of the text and some of the attachments at: The Kintyre Magazine.
by Melissa High Clement, ISBN: 1-931575-05-3, 150 pg, 25 photos, perfect bound, $17.95, + $2.50 P&H. Highsmith Hospital School of Nursing opened its doors in 1899 and closed in 1970, graduating 615 nurses. This is an overview of the school in Fayetteville, North Carolina and interviews with 120 nurses.
To order, send check or money order to: Melissa High Clement, 106 Crescent Ave., Fayetteville, N. C. 28305.
Compiled and published by, Irene Smith. The DEATHS (for the most part) have name, age, place of residence in NC, rank, company, regiment, cause of death and many times other pertinent information, $25.00 + $4.00 shipping & handling. Contact Tillman Smith or Irene Smith 1600 Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 781-6392
After September: 134 Chapel Lane, Tequesta, FL 33469 Phone: (561) 745-1632
This book is paperback, tape bound, 8 1/2" by 11" and was transcribed from the original minutes of the Big Rockfish Presbyterian Church of Hope Mills, NC . The book contains 190 pages of minutes of the church beginning in 1869 and going through 1955 as well as a Register of Deacons, Register of Communicants, and Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths. The following is a sample excerpt from the book: August 25th 1872 The Session met in the church. Present Elders N. McDonald, D McMillan, L. A. McLean, J. A. McFadyen and Lauchlin McDonald. The meeting was opened with prayer. Miss Kate McArthur appeared before Session and was examined on her religious experience, when, having made a satisfactory profession of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was admitted to the Sealing ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. A certificate of membership and dismission was granted Mrs. Margaret Jane Monroe formally Miss Margaret Jane McMillan to connect herself with Lumberbridge church. L. A. McLean was appointed a delegate to attend the approaching meeting of Presbytery at Bethesda Church Moore County and D. McMillan his alternate, closed with prayer. D. McMillan S. Clerk Many family names are mentioned including Alderman, Adams, Black, Brown, Byrne, Biggs, Butler, Buie, Bass, Craven, Currie, Culbreth, Carter, Davis, Fennel, Goodman, Ferguson, Johnson, Gilbert, Murphy, McNeill, McLean, McDonald, McMillian, McQueen, McArthur, McFadyen, McPhaul, Parker, Patterson and more....Great genealogy resource. Price: $25.00 plus shipping. Sold by: Thomas W. Bennion, 6212 Braxton Road, Hope Mills, North Carolina 28348.
E-mail address is Thomas W. Bennion
This is a book on NC Scots genealogy. Counties covered include: Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Richmond and Scotland counties, and, to a lesser extent, Anson, Bladen and Montgomery counties. Details and ordering information no longer available (link provided incorrect)
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