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Family Bible
Ivey Dowdy Perry
(In possession of Rex Perry of Minnesota)




Birtie D. Perry daug of I.D. Perry & S.A. Perry was born Aug 24th 1880
Willie I. [William Ivey aka "Will"] Perry Son of I.D. Perry & S.A. Perry was born Feb. 12th 1883
Merritt S. Perry Son of I.D. Perry & S.A. Perry was born Aug 21st 1884
Logan H. Perry Son of I.D. & Sally A. Perry was Born Nov. 19, 1887

Ivey D. Perry son of Josiah D. Perry and Nancy Sawyer his Perry his Wife was born September 19th 1855.
[Ivey's death certificate states Sept. 19, 1854 but other records indicate 1855, including this Bible.]
Sally Ann Parker Daughter of Nathan Parker and Mary A. Parker his wife was born June 15, 1847.
R.W. Perry Son of M.S. Perry & Mildred Perry Born 3-7-13 - Fon-Du-Lac, Wis.

[in the left margin - last 3 entries are very faint]
  Rex W. Perry Born of R.W. "Bud" Perry & Dorothy Perry Jan. 16, 1942
   Brian Power Perry, son of Rex W. Perry and Wendy Power Perry, August 24, 1972, St. Paul, Minn.
   Robert Morgan Perry, son of Rex W. Perry and Maxine Wendy Perry, March 27, 1968, St. Paul, Minnesota
   Daniel William Perry, son of Rex W. Perry and Wendy Power Perry, March 31, 1970, St. Paul, Minn.


Ivey D. Perry and Sallie A. Parker was married the 11 Sept 1879
Merritt Sawyer Perry and Mary Ann Harrison - July 13th 1908, Seattle, Washington
Virginia Louise Perry and Rayman E. Richardson - June 22nd 1928, Akron, Ohio - Divorced June '34
Robert Wesley Perry and Dorothy Marie Morgan - March 5, 1935, Ozark, Missouri
Rex William Per[ry] & Maxine Wendy Power - Sept. 17~ -[blot] "1966" - White Bear, Minn.


Birtie D. Perry daug of I.D. Perry & S.A. Perry Died Sept 20th 1881 - 12 months & 27 days old
Logan H. Perry Died July 9th 1888 - 7 months 20 days old - Darling Baby sleep [can't read]
Sally Ann Perry, Died March 8th 1924 - Seventy six years 8 mos. & 22 days [see Find-A-Grave]
W.I. Perry Died March 16th 1927.
I.D. Perry, Died March 13th 1937 Spf'd, Mo.
[see Find-Grave]
M.S. Perry "Mrs" - Nov. [29] 1958 [see Find-A-Grave]
M.S. Perry "Mr." - Nov.
[22] 1965 [see Find-A-Grave]
Dorothy Morgan Perry - Sept. 21, 1977 in Dallas, Texas [see Find-A-Grave]
Robert Wesley "Bud" Perry - June 27, 1978, Dallas  [see Find-A-Grave]

This Bible was submitted by Rex Perry.  No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research.




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