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Currituck Co., NC Cemeteries

 Josephus Baum Cemetery
Grandy, NC

Directions: Take  US Hwy, 158 (Caratorke Hwy.); you will pass the Currituck Trash Dump on the right & then Red Dog Lane on the left.  Travel about 1/4 mile and a house trailer & shed on the right on private land.  Behind the trailer and slightly in the woods.  Currently clean of overgrowth.
GPS:  36.222 Latitude - 75.869 Longitude -- 6815 Caratoke Hwy., Grandy, NC
Photographed:  April 18, 2006 by Ben Bateman & Judy Brickhouse and in 2024 by Tyler Baum who submitted  GPS coordinates, photos, 2024 overview and burial placements.  And to Roy Sawyer who pinpointed where the cemetery was actually located.  Thank You!

Overview 2006

Overview 2024

Baum, Ann E. Mar. 25, 1832 Sep. 19, 1867 Wife of Josephus Baum  [close-up]

Let every one that passes by,
Remember death is drawing nigh,
And if you obey your God's command,
A place you'll find, at his right hand.

"Therefore be ye also ready for
in such an hour as ye think not,
the son of man cometh."

Baum, Carrie Apr. 2, 1845 Aug. 14, 1914 [Double with Josephus Baum] - Mother
Baum, Elizabeth Aug. 8, 1793 Nov. 6, 1858 Wife of Joseph Baum
Note: Elizabeth Baum, Joseph Baum, and Samuel Boum were buried in a cemetery south of Caffey's Inlet near Duck.  A migrating dune was threatening to bury the cemetery.  In June 1909 Josephus had his brother, Samuel, and his parents exhumed and reinterred in the Josephus Baum family cemetery on the Whitehall farm near Grandy.
Baum, Johnnie Earl June 17, 1919 Mar. 24, 1982 no marker - Information provided by Tyler Baum [see obituary]
Baum, Joseph Oct. 1, 1780 July 22, 1854 [see above note]
Baum, Josephus Sept. 9, 1829 Oct. 2, 1913 [Double with Carrie Baum] - Father

Though lost to sight, to memory dear.

Boum [Baum], Samuel [c 1811]

December 21, 1829

In Memory Of
Who departed the life;
Aged 17 years and 10 months
[Epitaph unreadable] 
[see above note] 
Everton, Elizabeth Feb. 11, 1804 Feb. 24, 1850 In memory of my beloved Mother
"There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.."

Note: Elizabeth Everton and Capt. M. [Mager] Everton were buried on the west side of US 158 between Aydlett Road [SR1140] and NC 3.  The bodies were never disinterred from this location.  The foot markers for these two tombstones did exist but have sunken below ground.  After the tombstones were broken, they were moved to Milford Josepheus Baum's home at 180 Tabernacle Lane, Aydlett, NC.  After Milford's death [February 15, 2006], the tombstones were moved to the Josephus Baum family cemetery on the Whitehall farm near Grandy.

Everton, Capt. M. [Mager] Oct. 17, 1806 Feb. 27 1885 Sacred to the memory of my beloved Father

"Yea thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."
[see above note]

Lewis, James Mack May 4, 1920 Nov. 17, 1997 no marker - information provided by Tyler Baum
Walker, Alice C. [c 1856] Jan. 26, 1887 Sacred to the Memory Of
Aged 31 years.

[Epitaph unreadable]

Walker, Bessie Dec. 28, 1877 [1878] Daughter of Geo. W. & Alice Walker - Aged 5 mo.
White, L. R. [Leonidas Rosser] Mar. 16, 1854 Sept. 6, 1913 Masonic Emblem [close-up]

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