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Currituck County Church Records

Constitution & Membership of the Zion Teetotal Abstinence Society, 1842
From the
Church Book For Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Society at
Mount Zion Meeting House
Currituck County, North Carolina

Constitution of the Zion Tetoal [sic] Abstinance Society July 1842
Article #1 this Society Shall be called the Zion tetotal Abstanance Society uxilery to the Currituck County Tetoal Abstainance Society.
Art #2 the dsigen [sic] of this Society is to exert without Respect to Sector Party whatever influance it may have in Stopping the devastating current of intemperance which is rushing through our land
Art 3 the business of this Society Shall be conducted by president V. Pres. Secretary and five or more managers to Election at the annual meeting in Each year all or a majority of whom shall have power to transact all the business of this Society not other wise Provded for in this constitution
Art 4 it Shall be the duty of the Pres. to reside at all meeting of the Society an in his absene the V. P. an in the absene of boath a Per Pro tempor Shall be chosen by nomination an election from the board of managers.
Art 5 the Secretary Shall keep a regular Record of the Procedings of the Society an make a report to be read at Eash annul meeting
Art 6 this Society Shall hold its annul meeting on the 4 day of July in each year at such places as a majority of the Society then Presant Shall chose an the Pres Shall call a meeting of the Society at least quartly at the diferant churches or elsewhare un the County an if Posable Procure some Person or Persons to address the Society.
Art #7 any Person may become a member of this Society by subscribing the subject [?] Pledg
Art #8 this Constitution an Pledg Shall not be altred except at an annuel meeting by a vote of a mejority of the members then Presant
Art #9 it Shall be the Duty of Each member of this Society to use his or hir influance to get Persons to sigen the teatotal abstanance Pledg an report the Names of such to the Secretary the Duty it Shall be to Record the same
Art #10 any member of the Society recluling (?) the Pledg Shall be first talk to by one or more member of the Society an if he or She shall Continue to Brake the Pledg it Shall be the Duty of the Secretary on hearing the Same to Notify the Person so offending by note or otherwise to appear before the Socity at it next meeting whare the case shall finaly be Determind.


We the Undersigned do agree that we will not use intoxicating liquors nor trafic in them as a beveredge that we will not Provide them as an article of Entertainment or for Persons in our employment except for medicinal or Sacramental Purposes, and that in all Suitable ways we will discounternance their use throughout the community.

Names Names
Wm. A. Jarvis Pres. Josiah Jones
Nathan Poyner V. Pres Thos. J. Jarvis
B. H. Jarvis Sety Geo W. N. Jarvis
Wm. Barker 1st mang. Wm. Woodhouse Jnr.
Silas Mercer 2 " Thos. Woodhouse
John E. Holt 3 " James Sturgis
Caleb Forbes 4 " Jesse Mercer
Jno. W. Jarvis 5 " Elizabeth Jarvis
Wm. P. Forbes Lydia Poyner
Jesse Sanderson Elizabeth Jarvis Jnr.
Thos. C. Jarvis E. Sanderson

[Cont. on new page].  
Names Names of members
Hessa Gipson William Whitson
Mary Grigory Sally Dowdy
Briget Forbes Thos. Poyner
Charity Sikes Dead James R. Mercer
Jackey Moriset John Williams
Sally Griggs Dead Spence Spry
Julia Jarvis James Gipson
Mary Jarvis Elizabeth Mercer
Susan Poyner Thos. Dowdy
Polly Poyner Richard Jarvis Expeld
Sally Sanderson Wilson Woodhouse Exd.
Julia Barco Nancy Owns Junr.
Jehue Grieves Britany Mercer
Wm. Dowdy Thos. Wright
E. Doxy Nancy Mercer
Wm. H. Jarvis Anna Owns
Jno. Newbern Jane Lindsy
Edmond Woodhouse D. Mc. Lindsy
Nancy Dowdy Leverne Va. Lindsy
Mary Forbes Amy Barco
Betsy Sanderson Thos. Griggs
Sally Sanderson Sufiah Griggs
Margrit Newbern Rebeca Leachfild
Savility Mercer Mary Oneil
Rebeca Wroten Enoch Forbes
Elizabeth Williams Wm. Barco Jun.
Elizabeth Murel Richard Ethridg
Sally Sanderson Sally A. Ives
Julia Dowdy Sophiah D. Toler
an Docia Belangy Mary Greves
Mahaly H. Jarves Mary Walker
Isaac Forbes Caroline Ives
Jon Forbes  

[Cont. on new page].  
Ashley Owns Juli. An. Jarvis
Hariet Owns Mary S. Jarvis
Sally Harrison John Owns
Julia Duling H. Owins
Darkis Fountain Emiline Garrard
Patsy Sawyer Teofilis Gregory
A. Stuart D. C. Lindsey
Lidia Forbes Robert Whitehall(?)
Wilson Woodhouse Samson Etheridg
Mary Murrell Francis Wright
[Faded] Eliza Schaft
[Faded] Emley Dowdy
[Faded] Francis Carteright
[Faded] Elizabeth Mercer
[Faded] William Cupper
[Faded] Henry Sanderson
[Faded] Thomas Dowday

[Continued on new page; most names Faded]
[Faded] [Faded]
[Faded] [Faded]
[Faded] Diner Harrison colored
[Faded] Fanny Harrison colored
[Faded] [Faded]
[Faded] L. Woodhouse
[Faded] Leachfield  
[Faded] Ambrose H. Lindsey

[Cont. on new page].
Cordil Ballance
Polly Poyner
Unice Murel
Nancy Owns
Julia W. Woodhouse
E. Evrnton
Frak Carteright
Sally Barko
Laura Gipson
Director Mercer
[Faded] Cartright
John [?] Beseley [?]
Mary Mercer
Sally Mitchel
M. A. Thomas Dead
Lucrese [?] Cupper [?]
Margret Cupper
Fany Belangy
Edmond Woodhouse Culard
Francis Caroon
Sarh an Lindsy

[Separate list; possibly later?]  
Members Names  
Wm. A. Jarvis Pr. Savility Mercer
Rev. Nathan Poyner V.P. John Owns
Rev. B. H. Jarvis A. S. Hisaciah Owns
Wilson Woodhouse Sc. Rebeca Wroten
Silas Mercer 1 ma. Elizabeth Williams
Caleb Forbes 2 ma. Elizabeth Muril
Wm. Woodhouse Ju. 3 m. Sally Sanderson
Edmond Woodhouse 4 m. Andocia Belangy
John Newbern 5 m. Isaac Forbes
John W. Jarves Thos. Poyner
Thos. C. Jarves John Williams
Joseh Jones Elizabeth Mercer
Thos. J. Jarves Nancy Owns
Gorge W. N. Jarves Britana Mercer
Jesse Mercer Nancy Dowdy
Elizabeth Jarves An Owns
Lidia Poyner Jane Lindsy
Elizabeth Carver D. Mc. Lindsy
Bridget Forbes Vir. Lindsy
Susan Poyner A. H. Lindsy
Polley Poyner Amy Taylow
Sally Sandrson Sr. Sophiah Dowdy
Julia Barco Rebeca Leachfild
Elizabeth Sandrson Mary Oneel
Sally Sandrson Lidia Forbes
Margeret Newbern Mary Murel
Julia Heath

[Cont. on new page].
Members Names Path 2
Mary S. Jarves  
Emiline Jarad  
Francis Wright  
Elza Scaff  
Elmly Dowdy  
Francis Carteright exp.  
Wm. Coopper  
Henry Sandrson  
Thos. Dowey  
Polly Poyner  
Unica Merell  
Nancy Owns  
Elizabeth Evrnton  
Sally Crane  
Lidia Creekmore  
Direton Mercer  
Mary Mercer  
Sally Mitchl  
Magret Coopper  
Francis Carron  
Sarah an Lindsy  
Susan Woodhouse  
Mihalea H. Jarves  
Wm. Dowdy  
Daniel C. Lindsey  
Robt. Whitehall  
Jordon Poyner  
Able Asheby  

This document was transcribed by Marty Holland from a photocopy of the church book in possession of Mount Zion United Methodist Church, Grandy, NC. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.




© 2005 Marty Holland