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Currituck County Court Records
(Currituck County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes)


24 February 1817
Ordered that Sarah Beasley be appointed guardian to Nancy and Joshua Beasley, orphans of Cornelius Beasley.
    Ordered Ivy Gordon (12), a mulatto boy child of Clack Gordon, bound to James Salyer until 21 to learn the trade of a blacksmith.
    Ordered Louis Bowser (3), mulatto girl child of Sally Bowser, bound to Mava Dough to learn a women’s employment.
    Ordered that Solomon Ashbee, Caleb Toler Sen., Azariah Baum & John Luark or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c Wm. Etheridge adm'r. of Mary Jones dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.

25 February 1817
    Ordered that Mitchel Simmons have the right of adm'r. on the Estate of James Dozier senr. dec'd.  William Etheridge who have intermarried with the widow of said dec'd. relinquishes her right of adm'r. to the said Simmons who qualified as such & entered into bond with Caleb Etheridge and Isaac Baxter securities in the sum of  £3000.
    The Last will & Testament of Lydia Stephens dec'd. was exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Thomas Simmons a subscribing witness thereto at the same time Hosea Ball Exor. therein named Qualified as such.
    Ordered that Charles Griggs be appointed Guardian to orphan of Stephen Wiskitt dec'd. in the room of Asa Etheridge the former guardian who entered into bond with George Griggs & John Walker securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Sarah Beasley be appointed Guardian to Nancy & Joshua Beasley orphans of Cornelius Beasley dec'd. who entered into bond with John White & Thomas Bray securities in the sum of  £50.
    Ordered that James Chaplin be appointed Guardian to Polly Walker orphan of Edward Walker dec'd. who entered into bond with Joseph Simmons & Solomon Chaplin as securities in the sum of £2000.
    Ordered that George Griggs be appointed Guard. to Jarvis Griggs & Thomas Griggs orphans of Thomas Griggs dec'd. who entered into bond with Nathan O'Neal & Mas. W. White securities in the sum of  £100 for each orphan.
    Ordered that Spence H. Gregory have the right of adm. on the Estate of John W. Hall dec'd. orphan of Jehu Hall dec'd. who qualified as such and entered into bond with James Chaplin and Solomon Chaplin securities in the sum of  £2000.
    On motion It is ordered that Spence W. Gregory adm. of John W. Hall dec'd. orphan of Jehu Hall dec'd. advertise & sell on a credit of six months two negro slaves man Dick & Girl Betsey belonging to the said John W. Hall dec'd. in order for a division among the heirs.
    Ordered that Nathan O'Neal be appointed Guardian to Jesse Sanderson orphan of John Sanderson dec'd. who entered into bond with George Griggs & Alex'n  W. White securities in the sum of  £3000.
    Ordered that Warren A. Dough be appointed overseer of the public Road for the present year on Oranoke Island the upper end of the said Island according to the former district & boundaries & that they act therein according to law in such cases made.
    Ordered that Bailey Daniel be appointed overseer of the public road on the Lower end of Roanoke Island for the present year & that he act therein according to Law in such cases made & provided.
    Ordered that Cartwright Bell be appointed to renew his constable bond  for the present year.
    Ordered that John Gray be appointed overseer of the public road from Jolliff Halstead path to the sign past Hollowell Williams in the room & stead of Samuel Thompson the late overseer.
    Ordered that Thomas Etheridge be appointed overseer of the public road from the school house to Armstead Goals (?).
    Ordered that Thomas White jun'r. be appointed overseer of the public road on Churches Island from the north end to the south end.

26 February 1817
    Ordered that Wilson Jarvis orphan of Ephraim Jarvis dec'd. be placed & bound an apprentice to Willo. Etheridge until he arrives to the age of 21 years to Learn the art of a farmer.
    On hearing the petition of Thomas Poyner adm'r. of Henry Sanderson dec'd.  It is ordered that Thomas Poyner adm'r. &c advertise & sell on a credit of six months a negro Girl by the name of Sue belonging to the said dec'd Estate  In order to pay the debts due from said dec'd Estate.
    Ordered that Thomas Sanderson, Daniel Lindsey Esqr., Jesse Barnard and Edward Hardy or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts & vouchers of Thomas Poyner Exor. of the Last will & Testament of Zorobabel Harrison dec'd. with said dec'd Estate & make report hereof to next court.

27 February 1817
    Ordered that Joseph Gray, Samuel Salyear and Jesse Barnard & Wm. Gray audit & settle the accounts of Edward Hardy & Lancelot Woodhouse Esqr. of Hadley Woodhouse with the said dec'd. Estate and make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that the same Gentlemen appraise and divide the Estate of Hadley Woodhouse dec'd. according to his Last will & Testament &c & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that Nancy Williams be allowed the sum of  £ten for the 2nd year maintenance of a Bastard Child begotten on her body by Richard Gregory to be paid in equal quarterly payments by the said Richard Gregory.
    Ordered that Lydia Parker be allowed the sum of  £10 for the 2nd year maintenance of a Bastard child begotten on her body by Enoch Dozier to be paid in equal quarterly payments.
    Ordered that Samuel Powers be allowed the sum of  £6 for the maintenance of a Bastard Child begotten on the boy of Polly Powers by Demcy Douglass for the 4th year to be paid him in equal quarterly payments by the said Demcy Douglass also for the fifth year to be paid him in the same proportions.

26 May 1817
    Ordered that Angelico Farrow have the right of adm. on the Estate of John Barnard dec'd. who qualified as such and entered into bond with Pharoah Farrow and Thomas Douglass Esqr. securities in the sum of $500.
    Ordered that Pharoah Farrow Esqr., Silas Farrow, Enoch Miller & Miles Farrow be appointed comm's. to lay off allot & set apart unto Angelico Barnard widow of John Barnard dec'd. so much of the crop stock & provision which were of the said dec'd. John Barnard as shall be sufficient for the maintenance of the said widow & family for one year.
    Ordered that Sally Paine be allowed the sum of $16. for the 3 years allowance against George Meekins and Also the sum of $12 for the 4th year keeping & maintaining of a Bastard Child begotten on her body by George Meekins to be paid in equal Quarterly payments by the said George Meekins.
    Ordered that Ann West be allowed the sum of $4. for the 6th years maintenance of a Bastard Child begotten on her body by John Macoy Esqr. to be paid her in equal Quarterly payments &c By the Exor. of said John Macoy.
    The last will & Testament of Wm. Tatum dec'd. was exhibited in open court and proved by the oaths of James Nicholson & James White Jun'r. subscribing witnesses thereto at the same time two of the Exors. appeared in open court when Winiford Tatum Executrix there ____ and relinquished her right of Executorship thereto & William White, sen'r. the other excor. qualified thereto in open court ordered that Exor. of Wm. Tatum sell.
    Ordered that Edmund Daily, Joseph Farrow, John Clark & Edward Farrow or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts & vouchers of Christian Flowers as admr. of John Flowers dec'd. with said Flowers as admr. of John Flowers dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.

27 May 1817
    Ordered that Samuel Salyear sen'r. gave the right of administration  debonis non on the Estate of Thomas Tatum dec'd.  Nathan Tatum who were legally entitled to the admr. relinquished his right of admr. thereon to the said Samul. Salyear senr. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Caleb Etheridge.
    Ordered that Wm. Wade be appointed constable for the present year on Cape Hatteras wh. qualified as such & entered into bond with _abez Jinnett & Solomon Creed securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that Willis Ballentine be appointed Guardian to Julia, Huldah & Peter Ballentine orphans of James Ballentine also Wm. Gilden orphan of Charles Gilden dec'd. in the room & stead of Eliz. Gilden the former overseer of the said orphan who entered into Bond with Thomas Luffman & Josiah Jolliff securities in the sum of £500 for each orphan.
    Ordered that Thomas Jarvis be appointed constable for this present year in the Powells Point district in the room & stead of Joshua Harrison late constable resigned who qualified as such & entered into bond with Joshua Harrison and Benjamin Parker securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that Caleb Forbes have the right of administration on the Estate of Jacob Sanderlin dec'd when Aliff Sanderlin relinquished her right of admr. to the said Caleb Forbes at the same time he qualified  as such & entered into bond with Spence Hall securities in the sum of  £200.
    Ordered that Caleb Capps Junr. be appointed Guardian to his own Daughter Polly Capps who entered into bond with Wm. Miller & Joel Capps in the sum of  £200.
    Ordered that Thomas Poyner Junr. be appointed constable in the Cowinjock district for the present year who qualified as such and entered into bond with Andrew Duke in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Will. Miller be appointed Guardian to Willis Wicker orphan of John Wicker dec'd. who entered into bond with Caleb Capps and Joel Capps securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Willis Ballentine be appointed a constable in the Moyock district for the present year.  Who qualified as such by taking an oath by law prescribed & entering into bond with Thomas Luffman & Josiah Luffman securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Mary McPherson be allowed the sum of $20 for a second years maintenance of a Bastard Child begotten on her body by Nicholas Allison to be paid in equal quarterly payments by the said N. Allison.
    Ordered that Nancy Etheridge be allowed the sum of $24. for the first years maintenance of a bastard child begotten on her body by Saml. Powers to be paid in equal quarterly payments by the said Samuel Powers.
    Ordered that Edney Bell be appointed Guardian to Polly, Betsey, Caleb, Branson, Edney and Richard Bell orphans of Branson Bell dec'd who entered into bond with Joseph Ferebee & Mitchel Simmons securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Thomas Sanderson, Daniel Lindsey, Jesse Barnard & Thomas Poyner or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts of Asa Etheridge dec'd. former Guardian to Wm. Weskitt orphans of Stephen Weskitt dec'd. with Charles Griggs the present Guardian & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered Thomas Sanderson, Daniel Lindsey, Jesse Barnard & Thomas Poyner or any 3 of them divide the Estate of Chloe Weskitt among her lawful representatives & make report thereof to next court.

28 May 1817
    Ordered that Winiford Tatum be appointed Guardian to Peter L. Tatum orphan of Wm. Tatum dec'd. who entered into bond with Thomas Hutchings and securities in the sum of  £1,000 for each orphan.
    Ordered that Jesse Perry have the right of adm'r. debonis non on the Estate of John Woodhouse dec'd. who qualified as such and entered into bond as such with Leonard Martin & Thos. D. Martin securities in the sum of £50
    Ordered that Moses Burnell have the right of admir. on the Estate of James Ansell dec'd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Rolph. P. Keeling & Thomas Luffman securities in the sum of £15.

29 May 1817
    Ordered that Bowden Kellam have leave to keep [I believe the words "an ordinary" were left out here] at his own residence who entered into bond with Lemuel Taylor and William Mercer securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Lemual Taylor have leave to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house or residence who entered into bond with William C. Mercer & Bowden Kellum securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Wm. C. Mercer have leave to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house or residence who entered into bond with Lem. Taylor & Bowden Kellum securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Isaac Baxter, Andrew Duke, Hosea Ball & Thomas Williams or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Susanna Fisher adm'r. of Wm. Fisher dec'd. with said dec'd Estate & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that Samuel Salyear Jun'r. be appointed Guardian to Robert E. W. Salyear his son who entered into bond with Daniel Philips & Enoch Ball securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that John Case have leave to keep an ordinary at his own house for one year agreeable to an act of the assembly in such cases made & proved who entered with Josiah Joliff & Nicholas Ellison securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Moses Burnell, John Church, Benjamin Brickhouse & John __yswood or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts & vouchers of Charles Sawyer returns of Susanna Sawyer dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that John Lamb, Esqr., Joseph W. _____, Samuel Etheridge & Jacob Perkins be appointed comm. to lay off allot & set apart unto Sally Etheridge widow of Jas. Dozier sen'r. dec'd. & now the wife of Wm. Etheridge so much of the Crop Stock and provision which were of the said Jas. Dozier sen'r. dec'd. as shall be sufficient for the maintenance of said widow & family for one year under an act of Assembly in such cases.
    Ordered that Saml. Ferebee, John Lamb, Cart. Bell & Brickhouse Bell or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts of Susanna Baxter admr. on the Estate of Joseph Baxter dec'd. with the s'd. dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.
    On hearing the petition of Demcy Northern . . It is ordered that a commission issue to Thomas Luffman Esqr. to take the private examination of Elizabeth Hodges wife of Edward Hodges of & consenting the free will & consent in according a deed of Sale from Edward Hodges & Elizabeth Hodges to Demcy Northern & report thereto next court.
    Ordered that Edney Bell be appointed Guard. to Polly, Betsey, Caleb, Edw., Nancy & Richard Bell orphans of Branson Bell dec'd. at the ____ she entered into bond with Joseph Ferebee & Mitchel Simmons securities in the sum of £500 fir each orphan.
    Ordered that Thomas Sanderson, Daniel Lindsey, Jesse Barnard & Wm. Lunn or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Thomas Poyner former Guardian to Jesse Sanderson orphan &c of Said Sanderson dec'd. with Nathan O'Neal the present Guardian & that they make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that Abagail Philips be allowed the sum of $16. for the 3d years & $12 for the 4th years maintenance of a bastard child begotten on her body by Joab Dozier to commence from the time her Last allowance expired to be paid in equal Quarterly payments by Joab.
    Ordered that Benja. Parker be allowed the sum of $52.31-1/4 cts. for the board & cloathing Ivey Tolor orphan of James Tolar dec'd. to be paid him by John White sen'r. the Guardian of the said orphan & that this order be voucher for the sd. Guard. in his account with this ward.
    Ordered that James Whitehurst be appointed overseer of the public road from the courthouse to Bells Island for the present year in the room & stead of Powers Poyner the late overseer resigned.
    Ordered that Joab Long be appointed overseer of the public Road in Gibbs Woods from Marchant road to the Virginia Line for the present year in the room & stead of John Lane the late overseer resigned.
    Ordered that Andrew Capps be appointed overseer of the public road from Knotts Island along the Great March to Morses Point. in the room & stead of James Whitehurst the late overseer.
    Ordered that Edmund Barnard be appointed overseer of the public road from the academy through North River Swamp to the Camden Line for the present year in the room & stead of Gamel Wilkins the late overseer resigned.
    Ordered that Benonia Trueblood be appointed overseer of the public road from the Sign _____ Cowell Bridge through by Doziers Mill for the present year in the room & stead of Richard Dozier the late overseer.
    Ordered that Luke Farrow be appointed overseer of the public road . . Kinneket Banks for the present year . . . & stead of Enoch Miller.
    Ordered that Washington Bright be appointed overseer of the public road from the Trap(?) to the courthouse . . & stead of John Lamb.

25 August 1817
Ordered that Charles Griggs have the right of adm'r. on the Estate of Wm. Weskitt dec'd. orphan of Stephen Weskitt dec'd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Sampson Etheridge & John Greaves securities in the sum of £800.
    Ordered that John Greaves be appointed Guar. to Asa & Betsey Weskitt orphans of Stephen Weskitt dec'd. in the room & stead of Asa Etheridge the last Guardian dec'd. who entered into bond with Charles Griggs and Sampson Etheridge securities in the sum of $4,000.
    The Last will & Testament of Christopher O'Neal Sen'r. dec'd. was exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Pharoah Farrow a subscribing witness thereto at the same time Pharoah Farrow Exor. there named Qualified.
    Ordered that Thomas Poyner, Daniel Lindsey, senr., Wm. Gray & Jesse Sawyer or any 3 of them audit & settle the accounts and vouchers of Benjamin Parker as adm'r. on the Estate of Sarah Toler dec'd. widow of Mathias Tolor sen'r. dec'd. & make report thereof &c Benjamin Parker wants copies of the will & letters &c & a/c of sales ____ of s'd. Sarah Tolor, dec'd.
    On hearing the petition of Elizabeth Taylor widow &c.  Ordered that Daniel Lindsey, Esqr., Wm. Lunn, John Heath & Thomas Sanderson be appointed commissioners to Lay off allott and set apart unto Elizabeth Taylor widow of Edward Taylor dec'd. so much of the Crop Estate & provision which were of the said dec'd. as shall be sufficient for the maintenance of said widow & family for one year under an act of assembly in such cases made & provided & report thereof together with the ordered to next court.

26 August 1817
    The last will & Testament of Kellam Woodhouse dec'd. was exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Thomas Sanderson a subscribing evidence Thereto at the same time Thomas Poyner Exor. therein named Qualified as such.  [I don't know why the court record says "Kellam" Woodhouse.  This is actually referring to the will of Wilson Woodhouse.]
    Ordered that Sally Dozier be allowed the sum of £12 for the 2 years maintenance of a bastard child begotten on her body by John Whidbee to be paid in equal quarterly payments by the s'd. John Whidbee.
    Ordered that Thomas Poyner have the right of adm'r. on the Estate of Nathan Tatum dec'd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Daniel Lindsey sen'r. & Sam'l. Salyear sen'r. securities in the sum of   £500.
    Ordered that Daniel Lindsey Esq'r., Thomas Sanderson Esq'r., Sam'l. Philips Esq'r. & Wm. White sen'r. be appointed commissioners to Lay off allot & set apart unto Polly Tatum widow of Nathan Tatum dec'd. so much of the Crop & stock & provisions under an act.
    Ordered that Stewart Williams, Thos. Bray, Malachi Jones & John B. Jones or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c of John White, sen'r. adm'r. on the Estate of Wm. Lovett dec'd. with s'd. dec'd. Estate & make report.
    Ordered that Daniel Lindsey Jun'r. be appointed Guardian to John Lindsey orphan of Wm. Lindsey dec'd. agreeable to his own choice who entered into bond with Spence Hall & Benjamin Parker securities in the sum of £800.

27 August 1817
Ordered that Edward Taylor son of Edward Taylor dec'd. be placed & bound an apprentice to Lemuel Taylor to learn the art of a brick layer he being about 17 years of age until he arrives to the age of 21 years.
    Ordered that Willis Gallop have leave to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house who entered into bond with Caleb Toler & Caleb Etheridge securities in the sum of £ 100.
    Ordered that Caleb Toler have leave to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house for the present year who entered into bond with Willis Gallop & Joshua Baxter securities in the sum of £ 100.
    Ordered that Jarves Rodgers orphan of Charles Rogers be placed & bound apprentice to Arthur West.  He being about or near 15 years of age to learn the art of Boot & shoemaker until he arrives to the age of 21 years.
Ordered that Joseph Sawyer be appointed contestable in the Tulls Creek district for the present year who qualified as such & entered into bond with Davis Fancher and Jeremiah Sawyer securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that James Ansell orphan of James Ansell dec'd. be placed bound apprentice to James Wilkins until he arrives to the age of 21 years he being about 12 years to learn the art of a Wheel Right.
    Ordered that Saml. Coats orphan of Caleb Coats dec'd be placed & bound an apprentice to Solomon Chaplin until he arrived to the age of 21 years to learn the trade of a seafaring business.
    Ordered that Nathan O'Neal orphan of James Neal dec'd be placed & bound an apprentice to Tully Dozier until he arrives to the age of 21 years he being about 10 years to learn the art of a farmer.
    Ordered that Gideon Jones be appointed Guard'n. to Lovey Bowen orphan of James Bowen dec'd. who entered into bond with Jonathan Bonney & Jeremiah Perkins securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that Moses Bunnell, Captain Wm. Bray, Wm. Mathias and John Church or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Jeremiah C. Sawyer as adm'r. of Jesse Garrett dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that the same men audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Joseph Sawyer as adm'r. on the Estate of Mary Burges dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.
    Ordered that same men or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Joseph Sawyer admr. of Susanna Sawyer dec'd. with said dec'd. Estate & make report thereof to next court.

25 November 1817
Ordered that Stephen Gaylor have leave to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house & residence who entered into bond with Thos. Tillett & Stephen S. Snowden securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Barnabee Beasley have the right of admr. debonis non on the Estate of Stephen W. Beasley who qualified as such & entered into bond with Isaac Davis & Thomas Brumsey securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that Barnabee Beasley have the right of admr. on the Estate of Keziah Beasley dec'd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Isaac D. Davis & Thomas Brumsey securities in the sum of £100.
    Ordered that Joseph Burgess have the right of admr. on the Estate of Spence West dec'd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with John Shipp and Isaac Baxter securities in the sum of $1,200.
    The Last Will & Testament of Jacob Perkins dec'd. was exhibited & proved by Wm. C. Etheridge one of the witnesses thereto at the same time Samuel Ferebee one of the Excors. therein named qualified as such.
    Ordered that a Sci Fa (scire facias meaning court order directing that litigant show cause why some matter of record should not be enforced) issue against Daniel Dough Guardian of his son George Dough that he appear at this Term to show cause why he should not be removed from his second Guardianship or give new security in the room of Spence H. Gregory.
Ordered that Daniel Lindsey, Spence H. Gregory, William Lunn & John Hughes or any 3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Solomon Chaplin Guardian of the orphans of Mathias Tolor dec'd. with said orphans & make report thereof to this present term.

26 November 1817
    Ordered that Wm. Bundie orphan of Christopher Bundie dec'd be placed & bound & apprenticed unto Dennis Flora until he arrives to the age of 21 years he being about or near 8 years to learn the art of farming.
    Ordered that John Etheridge be appointed Guardian to Edna Fancher and Matilda Fancher orphan of Ryland Fancher dec'd who entered into bond with Josiah Etheridge and Jarvis Fancher securities in the sum of
£700 for each orphan.
    Ordered that Wm. Williamson be appointed Guardian to his own children Sally, Polly, Willoughby and William Williamson who entered into bound with Thomas Williams & James Poyner senr. securities in the sum of £100 each..
    Ordered that James Poyner be appointed Guardian to his own Children Polly, Robert and James Poyner who entered into bond with Thomas Williams & William Williamson securities in the sum of £100  for each child.
    Ordered that Jeremiah Plummer have the right of admr. on the Estate of John Bowen dec'd. Debonis non who Qualified as such & entered into bond with Jeremiah Perkins & William Bray securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that Nicholas Allison have the right of admr. on the Estate of Oliver Allison dec'd. who Qualified as such & entered into bond with James Wilkins & Gideon Hayman securities in the sum of  £500.
    Ordered that James Brabbell be appointed constable for the Court house district for the present year who Qualified as such & entered into bond with James Hughes & Burrus Mathias securities in the sum of £500.
    Ordered that Wm. Doxey be appointed Guard. to Charlotte, Lazrus & Julia Flora orphans of Wm. Flora dec'd. who entered into bond with John Gray & William Mathias securities in the sum of £500 for each orphan.
    On hearing the petition of Nicholas Allison and Sally his wife praying &c On motion It is ordered that Nicholas Allison Guardian of the orphan of Henry Ballentine dec'd. advertise & sell on a credit of 6 to 12 months four negro slaves by the names of Jack, Jett and Child Cynthia & Nelson in order for to pay the ______ debts of the deceased.
    On hearing the Petition of John Graves & Bethany his wife praying &c.  It is ordered that Colo. Thos. Poyner, Spence H. Gregory, Caleb Forbes & Daniel Lindsey Junr. be appointed commissioners to appraise & divide certain negro slaves to Kit(?), Job, Charity and Mariam which said negroes are the ______ & increase of Stephen Weskitt by the last will & Testament division to Bethany Weskett & als. Graves and Elizabeth Weskett two of his daughters to be divided of the said Stephen Weskett dec'd. & make report there of to next court.

These court records were abstracted, transcribed and submitted by Robert Britton and Jean Schroeder from microfilm of the original records.  No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you look at the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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