Currituck County Court Records
(Currituck County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes)
Monday, February 18th 1820
Ordered that Norris Rogers orphan of Wm. Rogers dec'd be placed & bound as
an apprentice to Zachariah Best until he arrives to the age of 21 years he
being now about 10 years of age to learn the trade of a shoemaker.
Monday, May 29th 1820
The Last will and Testament of Caleb Toler Senr. . . . . was . . . in open
court & proved by the oath of Polly Johnston & Nathaniel Toler two of the
subscribing witnesses thereto at the same time Mathias Toler one of the
exers. therein named & qualified as . . . the heirs at law of said C. Toler
decd. did by . . . as to the probate of said will wherein it was . . . to
Law [very difficult to read]
Ordered that Edmund Dowdy orphan of Thomas Dowdy decd. be placed & bound as
an apprentice to Charles Griggs unto he arrives to the age of 21 years he
being now about 13 to learn the trade of a ships carpenter.
Ordered that Sally Benson orphan of Samuel Benson decd. be placed & bound as
an apprentice unto Spence Hall & wife Dorcas until she arrives to the age of
18 years she being now about 12 years of age to learn the art of a spinster.
Ordered that John Patridge Esqr., Willis Gallop, Jesse Padrick and Matthew
Toler be appointed commissioners to lay off allot & set apart (blank
space) Hill widow of Wm. Hill decd. so much of the crop stock & provision
which were of said decd. as should be sufficient for maintenance of said
widow and family.
Ordered that Joab Forbes Esqr. Spence H. Gregory, Luke Gregory & Spence Hall
be appointed commissioners to layoff allot and set apart unto Angelico Dowdy
widow of Isaac Dowdy decd. so much of the stock crop & provisions which were
of said decd. as shall be sufficient for maintenance of said widow family
for one year
Tuesday, May 30th 1820
Justices Enoch L.
Forbes Esquires
Joseph Farrow
Thomas Poyner
Spence Hall
Samuel Etheridge
Thomas Douglas
Josiah Jolleff
Ordered that Thomas Poyner have the Right of admin on the Estate of Solomon
Ashbee decd. who qualified as adm & entered into bond with Daniel Lindsey .
. . and Caleb Sanderson securities in the sum of $10,000 the widow
Elizabeth Ashbee having relinquished her right of administration.
The Last Will and Testament of George Griggs, decd. was exhibited in open
court approved by the oath of Anthony Simmons & Willo. Morse subscribing
witnesses thereto at the same time Charles Griggs the Exor. Therein named
Ordered that Jessee Coffee have leave to renew his ordinary house for the
present year who enters into bond with John B. Jarves and Edward Hardy
securities in the sum of £100.
Ordered that Jessee Coffee be appointed a commissioner of wrecks for the
county of Currituck in the first district for the present year who entered
into bond with John B. Jarves and Edward Hardy securities in the sum of
Ordered that a commission . . . Thomas Poyner Esqr to take the private
Examination of Peggy Woodhouse wife of Hezekiah Woodhouse & Nancy Mercer
wife of John Mercer on a deed made by them & husbands to Daniel Lindsey Senr.
Ordered that Edward Farrow be appointed Guardian of Nathaniel Ashbee, Mary
Ashbee orphans of Wm. Ashbee decd. who Entered into bond with Wm. S.
Etheridge & Thomas Tillett securities in the sum of $400 per each Bond.
into open court Marten R. Casey & Chode Daniel Patrick guardian who appeared
in open court & entered into Bond with Thomas C. Casey & Dency Northern
securities in the sum of $200.
Ordered that Frederick Dough have the Right of administration on the Estate
of Isaac Dowdy decd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Thomas
Tillett and Wm. S. Etheridge securities in the sum of $100.
Ordered that Benjamin Simmons be appointed constable in the Coinjock
District for the present who qualified.
Ordered that Mary McPherson wife of Joseph McPherson be allowed the sum of
$8 for the first year maintenance of a bastard child begotten on her body by
Nicholas Allison to be paid in equal quarterly payments.
Ordered that Samuel Dowdy have leave to renew his bond as an Ordinary Keeper
for the present year who entered into bond with Daniel Lindsey Junr. &
Matthew Tolor securities.
Ordered that Thomas Luffman be appointed Guardian to Wilson & Kadar
Ballentine orphans of Joseph Ballentine Senior decd. who entered into bond
with Thomas Morse & Augustus Linton securities in the sum of $50 for each
Tuesday, May 31st 1820
Dozier one of the Exers . . . in the
Last will & testament of Demcy
Etheridge came forward & qualified as such.
Ordered that John Simmons be appointed constable in the Knotts Island
District for the present year who qualified as such and entered into bond
Leonard Martin, Esqr the late Solicitor for this county came into open court
& resigned his station as solicitor for the County of Currituck wherein
Alfred W. Galtin Esqr. Agreed to take the appointment as solicitor for the
County aforesaid and is appointed as such who have taken an oath of office
in open court.
Ordered that Enoch S. Forbes have the Right of admin on the Estate of John
Daniel Junr decd. who entered into bond with Joseph Farrow and Caleb
Etheridge securities in the sum of £100
Ordered that Spence Hall, Caleb Forbes, Spence H. Gregory and Daniel Lindsey
Junr. Or any two of them audit & settle the a/c vouchers of Dorcas Sawyer as
admin on the Estate of Simeon Sawyer dec'd . . . with said decd. Estate & make
report thereof to next court.
Thursday, June 1st 1820
Mathias Toler vs. Daniel Lindsey Junr. Guardian of Maria & Harriett Toler
orphans of Mathias Toler decd. commanding him to appear & show cause why
division shall not be made in the . . . . . . the said Mathias Tolor decd. . .
. therein . . . let the parties be heard
Monday, August 28th 1820
On motion
of A. M. Gatlin Stated attorney let a Rule be served on Thomas Jarvis and wife
to show cause why Anna Gordon a mullato Gerld bound as an apprentice to them by
this court shall not be released from her Indenture for missuage
that Benjamin Taylor renew his constable bond for the ensuing year who entered
into bond with David Morse and ___y Dozier securities in the sum of $500.
that Julia Daniel widow of John Daniel Junr deceased which was administered by
E. S. Forbes at the last term which is now recalled and rendered by the court
the said E. S. Forbes being present at the same time the said Julia Daniel
appeared & gave bond with Rueben Etheridge and W. S. Etheridge securities in the
sum of one Hundred Pounds.
that Willis Gallop have the right of administration on the Estate of Benjamin
Dough decd. who qualified as such & entered into bond with Eliha Hall & Daniel
Sanderson securities in the sum of $600.
that the administer of Benjm. Dough decd. sell
that John Patridge Esqr Avery Tillett James Twiford and Caleb Tolor be appointed
patrollers in the North Banks district for the present year and that they act
therein according to Law in such _____ made & provided.
On hearing the petition of Margaret Dough by Willis Gallop admin Ordered that
Spence Hall Esqr, Spence H. Gregory Caleb Forbes and John Patridge be appointed
commissioners to lay off allot & set apart unto Margaret Dough widow of Benjamin
Dough decd. so much of the crop (this section
of the microfilm is unreadable)
Ordered that Thomas White be appointed overseer of the public road on Churches
Island from the North End to the Great ditch for the present year in the room &
stead of James Ballance the late overseer resigned & that he act therein
according to our law in such cases made & provided.
Tuesday, August 29th 1820
Etheridge Executrix named in the last will & testament of Ruben Etheridge
deceased _____ last term court in due form of Law
that Thomas Poyner as administrator of Solomon Ashbee deceased pay over out of
the Estate of his intestate the sum of $155 to Elizabeth Ashbee widow of the
said deceased for an a/c of her year provision which the commissioners report
that the stock & crop are not sufficient for the said widows years provision &
under an act of ________.
will & testament of Luke Brown decd. was Exhibited in open court & proved by the
oath of Isaac Cartwright a subscribing witness thereto at the same time Kesiah
Brown Executrix therein named qualified as such.
that Abraham Baum Senr have the Right of Admin on the Estate of Mary T. Baum his
dau. Of whom is deceased & who qualified as such & Entered into bond with Joseph
Daniel & Spence Hall securities in the sum of one thousand dollars.
that Joseph White have leave to keep an ordinary at his residence who appeared &
Entered into bond with Nathan ONeal and Samuel Sawyer Junr & securities in the
sum of £100
that Caleb Simmons be appointed Guardian to Mary Simmons orphan of Wm. Simmons
decd. who entered into bond with Gideon Jones & Jeremiah Plummer securities in
the sum of $600.
will & Testament of Griffith Mulder decd. was Exhibited in open court and proved
by the oath of Davis Francher one of the subscribing witnesses thereto at the
same time Thomas Mulder Exor. therein named qualified as such.
that John Etheridge orphan of Samuel Etheridge decd. about or near 9 years of
age be placed & bound as an apprentice unto Nathan H. Gregory until he arrives
to the age of 21 years & learn the art of a farmer.
Ordered that Susanna Owens alias Murrell by allowed the sum of $24 for the year
$20 for the 2nd year $16 for the 3rd $12 for the 4th
$8 for the 5th $4 for the 6th for the years maintenance of
a bastard child begotten on her body by Bowen Green to be paid the
representative of the said Bowen Green deceased.
Wednesday, August 30th 1820
that Isaac Davis have the right of admin on the estate of Nancy Etheridge decd.
who qualified as such & Entered into bond with Thomas Tillett & Enoch S. Forbes
securities in the sum of £1,000
that a commission to Josiah Joliff Esqr. to take the private Examination of
Lydia Morse (?) wife of Wm. Ballard on a deed of conveyance made by then to
Stephen M Dailey.
that Mason Sanderlin be appointed Guardian to Mary & Margaret Campbill orphans
of John Campbill decd. who entered into bond with John Forbes & Samuel Salyer,
Junr. Securities in the sum of £500 for each orphan.
Personally appeared Hugh ________ a foreigner and a native of the Kingdom of
Great Britian in Staffordshire being by profession a cabinet maker aged 26 years
or thereabouts & took the oath of Allegiance and oath to support the
Constitution of the United States subscribed his name and duly _____ on the
Came into
open Court Kader Marchant Guardian of William Marchant and resigned his
Guardianship to the said orphan.
Ordered that Nancy Cambill be allowed the sum of $24. for the maintenance of a
bastard child begotten on her body by Alexander Thompson to be paid in equal
quarterly payments by the said Thompson.
November Term - Monday, 27th 1820
Present Caleb Etheridge
Jury Sworn & Drawn To Wit:
Jno. B. Jones 6. Nathan Robinson 11. ___
Thomas Simmons 7. Joshua Bash(?) 12. James
Jos. Simmons 8. James Cowell 13.
Caleb Morse
Jno. B. Brabbell 9. W. Ferebee 14.
Jonathan Woodhouse
David Morse 10. Wm. Bunnell 15. Wm.
W. Read
that the admin. on the Estate of John Mills decd. be committed to Charles Griggs
who qualified as such &
entered into bond with Elijah Hunnings and Jesse Mercer securities in the sum of
that the admin. of John Mills decd. sell the perishable Estate of the said decd.
& make report at the reg(?)
that Daniel Lindsey Junr, Spence H. Gregory, Spence Hall & Willis Gallop or any
3 of them audit & settle the a/c of Euphan Etheridge as admin of Thos. Etheridge
decd. with the said decd. Estate also to appraise & divide the negroes belonging
to the said Estate.
that Caleb Etheridge, Samuel Salyer Junr. John W. Hughes and Mathias Bell or any
3 of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Hosea Ball as Exor. of the will &
Testament of George Howard decd. with the said deceased Estate & make report
thereof to next court.
Gordon vs Thomas Jarvis _____ _____ _____this case it is ordered adjudged &
decreed that the said Anna Gordon be released from her Indenture from the said
Jarvis & wife & that she be bound to ____ _____ person who the Court may ____
appoint in lieu of the former master & mistress.
Ordered that Willoughby West be appointed overseer of the public Road from
Wa____ly Mill to Peter Morses in the room & stead of John Bayswood(?)
Tuesday, November 28th 1820
Ordered that
Spence Hall, Spence H. Gregory, Caleb Forbes and Daniel Lindsey Junr. or any
3 of them audit and settle the a/c and vouchers of Jesse Sawyer as Admr. of
Willis Russell decd. with said decd. Estate & make report thereof to next
Ordered that
Jeremiah Perkins be allowed the sum of $36 for 12 mo. board and cloathing –
Jesse Lee orphan of Philip Lee deceased . . .
Ordered that Ann Gordon Mullato girl daughter of Clark Gordon formally an
apprentice to Thomas B. Jarvis & wife and now released from them be placed and
bound an apprentice to Mason W. Parker until she arrives to the age of 21 years
and he wants bound and indenture at next court.
November 29th 1820
Ordered that
Charles Griggs have leave to keep an ordinary at his own dwelling house for the
present year who entered into bond with Spence H. Gregory and Samuel Salyer Junr
in the sum of £100
Ordered that the
Right of Admin on the Estate of Caleb Wilson decd. be committed to John N.
Wilson who qualified and entered into bond with Patrick Northern and Joseph
I.(?) Ballentine securities in the sum of $500.
Ordered that the
admr. of Caleb Wilson decd. sell the parisable Estate.
Ordered that the
Right of Adm. on the estate of Nathan Hall orphan of John Hall decd. be
committed to Spence Gregory who qualified as such and entered into bond with
James Melson and John Brumsey securities in the sum of £1200
Ordered that James
Melson be appointed guardian to James Susanna and Levi Murrell orphans of John
Murrell decd. who entered into bond with Spence H. Gregory and John Brumsey
securities in the sum of $1000 each.
Ordered that Lydia
Bowser 3 years daughter of Betts Bowser and Gordon Bowser 1 year son of Betts
Bowser by placed & bound as an apprentice to Daniel B. Lindsey until they arrive
to the age of 21 years to learn the girl a womans employment & the boy the art
of a farmer
Ordered that
Daniel B. Lindsey be appointed guard. to Mary Mercer orphan of Malachi Mercer
decd. who entered into bond with John Mercer Jarvis Charles Griggs securities in
the sum of $1600
Ordered that James
McHoney son of John McHoney be placed & bound as an apprentice to John Mercer
Junr. until he arrives to the age of 21 years he being now about four years of
age to learn the art of a farmer.
Ordered that Mary
Rowland be appointed Guardian to Edmund, Julia and Susanna Rowland orphans of
George Rowland decd. who entered into bond with Joshua Baxter and James Babble
securities in the sum of $100
Ordered that Lydia
Balance be allowed $12 for the 5th
years maintenance of a bastard child begotten on her body by Enoch Dozier
Ordered that a copy and ____ ____ to Willis Gallop Nancy West John Murrell
Joel Green William Green and Olive Green by their Guardian Caleb Forbes to show
cause at mid-Term why the praying of the petition of Samuel Dowdy shall not be
admitted and division of the premises made.
1820 (These 2 items sent by another abstractor but no month or day was
Ordered Nancy Wicker (9), mulatto daughter of Edith Wicker, bound to Mariah
Allen to learn female employment.
Ordered Lydia Bowser (3) and Gordon Bowser (1), children of Betts Bowser, bound to
Daniel Lindsey.
These court records were abstracted / transcribed by Jean Schroeder from microfilm of the original records. No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you look at the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2015 Kay Midgett Sheppard