North Carolina Higher Court Minutes
Source: NC Higher Court Minutes;
Vol. 4. (1702-1708)
Abstracted by Wm. S. Price from North Carolina Colonial Records (Second Series)
Princess Anne Co., VA Order Books
1 April 1702 - Mr. Jno. BENITT Came to prosecute his apeale from the precinct Court of Curatuck upon an action brought by him against Mr. Benj TULL. And the process Copy of the Judgment of the precinct Court not appearing. Ordered that the apeale be Dismist and the said BENITT pay Costs.
Friday April 3rd 1702 - Itt being Represented to this Court by the Honorable President that great Complaints hath been made by Jonathan BATEMAN that Samuel PAINE who was apoynted to Receive the tenths of Oyl for the Honorable Presidents use Did unjustly seize upon the said BATEMANs Oyle The said BATEMAN and Samuel PAINE Apearing before the Honorable Court the said Samuel PAINE by the oaths of Jno. NEAL Thomas SPENCER and Patrick MACKCOON makes it Evidently apeare that any Oyl belonging to the said BATEMAN he hath not seized but what was Lawfull for him to do in behalf of the Honorable President for his Tenths.
Account of Boats in Currituck & Back Bay
Source: Princess Anne Co., VA Order Bk. 1; Part 2; pg. 234
Submitted and transcribed by Mike Schoettle
July 15, 1702 - Meeting of the Justices
In & Belonging to Corotuck and ye Back Bay ~~~
Capt: Francis MORSE Two Small Boats ~~ Alixr: KEELING one Small Boat ~~ Wm DAVIS one Small boate ~~ Anr? JACKSON one Small Boate ~~&c ye Length of them unknown &c.
The afore Gooing is an Exact Account of all Boats & Sloops &c to ye Best of our Knowledge which we have ordered ye Clk of our County Court To returne ye Same to ye Councell office In Pursuance to ysd [ye said] Excellencys Command by the first con? so subscribe thereto.
Permission kindly given by Donna E. Kelly, Administrator Historical Publications Section N.C. Office of Archives and History Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC. No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research.
© 2012 Kay Midgett Sheppard