NOTE: Although the dates covered by the reconstructed Deed Bk. 2 are 1765-1773, there are a number of deeds from the first two decades of the eighteenth century, and the last deeds were written and recorded in Sept. 1774. The register, Samuel Jarvis, adds to the mystery of registration by neglecting to record accurately the dates of presentation in court and the deeds recording. He also adopted a somewhat whimsical method of pagination by numbering his pages by deeds rather than by folios. Sometimes the page number will be in the middle of the sheet of paper at the beginning of a new deed, sometimes he skips pages, misnumbers sheets, etc. Therefore Deed Book 2 is much longer than its stated 533 pages, although the last 30 pages or so contain two deeds per sheet and therefore two page numbers per sheet. There is also clear indication that the substance of deed Book 2 was originally contained in a no-longer extant Deed Book 3 and was recopied at some point.
[Deed Book 2, p. 1]
There is a deed between John and
BALLANCE, John's son, dated July
16, 1765. There were two witnesses to this deed of gift -- Josiah
and Thomas
[Deed Book 2, p. 2-3] Oct. 3, 1767
John BROWN Son of Ewd. of the County of Princess Anne in Virginia
sold to Thomas WILLIAMS Son of Charles of Currituck, for and in
consideration of the sum of £5, for a parcel of land & marsh situate of the
Eastward of BROWNs land & marsh near the Old Inlet of Currituck
containing 20 acres more or less. The land being part of the land which John
BROWN bought of William WOODHOUSE bearing date (torn) of October 1761.
Witnesses: John SNAIL, John WILLIAMS,
William RODGERS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 4] Oct. 1, 1767 - Thomas SANDERSON of the County of Currituck sold to Richard SILVESTER of the County of Norfolk, for £60, a certain parcel of land on the Stumpey Point Lake containing 100 acres being a patent granted to (torn) bearing date March 9, 1755. Witnesses: John WOODHOUSE, Jesse SANDERSON.
[Deed Book 2, p. 5] Oct. 9, 1767 - Evan MILLER & Dinah his wife sold to Caleb ETHERIDGE a certain parcel of land beginning at a gum at John BALLANCEs corner various courses containing Two(torn) (torn) eight acres.
[Deed Book 2, p. 6-7] Nov. 28, 1767 - Francis JACKSON of Ocacock Island in County of Hyde, Pilot, sold to Thomas STOW of Hatterass Banks in County of Currituck, pilot, for the sum of £10, for a parcel of land whereon STOW now dwells on Hatterass Banks beginning at the sea side at the south west corner of this day conveyed by the said STOW to the said JACKSON runing along (torn) of marked trees formerly run out by Christopher (torn) on a resurvey for Thomas AUSTIN to the sea side along the sea side to the beginning containing 150 acres. Witnesses: Chris. NEAL, William ORMOND, William ROLINSON.
[Deed Book 2, p. 8-9] Jan. 5, 1767 - Kedar MARCHANT of Currytuck sold to William READ of Princess Ann County in Virginia for £25,for a parcel of land containing 70 acres. Witnesses: Moses JONES, Absolom LEGGETT, Caleb CORBETT.
[Deed Book 2, p. 10-11] Sept. 26, 1767 - James & Silas MERCER, planters, sold to David COOK for £76, for a parcel of land containing 100 acres beginning at a pine standing near Benjamin PORTWOOD and a fence thence running along the road binding James DOUGLASs line to a branch known as Tanyard Branch thence along swamp to Michael ONEELs line. Witnesses: Asahel SIMMONS, Isaac COOK, John COWELL.
[Deed Book 2, p. 12-13] December 28, 1767. Thomas MORRIS of Halifax Co., NC to Thomas TAYLOR of Currituck for £47, 255 acres on "the swamp" adjoining James PARKS (or PARKER), John LOVE. Signed by Thomas MORRIS. Witness, Jonathan TAYLOR. Asahel SIMMONS proved the deed at court [he was the "test"] by his oath or affirmation.
[Deed Book 2, p. 14-15] Feb. 23, 1768 - William & Elizabeth WICKER sold to Thomas WILLIAMS, for £4 & 18 shillings, a parcel of land containing 5½ acres. The land lying in Knotts Island running various courses then binding lands of WICKER then joining Michell WATERFIELD line to first station. Witnesses: Michel WATERFIELD, Samuel LEE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 16] March 2, 1768 - David & Elizabeth JONES sold to William GOODMAN, taylor, for £50, all our right of Dower of that plantation and track of land whereon Jacob GOODMAN now dwelleth it being the same plantation that was formerly held and possessed by William STAFFORD deceased. The land being in the fork of Moyock Creek relation being thereunto had will more fully and at large appear. Witnesses: James BURNHAM, Peter POYNER.
[Deed Book 2, p. 17] March 1, 1768 - Moses FRANSHAW [Fanshaw] & Grace his wife, sold to Amos ETHERIDGE, for £15, a tract of land lying in Currituck containing 50 acres being part of the tract of land he now lives on and I the sd. Grace FRANSHAW the Wife of Moses FRANSHAW..... beginning at a corner tree that parts Benjamin DAUGE & the land then binding Caleb SIKES along his line to a ditch that parts Moses FRANSHAW various courses to first station. /s/ Grace FRANSHAW (Moses did not sign). Witnesses: John SIMMONS, William GELDING.
[Deed Book 2, p. 18-19] Oct. 6, 1769 - John ETHERIDGE & his wife Mary, planter, sold to Daniel LEE, for £25, a tract of land containing 300 acres it being part of a patien taken up by John ETHERIDGE and baring date May 20, 1761. Beginning at a corner holly it being the line of the ould patent various courses to first station. Witnesses: Thomas LEE, Luke LEE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 20] Apr. 6, 1767 - John & Dinah ANSILL sold to Dennis CAPPS, for £35, 50 acres of land it being the half of the plantation & woodland I bought of Jonathan JONES situated on Knotts Island lying on the land of Caleb CAPPS beginning at a Syder [cedar] Stake at the side of Simsons Creek and various other courses. Witnesses: Nathan ANSILL, Thos. DUDLEY, Caleb CAPPS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 21]
Nov. 22, 1726 [yes, this date is correct] - Lord CARTERITTE
sold to Foster JARVIS, for £7, 5
shillings, a tract of land containing 721 acres being part of an island
known by the name of Whites Island beginning at a pine near the sd JARVISes
own plantation Churches bounds running to Cowingjock Bay various courses to
first station. Yielding & paying yearly the fee rent of Sixpence for every 100
acres. Witnesses: R. EVERARD,
[Deed Book 2, p. 22]
Jan. 12, 1718/19; 1768. Joseph
and wife Julian
to their daughter Ledia
WHITE, wife of Henry
WHITE. Northernmost part of island whereon we live, commonly called White's Island, at middle of a small Marsh called Long Marsh, bounded by Cowingjock Bay, end of Goose Cassel Point of Marsh. The
CHURCH's son Richard is also mentioned.
/s/ Joseph
CHURCH, Julian
CHURCH. Witnesses: Thomas
TAYLOR, William
[Deed Book 2, p. 23] Mar. 29, 1768 - Willis ETHERIDGE and his wife Grace of the County of Pasquotank, sold to Jeremiah SEXTON of the County of Pasquotank, for £100, a tract of land lying in the County of Currituck containing 100 acres patent by John MILLER bearing date December 19, 1716 and conveyed from the sd. John MILLER to John MULDER and from MULDER to William ETHERIDGE & from ETHERIDGE to Owen DOCKITY & from DOCKITY to Thomas WARREN & from WARREN to Willis ETHERIDGE various courses given. Witnesses: Joseph JONES, Wm. BURGES JUN.
[Deed Book 2, p. 24-25] Mar. 17, 1768 - John CHITTUM & his wife Sarah, sold to John ACKISS of Princess Anne County in Virginia, for £137, a parcel of land containing 200 acres where the Courthouse now stands lying on Currituck Bay being the same tracts & parcels of land the sd. CHITTUM bought of Samuel SWANN by deed bearing date December 8, 1764 and registered August 5, 1766 by which deed boundaries will appear. Witnesses: Robert CARTWRIGHT, Abraham REEVES, Wm. HARRIS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 26] Mar. 11, 1768 - Alec MASH of Princess Anne County for the Love and Affection I have and do bear unto my Son William MASH of Princess Anne County do give unto him a tract of land ajoining William POWERS, James OVERTON, Henry ETHERIDGE, William ETHERIDGE, Jonathan BALLANCE & Solomon ETHERIDGE the sd. Land lieth in Currituck and contains 100 acres. Witnesses: Thomas DAVIS, Charles WILKINS, John SEAMONS, Jane SEAMONS, Mary DUK. [The heading on this deed said "Alice' Mash, however, the deed was signed "Alec" Mash.]
[Deed Book 2, p. 26-27] May 25, 1768 - John BURROUS of Hatteras Banks sold to Robert BURROUS of the same place, for £40, a tract of land containing 100 acres situated on Chickinacomack Banks in Currituck County joining Thomas WALLIS to the sea shore and various courses to first station, being of my patent left by my Father. Witnesses: Thomas OLIVER, John WHIDBEE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 28-29] Feb. 17, 1768 - Edward BONEY SEN. of Princess Anne in Virginia, sold to Robert DUDLEY, for £9, a parcel of marsh land containing 40 acres lying in Currituck and known by name of Deals Island and is lying between the marsh of Capt. William WOODHOUSE and Thomas WARD and is joining to each of their tracts. Witnesses: Henry SPRATT, James CASON, Cason MOORE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 29-30] In 1768, Willis and Grace ETHERIDGE sold to Matthias ETHERIDGE, for £188, 112 acres of land was bounded by Gum Swamp; Frances CREDLE's (?) line, Samuel ETHERIDGE line, Solomon ETHERIDGE line, the land formerly belonging to Willis ETHERIDGE, and to the beach joining Samuel HAPPERs line and then to the first station.. Witnesses: George POWERS, Caleb BALLANCE, Edw. TAYLOR.
[Deed Book 2, p. 31-32] May 30, 1768 - Thomas DUNCAN, pilot of Cape Hatteras Banks in Currituck County, sold to Francis JACKSON, pilot of Hide [Hyde] County, for £20, a parcel of land containing 32 acres situate on Hatteras Banks beginning at a point on the East side of Jackson Creek known by the name of the Wadeing Place. Witnesses: Andrew DONALDSON, Isaac FARROW.
[Deed Book 2, p. 32-33] May 30, 1768 - Frances JACKSON of Hyde County at Hatteras Banks, sold to Thomas DUNCAN, pilot of Cape Hatteras, for £20, a parcel of land containing 32 acres situated on Hatteras Banks beginning on the West side of Gibbs Cove to William ROLLINSON line along line various courses to the east side of Jackson Creek various courses to place of beginning. Witnesses: Andrew DONALDSON, Isaac FARROW.
[Deed Book 2, p. 33-34] June 4, 1768 - Solomon MALBONE of the County of Princess Anne in Virginia, sold to Thurmer HOGGARD, for the sum of £13, a tract of marsh land containing 50 acres situate in Currituck County being part of the Island called Great Fresh Pond and is the marsh given to him, Solomon MALBONE by virtue of his deceased Fathers Will & by virtue of Gift from Cason MOORE by having recourse to the sd. Will & the sd. Deed of Gift the bounds may be more plainly certified the same being the whole marsh that he the sd. Solomon MALBONE has now in possession on the Great Fresh Pond Island or the other Island adjoining it for 50 acres. Witnesses: John ACKISS, Phillip MALBONE, Elijah FENELRONS?.
[Deed Book 2, p. 35-36] Feb. 4, 1768 - John BIDDLE & wife Elizabeth of Princess Anne County in Virginia, sold to Walter LYONS of Princess Anne County, for £11, a parcel of land containing 40 acres of land being part or parcel of a patent for 450 acres bearing date May 20, 1761 granted by John Earl GRANVILLE to Thomas WARD situate and being on a sertain Island commonly known by the name of Dales [Deals] Island in the County of Currituck. Witnesses: George JAMISON, George LOGAN, Jno. ACKISS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 36-37] July 13, 1767 - Nicholus NICHOLS sold to William BRIGHT, for £35, a parcel of land containing 50 acres bounded by dividing line between Joseph HAMAN and Marmeduke COX who was the former owners of the sd. land then running patent line various courses to the first station. The land was formerly patented by Benjamin BENNETT and by him conveyed to Thomas COX by him devised to his son Edward COX whereon the relation to the land will be more fully and at large appear. Witnesses: Silvester VARDEN, Joanna VARDEN, Frances NICHOLS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 37] May 30, 1768. Christopher ONEAL, planter of Currituck Co., sold to Thos. OLIVER, for £50, 100 acres of land situated in Currituck Co. on Hatteras Banks and near the plantation where the said OLIVER now lives. /s/ Christopher ONEAL. Witnesses: William QUIDLEY, John WHIDBEE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 38] June 7, 1768 - John CHITTUM & his wife Sarah, sold to Lam. Sawyer & Mary SWANN, executors of the last will & testament of Samuel SWANN, deceased, of Pasquotank County, for £43 and 10 shillings, a certain tract of land containing 36 acres being part of a tract of land surveyed by Capt. Thos. LOWER & sold by the sd. LOWER to James CHITTUM & from him to William CHITTUM & by him conveyed to John CHITTUM beginning at Jonathan POYNERs line then running a South course to Charles PRESCOTTs line then various courses to first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, Holl. WILLIAMS.
Deed Book 2, p. 39] June 7, 1768 - John CHITTUM & his wife Sarah of Currituck County, sold to Lamuel Sawyer & Mary SWANN, executors of the last will & testament of Samuel SWANN, deceased, of Pasquotank County, for £43 and 10 shillings, a tract of land containing 66 acres & being part of a tract of land surveyed by Capt. LOWTHER and sold by sd. LOWTHER to the afsd. James CHITTUM beginning at a marked oak on William POYNERs line near to the house where the afsd. James CHITTUM lived, thence to the Great Swamp thence along the Great Swamp to Thos. TAYLORs line thence along the sd. line to a marked pine near the path which goes from where the afsd. CHITTUM now lives to the afsd. TAYLORs plantation along the side path to the first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, Holl. WILLIAMS. [The above 2 deeds seem to be for the same land because the consideration is the same, however, one deed says 36 acres while the other says 66 acres. I don't know is these were 2 separate tracts or if one of them just had the wrong acreage listed. Lowther's name was spelled "Lower" in the first deed. Letter Book 1l pgs. 22-23 says the tract of land is 36 acres.]
Deed Book 2, p. 40]
April 24, 1768 - Thomas ROBB sold to Robert BASNETT, for £50,
a tract of land containing 50 acres situate on Hatteras Banks beginning on
George CLARKs line bounded on the Sea from thence to PRICEs line to
the first station. Witnesses: William DUDLEY, Thomas OLIVER.
[Deed Book 2, p. 41]
Feb. 29, 1768, Thomas
TAYLOR, planter, of Currituck
sold to John
of Currituck, for £23,10s, 127 1/2 acres in Currituck on the south end, northeast side of North River pocoson, adjoining James
LOVE, part of a tract of 250 acres bought from Thomas
MORRIS. Signed: Thomas [x]
TAYLOR. [This could indicate that he was not literate and unlikely to be any of the Thomas
TAYLOR's in court positions.]
Witnesses: Willis
and Jemsey
[Deed Book 2, p. 42-43] June 8, 1768 - Nathaniel POYNER and his wife Ann, sold to John KINNUN of Princess Anne County, for £10, a tract of land beginning on the head of the sd. Nathaniel POYNERs line then running South to Richard CAMPELLs line then along his line an Easterly course so far as contains 20 acres then across to the sd. Northern most line then up the sd. line to the first station. Witnesses: George FISHER, Thomas HILL.
[Deed Book 2, p. 44] April 19, 1768 - Alice JACKSON widow, Ann GLASCO widow & David JACKSON with Anna JACKSON his wife, & William JACKSON with Courtney JACKSON his wife & Richard BRIGHT with Anna his wife, & James WARD with Patty his wife, all heirs and coheirs of Robert OVERTON deceased, all of the County of Pasquotank, sold to Richard NICKIN of Pasquotank, for the sum of £48, for a parcel of land containing 50 acres the land binding on Richard NICKINS line lying and being in Currituck County. The land joining Elizabeth BRIGHTs line and various courses to first station. Witnesses: Amos UPTON, Benjamin OVERMAN, James OVERMAN, Thomas OVERMAN.
[Deed Book 2, p. 45] Sept. 7, 1768 - Solomon BRIGHT Esq., Sheriff of Currituck County and David JONES, Planter. By order of The Act of Debt Recovery enacted September 29, 1732 hereby commands Sheriff to cause to be maid out of the goods and chattels of John CHITTUM, Planter, deceased, the sum of £52 which Mary BRAY exec. of William BRAY reserved against John CHITTUM and 5 shillings cost. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said Sheriff of Currituck County for and in consideration of the sum of £25 to the said Solomon PERKINS in hand paid and it be for the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said David JONES the receipt whereof the sd. Solomon PERKINS doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, sold, transferred, etc. to David JONES one parcel of land bounded various courses to contain 100 acres. Witness: Taylor JONES.
[Deed Book 2, p. 46] April 24, 1767 - I Dorothey BRADLEY for and in consideration of the natural love and affection I bare unto my beloved Son Richard BRADLEY and Dafter Elizabeth BRADLEY I grant and confirm unto my Son Richard BRADLY one fether bed and furniture, one mare called Fly, one pr. of stilerds, one iron pot and pot hooks, two plows, one ax, one hand mill, one grind stone, one gun, one middle sized chest with a good lock and key, one stone jugg, one small trunk. I give my Daughter Elizabeth BRADLY one fether bed and furniture, two small chests, two spinning wheels, two pr. of cards to one weaving loom and furniture to her belonging, one hackell, one pr. of fire tongs, one butter pot, one iron pot & pot hooks. I do give grant and confirm unto my Son Richard BRADLY and my Daughter Elizabeth BRADLY all the remainder of my estate that is not before mentioned to be equly divided between my Son and Daughter after my decease. Witnesses: William BRADLY, Abel BRADLY. [NOTE: Dorothy was the widow of Richard Bradley who left a will in Currituck Co. in 1756. Even though this was registered as a deed it certainly looks like a will to me so I'm adding this to the wills index section.]
[Deed Book 2, p. 47] Aug. 30, 1768 - John JONES, sold to Coston SAWYER, for £40, a parcel of land commonly known by the name of John Sawyer Rige gave to his Son Stephen SAWYER which said land sold by Stephen SAWYER to me JOHN JONES, beginning at black gum a corner tree James DAUGE land then Westerly course a line between Benjamin FERRILL and mine to Thos. PERKINS line along said line to Caleb GREGORYs land then to Wm. GREGORYs land along line of marked trees to first station to contain 50 acres. Witnesses: John SAWYER, John Forrest HAMMOND.
[Deed Book 2, p. 48-50] Aug. 8, 1768 - By order of the Act of Debt Recovery Solomon PERKINS,Sheriff, is commanded to cause to be made the sum of £62, 12 Shillings & 6 pence out of the goods and chattels of Benjamin NORTHERN of Currituck and £17 for cost. The said Sheriff on November XX, 1768 appeared at Superior Court of Justice for the District of Edenton with the sum of £15 paid by Phillip NORTHERN in apart and in aperfriance before in part recited Statue and all by virtue of an Act of General Assembly of said aprovance passed the 5 Day of October 1768, and for rendering more efectiel the laws maid in land and other real estate liabel & the payment of Debts and also for and in consideration of the further sum of 10 Shillings like money to the said Solomon PERKINS in hand paid by Phillip NORTHERN for the sell and transfer of a parcel of land beginning binding the lands of Col. Caleb WILLSON Deceased, bought of Benjamin COWELL on one side, and the main swamp & on the mill run containing 150 acres. This being the same land that Benjamin NORTHERN bought of Daniel SWINEY. Witnesses: Hilary SIMONDS, Silvester VERDEN.
[Deed Book 2, p. 50-51] Aug. 15, 1768 - Benjamin FERRILL, farmer of Pasquotank County, sold to James SAWYER, planter, of same place, for £40, a parcel of land situate in Currituck County containing 50 acres. Beginning at a chesnut oak a corner tree on James DAUGEs line along this line a Southern course along Jorkan JONES line to beach in Thomas HUCHENS line along this line to first station, which said 50 acres formerly belonged to John SAWYER and willed to his Son Stephen SAWYER which was then conveyed to Benjamin FERRILL. Witnesses: Linerd WILLIAMS, James FEREL.
[Deed Book 2, p. 51-54] Sept. 7, 1768 - By Act of Debt Recovery 1732, Solomon PERKINS, Sheriff of Currituck is commanded to cause to be maid the sum of £21,10 Shillings, John WOODHOUSE lately recovered in Inferiour Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in Currituck, an award given to him as well as damages which he had against John CHITTUM. As for the debt, cost, and charges of his suit against CHITTUM, said Sheriff on March 1, 1768 levied for the sum of £15 and in consideration of the further sum of 10 Shillings to him paid by John WOODHOUSE for a parcel of land beginning at a pine CHITTUM corner, South to MILLERs corner, in sd. CHITTUMs line then along said MILLERs line various courses to PINERs corner along his line to CHITTUMs along this line to first station containing 155acres. Witnesses: Taylor JONES, Josiah NICHELSON.
[Deed Book 2, p. 55] July 1, 1768 - Josiah MUNCREEFE, farmer of Currituck, sold to Joseph JONES of Pasquotank County, for £40, a parcel of land containing 50 acres bounded as follows beginning at a pine standing in John THOMSONs line on the NW side of the Great Swamp Road to the Great Swamp Bridge thence to Evin MILLERs back line Southerly then Easterly course to a pine standing in William MONCREEFs corner thence binding the sd. MONCREEFs line to first station. Which said 50 acres formerly belonged to Evan MILLER and by him convaid to William MONCREEFE baring date March 22, 1762 and so fell by decent to Josiah MONCREEF Eldest Son & heir to William MONCREEF. Witnesses: John BURGES, Demsey BURGES, William BURGES.
[Deed Book 2, p. 56] Aug. 30, 1768 - James WILLIAMS sold to Thomas PUGH, planter, for £30, a tract of land containing 100 acres lying in Chickenencommock Banks beginning at a water oake joyning on Thos. WALLIS line various courses to the sea shore. Witnesses: William PUGH, William GRAY.
[Deed Book 2, p. 57-58] Jan. 7, 1768 - William LEE, SENIOR and his wife Anne LEE, sold to John SIMMONS, for £50, a parcel of land containing 50 acres being part of 100 acres of land I bought of Solomon BRIGHT and bounded as follows: beginning at a black gum standing in the line that parts the sd. Land and James ETHERIDGEs then along JENKINS line to Benjamin DAUGEs corner then along his line to Caleb SIKES line thence various courses across the said 100 acres to the first station. Witnesses: Hilary SIMMONS, Mallaca LEE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 58-60] Aug. 8, 1768 - By Act of Debt Recovery 1732 Solomon PERKINS, Sheriff is commanded to cause to be maid £62, 12 Shillings, 6 pence of the goods and chattels of Benjamin NORTHERN whereas the said Sheriff appeared before the Superior Court of Justice held in Edenton on November 20, 1768 that he had executed for damages and costs on the lands of Benjamin NORTHERN for the sum of £20 and the further sum of 10 Shillings paid by Phillip NORTHERN for a tract of land beginning at the South side of the Northwest Branch of the Mill being the land Wm. DOWDY gave by gift to Thomas DOWDY containing 100 acre, it being the land the said James STAFFER purchased which will more fully describe boundaries.
[Deed Book 2, p. 61-63] Aug. 8, 1768 - By Act of Debt Recovery 1732 Solomon PERKINS, Sheriff is commanded to cause to be maid £62, 12 Shillings, 6 pence of goods and chattels of Benjamin NORTHERN for his debt and further sum of £17 like money for cost and charges. Solomon PERKINS for the sum of £17 paid by John NORTHERN and the further sum of 10 Shillings granted and transferred a tract of land various courses containing 112 acres, it being the same land that the said Phillip NORTHERN to Benjamin NORTHERN will more fully describe boundaries. Witness: Hilery SIMMONS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 64-65] Sept. 6, 1768 - Nathaniel POYNER & his wife Ann, sold to Solomon CAMIEL [Gamiel?], for £22, a tract of land in Currituck containing 60 acres beginning various courses to a Westerly line to John CINNEN land binding on said line to Richard CAMIEL [Gamiel?] line then running Easterly Thomas SHERGOLD line then along SHERGOLD line to the road then running up the road to the first station. Witnesses: John KINNEN, George FISHER.
[Deed Book 2, p. 66] Oct. 5, 1768 - Daniel LINDSEY sold to William CHAPLIN, planter, for £30, a tract of land containing 200 acres being known as Broad Neck in Currituck binding on Albemarle Sound beginning at a stake in the marsh at the sound side Stephen GIBONS corner then along his line north to Great Swamp various courses to first station. Witnesses: William MACOY, Sarah MACOY.
[Deed Book 2, p. 67-68] Jan. 2, 1768 - William WILLIAMS sold to John SMITH, for £10, 16 shillings, all that tract of land situate Powells Pint various courses containing 83 acres. Witnesses: George CHOCK, Joseph HARRISON.
[Deed Book 2, p. 68-69] May 2, 1768 - William BANISTER sold to Thomas JARVES, for £100, a tract of land containing 100 acres situate on Roanoak Island all the lands that BANISTER bought of Moses CAPS beginning at a stake on Boor Creek various courses to first station. Witnesses: William CHAPLIN, Bier [her x mark] CHAPLIN.
[Deed Book 2, p. 69-70] Oct. 30, 1767 - Hillary SIMMONS sold to John SIMMONS, for £4, a parcel of land containing 8 acres beginning at a swamp gum that stands in Hillery & John SIMMONS line then running to a beach that stands in James DAUGEs line running along DAUGEs line to Absolom LEGGETTs line then running along LEGITT to the said John SIMMONS line to the first station. Witnesses: Absolom LEGGETT, Samuel SIMMONS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 70-71] Sept. 6, 1767 - Thomas WILLIAMS JR. of Currituck sold to Thomas WILLIAMS SR. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for £300, a parcel of land that I bought of William FEREBEE leading to Tulls Creek Bridge containing 2 acres. Witnesses: Abraham HUTINGS, John WHITEKAR, Charles BRITTEN.
[Deed Book 2, p. 72-73] June 2, 1768 - Marmaduke COX, planter, sold to William BRIGHT, for £24, a certain parcel of woodland ground containing 50 acres beginning various courses then as the main road run to Edmon BARING line then to first station, the land formerly in possession of Richard DOWDAY deceased. Witnesses: James BURNHAM, Joseph LYON, Anna BURNHAM.
[Deed Book 2, p. 73-75] July 5, 1768 - Simmion JARVIS and his wife Mary sold to Frances WILLIAMSON, for £56, a parcel of land containing 65 acres situate near Moyock being the plantation and all the land thereunto belonging whereon the said Simmion JARVES now lives. Witnesses: Edmond HALL, John WILSON, John BRIGHT.
[Deed Book 2, p. 76-77] Jan. 4, 1768 - Joseph FEREBEE and his wife Sarah of Pasquotank County, sold to Cornelius GREGORY of Currituck County, for £200, a parcel of land containing 50 acres, said land being part of a track of the patent baring date October 2, 1740 formerly belonging to Jacob CARRON Dec’d. and it known by name of the Popler Ground and is part of a 100 acres Joseph FEREBEE bought of Frances BROWN bounded by Samuel BARNED. Witnesses: Absalom LEGGETT, Hillory SIMMONS.
[Deed Book 2, p. 77-78] Oct. 8, 1768 - David JONES and his wife Elizabeth, sold to Jeremy WHITE, for £20, a parcel of land containing 50 acres known by name of Jones Island, joining Collo. MACKE line easterly corse to a ditch along ditch to a glaid up the glaid to a place cauled Hogg Pen Point to the first station. Witnesses: Frances WILLIAMSON, Caleb ANSELL, Willis ETHERIDGE.
[Deed Book 2, p. 79] Nov. 3, 1768 - Frances WILLIAMSON and his wife Kezia, sold to Joshua BARBER, planter of Pasquotank County, for £60, a certain plantation tract various courses. Witness Peter MORISETT.
[Deed Book 2, p. 80-81] July 8, 1768 - Solomon PERKINS Sheriff of Currituck, and Thomas MACKIGHT, Merchant, of Pasquotank County. Said PERKINS on a recovered judgment against Caleb CHURCH after due notice of sale to highest bidder for a tract of land near North River containing 3 acres binding on North River, Beech Neck Branch, Little Fork and the Sypress Run, being parcel of land commonly known as Beach Neck. Thomas MACKNIGHT being highest bidder for sum of £61, transfer of land was then conveyed to MACKNIGHT. Witnesses: Neel SNODGRASS, Wm. McCORMICK.
[Deed Book 2, p. 82-83] July 23, 1768 - Solomon PERKINS Sheriff of Currituck, and Thomas MACKNIGHT of Pasquotank County, said PERKINS by order of court was commanded that of the goods & chattels lands & tenements of a certin Frances BROWN, he should make the sum of £23, 17 Shillings and a half Pence to satisfy a judgment in the said cort obtained for costs in a certain action brought by the said Frances BROWN against a certain Thomas MACKNIGHT whereof the said Frances was convicted as by the records of the Court more fully appear. PERKINS on May 17, last past did offer at public auction and sold to Thomas MACKNIGHT for the sum of £10, 1 Shilling being the highest bidder for a certain tract of land situate nere North River containing 100 acres binding on North River Swamp, Crooked Run and the Indian line being a certain parcel conveyed by John HUGHS to the afsd. Frances BROWN. Thomas MACKNIGHT paid the £23, 17 Shillings & 2 Pence before the ensiling and delivery to Solomon PERKINS. The words in the twenty second line 23 Pounds 17 Shillings ½ pence should be 10 Pounds 1 Shilling. Witnesses: Neel SNODGRASS, Wm. McCORMICK.
[Deed Book 2, p. 84-85] July 23, 1768 - Solomon PERKINS Sheriff of Currituck, and Thomas MACKNIGHT of Pasquotank County, said PERKINS was commanded that of the goods & chattels of a certain Frances BROWN he should make the sum of £23, 17 Shillings & 1 Penny to satisfy a judgment in Court obtained for costs in a certain action brought by the said Frances BROWN against Thomas MACKINGHT where of the said BROWN was convicted by court. PERKINS on May 17 last past offer to sale at public venue and sold to Thomas MACKNIGHT, the highest bidder for the sum of £23 for a certain tract of land situate nere North River containing 100 acres and bounded in the deed of William MERRELL unto said Frances BROWN as one course being there unto had will more fully appear. Witnesses: Neel SNODGRASS, Wm. McCORMICK.
[Deed Book 2, pp. 86-87] Jan. 20, 1767. William MERRIL, Planter of Currituck to Frances BROWN, Merchant of Perquimans. One hundred acres...beginning at Holly a beech in the Indian Line then along the Indian Line N.... to a beech then along the head line to a beech...then across that beech to the first station it being a Holly. £60 proclamation money. "William MERRIL and Margreett my wife..." Signed William [his M mark] MERRIL and Margret [her x mark] MERRIL. Wit: John HUGHS, Richard STANDLEY, Peter DAUGE JR. Registered March Court 1769. Jos. CAMPBELL, Reg.
[Deed Book 2, pp. 88-90] March 8, 1769 - Solomon PERKINS Sheriff of Currituck and Eldred FISHER, Planter, according to Act of Debt Recovery 1732 sd. PERKINS was commanded to cause to be made the sum of £5,10 Shillings which was received by William BRAY & recovered against said John CHITTUM for his debt also the sum of £6 for our said court adjudged to him for his costs occasion of his said suit against the said John CHITTUM where of he is convicted and said Sheriff should have these moneys before Chief Justice district of Edenton on November 25. Said Sheriff returned with sum of £5 and the further sum of 5 Shillings by the said Elderige FISHER for a tract of land that Mary PARKER sold to Samuel SIMMONS various courses to first station being the same parcel of land the (torn) PARKER deceased sold to John CHITTUM deceased it being part of the Mary PARKER Pattent. Witnesses Neil SNODGRASS, Robert [torn]IGHT.
[Deed Book 2, pp. 90] Feb. 15, 1745 - Know ye by these presents that I William ABINGTON do assign over [torn[ [torn] Power and Interest of the with Pattent for the sum of [torn] Pounds to me in hand paid by William SHEREGOLD which I assign over to said SHERGOLD as afsd. Witnesses: John [torn], Shad[torn] WILLIAMS. [NOTE: Right-hand corner of this page says 1769]
[Deed Book 2, pp. 91-92] Feb. 23, 1769 - Robert WARD SEN. of Princess Anne County in Virginia, sold to Jacob WILLIAMS of Currituck County, for £5, a parcel of land containing twenty [torn] situate in Currituck and known by name of [torn] Island various courses part of a patent granted Thomas WARD. Witnesses: Thomas LOVETT, John SIMPSON, Caron MOORE.
[NOTE: A good portion of the following deeds are badly torn or missing.]
[Deed Book 2, pp. 93-94] John FORBES of Pasquotank County, sold to James THOMAS of Currituck County, for £10, for a tract of land situate at Powells Poynt beginning at [torn] on Stephen GIBENS line [torn] Richard DOOS (Doughs?) line to said [torn] THOMAS along the said THOMASes line to [torn] GRANTs line along GRANTs line to first station containing [torn] [torn] and 35 acres. Witnesses: [torn]
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 94-95] August 2nd 1768. William Daniel to Adam Etheridge for twenty pounds of prock. money….in Currituck County on RoneOake Island Butted and bounded as followeth. Beginning at Doctor Rith Lines at a forked Sypress from thence to the Soundside follow the Great Hamock from thence along the marsh Southerly to a forked Stake at the mouth of the Sandy beach Creek and from thence W to the East Side of Broad Creek…containing 800 acres. /s/ William Daniel. Witnesses: Belcher Daniel, Abslom Dolbe Jurat
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 96-97] Feb. 29, 1769 - Solomon PERKINS Sheriff of Currituck and John WOODHOUSE. Sd. PERKINS is commanded of the goods and chattels of John CHITTUM to make the sum of £52, 10 Shillings [entire section torn] brought by the said Executors of William BRAY [section torn] at public auction and John WOODHOUSE for the sum of £11, 11 Shillings for a certain tract of land near Currituck Court house it being part of the [torn] patent by Thomas [torn]THER & by him sold to John CHITTUM bounded as follows joining in John ROBERSON line to first station containing 63 acres. Witnesses: Thomas MacKNIGHT, John NORTHERN.
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 98-99] Oct. 4, 1768 - Willis LUFMAN sold to Neil SNODGRASS & Richard TEMPLEMAN, for £77, 10 shillings, for two certain tracts of land lying on the Southwest River & Northwest? River containing 150 acres binding Willoby BROOKS & Phillop NORTHERN the other containing [torn] acres and the said plantation lying on Tulls Creek binding on Daniel GLASGOW also mention WILLIAMS line to first station, the land formerly surveyed by William WILLIAMS Esq. in the year 1704. Witnesses: [torn] WILLIAMS, [torn] LUFMAN.
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 100] [no date, no boundaries, no purchase amount. Joseph CAMPBELL was the Registrar] John ACKISS and his wife Jane to Eldered FISHER. Witnesses: Thomas CALLEY, Elijah FENELSON.
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 101-102] February 23, 1769 - Thomas MACKNIGHT of Pasquotank County, Merchant, sold to Carter BARNARD of Currituck, for the sum of $300.00 …for a tract of land and marsh…..the property of Thomas LURRY…..and fell to his nephew Thomas LURRY ….heirs sold to Thomas MACKNIGHT….estimated at 700 acres.
[Deed Book 2, pgs. 103-104] - October 7, 1766 - Sophie WILLIAMS to Neil SNODGRASS & Richard TEMPLETON --- Between Sophia WILLIAMS, Widow, Relict, Administrator of all and singular the goods etc. of WILLIAMS late of Currituck, Gentleman, of the one part and Neil SNODGRASS & Richard TEMPLETON of Norfolk and Colony of Virginia, for the sum of £100 paid by SNODGRASS & TEMPLETON for a tract of land….line of that land whereon John SNODGRASS lived on and he had of Martin Creek being part of a tract of land … John WHEATLY baring date May 20, 1761.
[Deed Book 2 (book of typed transcriptions), p. 116] [much of the original deed is missing] Hezekiah WOODHOUSE & Hadley WOODHOUSE to Robert WHITEHALL. 1 Aug 1769. Beginning at a stake on the River Side binding on the line of Robert WHITEHALL land westerly corse by the said line of marked trees to a ***** [the word “branch” appears above the asterisks] near the main road then down the said branch as it runs to the river side than along the said river a southerly course to the first station To Have & To Hold the said bargained primeses with all the appertainences thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the bargained premises as the same now is forever and we the sd. Hezekiah WOODHOUSE & Hadley WOODHOUSE further covanant promiss and agree with the said Robert WHITEHALL his heirs and assigns that befor the ensealing and delivery of these presents that we are the true sole and lawful owner of the above demised premises and have in our own good right full power to sell convey and confirm ***** bargained premises with all the appurtenances and clearly [five asterisks “*****” appear above the word “clearly”] aquited exenorated and discharged all and every other ***** grants bargains sails mortages whatsoever so that the said Robert WHITEHALL his heirs exts. adrs. and asignes shall and at all times forever hereafter by these and virtue of these presents ***** premises forever and we the sd. Hezekiah WOODHOUSE & Hadley WOODHOUSE do warrant the sd,. ****** WHITEHALL his heirs forever and from the ***** aney other person or persons whatsoever ***** As Witness our hands and seals this First day of August the day and year above written. /s/ Hezekiah WOODHOUSE, Hadley WOODHOUSE. Wit: Samuel JARVES, _____ [her x mark] WHITEHALL. This deed is registered by order of June Court. Test Jos. CAMPBELL R.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 118] On March 29, 1769, John DOXEY purchased land in Currituck County from Johnathan (sic) FISHER and his wife Mary. John DOXEY is listed as being from "Saint Maryes County". [The one apparent possible County at that time with that name was in Maryland].
[Deed Book 2, pg 133] 1769. William
DANIEL SR…for and in Consideration of the Love and good will which I have…my
son Belcher DANIEL…300 acres Land and marsh on the East End Roanoke
Island….William DANIEL SR South East Line Beginning at a forked
stake..on the SW Side of the great oldfield…thence East and North to the old
Landing…South to the End of the marsh from thence NW to the….woods Beginning at Joseph DANIELS Corner Tree from East to the first Station it being old
marsch Land….. /s/ William DANIEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 138]
On October 29, 1768, Edward
of Currituck to Joshua
of same, for the yearly rent of four barrels of corn for nineteen years, one
hundred acres of land at the southern end of Edward
TAYLOR's land where Joshua now
lives. At the end of nineteen years, Joshua is to deliver up the land to Edward.
Signed: Edward
TAYLOR, Joshua
(with an "x" mark). The witness was Richard
[Deed Book 2, pg. 192?] - February ? 17?? - Robert GREGORY of Pasquotank County sells to Luke LAMB for the sum of ???ty Five pounds paid by Luke LAMB……….in Currituck County…..his Son Joseph…..five acres more or less.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 193] - Third day of January in ??Seventy….County of Currituck…sum of Fifty Seven Pounds Ten ?? Willis LUFMAN & Neomy his wife granted to Caleb BELL? …..bounded….BROOKS, Phillip NORTHERN ...... [A note in the margin says Willis LUFFMAN to Caleb BALENTINE. Clerk indexed Grantor as Caleb BELL who was the witness (Transposed in index)]
[Deed Book 2, pg. 199] - William ROLLINSON granted unto Robert BURRUS ….tract of land …..Hatterass Banks ……sound joining Frances B….. containing Three Hun...... /s/ William ROL......; Jane ROLINSON
[Deed Book 2, pg. 200?-201?] - 5th day of ...... - Francis WILLIAMSON &Kekiah his wife to Daniel HEATH.. Consideration of sum of Fifty…the said Francis WILLIAMSON in hand….. and Kezia his…
[Deed Book 2, pg. 202?] - May 29, 1768 - Peter LEACHFIELD & Julyann his wife grant to Lemuel SANDERSON …..containing 15 acres.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 203?] - April 5, 1770 - between George ROWLAND of County of Currituck and James BURNHAM, John HUGHS and Neil SNOGRASS….for and in consideration of the sum of £100…..500 acres.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 205] - June 1770 - WILLIAMSON to Joshua PERKINS - .……WILLIAMSON of the County of Currituck and Joshua PERKINS of same County…….Francis WILLIAMSON…..230 acres.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 207] - March 5, 1770 - between Zebulon WILLIAMS and Mary his wife and John ETHERIDGE….. £180 paid by John ETHERIDGE ……….William WILLIAMS patent…… 186 acres.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 211 Page torn off but writing in margin says 211 ] - ….between John ETHERIDGE and Margaret his wife ….for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Five… hand paid by James ETHERIDGE…..being part of a tract of land ……John NORTHERN Patten bearing date….
[Deed Book 2, pg. 213] - March 5, 1770 - John HUGHS & Mary his wife To Zebulon WILLIAMS……. £186 paid by said Zebulon WILLIAMS……tree…William WILLIAMS…..first station containing One Hun…..Witnesses: John ETHERIDGE; Jonias STACK
[Deed Book 2, pg. 215] - December 6, 1769 - between Twiford BEASLEY of Currituck and Francis WILLIAMSON ….sum of Fifty…..binding John WARDEN ….containing 70 acres…sd. …..BEASLEY bought of Char……. said Twiford BEASLEY and Dorcas his wife. Witness: Lamuel HALSTEAD; John HALSTEAD
[Deed Book 2, pg. 215] - December 12, 1769 - Frances WILLIAMSON and Kezia his wife to Twiford BOSLEY (BEASLEY?)...... Sum of £25 containing 50 acres beginning on the Sound Side ………on Currituck Sound binding John WARDEN
[Deed Book 2, pg. 217] - May 18, 1770 - I Thomas SIMMONS Planter, in consideration of the love and natural affection which I have unto Euphan BRUMSEY and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body and if she dies to fall to Samuel SIMMONS and his heirs one certain (torn) on North River Swamp and on Northwest corner of William REEDs patent (torn) then along Thomas SIMMONS (torn) formerly known by name TWIFORD? Line………(torn) surveyed and layed off by John CLATTEN. Witnesses: Asahel SIMMONS; Rebecca SIMMONS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 218] 1790? - I John TILLIT of the County of Pasquotank for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds current money paid to me by Thomas TILLIT of Currituck for a parcel of land on the North Banks at the Great Fresh Pond in the County of Currituck containing 70 acres more or less. (Note: no boundaries given but says to refer to patent for boundaries) Given under my hand and seal this 23rd Day of August being the Eight Year of the Reign of George the Third. /s/ John TILLIT. Witnesses: Nicholas LUNN, John CHANDLER, Jon. CAMPBELL. (This deed is badly torn and missing parts but I have transcribed all that was visible. JB)
[Deed Book 2, pg. 219-220] - March 29, 1770 - Between Jonathan MALBONE of the County of Princes Ann & Jonathan BONNEY of the said County for and in consideration of the sum of 13 Pounds 2 Shillings & 6 pence paid by said Jonathan BONNEY for 40 acres of marsh given unto the said MALBONE by a deed (torn) from (torn) out of a patten of 376 acres (torn) marsh by virtue of the Fathers will in all 50 (torn)
[Deed Book 2, pg. 223-224] - April 28, 1770 - I William LEE and Wife Ann for and in consideration of the sum of £46 paid by Peter FEREBEE for a tract of land whereon Malachi LEE now lives containing 50 acres. Beginning at the Creek then turning from the Creek along James ETHERIDGEs line to a peace of land that John C. SIMMONS bought of the afsd. LEE then running along his line to Caleb SIKES line to first station. /s/ William LEE, Ann LEE; Witnesses: John SIMMONS; Hilary SIMMONS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 224-225] - September 5, 1770 - I Edmun BOWREN for the valuable sum of £200 paid to me by Josiah BOWREN for a tract of land containing 240 acres, it being the lands left to Daniel SWEENY… Colonel Caleb WILSON, deceased and bonded on Estward the lands of Thomas FEREBEE Westerdly upon lands formerly in possession of Lamuel BRIGHT, deces’d. Southwardly upon Moyock C(torn) Branch Northwardly upon the lands of Benjamin BENNETs Orphans. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON; James BOWREN
[Deed Book 2, pg. 225-226] - September 4, 1770 - Between James MORRISS & Ann Mary his Wife of the Colony of Virginia and County of Princess Ann and Butler COWELL of Currituck. For and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid by Butler COWELL for a tract of land containing 60 acres it being the One Halfe of Crow Island and decended to the said MORRISS from his Father Josiah MORRISS dec’d. being the same parcel of land the said Josiah MORRISS bought of Samuel SIMMONS according to the Most Known and Reputed ???? thereof the sd. Island lying in Currituck County near Currituck Inlett ..... Witnesses: John ACKISS; Eldered FISHER; George POWERS.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 227-228] - July 1, 1770 - I Robert WARD SENR. of the County of Princess Anne in the Colony of Virginia for and in consideration of the sum of £5 paid to me by Peter SINGLETON of Princess Anne for a parcel of Marsh lying and being in Currituck County in the Colony of North Carolina containing 25 acres laying on Deals Island sd. land is part of a parcel of Marsh taken up by Thomas WARD and given to Robert WARD as by deed of Gift. Witnesses: Dennis DAWLEY, Thomas CANNON, Hilary CAPPS, William THORGOOD, Edward H. MOSELY, JR., David M. CHUNTAN?, John ACKIS, James WHITEHARSH.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 228] - July 20, 1770 - I Ephriam DAVIS for and in consideration of the sum of £30 paid to me by Epreditis DAVIS for a tract of land containing 100 acres on the West side of the Sound & being the Maniner plantation whare my Mother now lives between George DAVISs & WILLIAMS. Witnesses: Benjaman EVENS, Thomas EVENS.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 230] - July 6, 1770 - I George DAVIS for and in consideration of the sum of £30 paid to me by Benjiman EVENS Planter, for a part of land containing 100 acres various courses to Pig Poynt Creek & so to the first station. Witnesses: Daniel LINDSEY, James Oranbehoward [James Crank howard?]
[Deed Book 2, pg. 231-232] - December 14, 1769 - I John STEWART for and in consideration of the sum of £9 paid to me by Francis WILLIAMSON for a tract of land containing 50 acres bounded by the land of Phillop NORTHERN and Jesse BENNET and lying between Broad Ridge & East Ridge being part of a patent granted to JOHN STEWARTs Father Levey STEWART & given by the said Levi STEWART to his son John STEWART. Witness: Josias SLACK
[Deed Book 2, pg. 233-234] - June 5, 1770 - I Samuel HALSTEAD for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid to me by Willoughby DAUGE for a tract of land containing 50 acres beginning at a beach in Caleb GLASCO line on the road side various courses to a corner holley that parts said land Fredrick BLUNT formerly John PIRKANS then along that road to first station. Witnesses: John COOPER, Thomas COOPER.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 235] A deed was witnessed by Josiah NICHOLSON on April 17, 1770 from William DANIEL to Gideon LAMB with the witnesses Josiah NICHOLSON, William ETHERIDGE, and Robert TENNISON, the second
[Deed Book 2, pg. 235-236] September 3, 1770- Between William HARRISS & Anne his Wife of Currituck and Elderd FISHER of the County of Norfolk & Colony of Virginia for and in consideration of the sum of £60 for a tract of land containing 120 acres adjoining the land of said FISHER whereon the Courthouse stands & Currituck Bay being the said parcel of land given unto the said William HARRIS by his Grandmother Mary PARKER & by her Patent according to the most Known & Reputed Boynds….Witnesses: Matthias ELLEGOOD, Daniel LINDSEY, John WOODHOUSE, John FISHER,Thomas PARKER.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 237] April 7th, 1770. William DANIEL JR….the sum of Thirty-five pounds Prock money…by Gideon LAMB. A certain Tract or parcel of Land Whareon I now Dwell, situated Lying & being on the County of Currituck-Afsd. Beginning at the mouth of a small sypress branch in the marsh then Northwestwardly to a large stooping Line Oake Trees standing in the Little Oldfield Thicket thence East to a large single pine thence NE to the Sw end of Jacobs swamp thence southwardly through the pine woods to a large Doble Pine Tree….containing two hundred & fifty acres of Land….all the Houses timber underwoods & every thing…./s/ William DANIEL. Witnesses: William ETHERIDGE his Mark, Robert TENNISSON, Josiah NICHOLSON
[Deed Book 2, pg. 238] March 5, 1770 - Between Elizabeth CHURCH of Calleb CHURCH and John WOODHOUSE for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by John WOODHOUSE for my rights of dower of all the lands & marsh my deceased husband Calleb CHURCH clamed on Churches Island. Witnesses: Thomas MacKNIGHT, Matthias ELLEGOOD
[Deed Book 2, pg. 239-240] September 5, 1770 - Between Josiah BOWREN & Dinah his Wife and David JONES for and in consideration of the sum of £60 paid to me by David JONES for one certain Mill & Streem known by the name of Moyock Mill with 2 acres of land that is to say One acre joyning the Northside of the mill & One acre joining on the South end the Mill Dam various courses to first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, James BURNHAM
[Deed Book 2, pg. 241] September 5, 1770 - Between James BURNHAM and Josiah BOWREN for and in consideration of the sum of 60 Proclamation money paid by Josiah BOWREN for a parcel of land containing 150 acres being nere Moyock Mill various courses to Simmon JARVIS line thence North Westerly along Jarvis line to Mill Pond, thence down Mill Pond to first station. Witness: Francis WILLIAMSON, Silas BRIGHT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 242] September 5, 1770 - Between James BURNHAM and Josiah BOWREN for and in consideration of the sum of of £60 paid to me by Josiah BOWREN for One certain Mill and streem Known by the name of Moyock Mill with Two acres of land that is to say One acre joining on the northside of the mill dam & One acre joining the Southside end of the mill Dam various courses to first station. Witness: Francis WILLIAMSON, Silas BRIGHT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 243-244] March 26, 1770 - Between William WHITEHEAD & Isbell his Wife of Princess Anne County & Colony of Virginia and Francis WILLIAMSON of Currituck for and in consideration of the sum of 1£40 paid to me by Francis WILLIAMSON for a tract of land containing 400 acres lying adjoining & being on the Westside of Moyock Creek, beginning at the mouth of Moyock Creek various courses thereof to a tract of land formerly belonging to John BENNET along BENNET line to the back line northerly by a line of marked trees to William WARDENs line to North West River various courses to first station. Witnesses: Arthur WARDEN, Josias SLACK
[Deed Book 2, pg. 245-246] September 5, 1770 - Between Josiah BOWREN & Dinah his Wife and John NORTHEREN for and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid by John NORTHEREN for a tract of land containing 150 acres of land being near Moyock Mill bounded by various courses to Simeon JARVIS line down his line to Mill Pond thence down the Mill Pond to the first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, James BURNHAM
[Deed Book 2, pg. 247] November 27, 1769 - Between William ODOWDY and Major ROGERS for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Major ROGERS for a parcel of land containing 100 acres lying & being on the Banks beginning at the head of Valets Creek joyining WATERFIELDs & running on a Easterly course to the seaside then along the seaside a South course, then running a Southwest course to the Selleys Bay thence running down Easterly corse to the first station. Witnesses: Sam. JARVES, John ODOWDY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 248] January 10, 1769 - I William LEE for and in consideration of the Great Love & Pure Affection which I have unto my Son William LEE & for sundery causes & divers Respects Especially his Gettel & Tender behaver continualy moving my earnest desires to have by these present given etc…the remainder part of my Lands, Plantation I now live and bounded to the North by Calleb GLASGOW & Hillary SIMMONS to the East of the ridge by a line that parts aforementioned & a peace I have leased to Thomas FANSHAW for Twenty years to South & West by the line of Pattent the same being 60 acres do grant and freely etc…..excepting my own Life Time in the said land not to be disturbed nor interrupted by my Son & nor any claiming ….during my life ……….& in case my Son should die without lawfull issue then my desire is it should be equly devided between my Sons Daniel & Thomas to them & their heirs forever. Witnesses: Hillary SIMMONS, John BRADLEY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 249-250] May 30, 1770 - Between Elisha JENKINS and Benjaman DAUGE for and in consideration of the sum of £1 paid to me by Benjaman DAUGE a certain parcel of land containing 1 acre being part of a tract of land James JENKINS bought of old John PERKINS beginning at a corner tree that parts the said DAUGE & JENKINS then running a Northerly corse to a warnot tree then to a cheasnut rake and then along Benjamin DAUGEs old line to the first station. Witnesses: Absolom LEGGETT, Tulley DAUGE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 251-252] September 3, 1770 - I John COOPER for and in consideration of the sum of £12 paid to me by Sollomon COWELL for a parcel of land containing 50 acres beginning at a pine on John COOPERs land various courses binding COWELLs land to Samuel HALSTEADs plantation from his line to first station. Witnesses: Samuel COOPER, Joshua PERKENS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 253-254] July 19, 1770 - Between Benjamin B. BENNETT Planter, and William BRIGHT for and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid to me by William BRIGHT for a parcel of land containing 100 acres which said land was pattened by Benjamin BENNETT deceased baring date 1668 various courses to division line between him and his Brother to the first station. Witnesses: Moses BENNETT, Anna BURNHAM
[Deed Book 2, pg. 256] October 10, 1770 - I William ELKS of Cape Hateras Sand Banks of the consideration of One ships boat filled & rigged completely to me in hand delivered by Isaac FARROW Planter of same place, for a parcel of land containing 100 acres lying and being at Joseph MASKUEs corner the sound side various courses to the beginning. Witnesses: Josiah NICHOLSON, Thomas MILLER
[Deed Book 2, pg. 257]
August 22, 1770 - I Soley MASON of the
County of Pasquotank Tavern Keeper, for and in consideration of the sum of
£10 paid by Anne Margert HEATH
convey and confirm unto sd. Anne Margert HEATH etc. during the natural
life of Elisabeth BLUNT Widow of William BLUNT deceased a
plantation or tract of land containing 100 acres it lying on the North side of
the West fork of Tuls Creek and binding on John HUGHs land or plantation
formerly belonging to Nehemiah HEATH and was the Manner Plantation
whereon he did live. Witnesses: John SMITHSON,
[Deed Book 2, pg. 257-258]
December 5, 1770 - Between Joshua WHITE
and Francis WILLIAMSON for and in consideration of the sum of £30
paid by Francis WILLIAMSON for a parcel of land containing 50
acres beginning at a pine standing on the North side of a cove being John
WARDENs corner thence by a line of marked trees made by Francis
WILLIAMSON Surveyer thence Southardly by a line of marked trees to
William CARTWRIGHT line down CARTWRIGHT line to the sound to the
first station. Witnesses:
[Deed Book 2, pg. 259-260] August 5, 1770 - Between Thomas ODOWDY and John NORTHERN for and in consideration of the sum of £35 for a parcel of land containing 35 acres various courses beginning a beach standing on Run side and running down said run to a beach standing of the forks of Run holding its breadth out to the swamp to contain the above quantity of acres being the land that William ODOWDY gave to Thomas ODOWDY in a Deed of Gift. Witnesses: Neil SNODGRASS, Euphan DAVIS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 260-261] September 24, 1770 - I William ODOWDY with Elizabeth my Wife for and in consideration of £150 paid to me by Phillip NORTHERN for a tract of land containing 150 acres it being the land inherited by the said William ODOWDY from his Mother. Beginning at a pine standing at the foot of Nick Swamp Road thence Northwest corse up the streem to William BRIGHTs line along BRIGHTs line to a marked sowerwood standing near Nick Swamp Road thence down sd. Road to first station. Witnesses: Josiah BOWREN, George POWERS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 263] December 1, 1770 - I Josiah LEE for and in consideration of the sum of £25 paid to me by Asa LEE for a certain parcel of land containing 50 acres being & lying at the head the said land beginning at a beach mile way Thomas LEEs line & running a straight course Southwest across Joseph LEEs land to a sowerwood on the back line then running up the said line to the head of the line running down Thomas LEEs to the first station beach. Witnesses: Thomas DALE, John HUGHES, Samuel LEE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 264] December 1, 1770 - Between Joshua PERKINS & Solley MASON of Pasquotank County for and in consideration of the sum of £15 paid by Solla MASON for a parcel of land containing 115 acres. A Pattent by Francis WILLIAMSON the said Pattent baring date 24 Day of May 1762, various courses. Witnesses: Solomon PERKINS, Taylor JONES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 265-266] September 29, 1770 - Between Elisha JENKINS & Neil SNODGRASS & Richard TEMPLEMAN for and in consideration of the sum of £27 paid by SNODGRASS & TEMPLEMAN for a parcel of land containing 109 acres it being the land and plantation whare on I now live. Beginning at Beaver Dam Swamp James JENKINS line so running the courses of the patent granted to John PERKINS the 10th day of October 1715 joyning Benjaman DAUGEs on the East and John SIMMONS on the North. Witnesses: Hillary SIMMONS, Sol. PERKINS, John BIGGS
[Deed Book 2 pg. 267] November 22, 1770. William DANIEL SR…for and in consideration of the Love, goodwill, and Affection which I have and do bear towards my son Woods DANIEL….have Given Granted and by the Presents do Fully, freely Clearly & absolutely give & grant to the said Woods Daniel his heirs and assigns all my moveable Estate - Viz: my Negroes my best feather Beds & Furniture, Horses-Cattle sheep & hogs and all that is mine wharesoever to be found in this Province Excepting my Land…../s/ William DANIEL Witnesses: Daniel LINDSEY, Thos. JARVIS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 268-269] December 5, 1770 - Between Joshua PERKINS & Henry PERKINS for and in consideration of the sum of £15 paid by Henry PERKINS for a tract of land containing 115 acres. Pattent by Francis WILLIAMSON baring date Twenty Fourth day of May 1770, beginning at Northerd & West land of the patent near the mouth of the Devels Dich various couses to conclude said acres. Witnesses: Sol. PERKINS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 270-271] July 1, 1766 - I John LANCASTER & Mary LANCASTER my Wife of the County of Pasquotank Planter for and in consideration of the sum of £90 paid by Henery HAMAN for a tract of land lying in Currituck County known by the name of Colleton Island which said Island Thomas PENDLETON by his Last Will and Testament bequeathed amongst his 3 Daughters which since his decease has been divided, Third part of said Colleton Island belonging to John LANCASTER and MARY LANCASTER my Wife . Beginning at the head of the Dividing Creek thence a South East course to the Sound then along the shore round the Little Island to the first station. Witnesses: John WOODHOUSE, Thomas TORKSEY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 271-272] December 9, 1761 - Between David JONES and William MACKEY SENR. for and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid by William MACKEY for a tract of land and marsh lying on the Eastimost end of Joneses Island bounded beginning at the Back Creek at a place where formerly was a bridge various courses to a place called Evens Caben containing 100 acres. Witnesses: John MACKIE, William MACKIE, Mary MACKIE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 272-273] June 8, 1768 - Between Wallice BRAY SEN., Wallice BRAY JR. and William BRAY orphan of William BRAY for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Mary BRAY in behalf of William BRAY orphan a certain parcel of land situate near Tulls Creek containing 120 acres the land being one third part of that tract of land where on Capt. William BRAY formerly lived to be divided and set a part in manner and form as was devised to the said William BRAY by his Father Capt. William BRAY dec’d. in his Last Will and Testament. Witnesses: James ?. HILL, Mary BRAY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 274] June 8, 1768 - Between Wallice BRAY SEN., Wallice BRAY JR., and James BRAY Orphan of William BRAY for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Mary BRAY in behalf of James BRAY orphan for a parcel of land containing 122 acres being the manner plantation where on Capt. William BRAY lived including one third part of that tract of land where on the said Capt. William BRAY lived to be divided & set apart in manner and form as was divided by Capt. William BRAY dec’d in his Last Will and Testament. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, Josiah NICHOLSON, Jasper LANE, James JOLLEFF, Mary BRAY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 275-276] June 8, 1768 - Between Wallice BRAY SEN., Wallice BRAY JR., and John BRAY orphan of Willam BRAY for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Mary BRAY in behalf of John BRAY orphan for a parcel of land containing 122 acres being one third part of that tract of land whereon Capt. William BRAY formerly lived to be divided and set apart in manner and form as was devided to the said John BRAY by his Father Capt. William BRAY in his Last Will and Testament. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, Josiah NICHOLSON, Jasper LANE, James JOLLEFF, Mary BRAY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 276-277] April 6, 1771 - Eldred FISHER of Norfolk in Virginia Isaac YOUNGSHUSBAND of County of Henrico in Virginia…..for and in consideration of the sum of £4_0 paid by YOUNGSHUSBAND Two tracts of land containing 700 acres purchased by the said Eldred FISHER of John ACKISS & Jane his Wife as by indenture dated August 5, 1768. Likewise One tract of land 125 acres purchased by Eldred FISHER of William HARRIS & Ann & his wife as by indenture dated September 4, 1770 and a parcel containing 4 acres adjoining the Courthouse purchased of John CLAYTON also all the lands belonging the said Eldred FISHER. Witnesses: William ORANGE, Thomas YOUNGHUSBAND, Edward RUDD
[Deed Book 2, pg. 278-279] September ?, 1770 - Between Solomon PERKINS Esquire Sheriff of Currituck County, and Frederick BLOUNT Esquire Attorney at Law. For a debt of £10 owed by Caleb ANSELL, land was offered by publick auction and Frederick BLOUNT was highest bidder with a bid of £5. Land was situated in a place called Notts Island (acres was unreadable) Witnesses: Hollowell WILLIAMS, James WHITEHOUSE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 280] June 1, 1771 - I Maurice BAUM SEN. For and in consideration of the natural affection love and good will which I have and bear to my Grandson Azriah BAUM I convey and confirm unto him One Half of the cleard land I now live on. Begining at a bounded postes standing upon the sound side running from thence NorthWest until it intersects Joseph MON (Moon?) line and also I give to Azriah BAUM the one half of all my other lands lying and being on Roan Oak Island as by patten and deeds more fully appear. Witness: William NEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 281] June 1, 1771 - I Maurice BAUM for the natural love and good will which I bear to my Grandson Thomas BAUM do grant and convey One Half of the cleard land I now live on begining at a bounded postes standing upon the sound side running from thence a South and by East course as fare as the high land extends and also I give to the said Thomas BAUM One Half of all my other land lying and being on Roan Oak Island patten and deeds will more fully appear. Witnesses: Thomas MIDGETT, William ONEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 282-283] May 10, 1771 - Between Philip NORTHERN SEN., John NORTHERN, Son and heir of said Philip NORTHERN SEN., and Philip NORTHERN JR. Whereas by virtue of an Act of General Assembly of this province passed in the Twenty Second year of the reign of George the second King of Great Britain etc for cutting and docking the intails of small estate as in and by the said Act Relation being there unto had may more fully and at learge appear and where as by virtue of a writ of Ad Quo Damnum dated the first day of May in the eleventh year of the reign of George the third directed to the sheriff of Currituck County commanding him that by the oaths of good and lawful men of this county by whome the truth of the matter might be the better know to gently inquire if Philip NORTHERN SEN. and John NORTHERN Son and heir of the said Philip (who being upward of Twenty One years of age) should sell one hundred acres of land belonging situate on the Great Swamp near the head of Moyock Creek whereof the said Philip NORTHERN is seized in fee tail under the gift of John NORTHERN and also to inquire what value the said land is with the improvements thereon made in lawfull money and if the same be a separate parcel or part of and contiguous to other intail land in the possession of the said Philip NORTHEN in obedience to the writ aforesaid the said Sheriff by summoning a jury of sixteen good and lawfull men they being charged on their oaths do say that the value of the said land is £40 lawful money and no more and that it is separate parcel and not part of or contiguous to the other intailed land in possession of the said Philip NORTHERN and no damage to as or others his majestys his heirs or successors and there are hearby enabled to pass away and sell a fee simple estate of the said land not with standing the intail afsd.
Philip NORTHERN SEN. and John NORTHERN son and heir of Philip for and in consideration of the sum of £40 paid to them by Philip NORTHERN JR. for a tract of land situate on the Great Swamp near the head of Moyock Creek containing 100 acres the same land given by John NORTHERN, dec’d, in fee tails to Philip NORTHERN SEN. Witness: Josiah BOWREN, George POWERS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 284] January 11, 1771 - I John NORTHERN with Dolly my Wife for and in consideration of the sum of £50 paid by Philip NORTHERN for a parcel of land containing 130 acres, the same land having been patten by William STAFFORD, dec’d., near Moyock Creek.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 285] December 4, 1770 - I Thomas SHERGOLD with Grace my Wife for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Solomon ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land containing 22 acres bounded to the North by Sol. FLORY land to the East by the road to Hickery then Westerly by a line of marked trees to a pine in Richard CAMPBELLs line West by the CAMPBELL line to FLORAHs line to contain 22 acres. Witnesses: Richard CAMPBELL, Daniel KINNEN
[Deed Book 2, pg. 286] March 20, 1771 - Between Thomas BARROT and Richard BARROT JR. for and in consideration of the sum of £10 paid by Richard BARROT for a parcel of land being on Powels Point containing 50 acres. Various courses to Thomas SANDERSON line various courses to first station. Witnesses: Rubin BALL, Timothy IVES, John BARROT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 287] February 27, 1771 - Between Thomas SHERGOLD & Grace his Wife and Daniel KENION for and in consideration of the sum of £30 paid by KENION for a parcel of land containing 100 acres being part of a track of land pattened by William SHERGOLD known by the name of Buck Skin Island. Witness: Solomon ETHERIDGE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 288-289] May 10, 1771- Between William ODOWDY and Phillip NORTHERN for and in consideration of the sum of £40 paid by NORTHERN for a parcel of land containing 135 acres situated on the North fork of Moyock Mill Dam being the same parcel of land which the said William ODOWDY haired by the death of James STAFFORD beginning at a beach standing near the highway thence running along the highway to William BRIGHTs line along BRIGHTs line various courses to first station. Witnesses: John NORTHERN, Ann ETHERIDGE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 290] September 3, 1770 -I Rebecca JENNETT widow, for and in consideration of the sum of £200 paid by Jesse JENNETT Planter, for a parcel of land containing 150 acres lying on Cape Hatteras. Beginning at the Cape Pint various courses along Joseph JENNETTs line to first station. Witnesses: John FARROW, Joseph JENNETT, Jeremiah JENNETT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 291] 1771 (day and month left blank) - I Christopher ONEEL for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Joseph MIDGETT for a parcel of land lying and being on Chickinnicomock Banks various courses to the South side of Joseph MIDGETTs house containing 100 acres. Witnesses: Thomas MIDGETT, William ONEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 292] September 22, 1770 - I Rebecca JENNETT Widow for and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid by Joseph JENNETT for a parcel of land containing 150 acres lying and being in Cape Hatteras Banks beginning at Cape Creek running various courses then running along Hezekiah FARROWs line various courses. Witnesses: John FARROW, Jeremiah JENNETT, Jesse JENNETT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 293] 1771 (day and month left blank) - Know ye that I Carter BARNARD for and in consideration of the love good will & affection which I bear toward my loving children Thomas & Ann BARNARD have given and granted unto Thomas & Ann. To wit I give unto my Son Thomas one negro boy now about Five years old named Charles. I likewise give & grant unto my Daughter Ann one negro girl about the age of 3 named Peggy. If either of my children should die before they arrive to proper age then it is my gift & grant that ye surviving child should enjoy the others part. Witnesses: Thomas BARKER, John BLUMMES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 294-295] August 4, 1770 - Between William CATHEART Gentleman of North Hamton County province of North Carolina and Samuel JOHNSTON of Chowan County Attorney at Law and Frances his Wife the Daughter of William CATHEART. For and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath and bareth to his said Daughter and also of 5 shillings paid by Samuel JOHNSTON for a tract of land in Currituck County containing 1500 acres beginning at the North point of Gibson Creek thence up the bay side or Sanderson Channel various courses West across the Island to the sound known by the name of Croaten Bay various courses to the mouth of Gibsons Creek then across the Creek to first station. Witnesses: James IREDEL, Wiliam BUCHALL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 295] January 30, 1771 - Between James BURNHAM and Anna his Wife, and William CUMMING of the County of Pasquotank for and in consideration of the sum of £50 paid by CUMMING for a parcel of land containing 50 acres beginning at side of highway, along highway westerly various courses to Richard NECKENs line Northerly along NECKENs line to the North line of James BURNHAM patent thence along sd. Line a Northerly course to Marmaduke COXs line thence along sd. Line til a direct course to the first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, David JONES, George POWERS
[Deed Book 2, pg. 296] April 27, 1771 - Between Joseph SANDERSON SEN. And William HOLLOWAY for and in consideration of £30 paid by HOLLOWAY for a parcel of land containing 33 acres it being part of a patten granted to Joseph SANDERSON beginning at a millberry tree joining to Timothy IVES on the sound side various courses to Michel ONEEL line various courses to the old station again. Witnesses: Hodges BENSHAM, James PARKER, Michel ONEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 297-298] March 2, 1771 - Between James BURNHAM with Ann his Wife and Willis ETHERIDGE for and in consideration of the sum of £70 paid by ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land containing 150 acres. Being part of a deed of Grant to Samuel BRIGHT bareing date December 20, in the 22 year of George II reign, binding on William CUMMING line & Richard NICKENS line to the line of said grant. Witnesses: Marmeduke COX, Solomon COX, Joshua GAMBLING
[Deed Book 2, pg. 299]
September 10, 1770 -
Between Malichi DUDLEY and Jacob WILLIAMS for and in consideration of the
sum of £6
paid by WILLIAMS for a parcel of marsh containing 25 acres. Lying on a
place known by the name of Deep Hole Island being part of the patent granted
unto Thomas DUDLEY. Witnesses: Caleb ANSELL, Ann WHITE,
[Deed Book 2, pg. 300-301] On July 25, 1770 William DANIEL, JUN'R. of Currituck County sold to Solomon ASHBEE
of Currituck County, for £50 current
money, a tract of land in Currituck County on Roanoak Island containing 250
acres & bound by the marsh & the Sound. /s/ W.
DANIEL, JUN'R. Wit: Jacob B______,
William [x] ETHERIDGE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 301-302] July 23, 1771 - I William DANIEL JUN. for and in consideration of the sum of £30 paid to me by Jacob BEASLE for a parcel of land lying on Roanoak Island containing 250 acres. Witnesses: Abel ASHBEE, Solomon ASHBEE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 302-304] September 10, 1770 - In the fifth year of reign of George the second, an act for the more easy recovering of debts in his majesties plantations and colonies in America It is therein and thereby amongst other things enacted that from and after the 29th day of September 1732, the house and lands, negroes and other hereditaments and real estates situate or being within any of the said plantations belonging to any persons indebted shall be liable to and chargeable with any just debts, duties and demands of what nature ….owing by such persons to his majesty …and shall and may be assets for the satisfaction thereof By Virtue of a writ of our King commonly called a writ……out of the Court of Currituck County held at Poyners Point on the first Tuesday in June 1770………commanding the sheriff to cause to be made the sum of 18 Pounds 13 Shillings and 4 Pence like money which Neil SNODGRASS etc. lately recovered in his majesties court against Twyford BESLEY which were in and by the said court before his said majesties adjudged unto him as well for his damages which he sustained against Twyford BESLEY as for cost and charges …….. said sheriff had levied the said execution for the damages and costs on the lands and houses of Twyford BESLEY…..according to direction did advertise said land and houses and on 28 day of July 1770 sell and dispose of the same at Publick Vendue to one Francis WILLIAMSON as highest bidder for 18 Pounds 3 Shillings containing 50 acres situate on Curotuck Shore being the 50 acres BESLEY bought of WILLIAMSON……as also for and in consideration of the further sum of 5 Shillings to Solomon PERKINS paid my Francis WILLIAMSON
[Deed Book 2, pg. 305-306] February 10, 1770 - Between Jonathan POYNER of the County of Norfolk and Tully WILLIAMSON of the aforesaid County, the Sheriff of this County is to inquire if it may be of damage or prejudice of others if Jonathan POYNER should sell 100 acres situate on Currituck Shore. Whereof the said Jonathan POYNER is seized in intail under the Gift of Thomas VINCE, Margaret VINCE, Luke WHITE and Margaret WHITE and also enquire what value of lands etc by summoning a jury of 14 good and lawful men… and they say the value of said land is £30 and no damage to us or others. Therefore Jonathan POYNER sold to Tully WILLIAMSON 100 acres for £30 it being the land given by Thomas VINCE, Margret VINCE, Luke WHITE and Margret WHITE to Sarah POYNER Grandmother to Jonathan POYNER bounded by land belonging to Richard HARRISS various courses to Bayside parting premises and Plantation whereon Thomas VINCE now lives along Bay Northerly to first station. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, George POWERS, David JONES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 306] August 30, 1770 - I Mathias TOLAR for and in consideration of the sum of £10 paid by James TOLAR for a parcel of land being on the North Banks at Kittyhawke Bay know by the name of Cedar Hamack containing 50 acres various courses to John PEADRICK line & binding PEADRICKs land to Mingos Gut and along the said gut to the bayside from thence Long the Bay side to first station. Witnesses: William DUNSTUN, James SHANNEN
[Deed Book 2, pg. 307-308] March 28, 1770 - Between Joshua BARBER and Francis WILLIAMSON for the consideration of the sum of £50 paid by Francis WILLIAMSON for a parcel of land at the head or Fork of the Dam Bridge Run being the tract of land Joshua BARBER bought of Francis WILLIAMSON. Witnesses: Jesper LANE, Thomas BURGES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 308-309] April 7, 1770 - Between Joel POYNER JUN. and Margaret his Wife and Nathan POYNER for and in consideration of the sum of £15 paid by Nathan POYNER for a parcel of land it being on the land I bought of the said Joel POYNER by a deed bareing date February 5, 1760 containing 2 acres containing an Orchard containing about 60 trees which sd. Joel POYNER hath lease for bareing February 6, 1760, running various courses. Witnesses: Reuben BALL. John BARROT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 310] August 21, 1771 - Between Mathias TOLAR and Joseph BOURUS? Burrus or Bowren) for and in consideration of the sum of £10 paid by Joseph BOURUS for a parcel of land containing 50 acres lying in Currituck near a place cald TOLARs Old Field on the Sand Banks binding on Mathias TOLERs line. Witnesses: John WOODHOUSE, Sam. JARVES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 311] September 2, 1771 - Between Margret JONES and Joseph BOURUS? (Burrus or Bowren) for and in consideration of the sum of £10 for a certain tract of land containing 25 acres of land lying in County afsd. Various courses to a line of marked trees formerly called TAYLOR line to the swamp various courses to first station. Witnesses: Sam. JARVES, Samuel SALYEAR
[Deed Book 2, pg. 312-313] September 3, 1771 - Due to findings of jury Taylor JONES & Wife Sarah for and in consideration of the sum of £60 paid by Thomas MERCER for a certain plantation tract of land it being given by Thomas TAYLOR to his Daughter Elesebeth TAYLOR and part of patent baring date 1712 known by name of Backwoods. Beginning at William MUNCREEF & Joshua CAMPBELL corner tree to Willis WALKERs then down to Caleb WALKERs line various courses to first station to contain 200 acres. Witnesses: Wallis BRAY, Nathan ANSELL, Peter FEREBEE
[Deed Book 2, p. 314] Rubin TAYLOR to Jonathan TAYLOR. September 1, 1771. Both of Currituck. Copy is not clear on the number of pounds for a sales price, but it appears to be either six or ten. Land begins by NE corner of Reubin TAYLOR's land. Fifteen acres. /s/ Rubin (x - his mark) TAYLOR. Wit: Joel POYNER and Adam POYNER. Registered by order of September Court, 1771. Test, Saml. JARVES.
[Deed Book 2, p. 315]
September 1, 1771 from Thomas
to Jonathan
TAYLOR. Both of Currituck. Ten pounds. Fifty acres that were part of a patent of two hundred and fifty acres passing from Morris
to Thomas on June 10, 1760. There are references made in the description of the property to
TAYLOR's line and Reuben
TAYLOR's line. Witnesses: Ruben (x - his mark)
and Adam
POYNER. /s/ Thomas (x - his
TAYLOR. The above deed was
registered by order of September (?). September Court, 1771.
[Deed Book 2, p. 316-317]
September 2, 1771 -
Between Caleb ETHERIDG and Amos ETHERIDG JUN. for and in consideration of
the sum of £60
paid by Amos ETHERIDG for a parcel of land containing 119 acres.
Beginning at a gum John BALLANCE corner various courses to first station.
Witnesses: Jonah BOWREN,
[Deed Book 2, p. 317-318] September 5, 1771 - I Henery CHANDLER for and in consideration of the sum of £25 paid by James SHANNEN for a parcel of land containing 50 acres of land bounded as followeth: Beginning at a red oak on Currituck Sound & from thence WSW course by a line of marked trees to Samson ETHERIDGE line, binding on his line to Currituck Sound again so along the Sound to first station. Witnesses: Sam. JARVES, James ETHERIDGE
[Deed Book 2, p. 318-320] June 1, 1771 - Between William CUMMING of Pasquotank County Attorney at Law and Richard NICKENS, Taylor, of the County afsd. For and in consideration of the sum of £60 paid by Richard NICKENS for a parcel of land in Currituck County containing 120 acres it being called the Sitty? And held by a patent in the sd. NICKENS name line and Robert OVERMANs line beginning at a beach formerly cold Hanery BRIGHTs & Joseph HAMON line the run BRIGHTs line various courses to a gum on Samuel BRIGHTs corner tree various courses to a beach standing on the Woolpit Ridge a corner tree formerly colled Francis JONES various courses to joyning the sd. NICKENS former line various courses to a corner tree formerly a deviding line between Robert OVERMAN & Richard NICKENS thence to first station. Witness: John WORTH
[Deed Book 2, p. 320-321] September 2, 1771 - Between Nathaniel Spence WEST and his Wife Rebecca, George PLUMMER and John JONES for and in consideration of the sum of £25 paid by John JONES for a parcel of land containing 30 acres beginning at a branch that lys between John JONES & Joshua WEST various courses. Witnesses: Luke COWEL, Willoughby MARKERT, Edward WEST
[Deed Book 2, p. 322-323] September 2, 1771 - Between Kedar MARCHANT, John JONES and George PLUMMER for and in consideration of the sum of £25 paid by George PLUMMER for a parcel of land containing 50 acres. Beginning on the North side of Northwest River. Witnesses: Luke COWELL, Richard CORBETT, Abiah MARCHANT
[Deed Book 2, p. 323-324] April 5, 1771 - Between Bethier BIGGS widow of James BIGS and John BIGS for and in consideration of the sum of £13 paid by John BIGS for a tract of land containing 62 acres and my 3rd part of the houses it being my 3rd part and Right of Dowery of 186 acres of land as my dec’d. Husband lived on and 3rd by the surveyed known by the name of Betty Spane Ridg and the head of the Ridg. Witnesses: Hillery SIMMONS, Grace SIMMONS
[Deed Book 2, p. 325-326] September (blank) 1771 - I Caleb ETHERIDG for and in consideration of the sum of £75 paid by John ETHERIDGE for a tract of land containing 275 acres bounded as follows: lying on the Southwest side of the North West branch of Tulls Creek beginning at Lowes Creek running up the main Creek various courses to a little creek then up the creek along my line to Capps Swamp along the swamp to the Folly Run, running down the run to a beaver dam then down the Beaver Dam Creek to first station. Witnesses: Josiah BOWRIN, John JONES
[Deed Book 2, p. 326-327]
September 3, 1771 -
Between William CUMMING Esq. of County of Pasquotank and John BRIGHT JUN.
for and in consideration of the sum of £40
paid by John BRIGHT JUN. for a tract of land beginning in the highway
that leads to the Great Swamp, near the edg of the highway near Nicholas
NICHOLS long field fence thence running Westerly along the high way to a
beech standing in Richard NICKENS line from NICKENS line to
Samuel BRIGHTs patent line then Northerly along BRIGHTs patent line
to Duk COXs line thence easterly along said Duk COXs line to first
station containing 50 acres. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON,
[Deed Book 2, p. 327-328]
October 2, 1704 -
to our Great Deed of Grant bareing date May 1, 1668 given unto Edward TAYLOR
of Albemarle, under our hands and great seal of our said Province doe hereby
give unto Edward TAYLOR a tract of land containing 300 acres …..beginning
at a red oak tree standing by the Bay side and parting the land from the land
which belongeth to Foster JARVES various courses to first station. &
paying yearly every 29 day of September the rent of one shilling for every 50
acres……Provided that if the sd. Edward TAYLOR his heirs etc. doe not seet
or plant or cause to be seated or planted there on with in 3 years after the
date here of their patent to be void, otherwise to stand and be of full force.
DANIEL, Samuel
SWANN, Francis
[Deed Book 2, p. 329] April 11, 1720 - I Jeremiah SMITH of the Precinct of Currituck in the County of Albemarle for the love and affection that I bare unto Margaret BARROTT & her Son Richard BARROTT an infant, doe grant unto said Margaret BARROTT for her natural life then to her infant Son Richard BARROTT & the heirs lawfully begotten of her body for ever all that my Plantation & tract of land where on I now live containing 35 acres as by deed from Peter POYNER said premises being part of grater tract of land taken up and patent by Capt. William NICHOLSON who sold said land unto Peter POYNER. [Note: further down in deed it states 20 acres of land.] Witness: William PARKER
[Deed Book 2, p. 330] December 3, 1771 - Between David JONES & Elizabeth his Wife and Neil SNODGRASS for and in consideration of the sum of £80 paid by Neil SNODGRASS for a tract of land containing 100 acres being near the Court House on Currituck Shore. Beginning at a dividing tree between David JONES and Eldred FISHER various courses to first station.
[Deed Book 2, p. 330] March 23, 1771 - Between Dinah JENKINS and SNODGRASS & TEMPLEMAN of Norfolk County in Virginia for and in consideration of the sum of 50 shillings paid by SNODGRASS & TEMPLEMAN for 36 and 2/3 acres of land being my third part of 110 acres of land that fell to my Son Elisha JENKINS by the death of his Father James JENKINS. [No boundaries or description of land was given] Witnesses: Hillary SIMMONS, Peter MORISSET
[Deed Book 2, p. 331] October 31, 1771 - Between Thomas JONES of Edenton and Neil SNODGRASS & Richard TEMPLEMAN both of Currituck County, Merchants of Company, for and in consideration of the sum of £25 paid by SNODGRASS & TEMPLEMAN for a parcel of land in Currituck near Daniel PHILIPS land beginning at a corner black gum being at Margaret HEATHs, Thomas FANSHAW and Daniell PHILIPS corner trees then along the said PHILIPS line various courses to Amos ETHERIDGE line along ETHERIDGE line to first station containing 50 acres of land, it being so much land taken out of Robert HEATH the Elovis patent. Witnesses: Hillary SIMMONS , Moses BUNNILL
[Deed Book 2, p. 332-333] August 8, 1771 - Between Luke LAMB of Pasquotank and George MAY of Eggharber West Gersey Mercth. [West Egg Harbor, New Jersey, merchant] for and in consideration of the sum of £125 paid by George MAY for a tract of land or Juniper Swamp lying in County of Currituck near the middle of the Great Swamp that divides Currituck and Pasquotank Counties beginning various courses to a tree marked by Willis BRIGHT various courses to Jacob WHITE line various courses to first station containing 100 acres of Juniper Swamp it being the same parcel of Juniper Swamp and light? land taken up by Gideon LAMB and contains 700 acres as by Deed of Grants bareing date November 9, 1761 which ???? 100 acres of land and Juniper Swamp was conveyed from Gideion LAMB to the sd. Luke LAMB by his assigning over to him the Deed of Grant. Witnesses: Gideon LAMB, Robert GRAY
[Deed Book 2, pg. 334] June 4, 1771 - I Willis ETHERIDG Planter with Lydia my Wife and Hillery WHITE for and in consideration of the sum of £40 paid by Hillery WHITE for a tract of land containing 130 acres it being my Wifes Dower part of the land & plantation which belonged to Capt. Hillery WHITE dec’d. lying on North end of Churches Island. Witnesses: Fred BLOUNT, Josiah NICHOLSON
[Deed Book 2, pg. 335] September 10, 1771 - Between Abell KILLAM and Sgadrack KALLAM for and in consideration of the sum of £30 for a parcel of land containing 62 acres beginning at Coinjock Bay at a ditch thence a direct course to a oak standing in the edge of Joshua CAMPLE line plantation thence along direct line adjoining Theoflus KILLAMs line to water side. Witnesses: James RYON, Robert POYNER
[Deed Book 2, pg. 336] September 10, 1771 - Between Abel KALLAM and Theoflus KALLAM for and in consideration of the sum of £30 paid by Theoflus KALLAM for a parcel of land containing 62 acres. Beginning at Coinjock Bay on the line formerly Wallis BRAYs and various courses binding said Brays line to first station. Witnesses: Abell DOUGLASS, Benjamin PORTWOOD
[Deed Book 2, pg. 337] September 14, 1769 - Between Henery HAMAN of the County of Pasquotank and Peter DAUGE for and in consideration of the sum of £65 paid by Peter DAUGE for a parcel of land 250 acres. Beginning at Rhodoms Point various courses binding Rhodoms Point. Witnesses : Thomas HUMPHRIES; Joseph BELL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 338] February 12, 1771 - Between Ezekiel EVANS Planter of Powells Point and Thomas EVANS for and in consideration of the sum of £9 paid by Thomas EVANS for a tract of land containing 75 acres. Beginning near North River various courses to SIMMONS line various courses along SIMMONS line to Grate Swamp from thence to first station. Witnesses : Richard DOUGH [other witness torn off]
[Deed Book 2, pg. 339] September 13, 1769 - Between Robert JORDAN Planter of County of Pasquotank and Henery HAMAN farmer of said County for and in consideration of the sum of £65 paid by Henery HAMAN for a tract of land lying in Currituck County containing 250 acres. Beginning at Rhodoms Point various courses around Rhodoms Point to first station. Witnesses : Thomas HUMPHRIES; Peter DAUGE, JUN., Joseph BELL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 340] July 5, 1771 - Between William ELKS and George CLEARK for and in consideration of the sum of £50 for a parcel of land containing 50 acres on Hatarass Banks. Witnesses: Thomas OLIVER, John SCARBROUGH, Thomas MILLER JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 341] October 8?, 1771 - I Willis ETHERIDGE for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid to me by Joseph POYNER for a tract of land containing 50 acres, beginning West side of Tulls Creek being part of a patent granted to John ETHERIDGE baring date May 20, 1761 beginning at a beech William SCOTTs line running and joyning sd. SCOTTs line according to demonshons of the sd. Patant to a post known by the name of Daniel LEEs path along sd path to a stab mark line to Dennis ROYORD line various courses along ROYORD line to first station. Witnesses: Richson MORSE, Elisabeth MORSE
[Deed Book 2, pg. 342] October 1, 1770 - Between Solomon BRIGHT of County of Hyde and Henery BALLENTINE of County of Currituck for and in consideration of the sum of £35 paid by Henery BALLENTINE for a tract of land lying in Currituck containing 43 acres. Beginning joyning upon Daniel PHILIPS land and the lands of Thomas DAVIS & Dowstus WILLIAMS being the other half of the plantation known by the name of BRIGHTs near Tulls Creek. Witnesses: Mary ROLAND, Nathan ANSELL, Josiah SLACK
[Deed Book 2, pg. 343] January 22, 1771 - the Sheriff of Currituck is commanded to acquire the oaths of good and lawful men as to the value of the land and if any damages would occur if Thomas LURRY & Wife Mary of Pasquotank sold 300 acres of land lying on Currituck Shore to Robert CARTWRIGHT it being the land where of the said Thomas LURRY is seized in Fee tail and the Last Will and Testament of Thomas VANDERMULIN. Whether it be separate parcel or be contigious to other intailed lands. The jury says that the true value is £40 and no more and it is a separate parcel and not contigious to others and of no damage of us or others and he Thomas LURRY is enabled to sell the land. For and in consideration of the sum of £40 Thomas LURRY & Mary his wife doth sell unto Robert CARTWRIGHT a tract of land lying on Currituck Shore formerly held by Thomas LURRY in fee tail under the Last Will and Testament of Thomas VANDERMULIN. Witnesses: Francis WILLIAMSON, John CORNICK, Arthur WARDEN
[Deed Book 2, pg. 344] Feb. 12, 1771 Thos. EVANS, planter of Currituck County, sold to Richard DOUGH, boatsman of Currituck County, for the consideration of 4 pounds proclamation money, 35 acres of land on Powells Point beginning at a post in the road at James THOMAS' line, east to a pine, along a savannah to a post, a corner, north along the side of the savanah to a sweet gum, to a live oak in Iseakle JOINS plantation, north to a pyne, to Benjamin EVANS line to the Creek Savanah at a corner tree, west along said line to Henry EVANS, to a pine in the corner, south to a pine, a read oak, another read oak, to the road, to my own old line. /s/ Thomas EVINS. Witnesses: Ezikiel [x] EVANS, Calup [w] CHAPLIN, Calup ODOWDY, Joseph EVINS, Henry EVINS.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 345] June 16, 1771 - Between Henery CLARK Planter and George CLEARK for and in consideration of the sum of £26 for a tract of land on Hatteras Banks containing 50 acres. Joining on end William ELKS line. Witnesses: Thomas OLIVER, John SCARBROUGH, Thomas MILLER JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 346] September 26, 1771 - Between Francis JACKSON on Ocracock Island in the County of Cartwright (Carteret) and William BALLANCE of Currituck County for and in consideration of sum of £40 for a tract of land on Haterass Banks containing 245 acres. Beginning on the South side a little to the South of John ONEALs landing various courses joyning on Thomas AUSTINs line various courses to first station. Witnesses: Jacob FARROW JUN., Thomas MILLER JUN., John ONEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 347] September 26, 1771 - I Francis JACKSON Pylot of Oacrecock Island in the County of Cartwright (Carteret) for and in consideration of the sum of £10 paid by William BALLANCE Planter, of Hatterass Banks of Currituck for a certain piece of land containing 50 acres situated on Hatterass Banks being the Northmost part of a tract of land convey to Francis JACKSON by Thomas STOW by deed bareing date November 8, 1768. Witnesses: Jacob FARROW JUN., Thomas MILLER JUN., John ONEEL
[Deed Book 2, pg. 348] September 26, 1771 - I Francis JACKSON of Oarocock Island in the County of Cartwright (Carteret) for and in consideration of £50 paid by Thomas DUNCAN of Hattress Banks for a parcel of land containing 92 1/2 acres situated on Hattrass Banks beginning at sound side at Jacksons Point various courses to William REED old patent various courses to William BALLENTINE line various courses to a pond at Gibbs Cove then across Jacksons Creek along marsh to first station. Witnesses: Jacob FARROW JUN., William BALLANCE, John ONEEL JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 349] September 26, 1771 - I Francis JACKSON Poilate of Ocacock Island in the County of Cartrote (Carteret) for and in consideration of the sum of £50 paid by Thomas DUNCAN for a parcel of land containing 99 acres situate on Hatterass Banks. Beginning on the East side of Joshuas Creek, commonly so colled, various courses to Jacksons Creek. Witnesses: Jacob FARROW JUN., William BALLANCE, Thomas MILLER JUN., John ONEEL JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 350] September 26, 1771 - I Francis JACKSON Pilote of Oarcock Island in the County of Cartret for and in consideration of the sum of £20 paid by Thomas DUNCAN of Hatterass Banks for a certain tract of land containing 32 acres of land lying on Hatterass Banks. Beginning at a point on the East side of Jackson Creek known by the name of the Wadeing Place back to beginning. Witnesses: Jacob FARROW JUN., William BALLANCE, Thomas MILLER JUN., John ONEEL JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 351] September 29, 1764 - Know all men that I Solomon MILLER am held and firmly bound unto Able BRADLEY for the just sum of £100 to be paid to Able BRADLEY his certain attorney. The obligation is for a tract of land containing 110 acres on the North side of the Norwest River it being the said land sold from Thomas SUGS to William MARSHEL and Solomom MILLER before mentioned to the afsd. Abel BRADLY. Witnesses: Lewis PRICE, William IVES, Kedar MERCHANT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 352] November 5, 1771 - This indenture made between John of the County of Norfolk Son of Samuel SIMMONS Dec’d of Currituck for and in consideration of the sum of £70 paid by John ACKISS for a tract of land containing 60 acres situate in Currituck County. Lying of Crow Island being the one half of the Island which his Father Samuel SIMMONS in his Last Will & Testament (Note: nothing else is said about the land) Witnesses: Jonathen JACKSON, James REA , Barnaby ??
[Deed Book 2, pg. 353] October 16, 1771 - Between Butler COWELL and Mary his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of £100 paid by John ACKISS for a tract of land containing 60 acres for half an Island known as Crow Island lying near Currituck Inlet being same place Butler COWELL lately bought of John ACKISS. Witnesses: Henry CAPPS, William SHIPP, William KILGORE Mary COWELL having been examined by John WOODHOUSE and Samuel JARVES and they report that she relinquished her right and Dower to the sd. Land
[Deed Book 2, pg. 354] March 2, 1772 - Between John BESELY for and in consideration of the sum of 3 Pounds 10 Shillings paid by Taylor JONES for a tract of land containing 7 acres known by the name of the Shop. Joining to the sd. JONES land and Michel WATERFIELD land. Witnesses : John ANSELL, James MORRIS, John BESELY JUN.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 355] January 31, 1771 - Between John WARDEN and Elizabeth his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of £70 paid by Francis WILLIAMSON for a tract of land containing 68 acres on the Currituck Shore, the land and plantation whereon the said John WARDEN lives on. Witnesses: Samuel WALLIS, Sarah BARBER?
[Deed Book 2, pg. 368] 20 Feb 1772, Mar [--]; Kedar MARCHANT of Currituck to Willoughby MARCHENT, cons. 50 pounds current money of Virginia, 100A, beg. at a white oak on Tobacco Bed Point up Draper's Creek, to Drapers Point, w. to Orphens Branch, by a line of marked trees to a corner white oak, s.e. by a lind of marked trees to 1st station; Witnesses: Luke COWEL, Caleb MARCHANT, Samuel LOCKHARD /s/ Kedar MARCHANT, Catherine [x] MARCHANT.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 368] 28 Feb 1772, Mar 1772; Willoughby MARCHANT of Currituck Co. to Caleb MARCHANT of Currituck Co., cons. 20 pounds cm of Virginia, to confirm land in actual possession of Caleb MARCHANT, 50 acres on the north side of Norwest River, beginning at a sweet gum near pocosin, north by a line of marked trees to a corner sweet gum, n.e. by a line of marked trees to [ ] of a branch, a white oak, marsh and pocosin; Witnesses: Luke COWELL, Willis [x] COATS, Mary [x] NICHOLSON. /s/ Willoughby MARCHANT
[Deed Book 2, pg. 375]
Hillary WHITE to
Indenture made the 26th Day of July 1774 in the 14 year of the reign
of our Sovereign Lord George The Third King of Grat Britain & Whereas by virtue
of an act of General Assembly made & read in the twenty second year of the the
[sic] reign of our Late Sovereign Lord Georg [sic] the Second King of Great
Britain afsd. for [Cating ?] and Doskin the Intail of Small Estates as in and by
the said act Related being had will more fully appear and whereas by Virtue of a
[?] of adquedamnum dated at the Secretarys office at Newbern the 20th
Day of May in the forteenth year of our Reign Witnessed by Joseah MARTEN
Eqr our Capt general governor in and over our Said province of North Carolina
directed to the Sheriff of Currituck County Commanding him that by the oath of
good and lawful men of this County by Whome the truce [“th” is over the “ce”] of
the matter might be the Better known to Delgently Inquire if it may be to the
Damage of us or others if Hillary WHITE Should Sell Two Hundred acre of
Land with the Improvement theron Situate in Currituck County Where of the sd.
Hillary WHITE is Seized as tenant in fee tait under the gifte of Hillary
WHITE Decd. and also To Inquire What Vallue the sd. land is with the
Improvements Thereunto belonging and made in good and lawfull money of the
Kingdom of Great Britain & Whether the land be Contegious to other Intared lands
of the sd. Hillary WHITE & and in obedeane [?] to the writ aforesaid the
said Sheriff by summoning Misters Robert CARTRIGHT Thomas JARVES Carter
BARNARD William RUSSEL Benjamin [smudged or erased] LYNDSEY John LENSEY
JARVES William HOLLOWAY Timothy Thos TAYLOR Wm CHAPLEN who being charged on
their oaths Do say that the true vallue of two hundred acres of land of
Hillary WHITE afsd. which he is seized in fee Tail is forty pounds lawful
mony of our Kingdom of Great Britain & no more and that it is a seperate parcel
& not contegious to other Intard Lands of the sd. Hillary WHITE and no
Damage to us or others if his Majesty his heirs or successors and he is hereby
enabled to pass away and Sell the Fee Simple Estate of the Said Land
Notwithstanding the Intail afsd. and Whereas Hillary WHITE afsd. of
Currituck in the province of North Carolina of the one part and Samuel JARVES
of the County and province afsd the other part Witnesseth that the sd.
Hillary WHITE for and in Consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds
Proclamation money to me in hand paid by Sam JARVES the receipt whereof I
do acknowledge and my self therewith fully satisfied Contented and paid and of
Every part and percell thereof I exonerate aquit and Discharge him the Said
Samuel JARVES his heirs & assigns Excr. adminr. forever have given granted
Bargained and Sold and by these presents do fully freely and absolutely give
grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto Samuel JARVES his heirs and
assigns forever a certain Plantation and tract and percel of Land Situate in the
Currituck County on Churches Island Begining at the Sound joyning the High Land
and Marsh Thence along the Banks the several courses thereof Bounded by the
water to the middle of a small Marsh commonly know as the The Name of Long Marsh
to the Eastermost Side then a [?] Course to the woods thence a Southwest by a
Line of marked trees to the Back Line or waters thence Northerly 2 ½ degrees to
the first station containing two hundred acres more or less to have and to hold
the Bargained premises with all the appurtenances and advantages to the Same
belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the sd. Sam JARVES his heirs
and assigns for Ever in as [?] and ample a manner as is set fourth aforesaid
furthermore I the sd. Hillary WHITE for me my self my heirs Excur. admr.
and assigns do Covenant and ingage the above granted and Bargained premises to
him the sd. Samuel JARVES his heirs and assigns against the lawfull Claim
of any persons Whatsoever furthermore I do warrent and forever Defend the said
Bargained premises form all manner of writs grants Bargains Intails dowers
Execution or incumbrences Whatsoever In Witness Whereof I have here unto set my
hand and Seal This Day and Date above Writen Signed Sealed & Delivered in
presents of John HUMPHRIS, Thos JARVES, Robt CARTRIGHT,
Alxard Legd
/s/ Hillary WHITE.
Sept. Superior Court of Please & Quarter Sessions 1774. A Deed of Sale of land from Hillary WHITE to To S. JARVES proved in open Court by the oath of Jno. HUMPHRES in due form of law one of the subscribing witnesses on motion was ordred to be Registerd. Test: Hollo WILLIAMS, CC. Registerd by Sam JARVES, Register
[Deed Book 2, pg. 376] Daniel LENDSEY to Sam JARVES. This Indenture made this 30th day of July 1774 Between Daniel LYDNSEY of the County of Currituck and province of North Carolina of the one part and and [sic] Samuell JARVES of the same County and province afds. of the other part Witnesseth that the sd. Daniel LYNDSEY for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds Prock money to me in hand paid by the afsd Sam JARVES the receipt whereof I do acknowledge myself therewith fully satisfied contented and paid have given granted bargained and sold and by these present do give grant bargain and sell alein and convey unto the sd. Samuel JARVES [“the ? of” was erased] his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or percel of land lying and being in the county afsd upon the North End of an Island Conmonly known by the Name of Churches Island Bounded as Viz Begining at the Sound Joyning the high land and marsh Thence along the banks a Southerly Course the varies Courses of the Bank bounded by the waters to the middle of a small marsh thence a short course to the woods thence a Southwest Course by a line of marsh then to the Bank line thence North 2 ½ degrees west bounded by the varies of the River to Goos Castle Point thence a south East Course to the first station containing by estemation two hundred acres be the same more or less together with all houses buiding ways woods waters courses Profits commodeteis Heredatiment and appurtenances unto him the said Samuel JARVES his heirs Excrs. adms. or assigns forever To have and to hold the sd. granted and Bargained premises with the appurtenances as afsd unto the sd. JARVES as afsd & I the sd. Daniel LYNDSEY Doth agree to warrent & Defend the said afsd land land [sic] [a word was erased] against the claims of me my heirs Excrs adms and assigns will warrent warrent [sic] and forever defend the sale of sd land unto Sam JARVES his heirs and assigns as witness my hand and seal this Day and Date above writen & Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of John HUMPHRIS, Salvanus HOWELL. /s/ Daniel LYNDSEY
Currituck County SS Sept Supr. Court of Plase & Quarter Sessn 1774. A Deed of Sale of land from Daniel LYNDSEY to Sam JARVES proved in open Court in Due form of Law. Ordered to be Registered. Test Holo WILLIAMS. Registerd By Sam JARVES
[Deed Book 2, pg. 377] Mathias TOLAR to John HUMPHRES. June 20, 1773. To all Christen People to Whome these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that I Mathias TOLAR of of [sic] the County of Currituck and province of North Carolina for & in consideration of fifteen pounds prock Money to me in hand paid before the insealing and Delivery hereof by John HUMPHRIS of the County and province afsd. March the recept whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and there of and Every part thereof do Exonerate aquit and Discharge the said John HUMPHRIS his heirs Excrs. admins. & assigns forever by these presents have given granted Bargained and Sold alened conved and Confirmed and by these presents do fully frely and absolutely give grant Bargain and Sell & convey unto John HUMPHRIS and his heirs forever one Certain peace or percell of land Containing one Hundred acres more or less lying on Kity Hawke bay on the No. Banks Begining at the middle Ridge Cald Hickery Ridge Running North Corse to the Duck pond from thence westerly unto Northence from thence Southwardly unto the Bay as by Patten will appear to have and to hold the sd. hundred acres of land to sd John HUMPHRES to him and his heirs forever to their Benefit in and Behoof with all previledges thereunto belonging with orchards Pasture Houses fences Woods marsh and waterfineer and all prevelidges their unto Belonging and furthermore I the sd. Mathias TOLAR do warrent and defend the sd land unto the sd. John HUMPHRIS againt the lawfull clame or clames of any person or persons whatsoever. Witnesses: James SHANNON, William SHARPLEY. /s/ Mathias [his x mark] TOLAR.
?] Srpr Court of Please & Quarter Session 1774 Present his Majestys Justus
A Deed
of sale of land from Mathias TOLAR to John HUMPHRIS was
acknowledged in open Court in Due form of Law. Ordred to be Registerd.
Test Holo WILLIAMS. Registerd
[Deed Book 2, p. 383] A deed from Martin PORTWOOD to John STEPHENS, dated January 21, 1771, was witnessed by Jonathan TAYLOR.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 395] 1771. William
Daniel to Joseph Daniel…for and in consideration of the Love and
good will which I have and Do bare unto my beloved Son Joseph Daniel
…..all my Land and marsh whatsoever on Roanoake Island…. /s/ William
Daniel Witnesses: Sam Jarves, Belcher Daniel
[Deed Book 2, p. 411]
September, 1772. Taylor
and wife to William
FEREBEE. Land given by Thomas
to his daughter Elizabeth in a deed of gift; Taylor
being the son of and surviving heir of said Elizabeth. Bordered by Caleb
JONES. /s/ Taylor
JONES, Sarah (x - her mark)
JONES. Witnesses: Sam
LURRY(?). September (?) 1772 Court.
[Deed Book 2, p. 416]
and wife Esther of Currituck Precinct, Albemarle County, to my daughter Sophia
wife of Peter
POYNER, a deed of gift for 200 acres on the northeast side of North River beginning at Broad Branch, land adjoins that of my son Thomas and daughter Elizabeth, part of a patent of 447 acres granted December 2, 1712.
/s/ Thomas
TAYLOR, Esther [x]
TAYLOR . Wit: Henry
CADEY, Andrew PEACOCK. A date shows April 14, 1719?
or 1749? (year unclear).
[Deed Book 2, p. 432]
and Elizabeth, his wife, to Adam
POYNER. September 15, 1772.
Wit: Jonathan
POYNER, and Thomas (x - his mark)
[Deed Book 2, pg. 433]
On November 20, 1772, Josiah
witnessed a deed from Willis
to William
[Deed Book 2, pg. 455] Legrand WHITEHALL to Hadley WOODHOUSE. This deed made the 21st Day of Jany 1774 Betwen Alexander Legrand WHITEHALL of the County of Currituck and and [sic] province of North Carolina of the one part and Hadley WOODHOUSE of the County & Province afsd of the other witnesseth that the sd. Legrand WHITEHALL for and consideration of the sum of twenty pounds prock mony to him in hand paid the Recept wherof he doth acknowledge him self there with fully satisfied contended and paid have given granted bargained and sold and by these present do give grant bargain and sell unto the afsd Hadley WOODHOUSE his heirs and assigns forever all that peace of land conveyd by the Hezekiah WOODHOUSE and the sd. Hadley WOODHOUSE unto Robt. WHITEHALL as will appear by Deed Baring Date 1768? [this date appears to be 1768 but, according to page 116 above, the year should be 1769] being there to had will at Large appear which land is [a piece is missing] of the Branch field to have and to hold the sd. percel of land with the appurtenances there unto Belonging or in any wise appurtaining unto the sd. Hadley WOODHOUSE his heirs Exers. adms. or assigns forever in as full and ample manner as is set forth in the before Recited Deed furthermore I the sd. Legrand WHITEHALL for my self my heirs and assigns shall and will warrent & Defend the sd. land unto the sd. Hadley WOODHOUSE against me my heirs and assigns unto him his heirs and assigns forever in Quietly Peaceable possession of the In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Day and Date above writen. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Sam JARVES, Thos. JARVES, Benj. LYNSEY. /s/ Alexander Legrad WHITEHALL.
June Superior Court of Please and Quarter Sess. 1774. Deed of sale of land from Legd WHITEHALL to Hadley WOODHOUSE proved in open Court in Due form of law by the oath of Sam JARVES Esq. Ordered to Be Registerd. Test: Hollo WILLIAMS, CC. Registerd By Sam JARVES, Register}
[Deed Book 2, pg. 466] Robert BURRUS, planter of Currituck County sold to John MIDGIT of Currituck County, for 60 pounds, 50 acres of land in Currituck County on Chickamacomico Banks. This indenture was made May 22, 1773. Wit: John WHEDBEE. /s/ Robert BURRUS.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 473] On June 14, 1774 Elizabeth ASHBEE of Currituck County granted "for the love and affection that I bare my son Abell ASHBEE of Currituck County....all that parcel of land left me by his father Solomon ASHBEE on the easternmost side of Roanoak Island binding on Stephen WESCOTT, Morris BAUM land, excepting my lifetime in said land & premises I reserved excepting my 1/3 part of the great house finished by my son Able ASHBEE which house I give in part or thirds to the said Able ASHBEE..." /s/ Elizabeth [x] ASHBEE. Wit: Steven WESTCOT, Solomon ASHBEE. Proved June Term 1774
[Deed Book 2, pg. 499] I CALEB BELL for and in consideration of the sum of Twelve Pounds paid to me by Thomas TILLETT hath bargained and sold a certain messuage & tract of land lying on the North Banks known by the name of Steth? beginning at Edmond BEACHAM line & binding on Nicholas LUNNs line & so binding on TILLETTs line about SE course by the patent will further appear from thence to the head of Jarvis Creek thence long sound side by various courses to first station containing 317. Signed and sealed this 23 Day of July Anno Domini 1772. Witnesses: Nicholas LUNN, Edmond [E] Beacham
[Deed Book 2, pg. 500] This indenture made (blank) of May 1774 between John PERKINS SEN. and John PERKINS JUN. for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Pounds, sold a certain tract of land commonly called Buckskin beginning at a pine standing on the Beaver Dam being one of SHERGOLDs East ????? thence on an Easterly course about a mile to Humphrey POYNERs West line thence along that line about Northerly course to John THOMAS line thence about Westerly course to head of POYNERs Dam thence Southerly course to first station containing (Blank) acres of land more or less. Witnesses: Caleb ANSELL; James FEREBEE. Proved: June Superior Court of Pleas & Quarter Session 1774.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 501-502] March 7, 1773 - Richard BARROTT of the County of Curituck and province of North of the one part and Lem. SANDERSON of the County as the other part. Where as by virtue of an Act of General Assembly passed the Twenty Second Year of the reign of our Soverign Lord George the Second King of Great Britain & for cutting and Docking the Intail of small Estates as in and by the said Relation being thereunto now will more fully and at Large appear and whereas by the Virtue of a Writ at the Secretarys office the 7th day of March in the Thirteen year of our Soverign George the Third Direccted to the Sheriff of Currituck County afsd commanding him that by the oath of good and lawfull men of the Haywood County by whome the truth of the matter may be the better known to Dilligently Inquire ???? may ??? the Damage of us or others if RICHARD BARROTT should sell Twenty acres of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Currituck County lying on the Road from the Courthouse to Powells Point and joining Nathan POYNER whereof the said RICHRD BARROT is sized as Tenant in fee tail under the Deed of Gift of Jeremiah SMITH and also to Inquire what value the land is with the improvements thereon made in good and lawfull mony of our Kingdom of Great Britain and if the same be a parcel of or Contegious to other Intailed land in the possession of the said Richard BARROT in obedience to the writ afsd the sheriff by summoning Nineteen good and Lawfull men to say that the true value of the sd. Tract of land is Thirty Pound lawfull money of Great Britain & no more & that it is a separate parcel and not contegious to other intailed lands in the possession of the said BARROT and no Damage to us or others his majestys etc. Richard BARROTT for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty Pounds to him in hand paid by Lemuel SANDERSON a parcel or tract of land lying and being near the main road Twenty acres more or less bounded as follows on the Swamp by various courses binding on the swamp to Thomas SANDERSON SEN. Various other courses to the first station. /s/ Richard [x] BARROTT, Dinah [x] BARROT. Witnesses: Soll. PERKINS, Nathan POYNER. Proved: June Superior Court of Pleas & Quarter Session 1774.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 502] Feb. 8, 1874 - Isaac DAVIS of the County of Norfolk and parrish of St. Brides, for and in consideration of the sum 165 Pounds current money of Virginia paid to Isaac DAVIS hath bargained and sold known by name of Isaac DAVIS adjoining the land of Lovey WILSON and the land cald Sugs land and the land of said Henry BALLENTINE and binding on the North River pocousin containing 150 acres more or less. Witnesses: Jesse BENNET, Jonas SLACK. Proved: June Superior Court of Pleas and Quarter Session 1774
[Deed Book 2, pg. 515] Feb. 2, 1774 - Amos ETHERIDGE SEN.. and Mary his wife of the precinct of Currituck for and in consideration of the great Love and Effection that I have and do bear unto my well beloved Son Amos ETHERIDGE JUN. for Sundry Consideration and Divers Respect? His gentle and kind behaviour Constantly moveing my Earnest Desire to him have by these presents I do give and confirm 250 acres of land in Currituck on the sd. Norwest Branch of Tuls Creek beginning at the mouth of a little creek that divides the said land and John HUGHS then running up the Creek and branch to a line of marked trees, thence along SNODGRASS Corner tree thence along Snodgrass line and Caleb BELLs line to John ETHERIDGE corner it being known by name of Zeb WILLIAMS land thence running the said ETHERIDGE line and WILLIAMS line to the main Creek then running the Creek to the first station. /s/ Amos ETHERIDGE, Mary ETHERIDGE. Witnesses: James ETHERIDGE, James [x] ETHERIDGE. Registered: Sept. 1774.
[Deed Book 2, pg. 516] June 5, 1774 - Caleb ANSELL of Knotts Island do set and devise to John EVINS of same County and Province 50 acres of the estate that he now possess on Knotts Island …….from the day of date hereof during the term of Fifteen years….beginning at a staked oak at Jno. ANSELLs line running Southerly by a slab? line into the line of Henry WHITE SEN. the said land lying to the westward of the sd. Slab line. John EVINS to pay yearly to Caleb ANSELL a pepper corn, during the said time, the sd. John EVINS doth oblige himself unto the sd. C. ANSELL to cleare and plant fifteen thousand corn hills and fifty apple trees and to build and finish a frame house twenty by fifteen within ???? neither is the sd. EVINS to sell bestow or set any timber of the land without the sd. Caleb ANSELLs consent. /s/ Caleb ANSELL. Witnesses: Wm BEESLEY, Brigit [x] BEESLEY, Abigal [x] EVINS.
No part of these deed abstracts may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these deeds that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you either order a copy of the deed from the county or look at a copy of the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.
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