[Deed Book 13; pg. 1-2] March 23, 1810 - I Jeremiah BRIGHT for the sum of $1000 Silver paid to me by Samuel FEREBEE & Brickhouse BELL for all that tract of land that I bought of Thomas BARNARD? Bounded by the lands of Peter BARNARD, Edmond BARNARD, Samuel FEREBEE & Samuel W. FORBES containing 157 acres. Now know you that if Jeremiah BRIGHT do well & truly pay & save the afsd. FEREBEE & BELL from the payment of $1000 in 2 notes payable to Thomas BARNARD, 1 payable Jan. 1, 1811, the other payable to BARNARD Jan. 1, 1812. Witness Mitchel GREGORY
Feb. 28, 1815 - I Brickhouse BELL do assign over unto Samuel FEREBEE the other Mortgage, all my interest or claim, he becoming the purchaser of the land contained in said Mortgage Deed at the Sheriffs sale by Execution for the debts. Witness Thos. C. FEREBEE; Registered March 4, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 3-6]
Nov. 30, 1814 -
I Isaac
BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of 3 Writs of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas &
Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Jeremiah
BRITS, Samuel FEREBEE & Brickhouse BELL to cause the sum of £250 with interest
which lately was recovered by Thomas BARNARD Wm. T. MUSE recovered against them
for debt besides the sum of £4 for cost.
Writ of the goods, chattles & lands of Jeremiah BRIGHT, Samuel FEREBEE, &
Brickhouse BELL to cause the sum of £250 which Thomas BARNARD Wm. T. MUSE
recovered of them for debt, & the sum of £4 for costs.
Writ of the goods, chattles & lands of Jeremiah BRIGHT & John DOZIER cause to be
made the sum of £250 with intrest recovered by Thomas BARNARD Wm. T. MUSE for
debt in addition to the sum of £4 costs.
In obedience I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs by direction of Samuel
FEREBEE & Brickhouse BELL did take into possession a tract of land whereon
Jeremiah BRITE lately lived which land was mortgaged to them, to secure the
first 2 debts above. On Nov. 25, 1814 on the premises after public notice at
public Vendue the land was exposed for sale when appeared Samuel FEREBEE & bid
the sum of $7.75 per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of
3 Writs & the total sum of $1217.87 have granted & conveyed all that land
whereon Gen. Jeremiah BRITE last lived by the lands of the heirs of Peter
BARNARD dec’d & Edmond BARNARD & the heirs of Samuel W. FORBES dec’d unto
Samuel FEREBEE. Witness T. BAXTER, Jno. GRAY; Registered March 4, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 7-8] Feb. 28, 1814 - Patent No. 545 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres hereby granted paid into our Treasury by David JONES for & on behalf of his Daughter Mary C. JONES for a tract of land containing 175 acres between POYNER’S bridge & Buckskin Bridge. Beginning at POYNER’S bridge to Buckskins Creek to James HARVEY’S line along his line various courses to the first. Entered July 7, 1813. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Mary C. JONES causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/William HAWKINS; Registered March 16, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 8-9] Jan. 29, 1814 - Patent o. 554 to Thomas DOUGLASS, for 50 shillings per every 100 acres, a certain tract of land containing 100 acres it being a Marsh and Shoal on Bodes Island near New Inlet, beginning at the South West point of Pea Island various courses to the first station. Witnessed by William HAWKINS Esquire our Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief at Raleigh the 28th day of November 1814; Registered March 4, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 9-10] Dec. 4, 1811 - Patent No. 539 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted paid into our Treasury by Thomas TILLETT have given granted unto him a tract of land containing 120 acres on the North Banks near Nags Head. Beginning in Daniel WILLIAM’s line with his line various courses to John & Thomas WILLIAM’s line to Laben & Spence ROGERS line binding on their line to the first. Entered Jan. 6, 1807. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums of money as may be directed by our General Assembly, provided that Thomas TILLETT causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ Benjamin SMITH; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 11-12] Nov. 28, 1814 - Patent No. 555 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres hereby granted & paid into our Treasury by James HARVEY have granted unto him a tract of land containing 42 ½ acres on Currituck Shore. Beginning at the water Thomas MERCER’s line various courses to CALLISES? Line to the first. Entered Feb. 16, 1814. Yielding & paying unto us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct, provided that James HARVEY causes this grant to be Registered in Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ William HAWKINS; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 12-13] Dec. 9, 1812 - I Tully SMITH for the sum of $5 paid to me by Willoughby D. BARNARD & Betsey BARNARD his Wife for all my right & claim that I have to a parcel of negroes that Hollowell ETHERIDGE has in possession during his Wife’s lifetime pr. Absolom GRANDY’s Will, namely Abraham, Lam, & Cloey. I Tully SMITH for the due respect & love that I bare my Wife Dorothy SMITH which was the Wife of James NICHOLSON and Mother of Betsey BARNARD the Wife of Willoughby D. BARNARD, I also empower W.D. BARNARD & Wife to demand sue Hollowell ETHERIDGE for the above named negroes. Witness Thos. D. MARTIN; Registered July 15, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 13-14] November 28, 1814 - I Richard HUTCHINS JUN. for and in consideration of the sum of $100.00 paid to me by Peter CHITTEM for a track of my land with Willoughby ETHERIDGE & Ephriam JARVIS my Securitys dated July 25, 1814, two thirds being my Brother Tuckers third and my own third in 50 acres of land and swamp left by Thomas HUTCHINS SEN. dec’d in his will to his Son James and at his death fell amongst his Sons which said land is bounded as follows beginning at a marked pine sapling Caleb GREGORIEs corner various courses to Phillip DAUGEs then with his line South to first station containing two thirds of the above bounded 50 acres. Witness: Jacob PERKINS, J. CHITTUM. Registered July 15, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 14-15] December 27, 1813 - I Samuel ETHERIDGE for and in consideration of the sum of $1600.00 paid to me by Tully DAUGE for a parcel of land on Indian Ridge beginning at the turn of the road at the trap then along main road Northerly to Jacob PERKINS line to a ditch Westerly to a corner maple then along the swamp so fir as to make 166 acres then across to the line of Phillip DAUGE JUN. thence along his line to Hog Bridge Road to first station. Witness: Dennis DOZIER, SEN., Will. DOZIER, Jacob PERKINS. Registered July 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 16-17] July 16, 1811 - I William ETHERIDGE's for the sum of $605 Silver paid to me by Matthias BELL for a parcel of land. Beginning at Caleb ETHERIDGE’s line various courses of his line to the first containing 60 ½ acres, which formerly belonged to Willis ETHERIDGE ‘s Esquire which he bought of Colo. John WOODHOUSE, and was devised to me by Will & Deed of Gift from my Father Willis ETHERIDGE's. Witness Thomas BAXTER, Caleb ETHERIDGE; Registered July 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 17-18] Sept. 26, 1814 - I Kedar HUTCHINS for the sum of $285 paid to me by Philip DOZIER for a negro girl named Milley. Witness S. FEREBEE; Registered July 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 18-19] Oct. 28, 1814 - I Josiah JOLLIFF Trustee to a Deed in Trust dated Oct. 22, 1810 from Ivey HOLSTEAD to Thomas PRICE, William GWALTNEY & Amos COBB, for the sum of $50 paid to me by Jesse SHIVERS of Pitt County North Carolina have sold by virtue of Deed of Trust 100 acres near Tulls Creek Bridge. Witness John BOSWOOD, William JONES; Registered July 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 19-20] Oct. 15, 1814 - I William CHAPLIN for the sum of $300 paid to me by Benjamin PARKER for a negro man called Dick. Witness S. HALL, Daniel DOUGH; Registered July 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 20] Oct. 15, 1814 - I Benjamin PARKER for the sum of $160 paid to me by Samuel DOWDY for a negro girl named Nancy. Witness Jacob SAWYER, Spence HALL; Registered July 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 21] Nov. 29, 1814 - Thomas POYNER Exor. of Spence HALL, decd. sells to Spence HALL the younger the wind mill and little granary that stands nearby for $234; Registered: July 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 21-22] Aug. 14, 1806 - John HALL sold to Spence HALL, for $75, my half of a wind mill and the little granary that stands near said mill . . when the said mill is in order to grind is to give the said John HALL grain . . set my hand 14 Aug 1806; Registered: Nov. 29, 1814
[Deed Book 13; pg. 22-23] June 1, 1813 - I Samuel SALYEAR, SEN. for the natural love which I bare to my beloved Son Samuel SALYEAR JUN. & the sum of 5 Shillings have given unto him at my decease & after the Widowhood of my Wife July & except such buildings & other things as I shall move of in my life time together with ½ of the black smith shop which I expect to give to one of my other children. I give to Samuel SALYEAR JUN. all that tract of land on Currituck Sound near the wind mill containing 100 acres. Beginning at the Sound side various courses to John ALLEN ‘s line with his line to James TAYLOR’s now Samuel SALYEAR ‘s line with this line to the Sound & various courses of the Sound to the first. It is to be understood that my Wife July is only to hold her 1/3 of the land & houses after my decease. Witness S. PHILLIPS, Enoch BALL; Registered July 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 24-27] Nov. 15, 1814 - Richard HALSTEAD of Norfolk Borough, State of Virginia sold to William DOXEY of Currituck, for $700, 85 acres of land in Currituck bounded by Hance(?) BRIGHT, near land bought of Caleb SEARS. Witness Joseph ROLPH, William BRAY, JUN.; Registered July 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 28] date? - George CHAPPEL & Polley his Wife for the sum of $77.68 paid to me by Joel WATERFIELD for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning at the corner of this land & the land of Henry BEASLEY, Mariah ALLEN to a corner dividing this land & the line of BEASLEY & John WILLIAMS along WILLIAMS line to the lands of CHAPPEL & WILLIAMS various courses to the first containing 5 acres & 26 Poles. Witness Samuel ETHERIDGE JUN., William WATERFIELD; Registered July 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 29-30] Jan. 24, 1815 - I Jonathan LINDSEY for the sum of $1197 paid to me by William SNOW & Caleb GARRET for a tract of land on the Albermarle Sound. Beginning at the corner of the land belonging to the heirs of John HALL deceased with his line to Samuel DOWDY land with his line to Michael WHITSON’s land various courses to the first containing 171 acres of land & marsh. Witness L.W. HALL, Edmd. LINDSEY; Registered June 10, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 30-32] Aug. 27, 1814 - I Cornelius PUGH for the sum of $3 paid to me by Mary Ann PUGH for a parcel of land on Chicknecomock Banks. Beginning at Paul S. PUGH’s line to the Sound side various courses of the Sound to Cornelius PUGH’s to the first containing 5 acres. Witness William MERRY, Jonah C. CROSMAN; Registered June 11, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 32-33] Nov. 17, 1814 - I Betsey GREGORY for the sum of $245 paid to me by Samuel DOWDIE for a track of land. Beginning at Joshua GIBEN’s corner along his line to John HALL’s line along his line thence across John GIBENS up his line to the first containing 25 acres. Witness Peter M. GRAY, Thomas PARKER; Registered June 11, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 34-35] Oct. 29, 1814 - Jesse COFFEE [CAFFEE] and Mary his wife to Francis LITCHFIELD. . Thirty dollars. Land Situated on Knots Island begining at Sedar Poaste that Stands at the main Road at the Corner line between the Said Jesse CAFFEE and Samuel BEAZLE Joining the line of Hilery WHITEs and with the Said WHITEs line So fare that a West Corse to the Devision Line between Samuel BEASLEY and the Said Jesse CAFFEE and with the Said line to the begining Containing one Acre. /s/ Jesse CAFFEE, Mary (her x mark) CAFFEE. Witnesses: Major WHITEHURST, [Jacob CAFFEE]. Mary CAFFEE examined [Month omittted] 29, 1814 by John SHIPP J. P. Acknowledged Nov. Term 1814. Registered June 11, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 35-37] July 8, 1814 - I Joseph POYNER for the sum of $48.50 paid to me by John MACKIE for a parcel of land containing 14 ¾ acres. Witness Cartwright BELL, Burias MATTHIAS; Registered June 11, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 37-38] Nov. 26, 1814 - I Southwood WATERFIELD & Sally his Wife of Knots Island for the sum of $90 paid to me by John WATERFIELD for a parcel of land on Knots Island containing 10 acres. Beginning from John WATERFIELD’s corner various courses to the first. Witness Joel WATERFIELD, Benjamin WATERFIELD; Registered July 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 39-40] Mar. 19, 1814 - I Wallis HUTCHENS for the sum of $275 paid to me by Abner DOZIER of Camden County for a parcel of land. Beginning various courses to a corner between Wallis Hutchens and Henry his Brother with his line to the swamp to Jesse PARR’s house in the swamp along the swamp to the first containing 20 acres. Witness John LAMB, Miles LAMB; Registered June 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 40-41] Nov. 29, 1814 - I Wallis HUTCHENS for the sum of $123 paid to me by John DOZIER of Camden County for a parcel of swamp land. Beginning at a line tree betwixt Wallis & Harny? HUTCHENS is Brother with his line to a road near Abner DOZIER’s line to the first containing 25 acres. Witness F.? DIVERS, Abner DAUGE; Registered June 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 42-43] July 19, 1814 - I Tucker HUTCHENS for the consideration of the just quantity of land unto Richard HUTCHENS, joining the land of Caleb GREGORY & Philip DUAGE containing 16 2/3 acres of swamp which was left to me by the death of my Father James HUTCHENS dec’d. For the consideration of the just quantity of 6 ¼ acres joining Jacob PERKINS, along Tulley DAUGE to the division line. We consider the quantity of 16 2/3 & 6 ¼ as a just swap. Signed by Kesiah HUTCHENS & Tucker HUTCHENS. Witness: Dennis DOZIER, John CHITTEM; Registered June 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 43-44] Nov. 25, 1814 - I Henry McCLANNEN & Mary his Wife for the sum of $18 paid to me by William WHEATLEY for a piece of land, binding on Thomas MULDER land being their 1/3 of the plantation of William WHEATLEY dec’d. Witness Frederick NORTHERN, Jesse McCLANNEN; Registered June 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 44-46] Nov. 19. 1814 - I Henery McCLANNEN for the sum of $320 paid to me by James BLOUNT for a parcel of land. Beginning at ROLLINGS Bridge various courses to BECKLEY’s Run to a prong of Tulls Creek to the first containing 102 acres & 50 Poles. Which was sold from the estate of John CREEF dec’d on Executions & purchased by Henry McCLANNEN.. Witness Moses BUNNILL, Thos. C. CASEY; Registered June 12, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 47-49] Nov. 29, 1814 -
I Isaac
BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of
Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me to cause the sum of £17 & 10 Shillings with
interest out of the goods, chattles & lands of the Admin. of John CREEF dec’d
recovered by Thomas BRENT assignee sundry other Writs of Fi Fa amounting to £9,
11 Shillings & 6 Pence, also 2 Writs at the instance of William BRICKHOUSE Adm.
against CREEF 1 for £12 2 Shillings, the other for £9 10 Shillings 9 Pence.
All against John CREEF….
BRICKHOUSE ‘s £9, 7 Shillings 9 Pence
ETHERIDGE £5, 16 Shillings 9 Pence
CAPPS £7, 9 Shillings 9 Pence
FANSHER £5, 11 Shillings 9 Pence
ETHERIDGE £5, 17 Shillings 3 Pence
James LEE
adm. £6, 11 Shillings 8 Pence
SCOTT £16, 14 Shillings 9 Pence also £8, 10 Shillings 9 Pence
WEST £5, 10 Shillings 6 Pence
BAXTER, John BELL real plantiff £7, 1 Shillings 2 Pence
I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff in obedience of several Writs did take into possession a
tract of land whereon Henery McCLANNEN then lived in Tulls Creek district,
beginning at Rollings Bridge to Beckley’s Run across the Run to a prong of Tulls
Creek to the first containing 102 acres 15 Poles the land formerly belonging to
John CREEF deceased which fell to his heirs. On May 28, 1814 on the premises at
public vendue when appeared Henry McCLANNEN & bid the sum of $2.70 pr. acre &
was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs & the total sum of
$275.40 paid to me by Henry McCLANNEN have granted & conveyed the said land to
him. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 13, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 50-52] Aug. 31, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of Court of Pleas & Quarter Session of Tyrrell County commanding me to cause the sum of £446 to be made of the goods, chattles & lands of Samuel ASHBEE also the sum of £17, 17 Shillings & 9 Pence cost recovered against him by Abel ASHBEE. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ did take into possession a parcel of land whereon Samuel ASHBEE then lived on Roanoake Island. Beginning at N.W. corner of Abraham BAUM’s land on Crotan Sound along his line to Broad Creek along the Creek to Solomon ASHBEE’s line binding his line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 200 acres. The land was exposed for sale when Abraham BAUM appeared & bid the sum of 29 ½ cents per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ from Tyrrell County & the total sum of $59 paid to me by Abraham BAUM have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 14, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 52-55] Nov. 13, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods, chattles & lands of Abraham BAUM JUN. to cause to be made the sum of £974 16 Shillings 5 Pence with interest which has been recovered against him by Josiah COLLINS Junior. In obedience to Writ I did take into possession a tract of land whereon Abraham BAUM Junior then lived on Big Collington, Roanoak Island, Bodies Island. Beginning on Big Collington in the N. part of Bowers old field to the Sound various courses of the Sound to McDOTOTOS Point various courses to the first containing 309 acres which sold for sum of $18.54. Also 50 acres of marsh land on Bodies Island beginning at the South of the woods between that & new Inlet extending from Sea to Sound which sold for $1.25. Also 50 acres of land on Roanoak Island, 25 acres of land lying on SW side of main road near Baptist Meeting House on Morris BAUM & Daniel BAUM’s line & William ASHBEE’s line for $10, also 25 acres of land on Roanoak Island on Broad Creek beginning at mouth of the Great Sandy Beach to Broad Creek various courses so far as to contain 25 acres. On May 19, 1814 at public vendue when appeared Willis GALLOP Esquire & bid the sum of 6 Pence pr acre for 309 acres, 50 acres @ $.10 per acre, 50 acres @ 2 ½ cents pr. acre, 25 acres @1 cent pr acre & was highest bid. By virtue of Writ & the total sum of $70.43 paid to me by Willis GALLOP Esquire I Isaac BAXTER have granted & conveyed the said lands unto him. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 14, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 55-57] Aug. 30, 1814 - Grace CREEF, widow of John CREEF, sold to Henry McCLANNING for $45, 30 acres of land in Currituck Co. it being my right of dower in the land my husband John CREEF bought of Solomon BRIGHT. /s/ Grace CREEF. Witness: Samuel ETHERIDGE. Registered: June 15, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 58-59] Oct. 21, 1813 - I Grandy BARNARD for the sum of $50 paid to me by Jeremiah LAND for a tract of land which Joseph BARNARD did live on when he died. Beginning at Currituck Sound at Jeremiah LAND’s line binding his line various courses to the land formerly belonging to Alexander LINDSEY dec’d binding his line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 50 acres. Witness S. FEREBEE; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 59-60] Feb. 9, 1815 - We Thomas SIMMONS & Patsey his Wife for the sum of $560 paid to us by Jeremiah LAND for a parcel of land. Beginning on the Sound side at the line formerly called MOUND’s line various courses to Moses CAPTS line various courses to Willoughby WHITE’s line along his line to the dividing line between the premises & Zelpha DUNTON along dividing line to the Sound to the first containing 80 acres, agreeable to the division of the lands of Daniel DUNTON dec’d, it being our part of the tract of land called the LINDSEY place. Witness Jonathan LINDSEY, Edmond S. LINDSEY; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 61] Jan 13, 1815 - Sally and her husband Michael O'NEAL sold land in Currituck Co. to Daniel LINDSEY...that Sally inherited from her brother, Lamuel SANDERSON, decd. Witness: Jasper PICKETT
[Deed Book 13; pg. 61-63] Jan. 23, 1815 - We Michael O’NEAL & Salley my Wife for the sum of $300 paid to us by Daniel LINDSEY for a tract of land & marsh. Beginning on the main road joining of Thomas SANDERSON Esquire with his line to John DOWDY’s line with his line to the heirs of Jacob DOWDEY’s dec’d with his line to DOWDIES Creek with the Creek to Caleb LITCHFIELD orphan corner various courses to the first containing 45 acres. Also 1 small piece of marsh lying on Grandies Island it being all the part lot of to her the said Salley by Commissioners in the division of her dest. Brother Lemuel SANDERSON dec’d. Witness William LUNN, Jasper PICKETT; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 63-66] Feb. 22, 1815 - We Silas KEATON & Frankey my Wife of Pasquotank County for the sum of $100 paid to us by Willoughby WEST for a piece of land. Beginning at Righlen FANCHER’s line to Mitchel LEE’s line various courses to the first containing 18 acres. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 66-67] Mar. 6, 1802 - I Stephen WESKETT ‘s of Roanoak Island, Planter, for the sum of £60 paid to me by Winford ETHERIDGE for a negro girl named Lydia. Witness Reuben ETHERIDGE, Wm. B. LIVERMAN, William NORTON; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 68] Jan, 17, 1814 - Camden County - We Joseph DOZIER & John SANDERS lawfull representatives to the Last Will & Testament of Joseph BELL dec’d & Robert BARNARD dec’d to the following negroes woman Molley, Davis, Bets & Gin & have mutually agreed to the following division…to Joseph DOZIER negro Moley & Davis and is to pay $160 in obligations to John SANDERSON the other heir the 2 negroes being valued at $525. John SANDERS received the following negroes Bets & Gin valued at following prices were $360. Witness B. BELL, G. BARNARD; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 69] Jan, 19, 1815 - I Margaret BALLENTINE of Camden County am held & firmly bound unto Davis BALLENTINE JUN. & Peter BALLENTINE in the full sum of $2000. The condition of the obligation is such that Davis & Peter BALLENTINE are to pay all the debts that their Fater Peter BALLENTINE dec’d owed without intermeddling with Margaret’s estate & boathe the estate to remain separate & entire as though a ariage had not taken place. Witness S. FEREBEE, B. BELL; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 70] Jan. 19, 1815 - We Davis & Peter BALLENTINE are held & firmly bound unto Margaret BALLENTINE of Camden County in the full & just sum of $2000. The condition of the obligation is such that we Davis & Peter BALLENTINE Sons of Peter BALLENTINE dec’d do give up unto Margaret BALLENTINE all the estate of every kind that their Father Peter BALLENTINE dec’d received or became intitled to by his intermarriage to Margaret which debts are due to Joseph STEPHENS & James DAVIS. Witness S. FEREBEE, B. BELL; Registered June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 71] Feb. 23, 1815 - Deed of gift from Lovey BRIGHT to her son, Richard BRIGHT,...all the right of dower . . by the death of my son David BRIGHT and give the above Legacy to my son Richard BRIGHT. /s/ Lovey [x] BRIGHT. Witnesses: Polley [x] ETHHERIDGE, John [x] GLASGOW, Josiah JOLLIFF. Registered: June 18, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 72-73] Dec. 8, 1814 - I Benjamin POWERS am held & firmly bound unto John POWERS in the full & just sum of $300. The condition is such that Benjamin POWERS do agree obide by & acknowledge the line to be the dividing line between Benjamin POWERS & John POWERS land. Beginning at the N. end near Willis POWERS’s line various courses. Witness Willis POWERS, David POWERS, James FISK; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 73-74] Dec. 8, 1814 - I John POWERS am held & firmly bound in the full & just sum of $300. The condition of the obligation is such that John POWERS do agree obide by & acknowledge the line to be the dividing line between John POWERS & Benjamin POWERS land. Beginning at the N. end near Willis POWERS’s line various courses. Witness Willis POWERS, David POWERS; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 74-76] Feb. 27, 1815 - I James POWERS for the natural love & affection which I bear unto John & Davis POWERS hath given & granted unto them a tract of land in the Back Woods of Moyock. Beginning in William POWERS line along his line to Lewis COX’s corner along his line to a line formerly called Malachi OVERTON’s line along his line various courses to the first containing 50 acres, conveyed by Peter CULPEPER to Nathan ETHERIDGE by deed dated Sept. 7, 1789, conveyed by Nathan ETHERIDGE TO Samuel POWERS in 2 separate parcels 1 containing 17 acres by deed dated Nov. 17, 1789, the other of 25 acres by deed bearing date April 1, 1793. Viz to John POWERS 10 acres that is of that part of which adjoins the tract of land formerly purchased by Ephriam POWERS deceased of Christian TAYLOR and now the property of John POWERS and the balance part of it upon which James POWERS now resides to Davis POWERS. Witness Miles BUTT, Samuel POWERS, Peter ETHERIDGE ; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 77] Sept. 28, 1814 - I Peter BALLENTINE for the natural love & affection for my Son Davis BALLENTINE & the sum of 5 Shillings have given unto him a negro woman named Charley & her 3 children Peggy, Isaac & Cloe. Witness James FULFORD, Peter BALLENTINE JUN.; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 77-78] Sept. 28, 1814 - I Peter BALLENTINE for the natural affection form my Son Peter BALLENTINE JUN. & the sum of 5 Shillings have given unto him a negro woman named Chany & her 3 children Jesse, Baxtter & Milbery. Witness Nicholas SLACK, Davis BALLENTINE; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 77-78] Nov. 14, 1814 - I Sampson DOUGH for the sum of $200 paid to me by John CHAPLIN for a negro man called James. Witness Frederick DOUGH, Solomon CHAPLIN; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 79-80] Sept. 26, 1814 - I Kedar HUTCHENS for the sum of $300 Silver paid to me by Samuel FEREBEE for a negro boy named Isaac aged 8 years. Witness S. ETHERIDGE, Philip DOZIER; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 80-81] Sept. 10, 1814 - I Richard GREGORY for the sum of $130 paid to me by Samuel FEREBEE for a negro woman named Sal & her children Rachel, Sall, Alford, Jacob & March. The said negroes fell to be divided amongst the heirs of my Father Richard GREGORY dec’d. Witness S. ETHERIDGE, W. NEAVILL; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 81] May 3, 1814 - I John HUMPHRIES for the sum of $186.50 paid to me by Samuel FEREBEE for a negro girl named Nancy age 4 years old Sept. last part. Witness Samuel ETHERIDGE; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 82] May 4, 1813 - We Demsey, John & Polley PERRY for the sum of $60 paid to us by Thomas BEST for a pease of land on the North Banks containing 50 acres. Witness Edmund BEST, Zachariah BEST; Registered June 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 83] July 18, 1814 - Thomas BEST, SR. sold to Mathias BEST, both of Currituck Co., for $50, land on the North Banks near Kitty Hawk bounded by Zachariah BEST; swamp; & John PERRY, containing 50 acres. /s/ Thomas [x] BEST. Witnesses: Caleb TOLER, Mathias TOLER. Registered: June 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 84] July 15, 1814 - Thomas BEST, SR. sold to Zachariah BEST, for $100, land on the North Banks on the north end of Kitty Hawk Bay containing 100 acres. /s/ Thomas [x] BEST. Witnesses: Caleb TOLER, Mathias TOLER. Registered: June 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 85] Jan. 2, 1815 - I Thomas GARRETT for the sum of $300 paid to me by William CHAPLIN for a negro woman named Easter and a boy named Lamb. Witness Laben THOMAS; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 86-87] May 20, 1814 - I Thomas BROWN for the sum of $400 paid to me by John GARRETT for a tract of land on the W. side of Powells Point. Beginning at Albermarl Sound at Betsey FORBES line running her line to John DAVIS’s corner binding his line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Thomas GARRETT, Luke BROWN; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 87-88] Dec. 20, 1814 - I Archibald ETHERIDGE for the sum of $90 paid to me by Thomas GARRETT for a parcel of land on Powels Point. Beginning on Albermarl Sound side various courses to Laban THOMAS line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 38 acres. Witness Thomas POYNER, Jacob SAWYER; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 88] Feb. 23, 1813 - Solomon CHAPLIN to Daniel LINDSAY. Two hundred dollars. Land in Currituck beginning at LINDSAY's northwest corner, sixty acres twenty acres of marsh; thirteen and a half acres of swamp land all the part that was laid off by the commissioners to Benjamin TAYLOR, JUN. in light of his deceased father Benj. TAYLOR and bound on back side by the aforesaid LINDSAY. /s/ Solomon CHAPLIN. Witness, Caleb ETHERIDGE. February Court, 1815. Registered 19 Jun 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 89-91] Nov. 29, 1814. William FORBES to Sandford DOXEY. Both of Currituck. Four hundred fifty dollars. Beginning at land in swamp adjoining the lands where Jesse PERRY now lives; Thomas ADAMS, Thomas SANDERSON; Samuel SALYEAR, SEN., Nathan TATUM; fifty acres. /s/ W. FORBES. Witnesses, Ivah SAWYER, CONTIN G.(?) SAWYER. February Term 1815. Registered 19 Jun 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 91-92] May 8, 1813 - Dorcas LUTTS sold to Nathan SHANNON, both of Currituck Co., for 80 silver dollars, a parcel of land in Currituck Co. situated on Powells Point containing 25 acres being the one half of a tract of land Caleb DOWDY conveyed to my father Jacob LUTTS . . 50 acres of land . . which at his death fell to his son William LUTTS and myself . . now divided. /s/ Dorcas [x] LUTTS; Witnesses: Laban THOMAS, Levi W. HALL. Proved: Feb. Term 1815. Registered: June 19, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 92-93] June 20, 1814 - I Jonathan CAMP for the sum of $300 paid to me by James PRIDAUSE for a piece of land. Beginning at the E. corner of the plantation formerly belonging to Luke GREGORY to Nathan SHANNINGS line to James FORBES line along his line to a corner of James THOMAS line to William DOUGLAS line to the main road to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Thomas GARRETT, Zabulon KEMP; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 94-95] Nov. 10, 1814 - I James WHITE for the sum of $12 paid to me by John & Dempsey DOXEY for a parcel of marsh land. Beginning on the South side of Currituck Inlet known as Sassafras Marsh containing 100 acres, it being part of the marshes contained in John WHITEHEAD’s patent. Witness Robert B. POYNER; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 95-96] Nov. 1814 - I James WHITE for the sum of $12 paid to me by Nathan ROBINSON for a piece of marsh land. Beginning on the S. side of Currituck Inlet known as Sassafras Marshes containing 100 acres contained in John WHITEHEAD’s patent. Witness John WHITE; Registered June 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 97-99] Dec. 31, 1814 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE for the sum of $550 paid to me by Urias SIMMONS for a parcel of land. Beginning various courses to Malachi Read’s line along his line to the heirs of Thomas MARCHANTs dec’d line along his line various courses to the first containing 50 acres, being the land formerly Jonathan HAILES? Dec’d which Matthias BELL bought at Sheriff sale. Witness Thomas BAXTER, ? BAXTER; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 99-101] May 27, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me to cause the sum of £127 to be made out of the goods chattles & lands of Charles V. HERBERT dec’d has been recovered by Louis CLARKSON against his estate. In obedience of Writ I did take into possession a tract of land whereon Charles V. HERBERT has a claim of property. Beginning at Armisted SOLES line with his line to Josiah NICHOLSON’s line along his line to the line of James NICHOLSON lot or Penelope NICHOLSON with this line to the main road to the first containing 6 acres. On May 27, 1814 when Louis CLARKSON appeared & bid the sum of $48 per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of $288 paid to me by Louis CLARKSON I have granted & conveyed the land unto him. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pgs. 101-103] Aug. 22, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions commanding me out of the goods chattles & lands of Jonathan HAILS & Matthias BELL to cause the sum to be made of £166 13 Shillings 4 Pence with interest from Jan. 1, 1813 till paid which has been recovered by Isaac ROBERTS assignee Caleb ETHERIDGE. In obedience to Writ I did take into possession a tract of land belonging to Matthias BELL in Gibbs Woods. On March 4, 1814 on the premises at publick sale appeared Caleb ETHERIDGE & bid the sum of 62? Shillings 6 Pence per acre beginning at Malachi READ’s line along his line to the heirs of Thomas MARCHANT dec’d line along his line various courses to the first containing 52 acres. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £162 10 Shillings paid to me by Caleb ETHERIDGE I do grant & convey the land unto him. Witness Thomas ETHERIDGE; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 104] Jan, 7, 1815. Thomas SIMMONS to George HOWARD. Both of Currituck. Fifteen dollars. Twenty-five acres of swampland in Cowinjock. "Beginning at a gum at the NW corner of Edward TAYLOR's New Patent". No other name mentioned as owner of adjoining land. /s/ Thomas SIMMONS Witness, George COOK. February Term 1815. Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 105-106] Nov. 18, 1814 - I Jesse GORDEN of Knots Island for the sum of $100 paid to me by Abraham WATERFIELD for all the timber & woods on Hog Pen Or Pig Pen Knole on Indian Creek on the W. part of the Creek during their term. Witness Benjamin WATERFIELD JUN., Zachariah SIMPSON ; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 106-107] Nov. 30, 1814 - I Betsey BROCKETT [sic] Widow of Caleb BURKETT for the sum of $20 paid to me by Malachi JONES for 1/3 part of the lands of Caleb BURKET dec’d which falls to me by Right of Dower which is undivided. Witness Vinson WHITE, John GORDEN; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 107-108] Nov. 28, 1814 - I Frances LITCHFIELD for the sum of $25 paid to me by Malachi JONES & Malachi CARROL for ½ of the Island known as Little Fish Pond. Being an undivided ½ of Island which was owned by John LITCHFIELD & Jacob LITCHFIELD dec’d & set off to Frances LITCHFIELD by Commissioners appointed to divide the real estate of John LITCHFIELD dec’d. Witness Thomas BRAY, James ANSELL; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 109-110] Dec. 3, 1814 - I Hilery FANSHER for the sum of $250 Silver paid to me by Francis MORSE for a parcel of land. Beginning at Frances MORSE’s & John MACKIE's corner binding on MORSE’s line various courses to John MACKIE's line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Dennis DOZIER ‘s, William FEREBEE; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 110-112] Sept. 26, 1814 - I Lemuel GREGORY for the sum of $40 paid to me by Sinney GREGORY for a parcel of land. Beginning in Richard HUTCHENS line along his line various courses to the first containing 1 acre. Witness Cwt. BELL, William HUTCHENS; Registered June 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 112-114] May 29, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods chattles & lands of Charles V. HERBERT dec’d to cause the sum of £127 with interest lately recovered by Louis CLARKSON & the further sum of £21 for cost. In obedience of Writ I did take into possession a tract of land whereon Charles V. HERBERT dec’d had a claim at the head of Cowenjock Bay. Joining Lemuel SANDERSON land being the land Charles bought at Solomon ALCOCK vendue containing 93 acres. On May 27, 1814 at publick vendue when Sarah CLARKSON appeared & bid the sum of 4 cents per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of $3.72 paid to me by Sarah CLARKSON have granted the land unto her. Witness S. FEREBEE; Registered June 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 115-117] Nov. 8, 1813 - We Edward, Thaddeaus WALL, John HALL & Elizabeth his Wife who was Elizabeth WALL, & George JESPER & Margaret his Wife who was Margaret WALL of the County of Richmond Virginia do constitute & appoint Richard WALL of same place, do be our lawfull agent for the following purpose, whereas a James WALL formerly of same County & State departed this life in Currituck County North Carolina & seized of real estate there, which has descended to Edward & Thaddeaus who are Brothers of James WALL, Elizabeth HALL & Margaret JESPER who are Sisters of deceased. Richard WALL in our names to lease, let, sell, or demise the land as he shall see fit. Witness William HEADLEY, James STEPHEN, Richard HEADLEY; Registered June 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 117-120] Nov. 8, 1813 - I Edward WALL of Richmond County Virginia for diverse causes of me moving do authorize & appoint my Son Richard WALL of Richmond County Virginia as my lawfull attorney & agent for the interest & purpose to Wit: Whereas James WALL my Son emigrated from Richmond County Virginia to Currituck County North Carolina & did depart this life there & is seized of property in Currituck, do appoint my Son Richard WALL to receive & possess himself of any property of whatever definition James was possessed of & which I may be entitled to. Witness William FORESTER, James HEADLEY, Thos. LEENE, Edward OLDHAM; Registered June 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 120-122] May 29, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods chattles & lands of Willis SIMMONS, Matthias BELL, John MACKIE, & Caleb ETHERIDGE to cause to make the sum of £79 10 Shillings 7 Pence lately recovered by Frances HOLSTEAD Adm. of Jesse HOLSTEAD dec’d, & the further sum of £5 15 Shillings 3 Pence for cost. In obedience to Writ I took into possession a tract of land whereon Mary HENLEY held a lease & then lived on Indian Ridge. Beginning at Josiah ETHERIDGE’s line various courses thence binding his line to Azh. LAMB’s line to Willis SIMMONS to the FENTON’s orphins line containing 49 2/3 acres. On Feb. 25, 1814 at public sale appeared Mary HENLEY & bid the sum of $4 per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of $198.66 2/3 paid to me by Mary HENLEY have granted the land unto her. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 123-124] June 1, 1815 - I Caleb ETHERIDGE for the sum of $200 paid to me by John CHURCH for a parcel of land near the head of Tulls Creek. It being a piece ETHERIDGE bought of William ETHERIDGE adjoining the land of Spence HALL dec’d, Joseph SAWYER and the Creek that leads to the Water Mill containing 50 acres. Witness Thos. BAXTER; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 124] May 30, 1815 - I John SHIPP Captain of the Delta Militia in the Service of the United States belonging to Currituck County have appointed Cartwright BELL as my lawfull Attorney to Collect from his Excellency Wm. MILLER Governor or any person appointed to pay Delta Militia will pleas to remit on by Cartwright BELL all moneys appropriated for the payment with a duplicate of each officer & non commissioned officers & soldiers pay. That a receipt to the pay roll maid by Cartwright BELL shall be a discharge in full from the United States for the Services of Delta Company. Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 125-126] Mar. 25, 1815 - Andrew BATES of Norfolk County Virginia, Andrew BATES JUN., & John BATES, boath the Sons of John BATES dec’d & boath the Nephews to Andrew BATES
I Andrew BATES for the natural love & affection which I bear to his Nephews Andrew & John BATES have given & granted unto them all that plantation tract whereon Richard DECKER now lives. Beginning at the mouth of the first small Creek below the wharf belonging to the heirs of John BATES deceased up the Creek to the road along road to Moses BUNNELS line along his line various courses to the Northwest River various courses to the first containing 300 acres, being the tract of land purchased of Thomas DAVES & Wife. Witnes: Tuder FRITH, Mary FRITH, Richard DECKER; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 127] May 8, 1815 - I Andrew BATES of the town of Portsmouth, Norfolk County Virginia, for the natural love & affection which I bear unto Andrew B. DECKER Son of Richard DECKER have given & granted unto him a negro girl called Lydia age 8 or 9 now in the possession of Richard DECKER. Witness T. WEBB, Richard DECKER, Elizabeth w. WEBB; Registered June 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 128] April 28, 1812 - I John HEATH for the sum of $300 paid to me by Thomas BAXTER for a negro boy named Joe about 13 years old. Witness S. FEREBEE, Thomas HEATH; Registered June 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 129] May 28, 1815 - I Thomas IVES for the natural love & affection which I bear my Son Timothy IVES have given & granted unto him a parcel of land on the Narrow Shoar. Beginning at the Swamp Road to Richard ALLEN’s line along his line various courses to the first containing 25 acres. Witness Hosea BALL, William GRIGGS; Registered June 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 130] May 13, 1801. John WHITE to Robert POYNER. Both of Currituck. Two hundred thirty dollars. One negro woman named Pleasant. /s/ John WHITE. Witness, William DOXEY, Thomas GREEN. May Term 1815(?). Bill of Sale proved in open court by the oath of William DOXEY. Registered 24 June 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 131] Dec. 1, 1814 - I Caleb BELL for the sum of $425 paid to me by Robert POYNER for a negro man named Sambough. Witness John SCURR; Registered June 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 131-132] Feb. 28, 1815 - I James ANSEL for the sum of $13 paid to me by Abraham WATERFIELD for a parcel of land between the head of the swamp & the Long Nole called the Round Nole. Witness Malachi WATERFIELD; Registered June 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 133] Feb 11, 1813 - I Willoughby WHEATLEY have rented & released to negro man Job & woman Fellis a piece of land containing 10 acres during there natural lives on the S. of my Plantation. I also give them the liberty to cut & cleare on the land during the term, I put them in full possession of the land. Witness Hollo. ETHERIDGE ; Registered June 25, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 134-135] June 1, 1815 - I Charles SAWYER for the diverse causes of me moving have appointed Richard BRAY my lawfull Attorney, for me in my name to receive, recover all sum of money that may due or owed me from any person, he shall sale all lands belonging to me. Witness J. PERKINS, M. SIMMONS; Registered June 25, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 135-136] May 25, 1815 - I Thomas IVES for the natural love & affection which I bear unto my Son Timothy IVES & me hereunto moveing have granted unto him a parcel of land on Narrow Shoar. Beginning at the main road at a corner formerly Lamb. TAYLOR’s to the swamp road to the Sound thence along TAYLOR’s line to the first containing 30 acres. Witness Hosea BALL, William GRIGGS; Registered June 25, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 136-137] Oct. 4, 1812 - Avery TILLETT and Abigail TILLETT sold to Asa ETHERIDGE, all of Currituck Co., for 66 silver dollars, parcel of land on the North Banks in the tract that Avery TILLETT, SR. bought of Samuel DOUGH . . Marsh & Swamp containing 311/2 acres. /s/ Avery TILLETT, Abigail [x] TILLETT; Witnesses: Bowen GREEN, William [x] SIMPSON. Registered: June 25, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 137-138] April 4, 1814 - We Christopher FLOWER & Christian FLOWER for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Pounds paid to us by Pharoah FARROW for 20 acres of land being on Hatterass Banks beginning at the sound at Jacob FARROW JUN. corner along his line to the sea with the sea Southerly to Silas FARROWs line along his line a West course to the sound then with the sound to the first station. Witneses: Enoch MILLER, JUNIOR, Abraham F____?. Registered June 25, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 139-140] Aug. 9, 1814 - Joshua O'NEAL and wife Bethany of Currituck sold to John MIDGETTE of Terral (sic) County, for $25.00, land on Body Island in county of Currituck on the south side of the first deep creek on the north side of Potucks hammock adjoining the said creek of Joseph DANIELS line. /s/ Joshua O'NEAL, Bethany O'NEAL; Witnesses: ??? PUGH, ??? MIDGETTE; Registered June 25, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 140-142] Mar. 20, 1815 - James WHITEHALL & Keziah WHITEHALL his wife to William COFFEE. One hundred Dollars. "...Begining at Michael O NEALSs South East Corner Runing with his line a Westerly course to the Ridge Road thence a Southerly with the Road to the Land belonging to the heirs of Jacob LEETCHFIELD thence an Easterly course with Said line to the Eastward End of it and thence Various Courses to the first Station Containing forty acres more or less being the Land that fell to me and my wife Keziah WHITEHALL by the death of her Brother Lemuel SANDERSON...Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple..." /s/ James WHITEHALL, Keziah (her x mark) WHITEHALL. Witnesses: Samuel SALYEAR JUN., Caleb IVES. Proved May Term 1815 by oath of Samuel SALYEAR, JUN.. Keziah WHITEHALL, feme covert, examined by Thomas SANDERSON, Esqr. May 30, 1815. Registered June 25, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 143-144] May 25, 1815 - William CAFFEE & wife Amey CAFFEE to Thomas WHITEHALL. Three hundred Dollars. "...Being all of these parts of a piece of Land formerly belonging to Robert WHITEHALL Decd. and Laid of to him by the Commissioners appointed for the purpose of Divideing the Reale Estate of Allex L. WHITEHALL Decd. Containing Fifty Seven acres..." /s/ Wm. CAFFEE, Amey (x) CAFFEE. Witnesses: Thomas SANDERSON, Elijah HUNNING. Amey CAFFEE, feme Covert, examined by Thomas SANDERSON J. P. on May 30, 1815. Acknowledged May Term 1815. Registered June 26, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 144-146] May 25, 1815 - William CAFFEE & Wife Amey CAFFEE and Thomas WHITEHALL to William HUNNINS [HUNNINGS]. Two hundred and Twenty five Dollars. "...Begining at a pine Standing on the Main Road Thomas WHITEHALLs Corner thence Runing an Easterly course by a line of Marked trees binding on Thomas WHITEHALLs Land and line to the Sound Side thence a Southerly Course along the Sound to the aforesaid William HUNNINGS Land thence a Westerly Course binding on the afsaid HUNNINGS Land and line to the Main Road thence a Northwardly course with the Main Road to the first Station Containing Fifty Seven acres...free and clear from the Lawful Claim or demands of any person or persons whatsoever excepting a widow Dower that the Late Wife of James WALL Decd perhaps mite Claim." /s/ Wm. CAFFEE, Amey (her x mark) CAFFEE, Thos. WHITEHALL. Witnesses: Thomas SANDERSON [wit. for Thos. WHITEHALL], Elijah HUNNINGS. Amey CAFFEE, feme covert, examined by Thomas SANDERSON, J. P., May 30, 1815. Acknowledged May Term 1815 "the hand wright of Thomas WHITEHALL was proved by the oath of Thomas SANDERSON" Registered June 27, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 147] Apr. 1, 1815 - I Thomas WALSTON & Director my Wife for the sum of $60 paid to me by Willoughby WHITE for a parcel of land, being 1/3 of the land that Daniel DUNTON bought of ?? LINDSAY. Witness Thos.? WILLIAMS; Registered June 25, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 147-151] May 29, 1815 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods chattles & lands of Willis SIMMONS several people with judgements against him in the sum of $381.18. In obedience of Writs I took into possession the land whereon Willis SIMMONS lately lived. Beginning in the line of Samuel DOZIER’s orphans binding said line various courses to thence binding DOZIER’s orphans & Archelus TURTON’s heirs to a corner of Mary HENLEY’s lands binding her line to LAMBS line to James DOZIER’s orphans line various courses to the first containing 167 1/3 acres. At publick sale appeared Josiah ETHERIDGE & bid the sum of $9 per acre & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs & the total sum of $1506 paid to me by Josiah ETHERIDGE have granted the land unto him. Witness S. FEREBEE, T. BAXTER; Registered June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 151-153] May 23, 1815 - I Jacob QUIDLEY for the sum of £55 paid to me by Enoch S. FORBES for a piece of land on Roanoke Island containing 50 acres. Beginning at Enoch S. FORBES line thence along Tart ETHERIDGE’s line along his line to Barby DOUGH’s line with his line various courses to the first. Witness Alfred BURGESS?, Rubin ETHERIDGE; Registered June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 153-155] June 19, 1813 - I Thomas GARRETT Exec. to the estate of John McCOY for the sum of $1233.80 Spanish paid to me by John MURRELL for a tract of land beginning at the corner of Benjamin GUINs line to Zorobable HARRISON line to MURRELLs line with his line to the Sound thence the Sound to the first containing 62 acres. Witness: Cart. BELL; Registered: June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 155-156] April 28, 1813 - Archibald ETHERIDGE sold to Simeon SAWYER, for $95, 80 acres of land bounded by Laben THOMAS. Witnesses: William OWENS, Holloway [x] WALKER. Registered: June 27, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 157-158] Mar. 29, 1815 - I Polley DOUGH for the sum of $250 paid to me by Nathan ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land on Roanoke Island. Beginning at the Sound side at Nathan ETHERIDGE line to Samuel WESKETS line to Croatan Sound to John MAN’s point along the Sound to the first containing 46 acres. Witness William BURGESS, Thomas GARRETT; Registered June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 158-159] Feb. 15, 1815 - I William GRAY for the sum of $54 paid to me by Pharoah FARROW for 13 ½ acres of land on Kinnekett Banks. Beginning at the main road various courses to Enoch MILLER’s line various courses to the first. Witness Enoch MILLER, John BARNETT; Registered June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 159-160] 1814 - I John BARNETT for the sum of $25 paid to me by Pharoah FARROW for a piece of land. Beginning at William GINET’s/JENNETT’s corner so far as to contain 12 ¾ acres then running with Jobes GINNET’s line to Thomas FARROW’s line to William GENNETTS line to the first. Witness Enoch MILLER, William GRAY; Registered June 27, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 160-162] June 15, 1813 - I Cattee BURRUS of Cape Hatteras for the sum of $50 paid to me by William SCARBOR for a parcel of land on Kinnekeet. Beginning at Pharoah FARROW line at the Sound with his line to the Sea side to Elizabeth FARROW’s line with her line to the Sound to the first containing 20 acres. Witness Joseph MORGAN, Pharoah FARROW; Registered June 28, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 162-163] May 2, 1814 - We Cornelius & Elizabeth AUSTIN & Sucky GRAY for the sum of $22 paid to us by Stephen GRAY for a parcel of land. Beginning with John GRAY’s line including 70 acres various courses to the first. Witness Pharoah FARROW, Joseph? C. CROOMON?; Registered June 28, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 164-166] Apr. 20, 1815 - I John WHITE for the sum of $35 paid to me by Thomas BRAY & Dennis SIMMONS for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning at a dividing line between Major WHITEHUS & John WHITE known by name of King Point to the Bank Head various courses to the first. Witness Thomas J. MARCHANT; Registered June 28, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 166-168] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 548 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Caleb TOLER have granted unto him a tract of land containing 43 ¾ acres on the North Banks. Beginning at the corner of Isaac TILLETT’s patent various courses to John PERRY’s line along his line to BET’s line to Isaac TILLETT’s line along his line to the first. Entered June 1, 1814. Yielding & provided that he pays unto us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Caleb TOLER causes this grant to be Registered at the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ Williams HAWKINS, Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 168-169] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 550 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Thomas SANDERSON for a tract of land containing 48 acres & 1 rod on the North Banks near a place called Caffees Inlet. Beginning at Thomas JARVIS’s dec’d line to Sheep Creek various courses to S.W. Salt Spring Island various courses to the first. Entered Feb. 14, 1814. Yielding & provided that he pays unto us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct provided Thomas SANDERSON causes this grant to be Registered at the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ William HAWKINS, Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 170-171] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 557 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by George HOWARD & Thomas SIMMONS have granted unto them a tract of land containing 50 acres. Beginning at Edward TAYLOR’s new patent various courses to the first. Entered July 10, 1813. Yielding & providing that they pay unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that George HOWARD & Thomas SIMMONS causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of the date hereof. /s/ William HAWKINS, Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 171-173] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 549 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by John LEWARK have granted unto him a tract of land containing 42 (sic) acres on the North Banks. Beginning in John LEWARK’s line various courses to Willis GALLOP’s new entry along GALLOP’s & LEWARK’s lines various courses to the first. Entered June 1, 1814. Yielding & provided that he pay unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that John LEWARK causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /S/ William HAWKINS, Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 173-174] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 551 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Willis GALLOP have granted unto him a tract of land containing 12 ½ acres. Beginning in Willis GALLOP’s line to LEWARK’s line various courses to the first. Entered March 1, 1814. Yielding & provided that he pay unto us yearly such sums as our General Assembly may direct, provided that Willis GALLOP causes this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ William HAWKINS, Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 175] Nov. 28, 1814 - No. 552 - Know ye that we for the sum of 50 Shillings for every 100 acres granted & paid into our Treasury by Willis GALLOP have granted him a tract of land containing 100 acres on the Banks. Beginning in William DUNSTON ‘s line various courses to the first. Entered March 1, 1814. Yielding & providing that he pays unto us yearly such sums of money as our General Assembly may direct provided that Willis GALLOP causes this granted to be Registered in the Registers Office within 12 months of date hereof. /s/ William HAWKINS Esquire; Registered June 29, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 176-177] Apr. 6, 1815 - I John BEASLEY & Mary BEASLEY for the sum of $15 paid to me by Vinson WHITE for 8 acres on Indian Creek. Beginning at this land & the land of Vinson WHITE & Jesse GORDAN to the land of the heirs of Samuel JESPER & Henry WHITE dec’d in the Great Marsh binding GORDAN’s line to the first. Witness Jno. BEASLEY, Joel WATERFIELD, Caty MORFOD?; Registered June 30, 1815
[Pages 178-187 were skipped in this book]
[Deed Book 13; pg. 188-189] Nov. 25, 1812 - I Jeremiah STOW for the sum of £50 paid to me by Joseph FARROW for a piece of land. Beginning at the NE corner of Elizabeth FARROW’s land various courses to the first containing 50 acres as appears by Thomas POYNER’s Plat made Aug. 8, 1798. Witness Miles FARROW, William JENNETT, William FARROW; Registered July 2, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 189-190] July 20, 1814 - I Amy DRING for the sum of $50 paid to me by Mary JONES for a piece of land on Capte Hatterass. Beginning at the Sound side at George CLARKS with his line to the back part of Indian Pattent to Jabez JENNETTS line that he bought of William WILLIAMS with JENNETT’s line to the Sound to the first containing 50 complete acres. Witness John CLARK, Major CLARK; Registered July 2, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 191-192] May 24, 1815 - I John CLARK for the sum of $75 Spanish paid to me by Jabez JENNETT for a pacrcel of land on Cape Hatterass Banks. Beginning at the Sound side at corner of Henry Davis’s patent to George CLARK’s patent to conclude 50 acres. Witness John STOW; Registered July 2, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 192-193] Apr. 13, 1814 - I Samuel MIDGETT of Terrell County for the sum of £5 paid to me by John MIDGETT of Terrell County, for ½ piece of land on Bodie Island, joining William DANIELS containing 50 acres with ½ of the priviledge right contained in my deed from Daniel MIDGETT. Witness John MIDGETT, Salley MIDGETT; Registered July 2, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 193-194] Sept. 9. 1814 - I William DANIEL (John Daniel in another portion of this deed) for the sum of $20 paid to me by John MIDGETT of Terrel County for a parcel of land on the Sea Banks of Bodies Island & known by name of Patricks Hamock. Beginning at the mouth of Little Inlet to the Sea along the Sea to Neule? DANIELS line along his line to the Sound various courses of the Sound to the first containing 100 acres. Witness John MIDGETT, Nerre? S. DANIEL; Registered July 3, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg.194-195] May 29, 1815 - Jonathan TAYLOR to Robert WHITE. Both of Currituck. Five hundred dollars. Land in Currituck bounded by Willoughby TAYLOR, Amos GRAY, Zachariah TAYLOR, Benjamin TYALOR. One hundred acres./s/ Jonathan TAYLOR Witnesses, John T. HAMPTON and Thomas WHITE; Registered July 7, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg.196] May 29, 1815 - Jonathan TAYLOR to Robert WHITE. Both of Currituck. Ten dollars. Land and marsh in Currituck being one half of land and marsh that James WHITE sold to Jonathan TAYLOR as an executor of the last will and testament of John MACKKONEY containing by estimation 50 acres. /s/ Jonathan TAYLOR. Witness, John T. HAMPTON, Thomas WHITE; Registered July 8, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg.197] Apt. 26, 1814 - I Willis TILLETT for the sum of $20 paid to me by Edward FARROW for a messuage of land on the North Banks containing 20 acres. Witness Solomon ASHBEE; Registered July 8, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg.198] May 29, 1815 - Robert WHITE to Jonathan TAYLOR. Both of Currituck. Five hundred dollars. Land lying on Churches Island by Thomas GRAY. Forty acres. /s/ Robert WHITE. Witnesses, Thomas WHITE John T. HAMPTON. May Term 1815; Registered July 8, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg.199-200] Dec. 1, 1812 - I Malachi SANDERLIN of Camden County for the sum of $100 paid to me by Wilson SANDERLIN of same place, for a parcel of land in the Cowinjock district. Beginning at William SMITH’s corner in Edward TAYLOR’s line various courses to the first containing 110 acres & 10 Poles. Witness Asa SANDERLIN, Fanney BURRESS; Registered July 8, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 200-201] Apr. 1, 1815 - William CAFFEE to James WHITEHALL. One hundred Dollars. Land Situate or Lying in Currituck County begining at Michael O NEALs South East Corner Running with his line a Westerly Course to the Ridge Road thence Southerly with the Road to the Land belonging to the heirs of Jacob LEITCHFIELD thence an Easterly Course with Said line to the Eastward End of it and thence Various Courses to the first Station containing forty acres more or less being the Land that I Bought of Said James WHITEHALL & Kesiah WHITEHALL his wife. /s/ Wm. CAFFEE. Witnesses: Samuel SALYEAR, JUN., Caleb IVES. Proved by oath of Samuel SALYEAR May Term 1815. Registered July 8, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 202-203] May 30, 1815 - Richard WALL of Richmond, Va. and heirs at law of James WALL, dec'd, to Jonathan LINDSEY. North Banks land beginning at the Sound at Isaac TILLETT, dec'd, line then east to Avery TILLETT line to corner and thence northerly binding Joshua GAMEWELL line to James BEST line then West to the Sound along Sound Southeast to the first station, it being the same land that James WALL bought of Thomas ALLEN and William BEST. Registered: July 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 204-205] May 30, 1815 - Richard WALL of Richmond Co., Va., Power of Attorney for the heirs of James WALL, dec'd., sold to Thomas SANDERSON, Esq. of Currituck Co., for $15, 150 acres of land on the North Banks bounded by or near Caffee Inlet and at W. DUNSTONs line then to the sea shore thence as far as shall include all the pieces or parcel of land that Samuel JARVIS the son of Col Thomas JARVIS, Dec'd., sold to James WALL . . . rights and pattens formerly held by aforesaid Col. Thomas JARVIS. /s/ Richd. WALL. Witnesses: Jonathan LINDSEY, Jasper PICKETT; Registered: July 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 206-207] Feb. 16, 1815 - I Thomas McHORNEY for the sum of $170 paid to me by Miles EVERNTON for a 70 acres of land on Piney Island. Beginning at the dividing line of Thomas McHORNEY & James BALLANCE various courses to Peggy GRAY’s line binding on her line to James BALLANCE along his line to the first, the land formerly belonging to Michael O’NEAL dec’d. Witness Joseph GRAY, John BEST; Registered July 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 208-209] Feb 16, 1815 - I Miles EVERNTON for the sum of $170 paid to me by Thomas McHORNEY for a parcel of land containing 10 acres on the Currituck Sound. Joining the lands of Seah? JONES beginning at the Sound side to Seah? JONES binding on his line as fair as I bought of Nathan PARKER’s & Elizabeth his Wife to the Sound various courses of the Sound to the first. The parcel of land of Nathan PARKER & Elizabeth his Wife fell to Elizabeth by the death of her Father Joseph JONES & to John JONES by the death of his Father Randolph JONES. Witness Joseph GRAY, John BEST ; Registered July 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 210-211] Jan. 24, 1814 - I Isaac BAXTER by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Superior Court at the instance of the State vs. William SPRY in the amount of £12 7 Shillings 4 Pence also 2 other Writs issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session at the instance of Isaiah PARR vs. William SPRY in the sum of £17 8 Shillings & 8 Pence the other at the instance of Maximilion FISHER vs. William SPRY for balance of £10 2 Shillings 9 Pence 3 Farthings. In obedience of Writs I took into possession a tract of Bank land & marsh belonging to SPRY. On Jan. 8, 1814 the land was exposed for sale when John FISHER appeared & bid the sum of $1 per acre & was highest bid. The land beginning on Ships Bay at Samuel SALYEAR line to the Sea side to Richard ALLEN’s line along the Sea binding ALLEN’s line to the Sound to the first containing 50 acres. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs and the total sum of $50 have granted & conveyed the land unto John FISHER. Witness Thomas WILLIAMS; Registered July 9, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 212-213] Mar. 20, 1815 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of 2 Writs of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me of the goods chattles & lands of Hollowell ETHERIDGE, Henery McCANNEN & Josiah ETHERIDGE to cause the sum of £50 10 Shillings recovered by Edward HARDY also the sum of £3 10 Shillings for costs. The 2nd Writ against Hollowell ETHERIDGE & Willoughby WHEATLEY for the sum of £31 16 Shillings with interest from Dec. 22, 1813 & the sum of £3 6 Shillings 9 Pence costs. In obedience to 2 Writs I took into possession 3 negroes belonging to Hollowell ETHERIDGE by name of Chloe & child & Wallace. On March 20, 1815 the property was exposed for sale when appeared Joshua BAXTER appeared & bid the sum of $100 for Chloe & child & $51 for Wallace & was highest bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of 2 Writs & the total sum of $151 have granted & conveyed unto Joshua BAXTER the 3 negroes. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered July 10, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 212-213] Mar. 20, 1815 - I Joshua BAXTER for the sum of $52 paid to me by Isaac BAXTER for a negro boy named Wallace, which I bought at Sheriff Sale from Hollowell ETHERIDGE. Witness Thomas BAXTER; Registered July 11, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 214-215] Jan. 18, 1815 - I Thomas GARRETT for the sum of $50 paid to me by Josiah PERRY for a parcel of land on the North Banks on East side of Jain Gite Creek. Beginning at Joshua GAMEWELL’s patent on Dansing Ridge to Josiah PERRY’s line various courses to GAMEWELL’s patent along his patent to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Elijah FREEMAN, Caleb FORBES; Registered July 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 216-217] Mar. 7, 1814 - Jasper PICKETT sold to Salley SANDERSON, for $900, land that Jasper PICKETT purchased of Thomas and Caleb SANDERSON that fell to them by the death of their brother Lemuel SANDERSON beginning at Daniel LINDSEY's line on west side of Grandy Island . . land of Kezia WHITEHALL to Grandy Island Creek . . Also Thomas SANDERSONs & Caleb SANDERSONs part of Grandy Island, containing 270 acres. /s/ Jasper PICKETT. Witness: Thomas POYNER. Registered: July 17, 1815.
[Deed Book 13; pg. 217-219] Aug. 29, 1815 - I Griffin GREGORY & Catharine my Wife for the sum of $261 paid to me by John COX for a parcel of Cypress Swamp containing 87 acres. Beginning at Cornelius WILSON’s & Aaron BRIGHT’s line down BRIGHT’s line to WHITE’s line down his line to Aaron BRIGHT’s line down his line to John COX’s line down his line to the first. Witness Josiah JOLLIFF; Registered Oct. 17, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 219] Mar. 5, 1814 - I Thomas DOWDY for the sum of $20 paid to me by James DOWDY for a parcel of land, it being my part of my Brother Caleb DOWDY’s which is ¼ part of 35 acres which is 6 ¼ acres. Witness Wm. WROTEN ‘s, William WROTEN JUN.; Registered Oct. 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 220-221] Mar. 5, 1814 - Thomas DOWDY sold to James DOWDY, both of Currituck Co., for $300, a parcel of land in Currituck Co. containing 30 acres bounded by Thomas SANDERSON's land to John DOWDY's land to Sa___en (?) DOWDY land. /s/ Thomas [x] DOWDY. Witnesses: William WOOTEN, SR.& William WOOTEN, JR. Registered: Oct. 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 221-222] Apr. 1, 1815 - I Thomas IVES for the sum of $25 paid to me by Caleb IVES for a parcel of land on Narrow Shore at the Wind Mill. Beginning at the Wind Mill to Lemuel TAYLOR’s line to the Sound side various courses of the Sound to the first containing 1 acre. Witness Samuel SALYEAR JUN., Barbara SALYER; Registered Oct. 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 222-223] July 15, 1815 - I Thomas IVES for the consideration of the natural love & affection which I bear unto my Son Caleb IVES & also the sum of 5 Shillings for a parcel of land on Narrow Shore near the Wind Mills. Beginning at William HOLLOWAYS corner to Richard ALLEN’s line to Timothy IVES corner to the first containing 10 acres. Witness Samuel SALYEAR JUN., Barbara SALYER; Registered Oct. 18, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 224-226] July 15, 1815 - I Thomas IVES for the natural love & affection which I bear unto my Son Caleb IVES & the sum of 5 Shillings have granted unto him all that tract of land On Narrow Shore. Beginning in Richard ALLEN’s line along the swamp to Timothy IVES line with his line to the new entry joining said land with old patent line to Thomas TAYLOR’s line with his line to the first containing 20 acres. Witness Samuel SALYEAR JUN., Barbara SALYER; Registered Oct. 19, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 226-227] Aug. 28, 1815 - I Samuel SALYEAR JUN. for the sum of $300 paid to me by Mary POYNER for a negro girl named Amy. Witness S. PHILIPS; Registered Oct. 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 227] Aug. 28, 1815 - I Mary POYNER for the sum of $225 paid to me by Samuel SALYEAR JUN., for ½ of negro Sambo. Witness S. PHILIPS; Registered Oct. 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 227-228] Aug. 30, 1815 - I Lamuel POYNER for the sum of $500 paid to me by Jasper PICKETT for a negro named Charles. Witness S. FEREBEE; Registered Oct. 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 228-229] Aug. 23, 1815 - I Jasper PICKETT for the sum of $575 paid to me by Charles GRIGGS for a tract of land formerly belonging to John SANDERSON deceased. Beginning where Thomas DOWDAY JUN. corners main road with his line to Thomas DOWDAY’s Senior line binding his line to Henery SANDERSON line with his line to William CAFFEE’s to Thomas DOWDAY JUN. to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Joseph GRAY, Wm. CAFFEE; Registered Oct. 20, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 230-231] July 25, 1815 - John WILKES to Polly TAYLOR for the sum of $350.00 for 2wo negroes one named Isabel aged about 36 years and the other named Hannah aged about 18 months. Witness, Lamuel TAYLOR. Registered: Oct. 21, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 232-233] Dec. 8, 1813 - I Peter MORSE for the sum of $225 paid to me by Caleb CAPTS, Franky CAPTS, Salley CAPTS & Huldy CAPTS children of Obediah CAPTS for a parcel of land. Beginning at a corner of Caleb BEASLEY’s land then along James JARVIS’s line various courses to a line of marked trees that parts this land & George BUSHES land to Caleb BEASLEY’s land along his line to the first containing 50 acres. Witness J. PERKINS, Davis BALLENTINE; Registered Oct. 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 233-234] Apr. 1, 1815 - I Philip STANLEY & Faney my Wife of Camden County for the sum of $475 paid to us by Malachi MORE?/MORSE? of Princess Ann County Virginia, for all of my right & title which I obtained by my Wife in the estate of Evan JONES dec’d being the Father of my Wife Faney. Witness John SHIPP, Julia SHIPP; Registered Oct. 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 234-235] June 14, 1814 - I John BALLANCE of Swan Quarter in Hide County, for the sum of $30 paid to me by Wallace STYRON of Cape Hatterass Banks for a tract of land lying on Cape Hatterass Banks. Beginning on the Sound side to Robert BURRUS’s line with his line to the Sea side along the beach to the bounder of Courtnea BALLANCE’s line with her line to the Sound side to the first containing 25 acres. Witness Wm. STYRON, Thomas BALLANCE; Registered Oct. 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 236] July 13, 1815 - I Moses GONTO of Princess Anne County Virginia for the sum of $12.50 paid to me by Charles HENLEY & John BEDDLE of the same place, for 25 acres of marsh land known by name of Walks Island in Currituck County held & belonging to Thomas WALK Esquire, Moses GONTO & others as Tenants in Common. Witness Caleb VANGOVER?, John ROBINSON JUN., Charles HENLEY; Registered Oct. 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 237] Oct. 4, 1814 - I George CHAPPEL for the sum of $40 paid to me by Mariah ALLEN for a parcel of land on Knots Island. Beginning various courses to a corner between this land & the land of George CHAPPLE to a corner between this land, the land of CHAPPLE & Joel WATERFIELD to a corner dividing this land, the land of Joel WATERFIELD & Henry BESELY to the first containing 2 acres. Witness Malachi JONES, Cornelia IRELAND; Registered Oct. 22, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 238-239] Aug. 28, 1815 - I William PERKINS for the sum of $500 paid to me by Enoch DAILEY for a negro woman named Patsey, also 2 small children named Penny & Phillis. Witness B. BELL; Registered Oct. 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 239-240] Aug. 29, 1815. Charles HENDLEY to Willougby WHITE. WHITE of Currituck and HENDLEY of the State of Virginia, for $700.00, 100 acres of land in Currituck beginning on the Bay side near Coinjock Bridge bordering on Armstead SOLES, John BRABBEL JUN., & Nathan ROBINSON. /s/ Charles HENLEY, Executor. Witnesses: Jas. NICHOLSON, Josias NICHOLSON; Registered Oct. 23, 1815.[ Does not state for whom Charles HENLEY was executor]
[Deed Book 13; pg. 240-242] Aug. 23, 1815 - I Jeremiah SEXTON & Absillar my Wife for the sum of $49 cash paid to me by John COX for a Cypress Swamp which fell to me by the death of my Father in Law Thomas ALLISON dec’d containing 12 ½ acres adjoining Aaron BRIGHT & Willoughby BARNARD which Thomas ALLISON purchased of Thomas WILSON. Also 1 peace ALLISON tuck up containing 78 ½ acres adjoining Aaron BRIGHT & Dory BRIGHT orphin of Jonathan BRIGHT dec’d. Witness Thomas LINTON, John GLASGOW; Registered Oct. 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 242-243] June 23, 1815 - I Jesse DUGLASS of Pasquotank County for the sum of $140 paid to me by Davis BALLENTINE JUN. for a tract of land. Beginning in Demsey CASEY’s line along his line to Peter BALLENTINE ‘s line various courses to the first containing 18 acres. Witness Joseph B. MORSE, Frances MORSE; Registered Oct. 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 244-245] no date - We Thomas & John CURLS for the sum of $130 paid to us by Demsey WALKER for a piece of land on the North Banks. Beginning on the Sound side to Hesekiah GALLOP’s line to the Sea side to Daniel WILLIAMS line to the Sound along the Sound to the first containing 50 acres. Witness Rachel WILLIAMS, William ROGERS; Registered Oct. 23, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 246-247] Aug. 13, 1812 - Daniel LINDSEY to Benjamin TAYLOR, both of Currituck, for $440.00, 84 acres in Currituck bounded by Giden (sic) GIBSON & Malachi MERCER, dec., only reserving the natural like of Peter GIPSON, and the life of Kesia GIPSON & Rebecca GIPSON with the ceared lands with the privilege of fire wood & rale timber. Witnesses: Thomas POYNER, Thomas HEATH; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 247-249] May 30, 1815 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa out of the Superior Court directing me of the goods chattles & lands of Willis SIMMONS, & Jacob PERKINS for the sum of £37 10 Shillings interest £9 15 Shillings £5 13 Shillings 6 Pence 3 Farthings1 Fifa which has been recovered by by Samuel ETHERIDGE & Philip NORTHERN against them(note too many judgements against SIMMONS & PERKINS to list) In obedience of Writs I took into possession a tract of land called the Light Swamp in Moyock District the lands of Thomas COX, the heirs of Joseph BALLENTINE dec’d & others to contain 300 acres being the land Willis SIMMONS purchased at the Sheriff’s Sale on Aug. 21, 1815 the property of Joseph FEREBEE. On May 4, 1815 the land was offered for public sale when appeared William MATTHIAS & bid the sum of $1 per acre & was best bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writs & the total sum of $300 paid to me by William MATTHIAS I have granted & Conveyed the land unto him. Witness S. FEREBEE, S. ETHERIDGE; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 250-253] June 8, 1815 - Whereas a certain WILLIAM Sn. By his indenture dated Aug. 12, 1811 did transfer & convey unto Lamuel WILSON a tract of land with a Grist Mill thereon on the head of Tulls Creek containing 152 acres. Beginning at BRIGHT’s line to a line which divides this land from the land of Letishea LEE to the swamp various courses to the first. The said land belonging in trust with full power to Lemuel WILSON & I in execution of the trust having advertised in the Norfolk Herald did expose the land for ready money which Dennis DAUGE/DOZIER & Samuel FEREBEE being best bid at the price of $1461. I have granted & conveyed the land unto them. Witness Dennis SORY, Edward D. WILSON; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 254-255] Aug, 25, 1815 - I William BONNEY & Mary BONNEY for the sum of $100 paid to me by Benjamin WATERFIELD for a messuage of land on Knots Island. Beginning at the at a corner on the North side of the land I sold to WATERFIELD with this line to the line joining William BONNEY JUN. down this line to the line between me & BONNEY JUN. various courses to the first containing 4 acres. Witness William CAPTS, Gideon BONNEY, Ruben WATERFIELD, Malachi WHITE; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 256-257] Dec. 10, 1814 - I Elijah MARMADUKE for the sum of $200 paid to me by Arthur ETHERIDGE for a parcel of land on Powells Point. Beginning on Zorobabel HARRISON dec’d line various courses to James FORBES line to the first containing 25 acres. Witness Nathan SHANNON, Seneah? SHANNON ; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 257-258 ] July 10, 1815 - I Elizabeth GREGORY for the sum of $25 paid to me by Bowen GREEN for a parcel of land on the North Banks in the land of William MELSON deceased which he bought of Andrew DUKE containing 50 acres. Witness Lemuel GREGORY, John BROCK; Registered Oct. 24, 1815
[Deed Book 13; pg. 258-259 ]
Sept. 20, 1814 - I John POPPERWELL for the sum of $31 paid to me by Jacob QUIDLEY for a parcel of land on the Cape Hatterass Banks. Beginning on the Sound side at Christopher MIDYETT’s corner with his line to the Sea to conclude 25 acres then to Willoughby BASNETT line with his line to the Sound side with the Sound to the first. Witness John CLARK, Major CLARK; Registered Oct. 24, 1815[Deed Book 13; pg. 260-261]
July 19, 1814 - I Richard HUTCHENS for the just quantity of land on Indian Ridge adjoining Jacob PERKINS. Beginning at Tulley DOZIER’s line to the division line between Richard HUTCHENS & Tucker HUTCHENS which was left to us by the death of our Father James HUTCHENS containing 6 ¼ acres. For the place for a parcel adjoining the lands of Caleb GREGORY & Philip DOZIER containing 6 2/3 acres which I Richard HUTCHENS do for the quantity of 16 2/3 acres of swamp land adjoining Caleb GREGORY & Philip DOZIER. I Richard HUTCHENS agree to let Tucker HUTCHENS have 6 ¼ acres in exchange for said land. Witness Dennis DOZIER, J. CHITTEM; Registered Oct. 24, 1815[Deed Book 13; pg. 261-262] [no month] 25, 1815 - I Phillip MILLER for the sum of $27 paid to me by Pharrah FARROW for a parcel of land on Cape Hatteras Banks. Beginning at William WILLIAMS line with his line to Pharoah FARROW’s line at the Sea side to Isaac FARROW’s patent corner to William MEKINS line with his line to the first containing 10 acres of patent land. Witness W. STYRON, Joseph MORGAN; Registered Oct. 25, 1815
[Pages 263-265 are blank]
[Deed Book 13; pg. 266-268] Feb. 26, 1816 - I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa issued out of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Session commanding me out of the goods chattles & lands of Caleb GARRETT to cause the sum be made of £245 with interest on 9 Judgements & Executions which Jonathan LINDSEY has recovered against him. In obedience of Writ & Judgements I took into possession a tract of land whereon Caleb GARRETT then lived on Powells Point. Beginning at a corner belonging to the heirs of Jehu HALL dec’d with his line to Samuel DOWDY’s land with his line to Michael WHITSON’s land various courses to the first containing 171 acres, being the land & marsh that Caleb GARRETT bought of Jonathan LINDSEY. On Aug. 24, 1815 the said land was offered for public sale where appeared Harney MERCER & bid the sum of $3.86 per acres & was best bid. I Isaac BAXTER Sheriff by virtue of Writ & the total sum of £270 16 Shillings 6 Pence have granted & conveyed the land unto Harney MERCER. Witness S. FEREBEE, Thomas BAXTER; Registered April 14, 1816
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