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Currituck County, North Carolina
Deed Book 30

[Deed Book 30; pg. 10-11] Tilmon F. MIDGET and his wife Susan of Currituck County sold to Thomas NEWBERN of Currituck County, for $30.00, a tract of land in Poplar Branch District containing 5 1/4 acres joining Isaac OWENS, Thomas NEWBERN and Willoughby OLDS.  This indenture was made August 25, 1867.  /s/ Tilmon F. MIDGETT, Susan MIDGETT

[Deed Book 30; pg. 12] Aug. 20, 1867 - William WHITE  sold to Ryland C. WHITE both of Currituck, for $130.00, a certain tract of land situated and lying on Knotts Island bounded as follows on the North by the land of Tully L. CAPPS on the East by Samuel D. WATERFIELDs land on the South by the aforesaid Tully L. CAPPS on the west by the land of James WATERFIELD, decd., Containing 6 acres.  /s/ William WHITE.  Witnesses: Tully CAPPS, H.D. BELL.  Registered:  Oct. 30, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 12-13] Aug. 26, 1867 - Alfred H. TILLETT as administrator of Thos. B. TILLETT did at May Term file my petition praying for the sale of a tract of land herein described to obtain assets to pay the debt of (Blank) Decree of Sale was granted I did on 26th of August 1867 offered for sale before the Court House door and whereas at said sale Hodges GALLOP appeared and bid for the tract of land the sum of $65.00 which was the highest and best bid and he was declared the purchaser for all that land in Carlington (Collington today) containing by estimation 260 acres joining the land of heirs of Julia DODWY & being tract purchased by Thomas B. TILLETT of Sol. ASHBEE.  /s/ Alfred H. TILLETT.  Witness: Wm. F. MARTIN.  Registered: Oct. 30, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 13] Aug. 26, 1867 - Alfred H. TILLETT as administrator of Thos. B. TILLETT did at May Term file my petition praying for the sale of a tract of land herein described to obtain assets to pay the debt. A decree of sale was granted I did on 26th of August 1867 offered for sale before the Court House door and whereas at said sale Solomon A. BAUM purchased the land at the price of $50.00, the land being all the land lying South of Nags Head Hill on Bodys Island Beach containing by estimation 350 acres, being land which descended to Thos. B. TILLETT from his Father. /s/ Alfred H. TILLETT.  Witness: Wm. F. MARTIN.  Registered: Oct. 31, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 13-14] Mar. 5, 1867 - E.C. LINDSEY of the City of Norfolk State of Virginia and R.T. JOHNSON of the County of Norfolk and State of Virginia. Whereas the said LINDSEY has sold to JOHNSON one undivided half of a tract of land in the County of Currituck, JOHNSON has agreed in writing to improve the whole of the said tract of land. Now this Indenture LINDSEY being desirous of securing JOHNSON from loss by reason of his agreement and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 paid to JOHNSON by LINDSEY for a tract of land situated in Poplar Branch in Currituck County on the waters of North River containing 1000 acres  more or less together with one undivided half of the appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the said One undivided half of said piece of land and appurtenances belonging unto the said JOHNSON. Provided always nevertheless that if LINDSEY heirs etc. shall reimburse  JOHNSON for expenses incurred in improving said land for the benefit of LINDSEY, the expenses of improving which shall be loose by LINDSEY and JOHNSON Share and Share alike then this indenture shall cease determine and become absolutely void to all intents and purposes.  /s/ E.C. LINDSEY, R.T. JOHNSON.  Registered: Nov. 1, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 14-15] Aug. 31, 1867 - Sevility PARKER wife of Peter PARKER sold to Jackson BALLANCE, Caleb BALLANCE, Mahaly BALLANCE, Sally BALLANCE, Sevility PARKER, Elizabeth, Sarah, & Isaac HUGHS, children of Samuel B. HUGHS, for $5.00, for the natural love and affection which I Sevility PARKER have for the said parties of the second part do give grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Jackson BALLANCE 24 acres of the Bells Island tract of land & the other part of said tract of land which is the south side containing 26 acres, I grant, bargain, sell & convey unto Caleb BALLANCE his heirs and assigns forever except firewood & rail timber. I also give & convey unto Mahaly BALLANCE one half of the COX tract of land and the westward half of said COX tract the whole tract containing 77 acres more or less except firewood and rail timber. The other part of the COX tract the Eastward part I give convey to Sally BALLANCE forever except firewood and rail timber. I also give & convey unto Sevility PARKER one half of the DOZIER tract of land containing in all 49 acres more or less to her forever. I also give & convey unto Elizabeth, Sarah & Isaac HUGHS children of Samuel HUGHS the other half of said DOZIER tract of land forever except firewood and rail timber. /s/ Sevility PARKER.  Witness: J.W. BAXTER.  Registered Nov. 1, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 18-19] August 26, 1867.  Whereas William G. POOL has produced a deed made to him from Samuel N. MIDGETT and his wife Elizabeth for a tract of land in Currituck County and it being known that Elizabeth MIDGETT is so ages and infirm that she cannot travel to the Courthouse, I.C. MEEKINS and A.S. ETHERIDGE were appointed to take a private examination of her and bring it to Court on the last November 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 19-20] Nancy GAYLOR, Samuel N. MIDGETT and his wife Elizabeth, all of Currituck County, sold to William G. POOL of Pasquotank County, for $30.00, a tract of land in Currituck County on Nags head beginning at the Atlantic Ocean at the SE corner of the land of the heirs of Lemuel TILLITT and running to John THOMPSON's land that formerly belonged to Nathan O'NEAL, then to the ocean, containing 50 acres.  This indenture was made September 14, 1866.  Wit: C.W. GRANDY.  /s/ Nancy [x] GAYLOR, Samuel N. MIDGETT, Elizabeth [x] MIDGETT. Registered: December 2, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 22] Mary MIDGETT of Tyrrell County sold to Daniel B. AUSTIN of Currituck County, for $13.00, a tract of land on the south end of Roanoke Island " being my right, title & heirship in a tract of land formerly belonging to my father Avery DANIEL, dec'd., it being 66 acres".  This indenture was made July 7, 1866.  /s/ Mary MIDGETT.  Registered: Dec. 5, 1867.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 29] William D. AUSTIN and his wife Anna M. AUSTIN and Bethany O. DANIEL, sold to Daniel B. AUSTIN, for $10,00, "...our right, title & heirship in a tract of land formerly belonging to Avery DANIEL, dec'd.," lying on the south end of Roanoke Island containing 67 acres and joining the lands of Charles S. DANIEL and others.  Bethany became 1/5 owner and William & Anna became 1/5 owner at the death of Avery DANIEL, dec'd.  This indenture was made October 21, 1867.  /s/ Wm. D. AUSTIN, Anna M. [x] AUSTIN, Bethany O. [x] DANIEL.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 107]  Know all men by these presents that I Lovey AYDELOTT for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear to my Daughter Frances AYDELOTT and for other considerations one thereunto moving particularly the request of my late Husband in his Last Will and Testament and the further consideration of$5.00 do give and grant unto my Daughter Frances  all that piece of land assigned to me in the division of the lands of my Father Joshua HARRISON reference to which will fully show the description said land being on Powells Point and bounded on the South Levi MURRILL, on the West Hodges GALLOP, on the North Lucinda GALLOP and Currituck Sound on the East, containing by estimation100 acres more or less. To Frances AYDELOTT for her natural life and at her death to her children living and representatives of such of her children as my be dead at the time of her death, share and share alike to each child or representative of a child, one share. And in default of child or children of my said Daughter Frances living at her death or representative of such then I give said land to my other children or their representative in equal shares to each child or representative, this 25th of May 1868.  Witness: Wm. F. MARTINRegistered 15 day of June 1868

[Deed Book 30; pg. 108-109]  November 6, 1866 - Know all men by these presents that whereas I W.G. POOL desire R.F. OVERMAN and wife Kate to build on my land at Nags Head in Currituck County, and reside there during the summer months. Now therefore for and in consideration of the premises and the further consideration of $1.00 to me paid by Kate OVERMAN, for a certain piece, parcel or lot of land called Nags Head, commencing at the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean 40 feet from North West corner of Florence L. GRANDYs lot various feet to include a street to beginning. Signed sealed & delivered in presence of words Florance L. GRANDY  /s/ C.W. GRANDY, JR.  Registered June 29, 1868

[Deed Book 30; pg. 109]  June 25, 1868 - Reuben F. OVERMAN assignee in Bankruptcy of the first part and Nathan S. POYNER of the second part. Whereas Nathan S. POYNER by virtue of his office as assignee in Bankruptcy did on June 25, 1868 after advertising said land belonging to Nathan S. POYNER who had been declared a Bankrupt filed with C.G. POOLs Register expose at public auction the lands of POYNER at Currituck Courthouse when and where the said Nathan S. POYNER came and bid the sum of $10.00, it being the last and best bid and he was declared the purchaser. Now for and in consideration of the premises and the further consideration of $10.00 to the said Reuben F. OVERMAN, by Nathan S. POYNER, OVERMAN doth sell and convey unto POYNER all right title claim and demand of Nathan S. POYNER duly declared a Bankrupt in a certain piece of land adjoining the lands of HARDY & BROTHERS, JARVIS & William HUNT & others containing 100 acres.  /s/  R.F. OVERMAN, Assignee in Bankruptcy Witness: E.F. BAXTER Registered June 29, 1868

[Deed Book 30; pg. 174] July 27, 1869? - I William E. DOZIER hath this day borrowed of Caleb BELL $112.50 cents with interest and to secure Caleb BELL from any damage or loss I said William E. DOZIER do mortgage 148 acres of land bounded on North by said BELL on the West by A.D. DEY on South by heirs of T.L. DOZIER dec’d on the East by A.P. FROST. Said loan to be paid by first day of  January 1867.  Witness: T.C. HUMPHRIESRegistered January 25, 1869.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 174-175]  Know ye that Alexander J. GOODMAN and Wm. D. GOODMAN of the first part for securing the payment of a certain note for the sum of $5.00s to us duly paid by Eliz. BRAY Wife of Benjamin BRAY. We have sold unto Eliz. BRAY one dark bay horse being that which Alex. J. GOODMAN this day bought of Eliz. BRAY, also all the corn which both of us shall raise during the year 1869. Said note being given for the horse valued to the amount of $212.50.  Given this day with 12 months credit, if said payment is well & truly made on 20th day of Jan. 1870 then these presents shall be void.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 175-176] Oct. 4, 1867 - Samuel TILLETT sold to DEMPSEY PERRY for $27.00, a parcel of land lying on the North Banks bounded as follows: beginning at the gum swamp running a Eastwardly course binding on the Wm. Keys HARRIS to the middle of Polly ridge swamp thence the swamp up a Northwardly course by a line of marked trees a certain marked pine, thence Eastwardly binding on Sulvinus HARRISes line to a certain marked pine, thence a Northwardly course binding on Sulvinus HARRISes line to Eliza WICKERs line thence an Westwardly course binding on Eliza WICKERs line to the sum swamp thence Southwardly course running said swamp to the first station containing 12 acres.  /s/ Samuel TILLETT.  Witness: Wm. CURLES. H.W. BEASLEY.  Registered: Jan. 13, 1869.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 175-176] Jan. 8, 1865 - Hodges GALLOP sold to  W.D. TATE of Currituck, for $125.00, a certain parcel of land lying on North Banks bounded as follows: beginning at John BAUMs North line the head of Kity Hock Bay running BAUMs line to the sea thence along the sea to Mathias TOLERs heirs line, thence along said TOLERs line to the head of Kity Hock bay thence various courses along the bay to first station containing 75 ACRES, being all of that tract of land which Caleb TOLER, JR. lived up to the time of his death.  /s/ H. GALLOP  Witness: Balentine HARRIS.  Registered:  Jan. 25, 1869.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 285] John M. MIDGETT of Currituck County sold to Annie B. BURGESS, formerly MIDGETT " daughter", for $500.00 and for other considerations " thereto moving, one of which I executed to my said daughter of a deed for the land conveyed Oct. 1, 1862 which deed was informally drawn and does not as fully convey the land as I intended", a tract of land on Bodies Island at the NW point of Patricks Creek at John WEST's (should be Wise) and running to the sea, then to Solomon MANN's, then to the Sound, containing 500 acres.  This indenture was made April 22, 1869.  Wit:  I.R. ANDREWS, Edward DRINKWATER.  /s/ John M. MIDGETT

[Deed Book 30; pg. 290-291] John M. MIDGETT of Currituck County sold to Winnie B. ANDREWS of Currituck County, for $500.00, a tract of land on Bodies Island at Wash Creek and running to the sea, then to Solomon MANN's, then to the Sound, containing 300 acres.  This indenture was made February 10, 1869.  Wit: Edward DRINKWATER.  /s/ John M. MIDGETT

[Deed Book 30; pg. 300-301] Maurice MIDGETT and his wife Mary of Currituck County sold to George R. MIDGETT of Currituck County, for $140.00, a tract of land on Roanoke Island joining the Sound and containing 20 acres.  This indenture was made June 7, 1869.  Wit: A.C. ASHBEE, Jno. B. ETHERIDGE.  /s/ Maurice MIDGETT, Mary T. MIDGETTMary MIDGETT was unable to attend Court because of sickness so John B. ETHERIDGE was appointed special commissioner to take the private examination asking her consent in the execution of the above deed.  This examination took place June 22, 1869.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 382] James M. LUDFORD of Tyrrell County sold to Marcus L. MIDGETT of Tyrrell County, for $700.00, a tract of land in Currituck County known as the Solomon ASHBEE land, it being all the right of Solomon ASHBEE on Roanoke Island (except one field known as the Charles tract), containing 480 acres.  This indenture was made May 27, 1868.  Wit: Daniel MIDGETT, R.P. MIDGETT.  /s/ James M. LUDFORD, Kate C. LUDFORD, Mary H. ASHBEE.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 399] Sept. 12, 1869 - Malachi W. BEASLEY and his wife Polly E. BEASLEY sold to William BEASLEY for the sum of $50.00, a certain parcel of land containing 20 acres. Beginning at a slew between the lands of William BEASLEY and Malachi BEASLEY & Polly E. his wife, binding Cowells Creek to the lands of William BEASLEY.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 400-401] June 16, 1866 - Thomas TILLETT sold to Alonzo ETHERIDGE both of Currituck, for $100.00, a certain parcel of land lying on the South end of Roanoke Island and bounded as follows: beginning on the main road at J.A. MEEKINS line joining the lands of Daniel CUDWORTH, Spencer HOOKER, S. BAUM and F.A. ????? containing 52 acres.  /s/ Thomas TILLETT.  Witness: Thos. W, DANIELS.  Registered: Sept. 27, 1869.

[Deed Book 30; pg. 401-402] Oct. 13, 1865 - Endymion D. CORNICK and Margaret his wife, Henry T. CORNICK and Fanny his wife, sold to  J.W. CHAMBERLIN & Co. for $100.00, a parcel of land now undivided and bounded as follows: On the east by the Atlantic Ocean on the North by the Inlet Woods on the West by Mons channel separating said tract of land from Knotts Island and the South by the lands belonging to the estate of C.T. CHAPLAIN Decd and which was bequeathed to said Endymion CORNICK and Henry T. CORNICK by the last Will and Testament of their Father HENRY D. CORNICK Decd., Containing 100 acres.  /s/ E.D. CORNICK, H.D. CORNICK, Fanny CORNICK, Margaret W. CORNICK (Princess Anne Co., Va.).  Registered: Sept. 27, 1869.

No part of these deed abstracts may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these deeds that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you either order a copy of the deed from the county or look at a copy of the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.




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