[Deed Book 36, pg. 449-451]
Indenture between John DOXEY, Grandy DOXEY, John F. GRAY & wife Ann M., Charles BELL and wife Lydia of Currituck David SAWYER and wife Amanda E., Pius GEORGE and wife Mary J. of Norfolk County, Va. of the first part, and Joseph SIMPSON of Camden County, North Carolina of the second part. Jany 2, 1882. Five hundred dollars. That certain piece or parcel of land known and designated as the Ashly OWENS tract of land adjoining the lands of John HUMPHRIES and the heirs of Olive MATHIAS & others containing forty eight acres more or less also the previlidge of getting fire wood & rail timber from the tract of land known as the neck for the use of the said (?) (?) it being the piece of land purchased by Mary DOXEY from Edmond BRAY reference to said deed of Record in Registers office Currituck County will more fully show boundaries. s/ John [x] DOXEY, J F GRAY, Pytous GEORGE, A M GRAY, M A GEORGE, G B DOXEY, Charles M BELL, Lydia B. BELL, David W SAWYER, Amanda E SAWYER .
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