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Currituck County, North Carolina
Deed Book 49

[Deed Book 49; pg. 531-532] Sept. 30, 1908. G.W. WILLIAMS and wife Clara WILLIAMS of Currituck County to Wm. H SIMPSON of Currituck County. Six Hundred and Seventy Dollars. Two certain tracts or parcels of land in Crawford Township Currituck County adjoining the lands of John BAXTER and others, 1st tract bounded as follows; Beginning at the mouth of a ditch that empties in another ditch on the Back Woods Public Road, thence with a center of first named ditch a westwardly course to a Stake, thence a southwardly course in a line about parallel with said Back Woods Road to the center of the ditch mentioned in this deed as being on Back Woods Road; thence an Eastwardly Course with the center of this ditch to a corner at Said Back Woods Road, thence with center of said ditch Northwardly Course to the place of beginning Containing in this tract fifteen acres more or less 2d Tract bounded as follows, on the North by the lands of John BAXTER; on the East by the lands of said John BAXTER and others; on the South by the lands of E.S.W. [sic] DAVIS and others; on the West by lands known as the Etheridge Swamp, containing in this tract forty (40) acres more or less, being 55 acres more or less in both tracts, these are the lands that were conveyed to said G.W. WILLIAMS in two separate Deeds by John BAXTER mortgagee, see Deed Book No 48 pp 486 & c, for first tract and Book No 49 pp 277 & c. for the second tract herein described.  /s/ G.W. WILLIAMS, Clara WILLIAMS. Acknowledged Oct. 7, 1908 before E. W. ANSELL Clerk of Superior Court, who also took the private examination of Clara WILLIAMS. Recorded Nov. 13, 1908 by R. E. FLORA Reg. of Deeds.

No part of these deed abstracts may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these deeds that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you either order a copy of the deed from the county or look at a copy of the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.




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