Note from Lois Meekins, the compiler: This microfilm of deed records does not specify any particular book number. Deeds from this time period should be found in Currituck Deed Book 2 but deeds from this film are not found in that book nor were they listed in the Currituck County Cross Index to Deeds from 1761-1873. This film was hard to read and the book was evidently in bad condition when filmed. In each deed it lists the place where the grantor & grantee reside. If I have not stated the place in the abstract, then they were mentioned as being "of Currituck county and Provence of North Carolina". At the top of some of the first pages of this film is stamped "Chicago Historical Society". The first page on the microfilm was 31.
[Pg. 31-32] 1764 - Registered 1765; Marmerduke SIVILS to Matias TOLER, Patten 4 Oct. 1716 by Richard SAN_______ [SANDERSON], ESQR., land in Kitty Hawk, 264 acres for 33 pounds proclamation. Wit: Caleb TOOLER, Nicholas LUNN.
[Pg. 32] March 26, 1764 - 40 acres of land. Joel POINER, SEN'R, and Elizabeth his wife, to Nathan POINER, being part of a patten granted to Collonel Richard SANDERSON under the Collony seal, the 6 day of Aug. 1715. Land being near the North River in Currituck County.
[Pg. 33] Torn; not legible
[Pg. 34] blank
[Pg. 35] torn; not legible
[Pg. 36] torn
[Pg. 37 (is after page 38)] 1764. At the top of page 37 is a deed signed by Edward BOWREN and witnessed by James BURNHAM & Thomas O DOWDEY. This must have been part of whatever was on page 36.
[Pg. 37-38] March 21, 1764 - William O DOWDY the Younger of Currituck County to Marmaduke COX of the same county, land formerly in the possession of Richd. O DOWDEY, deceased, containing by estimation 50 acres. For 25 Pounds current money of the Province of North Carolina. Registered the 20th Day of April 1765. Joseph HAMMAN's corner tree. Wit: James BURNHAM, William BRIGHT, Anna BURNHAM.
[Pg. 38-39] Nov. 16, 1763. Abner LEGGATT of Currituck County to Willoughby DAUDGE of the same county, for 25 pounds proclamation money, 22 acres of land being part of that tract of land as the said LEGGATT now lives on, a corner tree to land that Willis SIMMONS bought of the said LEGGATT, Hillary SIMMONS' line. /s/ Abner LEGETT. Witnesses: John SIMMONS, Hillary SIMMONS [written on several places at bottom of this page is Hiram M. SPICER & Edmeston CENTEW(?) then it looks like SPICER & SPICER]. Registered 20th Day of April 1765.
[Pg. 39 (there are two pages 39)] Nov. 5, 1763 - Joshua ETHERIDGE and wife Elizabeth, both of Pasquotank County, to Solomon ETHERIDGE of Currituck County, 50 acres, being a part of a large tract of land formerly held pattened by Robert SMITH, patten date 20 June 1701, the said land is bounded between the three tracts of land belonging to George POWERS, Moses LINTON and his brother, Willis ETHERIDGE. For the valuable consideration of 14 pounds Lawfull money of the same County and Province aforesaid. Wit: Caleb ETHERIDGE, Elkianah WILLIAMS. Registered in April 1764 Pleas & Quarter Sessions.
[Pg. 39-40] July 8, 1763 - Edmond BOWREN of Currituck County to Mathias ETHERIDGE of same county, proved by the oath of Solomon ETHERIDGE. 150 acres, it being 1/2 the land that Richard BRIGHT gave his son Lemuel by deed of gift. Beginning at a gum standing in Posimon Tree Branch and running a north course to a head line then along the head line that Richard BRIGHT made between him and his son Lemuel BRIGHT, then to a branch called Aulder Branch. For the Valuable sum of 25 Pounds Current money of the Province of North Carolina. Wit: Willis ETHERIDGE, Solomon ETHERIDGE, Jurat, James BURNHAM. /s/ Edmond BOWREN. Registered in Registers Office the 4th day of May 1765.
[Pg. 41] Nov. 29, 1763 - Gideon LAMB, "Manerander of the precinct of Pasquotank" to Luke LAMB of Pasquotank, for the sum of 20 Pounds Current Money, 150 acres on the north east side of North River. Wit: Demcy GREGORY, Isaac GREGORY. Registered in Registers Office 7th Day of May 1763 (sic) but says April 1764 Pleas and Quarter Sessions.
[Pg. 42] 1763 - Gideon LAMB to Luke LAMB, near the middle of the great swamp that divides Currituck & Pasquotank counties. Wit: Nathan POYNER, John LYNSAY.
[Pg. 42-43] Sept. 10, 1762 - Francis BROWEN of the county of Perquimans to John ROBERTSON, 50 acres on Currituck County North River swamp, beginning at a pine standing in Capt. John ROBERTSON's line. For 20 Pounds Proclamation money. This part of a large tract of land taken up by the said Francis BROWEN as by deed of grant from the honorable Earle of Granville, paten of land pattened by the said Francis BROWEN. Wit: Will CUMMING, Francis WILLIAMSON. /s/ Fran. BROWEN. Registered 9th Day of May 1765.
[Pg. 44] April 3, 1764 - Peter MORRISETT to James DAUDGE, pattened by Peter MORRISETT in 1762. For the sum of Three Pounds proclamation money. Henry PERKINS' corner. 50 acres. Wit: Absolom LEGATT, Michael CUNI [torn]. Registered the eleventh Day of May 1765.
[Pg. 45-46] Jan. 3, 1764 - Cornelius GREGORY of the county of Currituck to James DAUGE of the same county, 50 acres for 30 Pounds proclamation money, a tract of land formerly belonging to Richd. GREGORY late of Currituck, deceased. Wit: Solomon PERKINS, Hillary SIMMONS.
[Pg. 46 & next unnumberd page] John BALLANCE, SEN'R. to Francis WILLIAMSON. __ Hundred Fifty acres more or less (don’t know how many hundred).
[Pg. 47] blank
[Pg. 48] Henry PERKINS and his wife Abbagil to Caleb BELL, 50 acres of land for the consideration of 27 [torn], it being part of _______. Wit: Absalom LEGATT, John SIMMONS.
[Pg. 49] April 2, 1764 - James DAUGE to Caleb BELL, 55 acres, this being part of the DAUGE patten of 1760.
[Pg. 50] 1764 - James DAUGE and his wife Mary to Henry PERKINS, 100 acres pattened by John PERKINS? in 1761.
[Pg. 51] Solomon MILLER and his wife Kezia to CEBEL?. Beginning on Northwest River Marsh
[Pg. 52] 1764 - Henry PERKINS and his wife Abigils to James DAUGE, 100 acres, it being a part of the John PERKINS, SEN'R., deceased, patten. Wit: Absolom LEGGETT, John SIMMONS.
[Pg. 52] April 2, 17??. William O'DOWDY of Currituck, to Ben NORTHERN of the same county, 20 acres joining on Marmaduke COX, mentions William STAFF___ , James STAFFORD. My cousin James STAFFORD, deceased. Page torn.
[Pg. 53] Josiah SLACK to Kedar MARCHANT. Money of Virginia. Registered the 7th day of June 1765.
[Pg. 55-56] Abell BRADLEY to John BRADLEY. Wit: Caleb ANSELL.
[Pg. 5_?] Jane JONES of Currituck county to Thos. TRUEBLOOD of Pasquotank County. 300 acres Lying on the Head of Moyock Creek. Witness: Leven LUCAS.
[Pg. 56A] 12 January 1764? - James WILKINS of Norfolk Co. in the colony of Virginia to Ben ACKISS, 40 acres pattened by Daniel? MACKAY in 1716, FLORA's line. Wm. BRAY, SNR., Caleb ANSELL, Willm. WILKINS.
[Pg. 56A] 17?? - Norfolk Co., VA. John PASTUR/PASTEUR and with Neil SNODGRASS to Richard TEMPLEMAN, land I purchased of Willis SIMMONS, patened by [torn] 16??, Amos ETHERIDGE line.
[Pg. 58] Thos. ALLEN of Currituck County to Richard ALLEN; Mickel ONEEAL's line. Wit: Jas. CAMPBELL, Sarah CAMPBELL.
[Pg. next age 58] James PARKER, JR. to James PARKER, SENR. of Currituck County - Sound side, swamp, Mickal ONEEAL land.
[Pg. 60] 1763 - Sarah COOPER, widow of Isles COOPER, dec'd., of Currituck County, to well beloved son in law Wm.? [torn] all my whole estate-land and money at my decease. Child Wm. Brock WILLSON to be delivered to him by [torn]. Wit: Williams SNOWDEN, Jurt., Sarah ETHERIDGE. [Note: Sarah COOPER’s daughter Elizabeth married William FEREBEE]
[Pg. 61] John TAYLOR to Thos. TAYLOR [torn] Sound side.
[Pg. 61-62] Wm. IVES [torn] 50 acres.
[Pg. 62] 1765 - Thomas BURGIS, wider, to Wm. IVES?. Mentions Joremi? IVES?. Wit: James _____, Simeon JARVES.
[Pg. 62-63] 10 April 1764 - Timothy IVES, SEN'R., to Henry CAPS, JUN'R. 30 acres banks land near Currituck Inlett for the sum of 5 Pounds current money of Carolina. Laid off on the south of my tract of 100 acres I now hold on the banks. Wit: John WOODHOUSE, Jurat: Phillip WILLIANS, Richard ALLEN.
[Pg. 63-64] 30 March 1764 - Thomas O'DOWDY to Ben NORTHERN, 135 acres for the sum of 5 Pounds current money of Carolina, it being the land Thomas O'DOWDY had of Wm. O'DOWDY, part of the land that was taken up by William STAFFORD, deceased--Duke COX corner tree & Moyock Creek. A line that divided Elizabeth JONES' thirds and the said O'DOWDY. Wit: Nicholis NICHOLS, George POWERS, Elizabeth POWERS. Registered 24th Day of June 1765.
[Pg. 64-65] 1764 - William GRAY to Francis PEELE, 33 acres on Hatteras Banks, Kinnket woods, for the sum of 50 Pounds, it being a right belonging to Thomas JONES left him by his father, David JONES, deceased. Wit: Christopher ONEEL, Willm. ONEEL.
[Pg. 65] 31 July 1764. Richard MORSE for natural love and affection towards daughter Anne MORSE one negro wench called Sarah & increase, one mare called Flower, side saddle, two cows & calves & increase, three stears, one bed & furniture. Wit: Caleb SIMMONS, Jonathan JACKSON. Registered 25th July 1765
[Pg. 65] 26 July 1764 - Thomas JONES of Hide County to William GREAY, next to Francis PEELE line. 1/4 part of a tract of land that was left to Thomas JONES by his father, being the whole of his rite to that tract of land. For the sum of ten pounds current money. Wit: Francis PEELE, Samuel CLARK. Registered 25th Day of July 1765
[Pg. 66] 5 March 1764 - Thomas MILLER to Daniel LEE. 25 acres joining Richard SEXTON line to John JONES line, for the sum of 100 Pounds proclamation money. /s/ Thomas "MULDER". Wit: John SIMMONS, Kader MULDER.
[Pg. 66] 1 April 1764 - Peter MORRISET to Gideon WHITEHURST. 50 acres joining Peter DAUGE line and James DAUGE line. Wit: Wm. FERBEE, Willoughby DAUGES, Henry PERKINS. Registered July 25, 1765
[Pg. 67] 1764 - Samuel JARVES, SR. and Samuel JARVES, JR. to William FEREBEE, 100 acres of land formerly belonging to Thos. TAYLOR, SEN'R., a patten of 1712 and given by deed of gift to his daughter Bridget TAYLOR, known by the name of the Inden Ridge formerly belonging to Thos. TAYLOR, JR. and Sarah TAYLOR and now belonging to Jerimiah MERCER & Evan SIMMONS, beginning at Jerymiah MERCER & Evan SIMMONS, Devel Ditch. For the sum of 60 Pounds Proclamation money. Wit: John WOODHOUSE, Samuel SALYAR. Registered July 26, 1765.
[Pg. 68] 6 April 1764 - Samuel BARNARD of Currituck to Willm. GREY, of Currituck county. THOMPSON line for the sum of 120 pounds.. Wit: Caleb CHURCH, John HUGHES. Registered July 26, 1765
[Pg. 68-69] 12 July 1764 - Nathaniel POYNER gentleman of Currituck County, to Richard CAMPBELL, 50 acres joining the land of John Colling THOMSON, Great Swamp. For 50 Pounds Current Silver money of Colony of Virginia. Wit: Joshua WHITE, Charles SMITH. Registered July 27, 1765.
[Pg. 69-70] 1764 - Sophia POYNER, widow, for the love and good will & affection I have & do bear toward my loving children, to sons, Joel POYNER & Benjamin POYNER 10 shillings money. Daughters Sophia BARCO, Mary MERCER, Ester SALYERS, Abia PARKER, Ciziah? POYNER, & Jamina PARKER, 10 shillings. Also give to my son Nathan POYNER 2 feather beads and all the rest of my estate. Wit: Wm. BRAY, Caleb ANSELL. Registered August 5, 1765.
[Pg. 70] 14 Sept. 1764 - William ETHERIDGE to James DAUDGE, 50 acres, part of a tract of land pattened Aug. 1, 1761 by Thomas HUCHANS, joining Thomas HUTCHANS & Peter DAUGE line. Wit: Thos. SHERGOLD, Joshua BARBER. Registered August 5, 1765.
[Pg. 70-71] 4 Oct. 1764 - James WILSON to Joshua WHITE, a certain tract or parcel of Land containing 59 acres for the sum of 55 Pounds Virginia Money, situated on Currituck shore being part of a tract of land of 261 acres pattened by Nathl.? WICKER, on April 2, 1715, mouth of Tulls Creek. Wit: Francis WILLIAMSON, Solomon PERKINS, Joseph POYNER. Registered 5 Day of August 1765.
[Pg. 71-72] 2 Oct. 1764 - Mary LURRY, widow of the county of Currituck, to Thos. SAWER. 50 acres situated near Indian Town adjoining Wm. LURRY's line, Horse bridge branch & North River swamp. For the sum of 40 Pounds Proclamation money. Wit: Francis WILLIAMSON, Lemuel SANDERSON, Peter POYNER.
[Pg. 72-73] 15 Oct. 1764 - Even MILLAR and wife Dinah/Dina to Joshua CAMPBELL, 95 acres of 250 acres taken up by Evan MILLER, younger by deed of grant bearing date of May 4, 1761 on the north east side of North River joining the THOMPSON line. For the sum of Fifty Pounds of Proclamation money. Wit: Abell KALLAM, Even MILLER, SEN'R. Registered 14 Day August 1765
[Pg. 73-74] 15 April 1765 - William FEREBEE and his wife Elizabeth to Thos. WILLIAMS. Two acres at Tulls Creek Bridge. for 10 pounds current money, it being a part of a tract of land purchased by Francis BROWN?. Wit: Michael CUMIFFY, Robert COCHRAN, John WHITEKER. Registered October 1765
[Pg. 74] 2 Feb 1765 - Timothy IVES, SEN'R. to Philip WILLIAMS, 40 acres for the sum of 10 pounds, joining Lewes WILLIAMS. Wit: Samuel JARVES JUN, Luke SILVESTER. Registered 14th Day October 1765.
[Pg. 74-75] 1765 - John FORBES of Pasquotank County to James GRANT of Currituck, 130 acres for 12 pounds procl. money, it being a part of a new patten on the North side of Benj. EVENS, James' line Sound side. Wit: Henry EVENS, Thomas EVENS?, Elizabeth FRESHWATER. Registered 15 Day of October 1765.
[Pg. 75] 3 August 1764 - Richd. SANDERSON of Perquimans County to Mathias TOLER, 100 acres on Kitty Hawk bay on the North Banks from Hickory Ridge to Duck Pond. For the sum of 7 Pounds current money of North Carolina. Wit: Leven LUCUS, Nicholes LUNN, Mathias TOLLER. Registered 15 Day October 1765.
[Pg. 75-76] 1764 - Hezekiah FARROW, SNR., planter, of Cape Hatteras Banks to Hezekiah FARROW, JR., 76 acres, place where Capt. Job CARR, deceased, did formerly live on joining Back Landing Creek and James WAHAB's corner. For 200 Pounds Lawfull money of said Province. Wit: Luke SLAUTER, John SCARBOROUGH. Registered 16 Day October 1765.
[Pg. 76-77] 16 Aug. 1764 - Joseph MANN of "Turil" County to John WILLIAMS, for the sum of 10 pounds, 100 acres on the west part of Roanoke Island joining Stephen WESTCOAT's line. Wit: Nicholas LUNN, Anthony TURST?, Stephen WESTKITT. Registered 16 Day October 1765.
[Pg. 77] 12 Dec. 1763 - Samson DOE to David SHAWHON both of Currituck County. For 12 shillings current money. Three Quarters an acre of Up Land and 1 Quarter of Marsh Land in the most convenient part of the Creek, beginning on North side of Roanoke Island beginning from the line of George DOE., being a part formerly granted to Samson DOE. Wit: Anthony SUPPLE, Moses CAPS, Mathad MIGAGE?. Registered 16 Day October 1765
[Pg. 77-78] 7 Sept. 1764 - Samuel ETHERIDGE, planter, & his wife Dianah ETHERIDGE to Willis BRIGHT, planter, a tract of land that Wm. BRIGHT formerly sold to Willis BRIGHT containing 50 acres for 40 Pounds Current Money. Wit: James BURNHAM, Anna [her B mark] BURNHAM. Registered 16 Day October 1765.
[Pg. 78-79] 14 Feb. 1765 - John CORNICK of Princess Ann County to Caleb MARCHANT of Currituck County, for 50 pounds current money of Virginia, 50 acres lying on the Northwest river adjoining the land of Abel BRADLY, from BRADLY's land to the Provience that divides Carolina from Virginia to a branch that divides this land from Kader MARCHANT that he bought of Joseph SLACK. Wit: John ACKISS, Gideon WHITE, Richard COATS, Joseph CORBELL, Thos. OLD, Thos. WMSON (WILLIAMSON?). Registered 16 Day October 1765.
[Pg. 79] 22 Feb. 1765 - Joseph MORRISETT and his wife Elizabeth, to Henry PERKINS, JUNR. for 80 Pounds Proclamation Money, 70 acres of land joining Samuel BARNARD, To ye Land called Sol. PERKINS, and George BERRY. Wit: Sol. PERKINS, Samnuel BARNARD. Registered 17 October 1765.
[Pg. 80] 14 Nov.1764 - Abner LEGETT and his wife Prudance to John SIMMONS, for 200 Pounds Proclamation Money, 65 Acres more or less, 37 acres of sd land pattend by Absolom LEGETT & 28 being old pattend Land ye same being for 65 acres. Wit: Hilary SIMMONS, Absolom LEGETT, Caleb GLASGOW. Registered 17 October 1765.
[Pg. 80-81] 15 Nov 1764 - Abner LEGETT and his wife Prudance to Absolom LEGGETT for 200 Pounds Proclamation Money. 70 Acres, 38 acres being pattend by sd. Absolom LEGETT, and 32 acres being old pattend being part of Land & Plantation whereon Absolom now lives, same being 70 acres said land joining Willoughby DOUDGE's line, James DOUDGE's line, John SIMMONS' line. Wit: Hilary SIMMONS, John SIMMONS, Caleb GLASGOW. Registered 17 October 1765
[Pg. 81] 28 Sept. 1764 - Thomas SAWYER of Pasquotank County to Willis LUFMAN, for 40 pounds proclamation money, 100 acres in Tulls Creek Beginning at a Ditch called “Warrens Ditch” and joining Daniel GLASGOW's line, Thos. WILLIAMS' line and land that Samuel PHILIPS bought of Richard FRANSHAW & Hillary CAUTTSON and surveyed by Wm. WILLIAMS Esq. 1704. Wit: John HUGHES, Dempsy SAWYER. Registered 17 October 1765.
[Pg. 82] 10 Oct 1764 - Absolom LEGGETT and his wife Elizabeth to James DAUDGE, for 55 Pounds Proclamation Money, 50 acres surveyed & pattened by Wallis BRAY on March 19, 1713, patented by Absolom LEGGETT on April 13, 1758, joining Wm. PAR's land, being a piece of land Absolom bought of Willis SIMMONS. Wit: Keder MULDER, James ETHERIDGE. Registered 17th October 1765.
[Pg. 83] 20 April 1765 - Joseph SANDERSON to Lemuel SANDERSON, for 20 pounds proclamation money, 100 acres lying & being near ye Narrows in Currituck County, joining Thos. SANDERSON line. Wit: Tho. HAVARD, Banjamin GUET?, Jesse SANDERSON.
[Pg. 83-84] 30 June 1765 - Richardson MORSE of Currituck to John ACKISS of Princess Ann Co., VA, for 27 Pounds 10 Shillings Current Money of Virginia, 100 acres of land near Morses Point along the bay side joining Benjamin CAPS, Even JONES land Samuel M. CASTLETON. Wit: Joseph MORISETS, William MACKIE. Registered 18th June 1766.
[Pg. 84-85] 30 June 1765 - Richardson MORSE to Caleb SIMMONS, both of Currituck, for 27 Pounds 10 Shillings current money of Virginia, 68 acres of bay side land near Samuel McCASTLETONs and John ACKISS lines. Wit: Joseph MORISET, William MACKIE. Registered 18th June 1766.
[Pg. 85-86] 15 Jan.1765 - Thomas SHERGOLD and wife Grace to James DAUDGE for 130 Pounds Proclamation Money, 70 acres, Tulls Creek. Wit: Hilary SIMMONS, Jeremiah TOMAS. Registered 18th June 1766.
[Pg. 86] 15 April 1765 - John ELLISS and his wife Mary to John CHITTUM, for 12 Pounds Proclamation money, 50 acres of land near the courthouse which formerly belonged to John ELLISS' father, William ELLISS, and since his disease [decease] to his son Wharton ELLISS and since his disease to me, the said John ELLISS and wife Mary. Wit: Wm. BRAY, Thos. MILLER, Willis ETHERIDGE. Registered 5 August 1766
[Pg. 87] 8 Dec.1764 - Samuel SWANN of Pasquotank County to John CHITTUM, for 200 Pounds Proclamation Money, 150 acres of land whereon Wm. PARKER formerly lived and where Wm. ELLISS, SNR. formerly lived binding on the late James POYNER?'s land and likewise on John ELLISS' land to the great swamp and also one other tract of land beginning on the land Wm. PARKER formerly lived along the sound side. One other lot or acre of land being a part of a tract of land willed to Mary PARKER by her husband William PARKER, deceased and by her sold to one Samuel SIMMONS, deceased, by deed of bargain on July 8, 1744 which said land descended to son Josiah SIMMONS, deceased, and from the said Josiah SIMMONS to Samuel SIMMONS who sold the same to Samuel SWANN on Jan. 7, 1762. Wit: Samuel DAVIS, Josiah NICHOLSON. /s/ Samuel SWANN, Mary SWANN. Registered 5 August 1766
[Pg. 88] 27 July 1765 - Ann Margaret HEATH to Philip NORTHERN, for 25 Pounds Current Money of Virginia, 50 acres of land binding on Thomas FRANSHAW line , Daniel PHILIPS' corner, Amos ETHERIDGE's line and Robert HEATH, Elder. Wit: James BURNHAM, George ROWLAND, Ben NORTHERN. Registered 5th August 1766.
[Pg. 88-89] 9 May 1765 - Henry CLARK of Cape Hatteras Banks to John SMYTH of Cape Hatteras Banks, for 100 Pounds lawfull money, 50 acres between Kings Point and Cape Hatteras joining James WAHAB's line, Stephen BROOKS' line. Wit: Jacob FARROW, John FARROW, Job WAHAB. Registered 6 August 1766.
[Pg. 89-90] 9 May 1765 - William IVES and his wife Abegil/Abigal to Simeon JARVIS, for 30 Pounds Current Money of Virginia, 50 acres of land running to Capt. Thos. BURGISS' line, thence up said line to a dividing line, thence along the dividing line to Thos. BURGESS the younger line. Wit: Ked. MARCHANT, Joseph CORBELE, Solomon JARVIS. Registered 6 August 1766
[Pg. 90-91] 23 Feb. 1765 - Richard JOLLIFF of the county of Norfolk to Francis WILLIAMSON of the county of Norfolk, for 60 Pounds Current Money of Virginia, 150 acres of land beginning at Dam Bridge in Moyock at the edge of IVES' old field. Wit: James JOLLIFF, Solomon MILLER. Registered 7 August 1766
[Pg. 91] 14 Nov. 1764 - Joseph POYNER and Joshua WHITE to Caleb MOSS, for 100 Pounds Current Money of Colony of Virginia, 100 acres patened by John WHEATLY on May 20, 1761, beginning at WHITE's creek formerly called POYNER's creek joining William WARD's land, John ETHERIDGE line half way to Stephen WILLIAMS' line, through the land of said POYNER had of said WHEATLY to divide it equally between said POYNER & Caleb MOSS, to SIMPSON's line. Wit: Wm. BRAY, Wm. WARD, Richrson MORSE, Rich. CAMPBLE. Registered 7 August 1766
[Pg. 92] 4 April 1765 - Francis BROWN, gentleman, to William SNOWDEN, for 125 Pounds Proclamation Money, 100 acres of land commonly known as the peoples ground & joining the west side of Joseph FEREBEE's land, being 1/2 of a certain tract of land sold to Nathanl. WILSON and Mariam his wife. Wit: Thos. WILLIAMS, W. MACORMECK. Registered October 7, 1766
[Pg. 92-93] 8 July 1765. William SNOWDEN, Gentleman, to Thomas MACKNIGHT, for 125 Pounds Proclamation Money, 100 acres Commonly known by the name of the Popler Ground, Being part of Land Purchased by Francis BROWN from Nathaniel WILSON and Miriam his wife afterward by said Francis BROWN sold unto the said William. Wit: Wm. MACORMACK, John CRAFORD. Registered 7 October 1766
[Pg. 93-94] 13 Dec. 1764 - William SNOWDEN of Currituck to Thomas MACKNIGHT of Pasquotank, merchant, for 400 Pounds Proclamation Money of North Carolina, 160 acres leading along the Indian Ridge to North River bridge, being the plantation on which Mrs. Allice CROOAN formerly lived and on which the said William SNOWDEN now lives and which he bought of Mary LURRY, joining Thomas MACKNIGHT land. Release from 1 year lease. Wit: John DONLOOP, John CRAFORD. Registered 7 October 1766.
[Pg. 95-97] 27 Feb. 1765 - Mary LURRY, widow of Currituck, to Thomas MACKNIGHT of the county of Pasquotank, land sold for one year for the sum of 300 Pounds Proclamation Money of North Carolina, a tract of land which fell and came to her as coheir of her brother Jacob CARROON and his son, also all that tract of land sold to her by William SNOWDEN and his wife Ann joining Indian Ridge and the reservation. Wit: Wm. BRAY, Robt. Purlle FERRELL, Will CUNNINGHAM. Registered January 23, 1767.
[Pg. 97] 27 Feb. 1765. Marry LURRY to Thomas MACKNIGHT for the Sum of 5 Shillings Proclamation of North Carolina, the same Year’s agreement as deed above with following exception--Full term of 1 year and fully completed ended yielding and growing therefore one peper Corn at or upon the Feast Day of Saint Michel next insuring the Date hereof. Wit: William BRAY, Robert Purell FERRELL, William CUNNINGHAM. Registered January 23, 1767
[Pg. 98-99] 10 Oct. 1765 - William BRAY, ESQ., sheriff of Currituck county, to Willis LUFMAN, where as in and by an act of the parlement of great Britin made and pasd on the fifth year of the reign of our late sovreign lord George the second king of greate Britian initiated an act for the more easy recovery of debts in his macistys plantation in America. Wit: by Thos. TAYLOR, ESQ., Clerk of the Lord Court in the county of Pasquotank. Elizabeth ARMSTRONG, executrix of the will of Sol. ARMSTRONG, land bounded on Daniel PHILLIPPSES line to the road, to Rich. ODOWDY's line then to the marsh 50 acres of marsh the whole premised to contain 95 acres more or less of land and also 10 acres bought by Sol. ARMSTRONG of John MUNCREAF included in the 95 acres, reference being had to the said deceased deeds & the coheirs? there of. Thomas SAWYER claim. Wit: John WOODHOUSE, William MEARNS. Registered 27 Day January 1767.
[Pg. 99-100] 4 May 1765 - Benjamin LINDSAY to Thomas JARVIS, for 50 Pounds Proclamation Money, 150 acres on Currituck sound, north of weebs? creek. Mentions gare pond creek. Wit: Joseph LINDSAY, Thomas SIMMONS, Danniel LINDSAY. Registered 24th January 1767
[Pg. 100-101] 8 Nov. 1765 - Thomas MILLER and his wife Betty/Betsy to Willis ETHERIDGE, for 25 Pounds Proclamation Money, 119 acres, it being the eastern most side of a patent containing two hundred? thirty eight acres taken up by Evon MILLER, JR. joining John BALANCE corner and PRESCOT's corner. Wit: Isaac COOK, John COWEL, Jos. CAMPBELL. Registered 16th of February 1767.
[Pg. 101-102] 8 Nov. 1765 - Thomas MILLER and his wife Betty to Willis ETHERIDGE, for 60 Pounds Proclamation Money, 75 acres divided between Evan MILLER and his son Thomas MILLER. Wit: John COWEL, Isaac Cook, Jos. CAMPBELL. Registered 20th Day February 1767.
[Pg. 102-103] 1 Oct. 1765 - William BRIGHT to Elisha BRIGHT, for 5 Pounds Current Money of Provence of North Carolina, 10 acres, it being a part of a parcel of land formerly owned by Lamuel BRIGHT, deceased, joining the land of Willis BRIGHT. Wit: James BURNHAM, Anna BURNHAM. Registered 26th of February 1767.
[Pg. 103-104] 2 July 1766 - William BRAY, Esq., sheriff of Currituck County, to Thomas JARVIS. 100 acres of land on the North Banks joining Currituck narrows, William ODOWDY and the sea side.. Mentions Willis STEPHENSON, deceased, the sum of 42 pounds, 2 shillings & 2 pence money which one Wilson, executrix, recovered from STEPHENSON administrator. Wit: Francis WILLIAMSON. Registered 26th February 1767.
[Pg. 104-105] 2 July 1766 - William BRAY, ESQ., Sheriff of Currituck County, to Mathias TOLER, 200 acres of land on North Banks. Sale by Sheriff to satisfy debts to England. Mentions William STEVENSON, deceased. Wit: Francis WILLIAMSON. Registered 12th Day March 1767.
[Pg. 106] 1 Oct 1765 - Willis ETHERIDGE and his wife Lydia, to George ROWLAND, for 150 pounds proclamation money, 400 acres on the north side of Northwest branch of Tulls Creek which was patened by John HODSON on Feb 21, 1696, joining Lazarus FLORA's line and Saml. LEE line. Wit: James ETHERIDGE, Job P____.
[Pg. 107] 24 June 1766 - William QUIDLEY, pilot of Hatteras Banks, and his wife Sarah, to Thomas DUNKIN, pilot of the same place, for 12 Pounds 10 Shillings Proclamation Money, 31 acres of land lying on Hatteras Banks butted and bounded near William ROLLINSON line. Wit: John BUREIS. Registered 13 of March 1767.
[Pg. 107] 22 Oct 1765 - John SCHARBOUR of Hatteras Banks, to William QUIDLEY, for the Sum of 25 Pounds Proclamation Money, 62 acres bounded near William ROLLINSON's land. Wit: Hezekiah FARROW, John SMITH. /s/ John SCHARBROUGH, Sarah SCHARBROUGH. Registered 13th March 1767.
[Pg. 107-108] 6 May 1765 - George MASKUE/MASQUE of Hatteras Banks, joyner, to Baniamin PRICE, silver smith, for the sum of 17 pounds, 300 acres on the northeast side of the sound beginning at a water oak in a hammick by the sound side joining or near John NEEAL's line, being the whole tract of land granted to Joseph MASKUE by patent date Nov. 36, 1757. Wit: Mark AXTED?, Daniel STOW. Registered 1st Day March 1767
[Pg. 108-109] 1766 - William ROLLINSON and Jane ROLLINSON of Hatteras Banks to John BURRIS of the same place, for the sum of 15 pouds, 100 acres on Hatteras Banks joining John SCHARBOROUG line, being a part of a tract of 215 acres mentioned in a patten granted to Wr.? ROLLISON in 1756. Wit: Henry CLARK, Francis ROLLISON. Registered 14th March 1767.
[Pg. 109-110] 4 Aug 1765 - William HOPKINS to David COOK, for the sum of 27 pound, 100 acres in Powells point beginning on the sound and joining Urias ANGIL's line. Wit: Isaac COOK. James RUARK, John ETHERIDGE. Registered 18th March 1767.
[Pg. 110-111] 26 Sept 1765 - Sol. ASHBEE to Waterfield DUNTON, for the sum of 40 pounds, 211 acres of land on North Banks known by the name of Martyns Point. Wit: Elisha PARKER. Registered 18th March 1767.
[Pg. 111] 1 Jul 1766 - Henry PERKINS and his wife Ann to Joseph MORRISET, a smith, for the sum of 80 pounds, 75 acres, being the plantation where Henry PERKINS is now living and joining BARREY's new line and a corner tree jponing BARNERD's line. Wit: Hilary SIMMONS, Wm. FEREBEE
[Pg. 112] 29 Mar 1765 - Thomas PERRY to Edmund BEACHUM, for the sum of 5 pounds, 100 acres of land on the North Banks...on the east side of the run known by name of BEACHAMs (store or stone) house. Wit: William HOPKINS, Uriah ANGILL. Registered 21st March 1767
[Pg. 112-113] 16 July 1765. John BALLANCE, Thomas BALLANCE his grandchild. Natural Love and Effection which I bare unto my beloved Grandson Thomas BALLANCE….have given granted & confirmed unto my Son after my Decease the Plantation whereon I now live binding on greate Swamp containing 100 acres. After Decease of his Father William BALLANCE grant unto him said tract of land. Wit: Josiah NICHOLSON [page torn]
[Pg. 113] 1766 - _______ CREEDLE and his wife Elizabeth, to Bateman MILLER of the provence of Virginia, 100 acres on Hatteras Banks.....BROWNING..... [part of page missing].
[Pg. 113-114] 29 Jan 17[torn] - Gideon MERCHANT to John MERCHANT, part of a paten of 455 acres......, 160 acres of land for the sum of 170 pounds
[Pg. 113-114] 29 Jan [faded] - Gideon MERCHANT and his wife Parsiller to Kader MARCHANT, for current money of Virginia.... [page faded too badly to read]
These deeds were abstracted Lois Meekins. No part of these deed abstracts may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these deeds that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you either order a copy of the deed from the county or look at a copy of the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.
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