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Sumner Co., TN Deeds

Patrick Garvey to James McKain
April 14, 1804 - Registered Dec. 4, 1804
Deed Book 3; pgs. 469-470

This indenture made this 14 day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred and four, Between Patrick Garvey of the County of Camden & state of North Carolina of the one part, and James McKain of the county of Sumner & state of Tennessee of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Patrick Garvey for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt hereof he doth acknowledge, hath given granted bargained sold aliened conveyed and confirmed & by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien convey & confirm a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Sumner, state of Tennessee, & on Goose Creek; Beginning at a tree marked thus I Desha, thence South 452 poles to a stake, East 226 poles to a stake North 452 poles to a stake, West 226 poles to the Beginning, containing six hundred and forty acres; be the same more or less, which tract or parcel of land, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly was granted as appears from the files in the Secretaries Office, to the heirs of Hodge Bensham, To Have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all woods, mines minerals water courses & springs, to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said James McKain his heirs or assigns forever, and I the said Patrick Garvey doth hereby convenant promise and grant to and with the said James McKain his Executors administrators & finely to convenant and defend the said tract or parcel of land & appurtenances with him the said James McKain his heirs & assigns forever from the claim or claims of all manner of persons whatsoever.  In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal, the day & date above written

Signed Sealed & delivered in }                                                    P. Garvey  {Seal}
the presence of us.                 }
     Stephen Montgomery  (Jurat)
     Elizabeth [her x mark] Mathew

State of Tennessee}  June Term 1804
   Sumner County  }
    The within deed from Patrick Garvey to James McKain, was proved by Stephen Montgomery let it be registered.

examined Dec. the 4th 1804
    James Douglass  RSC
    David Shelby, CSC

 (See the Old Book No. 3 page 460)
NOTE:  Sumner County, Tennessee Register of Deeds Office informed us that "Old Book No. 3" no longer exists.

James McKain to John Miller
April 1, 1816 - Registered July 20, 1816
Deed Book 7; pgs. 381 - 382

This indenture made this 1st of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen between James McKain of Sumner County & state of Tennessee of the one part and John Miller of Sumner County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said James McKain for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred Dollars to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents hath bargained and sold unto John Miller and by these presents doth bargain and sell of and confirm unto John Miller his heirs Executors administrators and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land Containing two hundred acres said land situate lying and being in Sumner County and State aforesaid in a small fork of the West fork of Goose Creek Beginning at an Elm and two sugartree saplings at Hodges Bencham’s North East corner of a six hundred and forty acre tract No. and the Beginning at North West corner of a two hundred and twenty Eight acre tract Granted To James McKain.

Running thence West sixty poles to a sugartree sapling Samuel Wilsons North East corner on Hodges Benchams North boundary line thence South with said Wilsons and Browns line two hundred and two poles to a beech John Browns South East corner thence East and passed a beech Sixty nine poles to McKlehattens [?] or Joseph Sullivans North West Corner in all one hundred & sixty poles to a Hickory & three beech pointers thence North two hundred and two poles to a Hickory Elm & Sugartree in McKains North boundary line thence West one hundred poles to the Beginning Containing two hundred acres together with all way wood water and watercourses mines minerals in appurtenances thereunto belonging with Reversion & Reversions meander & meanders Rights and premises belonging to the said tract or parcel of land set fourth and descreibed in any wise belonging to the only use and benefit of the said John Miller his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever and said James McKain doth for himself his heirs Executors administrators and assigns that he will warrant and forever defend the Right title and claim of the above tract of land set fourth and described unto him the said John Miller his heirs Executors administrators and assigns from him the said James McKain his heirs Executors administrators and assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever legally claiming of said tract above mentioned either in law or equity   In Witness whereof he the said James McKain hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above written~~

Signed sealed and delivered }
in the presence of                 }                                                                James McKain  {Seal}
Test: William Franklin       }
William [his x mark] Kerby}

State of Tennessee Sumner County Court         May Term 1816 ~~
    The within deed of bargain & sale between James McKain of the one part & John Miller of the other part for 200 acres of land was duly acknowledged in open Court by the said James the bargainor & ordered to be Registered~~

A Copy  Test
    David Shelby  Clerk of said Court

Registered & Examd. 20th July 1816 ~~
    James Douglass  Register
        by Robert Crocket Deputy
Register of Sumner County

James McKain to William Kerby
April 1, 1816 - Registered July 20, 1816
Deed Book 7; pgs. 382 - 383

This indenture made this first day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & sixteen between James McKain of Sumner County & state of Tennessee of the one part & William Kerby of Sumner County & state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said James McKain for & in consideration of the sum of two hundred & twenty Dollars to him in hand paid before the sealing & delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged that he hath bargained & sold unto William Kerby & by these presents doth bargain & sell & confirm unto William Kerby his heirs Executors administrators & assigns a certain tract of land containing one hundred acres said land situate lying & being in Sumner County & state aforesaid in the West fork of Goose Creek Beginning at a Walnut & beech in the West boundary of a track of land of six hundred & forty acres Granted to Hodges Bencham No.

At John Browns South West corner thence East with the South boundary of said Browns passing a beech his South East corner & John Millers South West corner at one hundred & seventy poles in all with Millers line two hundred & thirty poles to a sugartree in the West boundary of James McKains two hundred & twenty eight acre tract sixty six & a half poles to a stake in Willobys boundary line of a tract of six hundred & forty acres sugartree & beech pointers thence West two hundred & thirty poles with the North boundary of said William Willobys to a stake & four sugartree saplings & two beech pointers thence North sixty six & a half poles to the Beginning Containing one hundred acres together with all way wood water & watercourses mines minerals or appurtenances thereunto belonging with Reversion & Reversions meander meanders Right & premises belonging to the said message tract or parcel of land set fourth & described in any wise thereunto belonging to the only use of him the said William Kerby his heirs Executors administrators & assigns forever & said James McKain doth for himself his heirs Executors administrators & assigns that he will warrant & forever defend the Right title & claim of the above tract of land set fourth & described unto him the said William Kerby his heirs Exect. admrs & assigns from him the said James McKain his heirs  Exct admrs & assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever legally claiming of said tract of land above mentioned either in law or equity.  In witness whereof he the said James McKain hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the date & year above written~~

Signed sealed & delivered in presence of }                                            James McKain  {Seal}
Test                                                        }
William Franklin                                   }

State of Tennessee Sumner County Court   May Term 1816 ~~
            The within deed of bargain & sale between James McKain of the one part & William Kerby of the other part for 100 acres of land was duly acknowledged in open Court by the said James the bargainer & ordered to be Registered~~

A Copy  Test
    David Shelby  Clerk of said Court

Registered & Examd. 20th July 1816 ~~
    James Douglass  Register
        by Robert Crocket Deputy
Register of Sumner County


These deeds were contributed by Benjamine O. Bateman, Jr. and Kay Midgett Sheppard.  No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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