Currituck County Estates

John Aydlett - 1906
[Lengthy estate record - 60+ pages]

1 Aug 1906 - Commissioners allotment to widow, Georga AYDLETT; commissioners also find that the number in the family of the said widow exclusive of herself is one child 11 years old and there is a deficiency of articles on hand to make up the years support for herself and child.

13 Aug 1906 - Application for Year's Support by Georga AYDLETT, widow of John AYDLETT

16 Aug 1906 - Georganna AYDLETT, widow of John AYDLETT, renounces her right of administration in favor of Q.T. AYDLETT

16 Sept 1909 - Q.T. AYDLETT, R.L. AYDLETT, Ellen SPENCE & husband J.F. SPENCE, and V.B. AYDLETT, plaintiffs, vs. Bertha GRANDY and husband Mark, Willie AYDLETT and Tommie AYDLETT, defendants (Petition for partition); plaintiffs state that they are tenants in common and are in possession of the following described lands lying in Poplar Branch Twp., excepting the dower of Georganna AYDLETT, widow of the late John AYDLETT.  On the north by the land of the heirs of Jesse SANDERSON, deceased.  On the East by the lands of W.B. GARRINGTON, W.B. JONES, Isaac O'NEAL and Annie W. OWENS.  On the South by the lands of the heirs of Jesse SANDERSON, deceased, the lands of the heirs of Jonathan CASE, deceased, and the lands of Abner JARVIS.   On the West by the lands of Ella GILDEN and Annie W. OWENS.  The interest of each petitioner is 1/7 each; that Bertha GRANDY, Willie AYDLETT and Tommie AYDLETT are minors without any guardian; that each of the minors is over 14 years; that said petitioners and defendants heired said tract of land from their father, John AYDLETT, now deceased; that petitioners desire to hold their land in severalty.  Petitioners ask that commissioners be appointed to divide the said land into seven equal shares and allot to each of the petitioners such shares.

22 Sept 1906 - Application for Letters of Administration by Q.T. AYDLETT; Estate worth about $125; distributees were Georganna AYDLETT, widow of John AYDLETT, R.L. AYDLETT, V.B. AYDLETT, Bertha AYDLETT minor, T.T. AYDLETT minor, of Jarvisburg, NC, Ellen H. SPENCE of Elizabeth City, NC, Q.T. AYDLETT & W.E. AYDLETT minor, of Grandy, NC

22 Sept 1906 - Oath of Administrator, Q.T. AYDLETT

23 Sept 1906 - Final Account of Q.T. AYDLETT, administrator of John AYDLETT, deceased

8 Oct 1909 - Guardian ad litem, E.R. JOHNSON, appointed for Bertha GRANDY, Willie ADYLETT and Tommie AYDLETT

8 Oct 1909 - Notice to Commissioners from E.W. ANSELL, Clerk of Superior Court, to employ a surveyor and go on the lands of John AYDLETT and make a map of each share

8 Oct 1909 - S.M. BEASLEY, one of the appointed Commissioners, refuses to serve

29 Oct 1909 - Oath of Commissioners W.A. DOXEY, M.R. GREGORY and Peter POYNER

Nov 1909 - Second Final Account of Q.T. AYDLETT, administrator of John AYDLETT, deceased

27 Dec 1909 - Letter from S.M. BEASLEY to E.W. ANSELL explaining why he could not serve as Commissioner on this case

29 Dec 1909 - W.H. WALKER appointed as Commissioner in the place of S.M. BEASLEY

5 Feb 1910 - Report of Commissioners - partition of land to the seven heirs.  Each share was described in detail with all metes and bounds given.

5 Feb 1910 - Receipt from Charlie HERBERT - paid $1.50 by Q.T. AYDLETT for chain bar

5 Feb 1910 - Receipt from L.J. GREGORY - paid $1 by Q.T. AYDLETT for chain borer [bearer?] on Aydlett track of land

7 Feb 1910 - Letter from Q.T. AYDLETT to E.W. ANSELL explaining about the bill for surveying

11 Feb 1910 - Reply letter from E.W. ANSELL to Q.T. AYDLETT

20 Feb 1910 - Receipt from Georgia AYDLETT - paid $2.50 by Q.T. AYDLETT for Mr. BELL's boards

25 Feb 1910 - Receipt from R.L. AYDLETT - paid $6 by Q.T. AYDLETT for bush clearing

5 Mar 1910 - Decree confirming report of Commissioners; it is also decreed that the cost of these proceedings be paid by the parties--each 1/7 of the cost

6 May 1910 - Receipt from A.M. SIMMONS, attorney - paid $10 by Q.T. AYDLETT for professional services

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]


This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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