Currituck County Estates
L. W. Ballance - 1906
27 Mar 1906 - Renunciation of Right to Administer on Estate - The heirs-at-law of L.W. BALLANCE, deceased, hereby renounces their right to administer upon the estate of L.W. BALLANCE and respectfully ask that D.E. SANDERS may be appointed as administrator. /s/ Caleb [his x mark] BALLANCE, Lizzie G. SAUNDERS, Laura L. GRIGGS, Lydia A. MORRISETTE.
3 Apr 1906 - Application for Letters of Administration - D.E. SANDERS, having been sworn, states that L.W. BALLANCE, late of Currituck County, is dead without leaving any written will, and that he is the proper person entitled to Letters of Administration on the said estate; that the value of the estate is about $1200 and that
Lizzie G. SAUNDERS of Waterlily, NC, Laura L. GRIGGS of Coinjock, NC, Lydia A. MORRISETT of Norfolk, Va. and [nothing written] BALLANCE of Currituck NC, a minorCaleb BALLANCE is entitled as heir and distributee thereof. /s/ D.E. SAUNDERS3 Apr 1906 - Oath of Administrator - D.E. SAUNDERS swears to faithfully perform the duties of administrator on the estate of L.W. BALLANCE. /s/ D.E. SAUNDERS
22 Mar - 1 Oct 1906 - Final account of D.E. SAUNDERS, administrator of L.W. BALLANCE, deceased - Received $2260.87 from Citizens Bank of Elizabeth City, money belonging to said deceased; various payments were made to Dr. W.T. GRIGGS for medical bills, C.L. PERKINS for casket & services, C.B. MASON for tombstones; total amount due the estate is $2047.21.
[NOTE: Cemetery records show that L.W. Ballance was born Feb. 8, 1874 and died Mar. 15, 1906. He is buried next to L.D. Ballance. Angeline Ballance, Caleb Ballance, and Leonard P. Ballance. This family is found in the 1880 census with Caleb Ballance, age 40, as head of house and Angeline, age 34, as his wife. The children were Lenard, Lizzie, Leaneas [the above intestate], Leicester, L.A. (a daughter) and Louis. In 1900 "Leaneas" is listed as Leonus W. Ballance, born Feb, 1874. Marriage records show that Caleb Ballance married "Anjalene" Jones on April 23, 1868.]
[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]
This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2006 Kay Midgett Sheppard