Currituck County Estates

Thomas E. Baxter - 1858

Fall Term 1858 in the Currituck Co. Court of Equity - Petition for Partition of Land - Petitioners Jerome B. LEE & wife Lydia and Wallace & Henry H. BAXTER show the Court that they are tenants in common of a tract of land adjoining Benjamin BRAY, James WILLIAMS, Benjamin DEY and others, containing by estimation 300 acres; that partition of land is subject to the widow's dower, to wit, Mrs. Lovey BAXTER; they ask the Court to appoint 5 commissioners to divide the said land.  The Court is satisfied that the land should be divided equally between the parties.

22 Nov 1858 - Summons to the Sheriff of Currituck County to summon Edmond SIMMONS, Wm R. GORDON, Tully HALSTEAD, James WILLIAMS & B.S. DEY to divide the land and make report to the next term of court.

Feb Term 1859 - Report of Commissioners.  Commissioners met on Dec. 29, 1858 to divide the land between Jerome B. LEE and wife Lydia, Wallace B. BAXTER & Henry BAXTER, tenants in common of the lands that descended to them as children and heirs at law of Thomas E. BAXTER, deceased.
    Lot #1 was assigned to Henry BAXTER in severalty containing 112 acres and valued at $2240.00.
    Lot #2 was assigned to Wallace B. BAXTER in severalty containing 112 acres and valued at $2240.00.
    Lot #2 was assigned to Jerome B. LEE and wife Lydia in severalty containing 112 acres and valued at $1232.00.

Henry BAXTER & Wallace B. BAXTER are to pay to Jerome B. LEE and wife Lydia the sum of $336.00 each.  /s/ Wm R. GORDON, Tully HALSTEAD, E. SIMMONS, Jas. WILLIAMS

This plat is laid on a scale of 20 chains to the inch and represents the tract of land that formerly belonged to Thos E. BAXTER and was divided among the heirs December the 29th 1858 by an order of court.  /s/ Thos WALKER, C.S. [County Surveyor]

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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