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Currituck County Estates

Penelope Bell - 1869; 1902
[this estate was in 2 separate folders--one entitled Penelope Bell 1869 and the other entitled Penelope L. Bell 1902.  See her will here]

20 Aug 1868 - Account of sales of land belonging to the estate of Penelope BELL, deceased, sold by S.P. WILSON, admr.  The farm of 199 acres was sold to Andrew WILLIAMS for $3580.00; Wm. BRAY bought a silver watch for $8.00 and Jos. WILSON bought a chest for $1.50 which made the total sale amount to $3589.50.  /s/ S.P. WILSON, Admr.  Sworn to in Probate Court on June 2, 1869 before J.B. LEE, Probate Judge.

24 Nov 1902 - Final account of L.D. STARKE, Receiver, with the will annexed of Penelope L. BELL, deceased.
    Amount due the estate of testatrix - $266.33 of which amount there was due to an heir of Samuel BELL, deceased, (said Samuel being a devisee of Penelope L. BELL - $188.87.  In the said account said heir was described as "a daughter of Samuel Bell, an infant, under age, and without guardian."  This is claimed to be an error, and the missing child of Samuel BELL, deceased, is said to have been a son, Stephen R. BELL, who resided somewhere in the South, and is now understood to be dead, unmarried and childless, leaving only two sisters, Marietta and Alcesta, as his sole heirs at law.  L.D. STARKE [Jr.?], W.W. STARKE & W.B. MARTIN, executors of the estate of the said L.D. STARKE [Sr.?], receiver, deposited $188.87 with E.W. ANSELL, Clerk of Superior Court of Currituck County, NC to the credit of the estate of whoever may be entitled to it under the will of Penelope L. BELL.  This leaves a balance of $77.46 for distribution among the other devisees.
    Dec. 23, 1876 - Paid J.M. BELL in his own right and as assignee of F.J. BELL - $20.20
    Apr. 6, 1877 - Paid Sarah F. SMITH - $10.10
    June 6, 1877 - Paid Huldah F. SNOWDEN - $10.05
    June 6, 1877 - Paid Marietta C. BELL, daughter of Samuel BELL, decd - $3.35
    June 6, 1877 - Paid Alcesta FANSHAW, daughter of Samuel BELL, decd - $3.35
    Jan. 16, 1878 - Paid Amelia WILSON - $10.05
    Sept. 20, 1878 - Paid Mary F. BURFOOT - $10.05
    Sept. 20, 1878 - Paid Lucretia Virginia OLD - $10.05

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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