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Currituck County Estates

Benjamin J. Bowser- 1900

28 Nov 1900 - Letter from L. THOMAS to E.W. ANSELL explaining that he cannot become the guardian of the BOWSER children because he cannot give the required bond.  He suggests getting Mr. DeCORMIS as guardian.  /s/ L. THOMAS

1900-1908 - Many Guardian reports from J.L. De CORMIS in account with his wards, Minnie Maud BOWSER and Elissa BOWSER

15 May 1901 - Petition.  Mary S. BOWSER vs Elissa A. BOWSER & Minnie M. BOWSER, heirs at law of B.J. BOWSERMary BOWSER, widow of B.J. BOWSER, states that her late husband died intestate during the month of August 1900 leaving him surviving the following children, Elissa A. BOWSER & Minnie M. BOWSER who are his only heirs at law and of whom both are infants under the age of 21 with J.L. DeCORMIS their guardian.  At his death he was possessed of the following lands in Currituck and Dare Counties.
    1st tract in Currituck County containing 10 acres and described in a deed from D.M. WHITSON and wife to B.J. BOWSER on June 10, 1895 and recorded in Currituck Deed Book 42; pg. 35.
    2nd tract containing 4 acres is described in a deed from J.J. CARMINES and wife to B.J. BOWSER dated August 23, 1892 and is recorded in Currituck Deed Book 40; pg. 586.
    3rd tract containing 51/8 acres is described in a deed from Leothedos THOMAS and wife to B.J. BOWSER dated Jan. 27, 1897 and is recorded in Currituck Deed Book 42; pg. 382.
    4th tract containing 2 acres is described in a deed from A.L. HUDGINS, Commissioner, to B.J. BOWSER dated Dec. 22, 1896 and is recorded in Currituck Deed Book 42; pg. 486.
    5th tract is situated in Dare County and contains 5 acres and is described in a deed from Benjamin BOWSER to B.J. BOWSER dated Feb. 10, 1887 and is recorded in Dare Co. Deed Book B; pg. 476.
    6th tract containing 50 acres in Currituck Co. [later says this land is in Dare County] and is described in a deed from John HUMPHRIES to Benj. BOWSER recorded in Currituck Deed Book 25; pgs. 42 & 43.

Petitioner states that she is entitled to her dower in the above described lands, wherefore she prays that a writ of dower be issued to proper officers to lay off and set apart her dower.  /s/ B.G. CRISP, Atty for petitioner

24 June 1901 - Writ of Dower.  Sheriff of Currituck Co. is summoned to find at least 3 persons to allot and set off to Mary S. BOWSER, widow of Benjamin J. BOWSER, her dower.  [same lands are mentioned as in above petition]  /s/ E.W. ANSELL, Clerk Superior Court

23 July 1901 - Report of Jury Allotting Dower [Surveyor's Plat of 91/2 acres was included but was too dim to read].  Allotment was of 91/2 acres in the home tract including the dwelling house and out house buildings and all improvements on the premises.  Also another tract of 4 acres described in a deed from J.J. CARMINES and wife adjoining the home tract.  Also another 51/2 acres described in a deed from Leothedos THOMAS and wife but not adjoining the home tract.  Also another tract containing 2 acres described in a deed from A.L. HUDGINS.  All of the above land we allot to the widow of B.J. BOWSER, being 201/2 acres in Currituck County.  There are 2 tracts in Dare County--one on Colington Island containing 5 acres and another tract on Roanoke Island containing 50 acres and described in a deed from John HUMPHRIES.  There is also a dwelling house on Pea Island near the Pea Island Lighthouse Station but on Jessie B. ETHERIDGE's land.  The above 2 tracts contain 55 acres and we allot them and the dwelling at Pea Island to Elissia A. BOWSER and Minnie M. BOWSER, the heirs at law of B.J. BOWSER.  /s/ L.  THOMAS, Stephen GORDON, James [his x mark] BOWSER

11 Sept 1901 - Petition to the Court from J.L. DeCORMIS, guardian of Elissa & Maud BOWSERDeCormis states that he is guardian to Elissa and Maud BOWSER and as such has received four or five hundred dollars; that Elissa is 12 years old and Maud is 14 and both are susceptible of acquiring book learning at at good school.  The income from the principal money is not sufficient to defray the expenses of schooling and asks that an allowance of not more than $100 per year for each of them be made for their education and necessary clothes while attending such school.  /s/ G.W. WARD, Atty for Petitioner  [an order is given by E.W. ANSELL for such allowance]

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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