Currituck County Estates
Morton Caffee [Eugene Martin Caffee] - 1881
19 Dec 1881 - Administrator's oath taken by J.M. WOODHOUSE
19 Dec 1881 - Petition for Order to Sell Land /s/ J.M. WOODHOUSE
19 Dec 1881 - Order to Sell Land. J.M. WOODHOUSE, administrator of Morton CAFFEE, decd., is ordered to sell land to the highest bidder for cash after 30 days notification posted at the Courthouse and at other places. /s/ H.B. ANSELL, Probate Judge
10 Jan 1882 - Account of the sale of chattle property belonging to Morton CAFFEE, deceased, sold by J.M. WOODHOUSE, administrator, on January 10, 1882. Various buyers at this small sale were: William BARCO, A.B. WILLIAMS, H.T. HALSTEAD and George CAFFEE. The second sale occurred on March 25, 1882 when the land was sold, bringing the whole estate worth to $136.01.
23 Jan 1882 - Petition to Sell Land. J.M. WOODHOUSE, administrator of Morton CAFFEE, against George CAFFEE, Wm. SIMPSON & wife Wealtha Ann, and Nathan BARCO (infant) by his guardian ad litem and father, William BARCO. J.M. WOODHOUSE respectfully shows that he was appointed administrator of said intestate by the Judge of Probate on December 19, 1881 and that from the best information which he has been able to obtain, the outstanding debts amount to about $100.00 and the value of the personal estate amounts to about $30.00, the proceeds of which have been applied to a debt owed by the estate to William BARCO; That at the time of the intestate's death he was seized in fee simple of one undivided fourth part of a tract of land in Poplar Branch bound on the North by Jesse EVANS, the East by Dowdy's Bay, the South by Elijah EVANS, and the West by the main road, the whole tract containing 50 acres and valued at about $6.00 per acre; That the said land descended to his heirs, the above named defendants, all of full age except Nathan BARCO who is about 8 years old, and all residing in Currituck County. J.M. WOODHOUSE shows that a sale of land is necessary to enable him to pay the debts of his intestate. /s/ J.M. WOODHOUSE
25 Mar 1882 - J.M. WOODHOUSE, on the 25th day of March 1882 sold at public auction to George W. CAFFEE the land described in the petition at the price of $106.50, one-half cash and the balance on a credit of 6 months secured by note. It is ordered that J.M. WOODHOUSE execute and deliver to the purchaser a deed for said land. /s/ H.B. ANSELL, CSC
3 Apr 1882 - Notice to File Exceptions. "We the undersigned accept service of this notice, are satisfied with the sale of land and wish the report of the administrator confirmed." /s/ Wm. SIMPSON, Wealthy A. SIMPSON, G.W. CAFFEE, Wm. [x] BARCO
[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Brumsey-Ferebee (Microfilm G.030.1862909)]
This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2007 Kay Midgett Sheppard