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Currituck County Estates

C. [Caleb] S. Crank - 1896

8 Jan 1886 - Commissioners Report on Widow's One Year Allowance.  Commissioners allotted to Virginia CRANK, widow of C.S. CRANK, her 1 years allowance for herself and 4 children.  Allotment amounted to $364.45 which was deficient $335.55.  /s/ Thos E. NEWBERN, Thos. OWENS, Alex OWENS, Commissioners

not dated - Judgment for Deficiency of Widow's Allowance.  The Court orders that the personal representative of C.S. CRANK, decd, pay the sum of $335.55 to his widow when the personal assets come into his hands.  /s/ E.W. ANSELL, Clerk Superior Court

NOTE: Cemetery records indicate that Caleb S. Crank was born July 1, 1851 and died Nov. 9, 1895.  His obituary appeared in The Economist-Falcon of Elizabeth City, NC on November 15, 1895 and stated the following: "This morning, November 10th, about 5 o'clock, our much respected friend and brother, C.S. CRANK, departed this life. He was twice married: first to Miss Marion Toler whom he leaves 3 daughters and 1 son. His second wife was Miss Virginia Stone with whom he leaves 3 sons."

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Brumsey-Ferebee (Microfilm G.030.1862909)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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