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Currituck County Estates

Edmund Etheridge - no date

We the undersigned appointed to allot and lay off a years allowance to Ellen W. Etheridge, ["Ellen V. Etheridge" on the back of the years allowance paper] of Edmund Etheridge decd. did proceed on the 25th day of Jany 1882 [or 83?] to allot and lay off the following articles of personal property, to wit:

2 bedsteads, beds & Covers $  15.00
8 chairs       2.50
1 table         .50
Bowl & pitcher, etc.       1.00
Cooking utensils       1.00
1 Bbl. pork     18.00
Lard       2.00
Safe & contents       1.50
24 chickens       4.80
4 Geese       2.00
1 cart & harness     15.00
1 sow & 8 Shoats     20.00
7 cattle     34.00
4 stacks fodder     10.00
15 Bbls. Corn     30.00
Farming utensils       5.00
Grindstone & scales       1.50
Total amt. $160.80

All of which we most respectively submit,
                        J. S. DeCormis, J.P.
                        W. L. Wilson,  com
                        Simeon Smith  com

[Source for estate: Microfilm G.030.1862909 -  Currituck County Estate Records

This estate was contributed by Jean Schroeder. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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