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Currituck County Miscellaneous Estates

 John Etheridge (1781)

Page 1
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby Commanded to summons or Cause to be summoned Margrett DAUGE Wife of Enoch DAUGE personly to be and appear before the Judges of our next Superior Court of Law & Equity to be held for the District of Edenton at the Court house in Edenton on the first day of November next then and their to Testify the truth to Say in behalf of Amos & Willis & James ETHERIDGE Plaintiffs in a Certain mater of Controversy Depending in our Said court then & their to be Tryed whereas Amos & Willis & James ETHERIDGE is Plaintiff and Robert & Jesse BARNARD Executors of William BARNARD Deceasd is Defendants and this you shall in nowise omit under the penalty of the Law. Witness John GRAY Clerk of our said Court the 21st day of May 1783.
     /s/ John GRAY Clk S.Cort

Page 2
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded to summons
John SIMMONS Esq. personally to be and appear before the honourable judges of the Superior court of law and equity, on the third day of May next; then and there to testify and the truth to say, in behalf of Amos ETHERIDGE &c. in a certain matter of controversy in the said court depending, then and there to be tried between Amos ETHERIDGE &c. Plaintiff, and the Admrs of John ETHERIDGE decesd Defendant. And this you shall in no-wise omit under the penalty of fifty pounds.  Witness Blake BAKER clerk of the said court, the fourth day of Novemr in the ninth year of the independence of the said State, A. D. 1785.
     /s/ Blake BAKER CS Clk

Page 3
State of No. Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby
commanded to summon William BARNET & Margaret his Wife Administratrix of John ETHERIDGE Decd late of your County to appear before the Judges of the Superior Court to be held for the District of Edenton at the Court House in Edenton on the first day of May next, then and there to answer all and singular the matters alledged in a Petition in our said Court Exhibited by Amos ETHERIDGE, Willis ETHERIDGE, & James ETHERIDGE against the said Margaret BARNET Administratrix as aforesaid.  Herein fail not and have you there this summons. Witness John GRAY Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the first day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty One and in the Sixth year of the Independence of the said State. (1782)
     /s/ John GRAY CSC

Page 4
State of No. Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby
commanded to Summons or cause to be Summoned John SIMMONS & Jesse SIMMONS Esqrs & Benjamin BRICKHOUSE, personally to be and appear before the Judges of the Superior Court to be held for the District of Edenton at the Court house in Edenton on the first day of May next then and there to Testify and the Truth to say in a certain matter of Controversy in our said Court Depending and then and there to be Tryed wherein Amos ETHERIDGE, Willis ETHERIDGE & James ETHERIDGE is Plaintiff and the Administratrix of the Estate of John ETHERIDGE Deceasd is Defendant on behalf of the said Amos ETHERIDGE, Willis ETHERIDGE, & James ETHERIDGE, and this you shall in no wise omit under the penalty of the Law. Witness John Clerk of our said Court the Second day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two.
     /s/ John GRAY CSC

Page 5
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded
to Summons or Cause to be Summoned Josiah SLACK, James PHILLIPS & Hollo WILLIAMS, personally to be and appear before the Judges of the Superior Court to be held for the District of Edenton at the Court house in Edenton on the first day of May next then and there to Testify and the Truth to Say in a certain Matter of Controversy in our said Court Depending and then and there to be tried Wherein the Representatives of John ETHERIDGE Deceasd is Plaintiff and the Administratix of John ETHERIDGE Deceasd is Defendant in behalf of the said Defendant and this you shall in no wise omit under the penalty of Law. Witness John GRAY Clerk of our said Court the second day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two.
     /s/ John GRAY CSC

Page 6
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Chowan County Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded to
summons Jesse SIMMONS personally to be and appear before the honourable judges of the Superior court of law and equity, now sitting for the district of Edenton, at the courthouse in Edenton to testify, and the truth to say, on behalf of Margaret BARNET in a certain matter of controversy in the said court depending, and then and there to be tried between Willis Jas. & Amos ETHERIDGE plaintiffs and Margaret BARNET defendant. And this you shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of Law.  Witness John GRAY clerk of the said court the 27th day of Nov. in the VIII year of the independence of the said State, Anno Domini, 1783.
     /s/ John GRAY CSC

Page 7
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded to summons
James PHILLIPS personally to be and appear before the honourable judges of the Superior court of law and equity, to be held for the district of Edenton, at the court-house in Edenton, on the third day of May next; then and there to testify, and the truth to say, on behalf of John ETHERIDGEs Admr in a certain matter of controversy in the said court depending, and then and there to be tried between Amos ETHERIDGE et als plaintiff, and the said Administr Defendant. And this you shall in no-wise omit, under penalty of the Law.   Witness Blake BAKER clerk of the said court, the Xth day of Nov. in the Xth year of the independence of the said State, Anno Domini, 1786.
     /s/ Blake BAKER CS Clk

Page 8
State of North Carolina---To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded
to take the Body of Enoch DAUGE, Planter Admin. in right of his Wife Margaret Admis. of John ETHERIDGE deceased, if to be found in your bailiwick and him safely keep so that you have him before the Judges of the Superior Court of Law at Edenton on the sixth day of April next to answer unto Auther WALKE Exec. of Auther WALKE Surviving partner of Walke, Blamore? and Co. of a plea of Debt & wherefore & detaires? £31.10.00 & Damages 150£.  Herein fail not and have you there then this writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of the said Court at Edenton the XXth Day of October in XVIth year of the Independence of this State A.D. 1791.
     /s/ Will BLAIR C Clk

[SOURCE: Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS); Edenton District Superior Court Estates Records 1756-1806; MARS ID: 398.6.206 (Box); Microfilm C.201.1905430]

Transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse, September 2006




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