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Currituck County Miscellaneous Estates

 John Humphries (1798)

Page 1
State of North Carolina --To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     Whereas we lately commanded you that of the goods & Chattels which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FERIBEE and Samuel FERIBEE Executors of the last will & Testament of the said John in your Bailiwick you should cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand pounds which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton CharlesS GRANDY recovered against them for Debt and also Twenty nine pounds seventeen shillings & sixpence as well for his Damages which he sustained by reason of the detention of the said Debt as for the Costs and Charges by him in his suit in that Behalf Expended as to us of Record appears: and that you should have those monies before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton at a Certain day now past to render to the said Charles GRANDY his said Debt Damages Costs & Charges recovered in manner aforesaid; and you returned to us at that day that then was no goods or Chattels which were of the said John HUMPHRIES at the time of his death to be found in your Bailiwick, whereof you could make the said debt, Damages, Costs & Charges, or any part thereof: Where upon it is testified to our said Court on the behalf of the said Charles that before that writ came to your hands the goods & chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death to the value of the Debt, Damages Costs & Charges aforesaid after the death of the said John came to the hands of the aforesaid Joseph and Samuel to be administrated and that the said Joseph & Samuel, before the said writ came to you, had wasted all those goods & chattels, and convicted them to their own use, by which the said Debt Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid could not be made of the aforesaid goods & Chattels and it being further testified unto our said Court on behalf of the said Charles that the said Joseph & Samuel have goods, Chattels, Land & Tenements of their own whereof the Debt, Damages Costs & charges aforesaid can be made We therefore command you that of the goods & Chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death in the hands of the said Joseph & Samuel in your Bailiwick you cause the Debt, Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid if they have so much in their hands, and if they have not so much in their hands, then the Debt Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid of the proper goods & Chattels, Lands and Tenements of the said Joseph & Samuel, and have you the said monies before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the Sixth day of April next to be rendered to the said Charles for his Debt, Damages Costs & Charges aforesaid, and have you then & there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the XXth day of October in the XXVth year of American

Page 2
Independence Anno Domin 1801
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

The Sum of three Hundred and Eighty seven pounds nineteen shillings with Interest from the thirteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred & ninety eight untill paid & all costs will Discharge this Execution.

Clk £4 13 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff & Cryer £1 2 shillings  
Wit. M. SAWYER £2 10 shillings 8 pence
Cost Below £18 11 shillings 8 pence
  £29 17 shillings 6 pence

Page 3
State of North Carolina --To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     You are hereby commanded that of the goods & chattels which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors etc. of the said John (in your Bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Thirty six pounds fourteen shillings and six pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton, was taxed and adjudged to the officers of our said Court for the Costs & charges of a suit there Brought by them against Isaiah PARR whereof the said Joseph & Samuel are convicted and liable as to Us of Record appears; besides your own fees for this service; Herein fail not and have you the said Money before the Judges of our said court at Edenton on the sixth day of April next to render to the said Officers for their Costs and Charges aforesaid and have you then & there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the sixth day of October in the XXVth year of our Independence Anno Dom 1800.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Clk & Taxes £5 15 shillings  
Shff S. ALCOCK £5    
Atto £5    
Shff J. PERKINS   8 shillings  
Cos? J. PHILLIPS   8 shillings 4 pence
Chow. Shff & Cryer   6 shillings  
        D. DUNTON
        B. TAYLOR
        J. CASEY
        D. DAUGE
        D. PARR
        C. PARR
        T. POYNER
3 shillings
11 shillings
11 shillings
5 shillings
1 shilling
4 shillings
1 shilling
3 shillings
6 pence
8 pence
1 pence
10 pence
5 pence
8 pence
4 pence
  £30 14 shillings 8 pence

Page 4
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, Lands and Tenements of Samuel FEREBEE & Joseph FEREBEE vz Exec. &c. of John HUMPHRIES deceased (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Thirty Eight Pounds, five shillings, & eight pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, Samuel SALYEAR  recovered against them as well for his Damages which he sustained by reason of the nonperformance of certain promises etc. as for costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Executors were convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of April next, to render to the said Samuel SALYEAR his damages, costs and charges aforesaid: herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XIXth day of October in the XXIXth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and four.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Judgmt £20 1 shilling  
Clk £2 11 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff & Cryer   5 shillings  
Wit. Jesse PERRY £4 6 shillings 10 pence
Cost Below £3 5 shillings 2 pence
  £35 5 shillings 12 pence
Jesse PERRY £3   8 pence
  £38 5 shillings 8 pence

Page 5
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said John (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand Pounds which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, Charles GRANDY recovered against them for Debt and also the sum of Twenty nine Pounds, twelve shillings and six pence as well for his Damages which he sustained by reasons of the Detention of the said Debt as for the costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE exers Convicted and liable as to us appears of record, besides your own fees for this service; and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of April next, to render to the said Charles GRANDY his Debt, damages, costs and charges aforesaid: herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ. Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said court, at Edenton, the XIXth day of October in the XXIVth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Clk £4 8 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff Currituck   13 shillings 4 pence
Cos.? ditto   2 shillings 8 pence
Shff Camden & cryer   3 shillings 4 pence
Wit. M. SAWYER £2 10 shillings 8 pence
Cost Below £16 11 shillings 10 pence
  £29 12 shillings 6 pence

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton; April Term 1800; No Property to be found by me after making due search by Day and by night as it was said they ____ kept it concealed.  Therefore this Execution is not Satisfyed So Says J. PERKINS Sheriff.  The Sum of Three Hundred & eighty seven Pounds, nineteen shillings with Interest from the thirteenth Day of October 1798 and all Costs will discharge this Exec.  /signed/ W.B. Clk

Page 6
State of North Carolina--To Robert McMORINE Esquire late Sheriff of Pasquotank County Greeting:
     Whereas We by our Writ Commanded you that of the goods & chattels of Edward EVEREGAIN deceased in the hands of Reuben KEATON administrator of all and singular the goods & chattels, rights & credits which were of the said Edward EVERGAIN at the time of his death are administered by David GEORGE deceased in your Bailiwick you should cause to be made the sum of Seventy Seven Pounds six shillings & 41/2 pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton. The Executors of John HUMPHRIES deceased recovered against him as well for their damages by reason of the non performance of certain promises before that time by the said Edward in his lifetime to the said John in his lifetime & made as for the costs and charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended whereof the said Reuben KEATON is convicted as also appears of record; besides your own fees for that service, and that you should have the said money before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the sixth day of October next, after the XX of April in the XXIII year of our Independence & in the year of our Lord One thousand and Seven hundred and Ninety nine & to render to the said Pltff their damages costs & charges, and you at that day executed on the said writ that you had levied, the same one the goods, & chattels of Edward EVEREGAIN to wit, the negroe Ming which remains in your hands unsold for want of time. We do therefore command you that you again impose to sale the goods & chattels by you as aforesaid levied upon so that you have the said money, & five shillings for this writ before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the sixth day of April next, and We so further command you that of the goods, & chattels of the said Edward EVEREGAIN in the hands of Reuben KEATON (in your Bailiwick) you cause to be made the ______ of the said damages Costs & Charges and that you have the said money before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton, on the day aforesaid to render to the said Executors their damages, Costs, and charges aforesaid and have you then and there the writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clk of our said Court at Edenton the XIX of October in the XXIV year of our Independence & in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety nine.
     /s/ Will BLAIR  Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton; April Term 1800; Pasquotank; Not Sold for want of Bidders; /signed/ [name illegible].

Judgmt £53 14 shillings 2 pence
Clk 45 Atto 10 £7 5 shillings  
Shff 2/8 Cryer 1/4   5 shillings  
Cost Below £16 3 shillings 5 pence
Two Exons   10 shillings  
  £77 16 shillings 7 pence

The Costs on this Exon I believe are satisfied except 1 of the Negro Mingo first leved an is died & levied this Executionor one negro man slave by the name of Dick December 29th 1799 & not sold for want Bidders.

Page 7
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     Whereas we lately commanded you that of the goods and Chattels which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors of the last will and Testament of the said John (in your bailiwick) you should cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand Pounds which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton Charles GRANDY recovered against them for Debt and also the sum of [nothing written] as well for his Damages which he has sustained by reason of the Detention of the said Debt as for the Costs and Charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended whereof the said Joseph & Samuel were convicted and liable as to us appears of record; and that you should have those monies before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton at a certain Day now past to render to the said Charles GRANDY his said Debt, Damages costs & charges recovered in manner aforesaid need you returned to us at that Day that there were no goods and chattels which were of the said John HUMPHRIES at the time of his Death to be found in your bailiwick whereof you could make the said Debt Damages, costs & charges or any part thereof as hereupon it is testified to our said Court on behalf of the said Charles that before that writ came to your hands the goods & chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death to the value of the debt Damages, Costs & charges aforesaid after the death of the said John came to the hands of the aforesaid Joseph & Samuel to be Administrators, and that the said Joseph & Samuel before the said suit came to you had wasted all those goods & chattels and converted them to their own use, by which the Debt Damages Costs & charges aforesaid could not be made of the aforesaid goods & chattels and it being further testified to our said Court on behalf of the said Charles that the said Joseph & Samuel have goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of their own whereof the Debt Damages Costs & Charges aforesaid can be made.
     We do therefore command you that of the goods & chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death in the hands of the said Joseph & Samuel in your bailiwick you cause the Debt, Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid and 10 P___ for further costs if so much they have in their hands to be made; and if they have not so much in their hands then the Debt Damages Costs & charges aforesaid of the proper goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of the said Joseph & Samuel and have you the said monies before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the Sixth Day of October next to be rendered to the said Charles for his Debt Damages Costs & Charges aforesaid and have you then & there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the XVIIIth of April in XXVth year of our Independence Anno Domini 1800.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton; October Term 1801; Currituck; The sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Seven Pounds nineteen shillings with Interest from the Thirteenth Day of October One Thousand seven hundred and ninety eight till paid and all Costs will discharge this Execution. /signed/ W.B. Clk]

Clk £5 3 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff & cryer £1 2 shillings  
Wit. M. SAWYER £2 10 shillings 8 pence
Cost Below £16 11 shillings 10 pence
  £30 7 shillings 6 pence

Page 8
Camden October 12th 1801
Dr. Sir/
     It has so happened, that my personal attendance at Edenton this court is unnessary, Therefore I have declined going.  If you can obtain a copy of the bill of costs which is annexed to the appeal of the suit, Charles GRANDY vs HUMPHRIES Exors we can have the costs of said suit settled on your return. A copy of the bill of Costs which originated in the county Court will be essentially necessary as it will shew the costs distinct,-- Majr GRANDY has requested of me to receive his atto fee in the county Court say $4.  I should suppose the Execution (if the Debt is paid), could be returned Satisfied as there is no doubt but the cost below can be adjusted, at any time, provided you get the bill of costs aforsd.
     With Respect I am Dr Sir yours, &c
          /s/ Malachi SAWYER

Page 9
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, Lands, and Tenements of Jesse PERRY (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Forty Pounds five shillings and four Pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, the Executors of John HUMPHRIES Deceased recovered against him as well for their Damages which they sustained by reason of the non performance of certain promises before that time by the said Jesse PERRY to the said John HUMPHRIES in his lifetime, made as for the costs and charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Jesse PERRY is convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the sixth day of October next, to render to the said Plaintiffs their damages, costs and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ. Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XVIIIth day of April in the XXVth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Satisfaction for Twenty nine Pounds, eleven shillings of this Execution
     /s/ W.B. Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton; October Term 1801; __yd a Negro Jack; No sale for want of Bidders; /signed/ Solo ALCOCK Shff; Currituck]

Judgmt £23 14 shillings  
Clk £5 18 shillings  
Shff & Cryer £1 3 shillings  
Wit. S. HOLT
        T.P. WILLIAMS
        B. TAYLOR
7 shillings
8 shillings
11 shillings
4 pence
8 pence
8 pence
Cost in Sup. Court £20 8 shillings 8 pence
1/2 paid to be paid by Jesse PERRY £10 4 shillings 4 pence
Cost Below £5 17 shillings  
Two Exons   10 shillings  
  £40 5 shillings 4 pence

Page 10
Recd April 3d 1801 from Samuel FEREBEE Exr. of John HUMPHRIES decd Two pounds three shillings & six pence in full for my Witness ticket in the Superior Court Edenton, wherein John HUMPHRIES Exr. are Plaintiffs & Isaiah PARR was defendant, which ticket was filed in the clerks office at Edenton.
     /s/ William BRUMSEY

Page 11
State of North-Carolina--To Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     You are hereby commanded, that of the goods and chattels, which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors &c. of the said John (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Thirty six pounds nineteen shillings & ten pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law held for the district of Edenton, was taxed and adjudged to the officers of our said court as the costs and charges of a suit there brought by them against Isaiah PARR whereof the said Joseph and Samuel are convicted and liable as to us appears of record, besides your own fees for this service.  And have you the said monies before the Judges of the said Court, to be held for the district of Edenton, at the Court-House in Edenton, on the Sixth day of October next, then and there to render to the said officers for their costs and charges aforesaid. Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of the said Court, at Edenton, the XVIIIth day of April in the XXVth year of the independence of the said State, Anno Dom. 1801.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton; October Term 1801; Recd the amt of D. PARR & C. PARR Certs; /signed/ S. FEREBEE

Clk & Tax £6    
Atto Pd £5    
Shff    J. ALCOCK
          J. PERKINS
£1 14 shillings
8 shillings
8 pence
Cor?   J. PHILLIPS   8 shillings 4 pence
Chow. Shff & Cryer   6 shillings  
Pd   D. PARR
Pd   C. PARR
3 shillings
11 shillings
11 shillings
11 shillings
1 shilling
6 shillings
1 shilling
3 shillings
6 pence
8 pence
1 pence
1 pence
5 pence
8 pence
6 pence
  £36 19 shillings 6 pence

Received the Amt. of J. CASEY & D. DAUGE - Certificates
     /s/ Isaiah PARR

Recd My Attendance
     /s/ Thos POYNER

Satisfied by the Sale of a Negro Winch Amey to John HUMPHRIES at £30 3 shillings 6 pence
     /s/ Solo ALCOCK Shff

Recd Benj. TAYLORs witness Ticket of 31/1
     /s/ S. ALCOCK

Page 12
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, Lands and Tenements of Jesse PERRY (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Thirty nine Pounds fifteen shillings & four pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, the Executors of John HUMPHRIES deceased recovered against him as we before their Damages which they sustained by reason of the non performance of certain promises before that time by the said Jesse PERRY to the said John HUMPHRIES in his lifetime made is as for the costs and charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended,  whereof the said Jesse PERRY is convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the sixth day of October next, to render to the said Plaintiffs their damages, costs and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ. Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XIXth day of April in the XXIVth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred.
     /s/ Will BLAIR

Judgmt £23 14 shillings  
Clk £5 18 shillings  
Shff & Cryer £1 3 shillings  
Wit. S. HOLT
        T.P. WILLIAMS
        B. TAYLOR
7 shillings
8 shillings
11 shillings
4 pence
8 pence
8 pence
Costs in Supr Court £20 8 shillings 8 pence
yet to be paid by Jesse PERRY is £10 4 shillings 4 pence
Cost Below £5 17 shillings  
Two Exons   10 shillings  
  £39 15 shillings 4 pence

[On the back of this page is written: Recd Edenton Oct. 18th, 1800 Eleven Pounds. Ben TAYLOR & Thos. P. WILLIAMS witness tickets for plff in the within suit; /signed/ S. FEREBEE, Exr. of J. HUMPHRIES]

Recd of Jesse PERRY twenty nine Pound Eleven Shillings in part pay of the within Execution and the There forborn by the Plaintiffs.
     /s/ J. PERKINS Sheriff

Page 13
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting.
     You are hereby commanded that of the goods and Chattels which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors of the said Joseph ___________________ in your bailiwick, you cause to be made the sum of Thirty six Pounds, Nine shillings & six pence, which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton was taxed, and adjudged to the officer of our said Court for the Costs and charges of a suit there brought by them against Isaiah PARR where of the said Joseph and Samuel are convicted and liable as to Us of record appears; besides your own fees for this service: Herein fail not and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the Sixth Day of October next, to render to the said Officers for their costs and charges aforesaid and have you then & there this Writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the XIXth Day of April in the XXIVth year of American Independence.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Clk & Taxes £5 10 shillings  
Atto £5    
£1 14 shillings
8 shillings
8 pence
Cers J. PHILLIPS   8 shillings 4 pence
Chow. Shff & Cryer   6 shillings  
        D. DUNTON
        B. TAYLOR
        J. CASEY
        D. DAUGE
        D. PARR
        C. PARR
        T. POYNER
3 shillings
11 shillings
11 shillings
5 shillings
1 shilling
4 shillings
1 shilling
3 shillings
6 pence
8 pence
1 pence
10 pence
5 pence
8 pence
4 pence
  £36 9 shillings 6 pence

Page 14
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     Whereas We lately commanded you that of the goods and chattels which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE, Executors of the last Will & Testament of the said John, in your Bailiwick, you should cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand Pound which lately in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton Charles GRANDY recovered against therefore Debt and also Twenty nine Pounds seventeen shillings and six pence as well for his damages which he sustained by reason of the Detention of the said Debt as for the Costs and Charges by him in his suit in his behalf expended which the said Joseph and Samuel are convicted and liable as to us of Record appears: and that you should have those monies before the Judges of Our said Court at Edenton at a certain day now past to render to the said Charles GRANDY his said Debt, Damages, costs and charges recovered in manner aforesaid; and you returned to us at last day that there was no goods, or chattels which are of the said John HUMPHRIES at the time of his death to be found in your Bailiwick [rest of line has crease and illegible] Damages Costs and Charges or any part thereof Whereupon it is testified to our said Court on the behalf of the said Charles that before that ____ came to your hands the goods and chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death to the value of the Debt, Damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid after the death of  the said John came to the hands of the aforesaid Joseph and Samuel to be administered; and that the said Joseph and Samuel before the said Writ came to you had wasted all goods and Chattels and convicted them to their own use by which the Debt, Damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid can not be made of the aforesaid goods and Chattels and it being further testified to our said Court on behalf of the said Charles that the said Joseph and Samuel have goods, chattels, lands and Tenements of their own whereof the Debt, Damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid can be made. We therefore command you that of the goods, and chattels which were of the said John at the time of his death in the Hands of the said Joseph and Samuel in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the Debt, Damages

Page 15
Costs and Charges aforesaid if they have so much in their hands and if they have not so much in their Hands then the Debt, Damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid of the proper goods and chattels Lands and Tenements of the said Joseph and Samuel and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court at Edenton on the Sixth day of October next to be rendered to the said Charles for his Debt Damages Costs and Charges aforesaid and have you then and there this Writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the XIXth Day of April in the XXIVth year of American Independence Anno Dom 1800.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

The Sum of Four Hundred and Eighty Seven Pounds nineteen shillings with Interest from the Thirteenth Day of October One Thousand Seven hundred & Ninety Eight be certified & all Costs will discharge the execution.

Page 16
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, which were of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the Hands of Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE Executors of the last Will & Testament of the said John (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand Pounds which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, Charles GRANDY recovered against them for Debt and also the Sum of Twenty nine Pounds, seven shillings & six pence as well for his Damages by reason of the Detention of the said Debt as for the costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE is convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides you own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of April next, to render to the said Charles GRANDY his Debt, damages, costs and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XVIIth day of October in the XXIIId year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Clk £4 3 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff Currituck   13 shillings 4 pence
Cers Do   2 shillings 8 pence
Shff Camden   2 shillings 8 pence
Cryer   3 shillings 4 pence
Wit. M. SAWYER £2 10 shillings 8 pence
Costs below £16 11 shillings 10 pence
  £29 7 shillings 6 pence

Page 17
The Sum of £426 17shillings 8 pence with Int. from October 13th 1798 ____  paid & all Costs will discharge this Exetr
     /s/ W.B. Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton April Term 1799; Currituck]

Page 18
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, of John HUMPHRIES deceased in the Hands of Joseph FEREBEE & Samuel FEREBEE Executors of the said John HUMPHRIES (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Four Thousand Pounds which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, Charles GRANDY recovered against them for Debt also the sum of Twenty nine Pounds, seven shillings & six pence as well for his Damages by reason of the Detention of the said Debt as for the costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Joseph FEREBEE and Samuel FEREBEE are convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of April next, to render to the said Charles GRANDY his Debt, damages, costs and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said court, at Edenton, the XVIIth day of October in the XXIIId year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Clk £4 3 shillings  
Atto £5    
Shff Currituck   13 shillings 4 pence
Cers Ditto   2 shillings 8 pence
Shff Camden   2 shillings 8 pence
Cryer   3 shillings 4 pence
Wit. M. SAWYER £2 10 shillings 8 pence
Costs below £16 11 shillings 10 pence
  £29 7 shillings 6 pence

The sum of Four Hundred & twenty six Pounds, 18 shillings 8 pence with Interest from October 13th 1798 tito? paid & all Costs will discharge this Execution.
     /s/ W.B. Clk

Page 19
State of North-Carolina--To Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     Whereas we by our writ commanded you, that of the goods and chattels, lands and Tenements of Jesse PERRY (in your bailiwick)  you should cause to be made the sum of Forty Pounds five shillings and four pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, the Executors of John HUMPHRIES deceased recovered against him as well for their Damages which they sustained by reason of the nonperformance of certain promises before that time by the said Jesse to the said John in his lifetime made as for the costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Jesse PERRY was convicted and liable as to us appears of record: besides your own fees for that service, and that you should have the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of October next, after the XXVIth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one to render to the said Executors their damages, costs and charges aforesaid, and you at that day returned on the said writ that you had levied the same on a Negroe named Jack which remain in your hands unsold for want of Bidders. We do therefore command you that you again expose to sale the goods and chattels by you so as aforesaid levied upon, so that you have the said money, and five shillings for accruing costs, before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of April  next; and we do command you further, that of the goods and chattels, Lands & Tenements of the said Jesse PERRY (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the residue of the said damages, costs and charges, and that you have the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the day aforesaid, to render to the said Executors their damages, costs, and charges aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XVIth of October in the XXVIth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

[On the back of this page is written: Edenton April Term 1802; Recd the 5 December 1801; Satisfied & the money Paid in the office; /signed/ Solo ALCOCK Shff]

Judgmt £23 14 shillings  
Clk £5 18 shillings  
Shff & Cryer £1 3 shillings  
Wit. S. HOLT
        T.P. WILLIAMS
        B. TAYLOR
7 shillings
8 shillings
11 shillings
4 pence
8 pence
8 pence
Costs in Supr Court £20 8 shillings 8 pence
yet to be paid by Jesse PERRY is £10 4 shillings 4 pence
Cost Below £5 17 shillings  
Two Fi. Fas   10 shillings  
This Exon.   5 shillings  
  £40 10 shillings 4 pence

Page 20
To Mr. Will BLAIR--Sir please pay Will MAUND my witness Tickett in such John HUMPHRIES Ext. vs Jesse PERRY
     /s/ Samuel HOLT
Sept. 1, 1802

Page 21
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, Lands and Tenements of Jesse PERRY (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Forty Pounds and four pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, the Executors of John HUMPHRIES deceased recovered against him as well for their Damages which they sustained by reason of nonperformance of certain promises before that time by the said Jesse PERRY to the said John HUMPHRIES in his lifetime made as for the costs and charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Jesse PERRY is convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the sixth day of April next, to render to the said Plaintiffs their damages, costs, and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XIXth day of October in the XXVth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Page 22
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     We command you that of the goods and chattels, Lands & Tenements of Samuel FEREBEE & Joseph FEREBEE Executors &c. of John HUMPHRIES Dec. (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of Thirty eight Pounds, ten shillings & 8 pence which lately in our Superior Court of Law, at Edenton, Samuel SALYEAR recovered against them as well for his Damages which he sustained by reason of the nonperformance of certain promises & as for costs and charges by him in his suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Executors are convicted and liable as to us appears of record; besides your own fees for this service, and have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the Sixth day of October next, to render to the said Samuel SALYEAR his damages, costs and charges aforesaid: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.  Witness William BLAIR, Clerk of our said Court, at Edenton, the XIXth day of April in the XXIXth year of our Independence, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Judgmt £20 1 shillings  
Clk & Atto £7 16 shillings  
Shff & Cryer   5 shillings  
Wit. Jesse PERRY £7 7 shillings 6 pence
  £35 9 shillings 6 pence
Cost Below £3 1 shillings 2 pence
  £38 10 shillings 8 pence
  £20 1 shillings  
  £18 9 shillings 8 pence

[SOURCE: Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS); Edenton District Superior Court Estates Records 1756-1806; MARS ID: 398.6.1038 (Box); Microfilm C.201.1905947]

Transcribed by
Judy Merrell Brickhouse, September 2006




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