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George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France &
Ireland King Defender of the Faith, &c. To the Sheriff of the County of
Currituck County Greeting. We Command you that of Good’s and Chattels, Lands
and Tenements, of William DANIEL SENIOR (in your Bailiwick) you cause
to be made Eight Pounds Sixteen shillings, two pence which lately in our
Superior Court at Edenton, was taxed and adjudged as the Costs of a Suit
there brought by him against Thomas SAWYERs Exors Whereof
the said William DANIEL is convicted, and liable, as to us appears of
Record; besides your own Fees for this Service; so that you have the same
Monies before our Chief Justice, and his Associates, at the next Superior
Court of Justice to be held for the District of Edenton, at the Court-House
in Edenton, on the XXVth Day of April next; then and there to
render the same to the Officers of our said Court, according to the Act of
Assembly, etc. Herein fail not, and have you there this Writ. Witness
Martin HOWARD Esq; Chief Justice of our said Province at Edenton, the
XXVth Day of October in the tenth Year of our reign.
[On the back of this page is written:] April 1771 Levied on Eight Hundred acres of Land and Marsh and not
sold for want of biders so says Solo PERKINS Shf
Page 2 North-Carolina} Edenton
} George the Third, by the Grace of God, of
Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To the
Sheriff of the County of Currituck Greeting: Whereas we, by our Writ,
have commanded you that you should cause to be made of the Goods and
chattels, Lands and Tenements, of William DANIEL (in your Bailiwick) the sum
of Nine Pounds Six shillings two pence which lately in our Superior Court at
Edenton, was taxed and adjudged as the costs of a Suit there brought by him
against Thomas SAWYERs Executors whereof the said William is convicted,
liable, as to us appears of Record; and that you should have those Monies
before our Chief Justice, and his Associates, at Edenton on the XXVth Day of
April next, after the XXVth Day of October in the Xth Year of our Reign, to
render to the same to the Officers of said court, agreeable to the Act of
Assembly in that Case made and provided; and you, at that Day, returned to
us, that you, by Virtue of our said Writ to you directed for that Purpose,
had taken Eight Hundred Acres of Land & Marsh of the Goods and Chattels
Lands & Tenements of the said William DANIEL in Part of the Costs aforesaid,
which remain in your Custody, unsold, for Want of buyers so that you could
not have the Monies before us on the Day aforesaid; and that the said
William DANIEL had not any more Goods and Chattels, Lands & Tenements (in
your Bailiwick) whereof you could cause to be levied any more of Monies
contained in our Writ. Therefore we command you, that you expose to Sale the
Goods and Chattels Lands & Tenements aforesaid, of the said William DANIEL
and have you these Monies before our Chief Justice, and his Associates, at
the next Superior court to be held for the District of Edenton, at the
Court-House in Edenton, on the Twenty fifth Day of October next, to render
to the said Officers of our said Court for Part of the Costs aforesaid. And
also we command you, that of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, of
the said William DANIEL (in your Bailiwick) you cause to be made the Residue
of the said Nine Pounds six shillings & two pence and have you those Monies,
together with the Monies aforesaid, before our chief Justice, and his
Associates, on the Day aforesaid, to be rendered to the Officers of our said
Court for the Costs aforesaid, and have you then and there this Writ. Witness
Martin HOWARD Esq. Chief Justice of our said
Province, at Edenton, the XXVth Day of April in the Eleventh Year of our
Reign. /s/ Saml JOHNSTON
[On the back of this page is written:]
October 1775 All cost paid so says Solo PERKINS Shf
[SOURCE: Manuscript and Archives
Reference System (MARS);
Edenton District
Superior Court Estates Records 1756-1806; MARS ID: 398.6.1241 (Box);
Microfilm C.201.1905948]
Transcribed by
Judy Merrell Brickhouse,
September 2006