Page 1 [the 1st
page in this folder appeared to be misfiled and had nothing to do with the
Whitehall estate therefore it was left out of this transcription.]
State of North Carolina} Currituck County } The above plan represents 645 acres of Land situate in
the State and County aforesaid (Formerly the property of Alexander WHITEHALL decd) and bounded as follows. Beginning on the Sound Side at Mr.
WOODHOUSE then runing So 70 W 51 chain to the main road thence So 20 E 28
chain and 80 links to a pine corner of the Land formerly belonging to
Ezekiel ROLLINGS decd thence So 60 W 38½ chain to a pine in the Back line
thence So 32 E 17½ chain to a corner read oak then N. 60 E 35 chain to
the main road thence with said main road So 16 E 16 chain So 13 E 16 chain
So 3 E 18½ chain So 78 E 2 chain 75 links to an oak then N 70 E 30
chain to a corner pine binding on Thomas JARVIS land thence N 16 W 31
chain binding on William LUTTSs land to a corner pine then N 75 E 50 chain to
Dues Quarter Creek thence Northwardly binging [binding] on said Creek and Sound by
Various Courses to the first Station Surveyed September 14th and
15th days 1797. Tho.
State of North Carolina} Currituck County }
This plan represents one half acre of land situate in the State and County
aforesaid (formerly belonging to Alexander WHITEHALL decd)
and bounded as follows Beginning on the East side of the main road where the
back woods road crossed that leads to Cowinjock Bay thence N. 65 E 2 chain
24 links to a small pine thence So 33 E 2 chain 24 links thence
So 65 W 2 chain 24 links then to the first station surveyed Sept.
11th 1797. Tho. POYNER Sur
Page 2
State of North Carolina} Currituck County }
The above plan represents 128 acres of land situate in the State and County
aforesaid (Formerly the property of Alexander WHITEHALL Decd)
and bounded as follows Begining on the Sound Side at Mr. JOSEPH GRAYs
line thence running So 78 W 80 Chain thence N. 6 W 17½ chain
thence N 78 E 24½ chain then N. 84 E 42½ chain then N 75 E 12 chain to the
sound then binding on the sound to the first station, Surveyed, September 12th
State of North Carolina,
Currituck County The plan represents 110½ acres of land situate in
the State and County aforesaid (Formerly belonging to Alexander WHITEHALL Decd)
and boundd as follows Beginning at a pine at William ODOWDAYs
land thence runing N 41 E 23 chain to a pine N 45 E 8 chain to a corner pine
sapling thence So 20 E 13 chain 40 links So 24 E 35
chain to a corner pine then So 70 W 26½ chain to Thomas WHITEs
line a Hickory then N 20 W 3 chain to a pine then N 22 W 2 chain thence to
the first station, Surveyed, September 13th 1797. Tho. POYNER Sur
State of North Carolina} Currituck County }
The plan represents 35½ acres of Swamp Land situate n the State and County
aforesaid (Formerly belonging to Alexander WHITEHALL Decd)
and bounded as follows Begg at a pine (Begining of John TAYLORs
patent) thence runing So 80 W 9 chain then South 6 chain to a Gum
a corner of Joseph TAYLORs patent, then South 34 chain then N 80 E 9
chain thence North to the first Station, Surveyed September 11th
1797. Tho. POYNER Sur
Page 3
State of North Carolina} Supr Court of Law
Edenton District } April Term 1797 On petition of
Robert WHITEHALL and James WHITEHALL an infant under the age
of twenty one years by Mary TILLETT his guardian & next Friend
praying that Commissioners may be appointed to divide amongst and
appropriate to them their respective Felial portions or distributive Shares
of their late deceased Fathers (Alexander WHITEHALL) Estate agreeable
to the directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made & provided.
It is ordered that Thomas BERNARD, Thomas SANDERS son of
Lemuel, Daniel LINDSEY, Nathan POYNER and Benjamin
TAYLOR be appointed to divide and appropriate agreeable to the prayer of
the petition &c. A Copy Test Will BLAIR
Page 4 Recd the 5th
Day of october 1797 of Tho. WHITEHALL the Sum of Eaighteen Pounds
Seventeen Shillings and 4d in full of the ______ Recd
by Thos SANDERSON. /s/ Mr
Recd the 5th
Day of october 1797 of Thomas WHITEHALL the Sum of Two Pounds
Three Shillings 1d Recd the same in full by me Mary
TILLETT as guardian to Jeams WHITEHALL orphan. Thos SANDERSON /s/
Mary [hur x mark]
Page 5
State Nor Carrolina} Currituck County } In
obedience to an axed [annexed] order of the Suporia Courts of the District
of Edenton We the subscribers Being first Sworn hath proceeded to Devid the
Raile Estate of Alexr WHITEHALL Esqr Decd
Amongst the Lawful Representvs in the following manner, viz--
To one Tract of Land to Robert WHITEHALL Being the North parte of the
Maner Plintation Beginning on the Sound at Hadley WOODHOUSE Line thence So
70 W fifty one chain to the Main Road thence So 20 E twenty Eaight
links to a pine corner of the land formerly belonging to Ezel
ROLLINS Decd thence No 75 E 75½
chain to the Sound thence Northerdly binden on Sound to the first station
containing 204 acres. Also one piece or
percel of land Boundered as follows, Viz Beginning at a pine standing on the
left Side of the main Road Corner tree of the land formirly of
belonging to Ezel ROLLINS Decd thence So
60 W thirty Eaight and half chain to a pine in the Back line thence So
32 E Seventeen and half chain to a corner Read oak thence No 60 E
thirty five chain to the main Road thence Northardly with Said Main Road to the
first Station containing sixty four acres.
Also one other piece or percel of land Boundered as follows Viz Beginning at a
Smawl Gum on the main Road thence So 3 E Nine and half chain to
Thos JERVES line thence So 78 E two chain and Seventy five links
to an oak thence No 70 E thirty chain to a Corner pine Binding Thos
JERVEUS land thence No 16 W ten chain Binding William LUTSes land to
a pine thence Westardly by a line of marked trees to the first Station
containing thirty two acres. Also one
other piece or percel land being parte of land and plintation whereon Wm
LUTS formily live Beginning as follows Viz Beginning at a pine Standing on
the East Side of the Main Road thence So 70 W twenty Six and a half
chain to a corner Hickery Binding on the land formily Belonging to Ambs
MITCHEL Decd thence No 20 W three chain to a pine
thence No 22 W two chain thence No 35 W eleven chain
thence No 70 E twenty Six chain to Thomas BARNARD Land thence
to the first Station binding on Thos BARNARD land and Jon
SANDERSON land Containing 44 acres And one quarter
of land. Also one half Acre of land in Cowen Jock Binding on the East Side
of the main Road whare the Back Woods Road Crosses that leads to Cowenjock Bay
thence No 65 E two chain and twenty four link to a Smawl pine thence
So 33 E two chain twenty four link thence So 65 W to the
Main Road thence to the first Station Containing one
half acre of land together with all houses builden and improvements
there unto Belonging the above Mentioned pieces or percels of land. -- Turn Over
Page 6
Also one tract of land to Jems WHITEHALL Boundered and Begining as
follows Viz Begining on the Sound Side at Joseph GRAYs line thence So
78 W Eaighty chain thence No 6 W Seventeen and half chain thence No
78 E twenty four and half chain thence No 84 E forty two and half
chain thence No 75 E twelve chain to the Sound thence Binding on the
Sound to the first Station Containing one Hundred and
twenty Eaight acres of land With all the Improvements there Unto
Belonging. Also one piece or percel of land Boundered and Begining as
follows Viz Begining at a pine at William DOWDAY land thence No
41 E twenty three chain to a pine thence No 45 E Eaight Chain to a
corner pine thence So 20 E thirteen chain and forty link thence So
24 E Eaighteen and Half chain to Robert WHITEHALL land thence So
70 W twenty Six chain thence Northardly by a line of Marked trees to the first
Station containing Sixty Six and one fourth acres
of land With all the Improvements there Unto Belonging. Also one other
piece or percel of land Begining at a pine the Begining of Jon
TAYLOR patten thence So 80 W three chain thence So 6
chain to a Gum a corner tree of Joseph TAYLOR patten thence So
thirty four chain thence No Eaighty East Nine chain thence North to
the first Station Containing thirty five and one half
Acres of land. Also one tract or percel of land laying in the
County of Terrell Near the Mouth of little Alleygator Begining at a pine at the
Head of the old Division line thence along the old devision line to an oak on
the left side of a Creek thence down the said Creek to Seeder Point Swampe
thence Binding with said Swamp to Joseph McCOMLEY thence binding with
Said line to William RAYFIELD Corner tree a holley then Binding With Said
RAYFIELD line to a Gum being a corner tree thence down the Bever Dam
Swamp to a pine the first Station at the Division line Containing
one hundred and fifteen Acres of land.
So ends land. Turn over.
Page 7 Ordered that Thomas
WHITEHALL pay unto Robert WHITEHALL the Sum of Eaighteen Pounds
Seventeen Shillings and four Pence. Likewise ordered that Thos
WHITEHALL pay to Jeams WHITEHALL the Sum of two Pounds three
Shillings and one penny.
Given under our hands and seals this fifth day of October Ano Dom 1797.
/s/ Thos BERNARD /s/ Thos
/s/ Nathan POYNER /s/ Benjn TAYLOR
Witness Thos POYNER Sur
£ |
S |
D |
The Surveyor 6½
Days at 20/per D |
6 |
10 |
0 |
To five commissioners at 8½
Days Each at 10/per D |
21 |
5 |
0 |
To Two Chain Bairers 4½
Day Each 10/per D |
4 |
10 |
0 |
[total] |
32 |
5 |
0 |
To finding the Surveyor and Commissioners
the above mentioned time in Victuls and Drink |
13 |
1 |
0 |
Total Amt. |
32 |
5 |
0 |
Page 8 State of North Carolina
April Term 1797 To the Honorable the Judges of the Superior Court of Law for the District of
The Petition The Petition of Robert WHITEHALL and
James WHITEHALL an Infant under the age of 21 years by Mary TILLETT
his Guardian and next friend humbly sheweth that some time in the month of June
in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety five Alexander
WHITEHALL your Petitioners late Father departed this life intestate and
leaving issue your Petitioners and one other son named Thomas and infant
under the age of 21 years sheweth that your Petitioners late Father died seized
& possessed of the following tracts of Land, to wit--
1. One Tract or parcel of Land lying & being in the said County of Currituck
being that whereon he usually resided & described as follows -- Beginning on the
Sound Side at Hadley WOODHOUSE's line, thence westerly with the aforesaid
WOODHOUSE's line to the lands formerly the property of Ezekiel MOLLANS
[Rollins] deceased, thence southerly with the aforesaid MOLLAN's
[sic] line to Joseph TAYLOR and William HUNNINGS line, thence to
GIBSONs line thence Easterly with the aforesaid GIBSONs line to
YOUNGHUSBANDs line thence the course continued to the Sound, thence Wly
along the Sound to the first Station containing four hundred acres.
2. One other tract on the narrow shore and bounded as follows -- Beginning on
the Sound side at Joseph GRAYs line thence Westerly with the aforesaid
GRAYs line to the __ed line of the Patens, thence noly to
Samuel SALYEAR JUNIORs line, thence eastaly wh the aforesaid
SALYEARs line to the Sound, thence Southerly to the 1st Station
containing one hundred acres more or less.
3. One other tract laying on the Swamp & bounded as follows -- Bg the lines of
Thomas BARNARD, William ODOWDY the orphan of Hilary HANNAR?,
Page 9 WHITE, and the orphans of
Ambrose MITCHEL, Containing one hundred acres, more or less. 4.
One other tract containing one hundred acres of Juniper Swamp adjoining a
place called Blounts Folly. 5. One half house & a half
acre at the cross roads of Coinjoke known by the name of Tilors? hook. 6.
One tract lying & being in the County of Tyrrel on little Aligator adjoining
the lands of Colo. WARRENT? and thereof his son Thomas &
others containing one hundred acres more or less. May it therefore please
your Honors to appoint commissioners, the premises considered, to appoint
commissioners to divide amongst & appropriate to your Petitioners their
respective feliac portions or distributive shares of their late deceased
fathers Estate agreeable to the directions of the act of assembly in such
case made & provided & to make such other & Further order & decree in the
premises as to your Honors shall seem ____ & your Petitioners as in out?
bound shall ever pray. /s/ Jn. BROWN
[SOURCE: Manuscript and Archives
Reference System (MARS);
Edenton District
Superior Court Estates Records 1756-1806; MARS ID: 398.6.738 (Box)];
Microfilm C.201.1905675 |