post-1770 Map of Currituck County (and others)
Image #6
Image #1 (77 kb) - Currituck Co. |
Image #2 (124 kb) - parts of Currituck and Camden counties |
Image #3 (142 kb) - mostly Camden Co. |
Image #4 (142 kb) - Currituck & Camden Co. |
Image #5 (143 kb) - parts of Camden and Pasquotank counties |
Some geographical and place names listed on this page are: Albemarle Sound (extreme bottom of page; barely readable), Arenews Creek. Baptist [not sure if this is a church or a surname but there was an Ann Baptist listed in Pasquotank Co. in the 1786 census], Courthouse, Durants Neck, Ferry [across the upper end of the Pasquotank River], Great Flatty Creek, Little River, Newbegun Creek, Nixonton, Pasquotank River, Symons Creek and Truebloods Mill.
Some surnames listed on this page (some more than once) are: Adams, Albertson, Armour?, Attchison, Baily, Baptist, Barnard, Bartlet, Blastock, Bowles, Boyd, Brothers, Burnham, Cartwright, Chancey, Commander, Cooke, Davis, Delon, Duffy, Etheridg, Evans, Fisk, Ferril, George, Grandy, Gray, Gregory, Hall, Harvey, Holstead, James, Jones, Jordan, Keeton, Knight, Lancaster, Leonard, Lowry, Mason, Morris, Nash, Nicholson, Overman, Palin, Parker, Parmer?, Pedrick, Pool, Pritchard, Reding, Reed, Relf, Ross, Savils, Sawyer, Scott, Simson, Solleys, Swan, Taylor, Trueblood, Tweeday, Venters?, Windfield, and __oughton.