
Southern Claims Commission

Established by and Act of Congress on 3 March 1871, the commission reviewed the claims of Southerners who had "furnished stores and supplies for the use of U.S. Army" during the Civil War. A little more than a year later, Congress extended this to include property seized by the U.S. Navy. Citizens who filed claims before the three-member board were required to show proof of lost property and provide satisfactory evidence of their loyalty to the federal government throughout the war.

Supported by a staff of special commissioners who reviewed small claims in local areas, and special agents who traveled from state to state gathering evidence in all claims, the commission collected claimants’ petitions, interviewed witnesses, and secured any information it deemed pertinent to individual claims. Having no final jurisdiction on claims they reviewed, commissioners forwarded annual reports along with supporting documentation and their evaluation of each claim to the U.S. House of Representatives. The House would then vote to allow or disallow the claim and appropriate funds for payment. In almost every case the House concurred with the recommendations of the commission.

Scattered among the thousands of pages of testimony, special reports, and affidavits is a wide range of information concerning the names and ages of former slaves, their places of residence, names of slave owners, plantation conditions, wills and probate matters, slave manumissions, slave ownership of property, slave and free black entrepreneurship, conditions of free blacks, and a great deal more on what it was like to live as an African American during slavery and the post-slavery period. For the African American genealogist whose ancestor filed a claim before the commission, the information could prove to be invaluable.

When the commission closed its doors on 10 March 1880, some 22,298 claims had been received, totaling $60,258,150.44; only a third of these claims, however, at a cost of $4,636,920.69, were allowed. Just how many of these claims were submitted by African Americans is not known; it appears that the commission did not maintain statistics on the number of claims they filed. For the African American genealogist, however, the index has its limitations–it does not identify claimants by race.  Nonetheless, the records reveal that a small but impressive number of African Americans filed claims for the loss of a wide variety of property, including hogs, chickens, horses, cattle, mules, corn, potatoes, wheat, and other personal goods. A substantial number of their claims, especially those of former slaves, were disallowed. Because slaves had no legal right to property, commissioners required former slaves to show strict proof of ownership and clear title to property. Oftentimes with no legal basis for their claims, ex-slaves found it difficult to prove–at least to the satisfaction of the commissioners–that they owned the property for which they sought compensation. Satisfaction for commissioners varied from case to case, and a claim could be allowed or disallowed solely on the basis of whether commissioners or special agents were convinced that the evidence presented in a case was "satisfactory."  In claims where it was suspected that former slaves had been given property by their owners just prior to the arrival of Union forces, commissioners routinely denied such claims as mere attempts on the part of owners to avoid having their property fall into the hands of the federal government. When the property had been taken by soldiers unauthorized by military commanders and it was not clear that the property was taken for stores and supplies or for the use of the army, commissioners readily denied such claims for failure to meet the commission’s guidelines and regulations.

While there were any number of reasons for disallowing the claims of ex-slaves, it is clear that commissioners had a great deal of concern about the legitimacy of the claims they filed. Nowhere is this concern made more apparent than in the series of questions they developed specifically for ex-slaves at the time of their interrogation. While the questions were designed to show clear title to property and to remove any doubt that the property belonged to their former owner, the answers given by individual claimants provide the Afro-American genealogist with some of the most crucial and oftentimes elusive information that is necessary in the search for their family roots.: Were you a slave or free at the beginning of the war? If ever a slave, when did you become free? What business did you follow after obtaining your freedom? Did you own this property before or after you became free? When did you get it? How did you become the owner, and from whom did you obtain it? Where did you get the means to pay for it? What was the name and residence of your master, and is he still living? Is he a witness for you; if not, why not? Are you in his employ now, or do you live on his land or on land bought from him? Are you in his debt? What other person besides yourself has any interest in this claim? 

A Southern Claims file will generally contain the claimant’s petition and testimony, depositions of witnesses, reports of special agents, summary reports of commissioners, correspondence from other agencies, power of attorney, and certificates of settlement issued by the Third Auditor of the Treasury for claims that were allowed.

There are three types of claims:

  • ALLOWED - The U.S. paid the claim, and the only records that survive are the name of the claimant, place of residence, what the claim was for, and the amount paid.
  • BARRED - Claim was either filed too late or the commissioners ruled the claimant a Confederate supporter. In this case, only the name, place, and description of loss are given. Check these anyway, as there are exceptions.
  • DISALLOWED - Claim was not paid, but for reasons other than late filing or the fact that the claimant was a Confederate supporter. A disallowed claim usually gives the most information for the genealogist and/or historical researcher. What information is in this type of claim? You will get the claimant’s answers to 80 questions asked by the commissioners plus the answers given by the claimant’s witnesses. Both claimant and witnesses were asked, “What is your name, your age, your residence and how long there, and what is your occupation? If you are not the claimant, in what manner, if any, are you related to the claimant or interested in the success of the claim?” A few other examples of questions include the following: “Where were you born? If not born in the U.S., when and where were you naturalized? Produce your naturalization papers, if you can. Did you have any near relatives in the Confederate army or in any military or naval service hostile to the U.S.? If so, give names, ages on entering service, present residence, if living, what influence you exerted, if any, against their entering the service, and in what way you contributed to their outfit and support.” For female claimants, “Are you married or single? If married, when and where were you married? Where does your husband reside, and why has he not joined you in this petition? How many children have you? Give their names and ages....” Witnesses were asked, “In whose favor are you here to testify? How long have you known that person altogether, and what part of that time have you intimately known him? Did you live near him during the war, and how far away? What was the public reputation of the claimant for loyalty or disloyalty to the U.S. during the war?” I think you get the idea of how these claims can provide very helpful and interesting information.

    All of the Southern Claims Commission files are located at the National Archives in Washington, DC, but the disallowed and barred claim files have been microfilmed (Volume 55 of Record Group 56; General Records of the Dept. of Treasury at the Nat'l. Archives; microfilm M-87, reel #13).  Allowed claim files are available only by consulting the National Archives.


Claim #13234 -- 1872    Claim of Gideon Basswood of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina
.            1 bay filly -- $250.00
Remarks: Mr. Basswood was two months and seven days in the militia and did guard duty.  Whom or what he guarded he does not tell us; possibly he was engaged in enforcing prison discipline at Salisbury.  The printed questions are not answered in full, and some of the most material are not answered at all.  He says he was opposed to the war and secession, but does not tell us whether he went with his State or whether he sympathized with the South.  One of the witnesses says he never knew of claimant ever giving aid or comfort or furnishing anything for the use of the confederate army or navy.  It appears he did not know of his doing guard duty in the militia for two months and seven days.  The other witness says he has known claimant for fifteen years; saw him often during the war and had several conversations with him, and believed him to be loyal to the United States Government; heard him say he was opposed to the war and secession.  The testimony of loyalty is insufficient and the claim is rejected.

Claim #13228 -- 1872    Claim of J. W. Baxter, administrator of Joseph Brown,  of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina
.            1 bay horse -- $200.00
Remarks: Nelson Poyner, a witness, says he knew Joseph Brown; had conversations with him in which he expressed himself as opposed to the war; never knew of his aiding the confederate army or navy; knew he took the oath of allegiance to the United States Government and never did anything against it, and from his acts and conduct he believed him to be a true and loyal man to the Government.  Mrs. Martha Kight, the only other witness, says Mr. Brown never expressed himself about the war in her presence but remained at home and attended to his own business and family.  This is all the evidence in the case touching Mr. Brown's loyalty.  Annexed to the evidence as a part thereof is a certificate of the clerk of Currituck County, that J.W. Baxter, the petitioner, is the public administrator of that county and as such administrator has charge of the estate of Joseph Brown, deceased.  This is the only evidence that Brown is dead.  No allusion is made to that fact by either of the witnesses, nor are we informed who are the heirs of Mr. Brown, or whether they are loyal or not.  The testimony is materially defective and the claim must be rejected.

Claim #13229 -- 1872    Claim of Joseph F. Baxter of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina
.            1 bay stallion -- $200.00
Remarks: Joseph F. Baxter, the claimant, is a farmer seventy-one years of age; resides near Currituck Court House, North Carolina.  A more decidedly negative man cannot be found.  He closes his negative statements by saying, "I was too old to do anything for or against the cause of the Union."  Joshua F. Baxter, his son, who was called to prove the taking of the property, is not questioned as to the loyalty of his father.  Nelson Poyner swears that he knew Baxter was opposed to the war; never knew of his aiding the confederacy, and from his acts and conduct believed him to have been loyal to the United States Government, but does not tell us what were his acts and conduct.  Aquila Roberts has known Baxter all his life; never knew of his doing anything for either side, and expresses no opinion at all.  We are unable from the testimony to even guess at the position of the claimant.  There is nothing whatever either in his testimony or that of his witnesses that tends to show where his feelings and sympathies were or which side he favored.  The testimony of loyalty is unsatisfactory and the claim is rejected.

Claim #13232 -- 1872    Claim of Elizabeth A. Bright of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina
1 lot wearing apparel -- $50.00
            1 lot bed clothes -- $30.00
            60 pounds bacon -- $15.00
            2 barrels corn -- $10.00
            200 pounds fodder -- $3.00
            20 bushels wheat -- $30.00
            1 lot carpenter's tools-- $100.00
Remarks: The claimant presents this claim as the widow of William W. Bright who died insolvent in 1867, leaving with his widow three small children.  The testimony was taken before a commissioner in North Carolina and is radically defective.  The printed questions required by the commissioners to be put in every case were not answered at all and apparently were not put to either of the witnesses.  The proof of loyalty is not satisfactory and the claim is rejected.

Claim #17904 -- 1873    Claim of Dempsey Burton of Coinjock, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            170 cords wood -- $510.00
            5,000 rails -- $75.00
            25 barrels corn -- $100.00
    Total -- $685.00
Remarks: Mr. Burton is quite old; claims to have been for the Union, but has forgotten how he voted in 1861.  His two witnesses speak of him as a quiet man, who staid at home, minded his own business, and had nothing to do with either side.  They do not sweat that he was loyal.  This special commissioner adds in a note that the witnesses could not state that the claimant was truly loyal.  Loyalty is not proved.

Claim #13236 -- 1873    Claim of Andrew Davis of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 sorrel mare -- $200.00
Feed for 100 men and horses -- $50.00
                Total -- $250.00
Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyal sympathies, and that is all.  He is forty years old and had a brother in the rebel army; he does not tell how he himself kept out of it.  He calls two witnesses, both slaves during the war, one a man and the other a woman, who swear they believe he was loyal.  We are not satisfied with the sufficiency of the evidence in support of loyalty and therefore reject the claim.

Claim #13235 -- 1873    Claim of A.O. Dey, administrator of J.S. Dey, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            137 cords wood -- $411.00
3,475 feet planking -- $50.00
            5,000 pounds fodder -- $75.00
            2,000 pounds oats -- $30.00
            450 bushels potatoes -- $225.00
            7 beds, 27 pillows, 15 sheets -- $233.00
            2 horses -- $300.00
            2 horse-carts and harness and 1 pair wheels -- $75.00
            1 ox -- $35.00
            1 yoke oxen -- $150.00
            20 barrels corn -- $80.00
            1,000 pounds pork -- $125.00
            200 poultry -- $40.00
            1 lot cooking utensils -- $50.00
                Total -- $1879.00
Remarks: There are but two witnesses in this case and they were the slaves of the deceased.  The first one testifies that the deceased staid at home and attended to his own business and he never knew of his furnishing any supplies for the rebel army, but he did furnish a substitute for a son in the rebel army; and the other witness never knew of the deceased giving any aid or furnishing any supplies; he generally staid at home, &c.  It is useless to comment on this kind of evidence of loyalty.  The records of the rebel archives furnish evidence of disloyalty and we file herewith memoranda thereof.  We reject the claim.

Claim #13239 -- 1873    Claim of William Dudley of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 black horse -- $175.00

Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyal sympathies, but does not remember how he voted in 1861 and thinks he did not go to the election.  Two witnesses swear in the same set words that he was a peaceable citizen and that they never knew of his furnishing any supplies or giving any aid to the confederacy.  That is all the evidence.  It appears that he was within conscript age, and that he was never disturbed or molested, but pursued his usual avocations in the midst of his secessionist neighbors.  We cannot regard the evidence in support of loyalty as sufficient and therefore reject the claim.

Claim #13227 -- 1873    Claim of John Fanshaw, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 dark-bay filly -- $250.00
10 barrels corn -- $50.00
            600 pounds fodder -- $9.00
            150 pounds bacon -- $30.00
            12 geese -- $12.00
            3 turkeys -- $9.00
            6 ducks -- $3.00
            1 bolt calico -- $7.50
            3 boxes soap -- $15.00
            1 yoke oxen -- $150.00
            12 pounds sugar -- $3.60
            1 pair boots -- $5.00
            1 pair shoes -- $2.50
                Total -- $396.60
Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyalty; he calls two witnesses in support, his daughter, thirty-one years old, and his son, now twenty-one years old; he had two sons in the rebel army.  We are not satisfied with the character of the witnesses or the sufficiency of the evidence of loyalty.  If the claimant had been loyal to any purpose he might have proved it without depending solely on the testimony of his children, one of whom was but nine years old when the war broke out.  We reject the claim.

Claim #13231 -- 1873    Claim of James M. Ferebee, of Indian Ridge, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 mule -- $150.00
            1 cart
-- $25.00
            2 barrels corn -- $8.00
            1 bar mare -- $150.00
            1 black colt -- $160.00
            1 gray colt -- $150.00
                Total -- $643.00
Remarks: The claimant answers only a few of the printed questions in reference to loyalty, and there is no witness whatever called in support of his loyalty.  He had therefore failed utterly to establish his loyalty to our satisfaction, and we are constrained for that reason to reject his claim.

Claim #13226 -- 1879    Claim of Joseph B. Forbes, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 lot boots and shoes -- $250.00
            1 lot dry goods
-- $450.00
            36 barrels corn -- $144.00
            50 bushels pease -- $37.50
            30 turkeys -- $37.50
            3000 pounds fodder -- $45.00
                Total -- $964.00
Remarks: Mr. Forbes was a resident of Camden County, North Carolina throughout the war; was about fifty years of age when the war broke out.  No witnesses are called to prove his loyalty except two colored men.  They believe him, from his acts and conduct, to have been a loyal man.  The opinion of these colored men is not the kind of evidence that satisfies us.  If he were loyal, very little, if anything, could be allowed on this claim.  His premises were pillaged of the boots, shoes, and dry goods and the growing corn was cut down as a military necessity and not for a supply to the Army.  The claim is disallowed.

Claim #17914 -- 1873    Claim of Abner Gibson, of Powell's Point, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 horse -- $300.00
            50 pounds bacon
-- $10.00
            100 pounds sausage meat -- $20.00
                Total -- $330.00
Remarks: Mr. Gibson resided in Currituck County during the war; did not vote in 1861; says he was sick but he claims to have been for the Union from first to last.  He calls two neighbors as witnesses who say he was a quiet man and staid at home.  The special commissioner, Pendleton, says: "The witnesses could not answer questions as to the loyalty of the claimant, indicating that he was not very loyal."  Loyalty is not proved.

Claim #17933 -- 1879    Claim of Jordan Payne, administrator of the estate of Nathan Payne, deceased, of Conyock [sic], Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 horse -- $140.00
            1 horse
-- $125.00
            30,000 shingles -- $240.00
                Total -- $505.00
Remarks: Nathan Payne died in October 1868 leaving a widow and five children, on whose behalf this claim is presented by the administrator.
1. There is no proof whatsoever of the loyalty of the widow and heirs.
2. The proof as to the loyalty of Nathan Payne, deceased, is insufficient.  One witness (the only one) says he "staid at home attending to his business and had nothing to do with the war on either side."  Loyalty not proved.  Claim disallowed.

Claim #13233 -- 1873    Claim of E.B. Simmons, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 black horse -- $200.00
            1 bay horse
-- $200.00
            2 carts and harness -- $60.00
            1200 pounds bacon -- $240.00
            50 pounds white lead -- $6.25
                Total -- $706.25
Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyal sympathies and the only witness he calls to loyalty is a neighbor who says he had several conversations with him during the war, and he expressed himself opposed to the war and believes from the claimant's language that he was a Union man.  He had a brother in the rebel army and was never threatened or molested, but lived peaceably and quietly among his secessionist neighbors, evidently with no suspicion on their part or on his, probably during the war, that there was any difference between them.  At all events, we are not satisfied with the sufficiency of this evidence of loyalty.  We reject the claim.

Claim #21723 -- 1879    Claim of Edmund Simmons [deceased], of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            goods from store and warehouse and damage to property -- $1300.00
            3000 rails
-- $410.00
            fence -- $190.00
            stock-house and pound -- $250.00
            2000 rails and stakes -- $60.00
            House burned, tobacco, tools and corn -- $550.00
            5000 pounds fodder, flax and oats -- $100.00
            3 oxen and three carts -- $260.00
            1 cart-body, harness and wheat patch -- $120.00
            Damage to windmill, fall and tackle -- $80.00
            75 bushels sweet potatoes and two feather beds -- $120.00
            Damage to house -- $70.00
            1 mare -- $200.00
                Total -- $3710.00
Remarks: The only witnesses to loyalty are the widow of claimant (he having died) and one Munden.  She says they were opposed to the war at first but after it began their sympathies were with their own people and they went with the State but never did anything actively for the confederacy.  Claim disallowed.  Loyalty not proved.  No proof of loyalty of widow and heirs.

Claim #13240 -- 1873    Claim of Edmund Simmons, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            150 pounds tobacco -- $95.00
            1 lot medicines
-- $25.00
            30 pounds coffee -- $9.50
            50 cords wood -- $200.00
            5000 feet lumber -- $100.00
            5000 pounds fodder -- $50.00
            2000 pounds oats -- $20.00
            3 beef cattle -- $150.00
            3 carts -- $110.00
            75 bushels sweet potatoes -- $75.00
            75 bushels corn -- $75.00
            75 bushels meal -- $75.00
            50 barrels corn -- $250.00
            5000 pounds fodder -- $$50.00
            75 bushels potatoes -- $37.50
            1 sorrel mare -- $150.00
                Total -- $3710.00
Remarks: The claimant thinks he voted for secession.  He went with his State after the ordinance of secession was adopted but he says he never of his own free will did anything against the cause of the Union, except voting.  But, on the other hand, he did nothing for it, and voting to dissolve the Union and overthrow the Government is about as heinous a piece of treason and disloyalty as an old man could commit.  We reject the claim.

Claim #13238 -- 1873    Claim of Hilliard H. Simmons, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 bay mare -- $200.00
            60 pounds bacon -- $15.00
            500 pounds fodder -- $7.50
            2 bushels corn meal -- $2.00
                Total -- $224.50
Remarks: The claimant swears to his Union sympathies but does not know how he voted in 1861.  He had a brother in the rebel army.  It doesn't appear how he kept out, as he was within conscript age.  He was not molested; he lived in peace and concord with his secessionist neighbors.  And notwithstanding, two witnesses swear that he was opposed to the war and persuaded his friends not to go into the army.  We are not satisfied with the sufficiency of the evidence in support of loyalty and we therefore reject the claim.

Claim #13230 -- 1873    Claim of George Snowden, administrator of William Snowden, of Currituck Court House, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 bay mare -- $100.00
            1 ox-cart
-- $35.00
            1 horse-cart and harness -- $35.00
                Total -- $170.00
Remarks: The claimant is administrator of William Snowden.  There is but little evidence in the case, and what there is as to loyalty is utterly inconclusive, insufficient, and unsatisfactory.  We reject the claim.

Claim #13329 -- 1872    Claim of E. H. Walker, of Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            160 cords wood -- $640.00
            1 hog, 191 pounds -- $23.75
            Salt works -- $750.00
            8 cattle -- $160.00
            1/8 of schooner Sallie Tillett -- $400.00
                Total -- $1973.75
Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyalty but although he calls half a dozen witnesses to prove taking or destruction of property, he does not confirm his claim to loyalty by a single witness, and the only thing bearing is two or three lines dated 1865 and signed by some Army officer certifying that claimant was a good Union man.  The evidence in regard to loyalty is insufficient and unsatisfactory.  The greater portion of the claim is for destruction of salt works and a schooner, and not for supplies.  There is no evidence but that of claimant that the wood was taken, and it does not appear, even from his statement, that it was taken by proper authority and for use of the Army; and there is no evidence in regard to the beef cattle except the testimony of claimant himself, which needs some confirmation under the circumstances.  We reject the claim altogether, however, for lack of satisfactory proof of loyalty.

Claim #6393 -- 1874    Claim of Edward H. Walker, administrator of the John H. Walker, of Coinjock, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 bay mare -- $500.00

Remarks: None of the questions which our rules require to be put to the claimant are answered by him.  He only says that the deceased was loyal.  Whether the deceased took the oath of allegiance, was in the rebel army, held civil office, furnished a substitute, &c., is not stated.  The administrator could have answered many and probably most of these questions.  J. Baxter, attorney, was present.  It was his duty, as well as that of the claimant, to have the questions answered.  The taking is shown by a receipt in which Thomas H. Butler, lieutenant commanding Company G. Twentieth New York Cavalry, says he has seized the horse by order of Brigadier-General Shepley on the 9th of June, 1864 and valued the horse at $500.00.  we cannot but regard such a receipt as suspicious.  The daughter appears to have been eighteen years old in 1868.  Nothing is said of her loyalty.  The claim is rejected.

Claim #17731 -- 1876    Claim of William H. Varser, of Manteo, Dare County, State of North Carolina    
            1 building -- $1000.00

Remarks: The claimant lived in Suffolk County, Virginia in 1861 and 1862 and afterward on Roanoke Island, North Carolina.  His loyalty is not proved previous to 1863.  He was in the confederate military service.  We find his name to a petition as a member of the militia of Nansemond County, Virginia, at Suffolk, to be allowed to choose their own officers.  They call themselves "true and loyal citizens of the Confederate States."  Mr. Varser swears that he was not in the militia.  The name is an unusual one and although he resided at Suffolk there may have been another of the same name.  he is certainly mistaken in one particular in his testimony, and may be as to the militia.  He swears emphatically that he was conscripted in March 182 and served as a conscript till December of that year, a script law of the confederate congress was passed April 16, 1862.  There is some evidence to show that Mr. Varser favored the Federals after he moved to Roanoke Island.  Previous to that period the testimony is against him.  The claim is disallowed.

Claim #17729 -- 1873    Claim of John Wescott, of Manteo, Dare County, State of North Carolina    
            3000 trees -- $1500.00

Remarks: The claimant swears to his loyal sympathies but does not know how he voted in 1861.  Two colored persons, slaves during the war, testify that he was a Union man but neither claimant nor his witnesses state any facts whatever in support of his claim to loyalty.  It does not appear that he was disturbed or molested when rebels had possession.  It would seem that if the claimant had been loyal during the war he might had established the fact by some of his associates and neighbors and not have to solely depend on persons who were slaves at the time.  The claim is for pine timber cut and used for fuel and other purposes by the Army and a large number of fugitive slaves who gathered there under protection of the Army.  They timber used by them cannot be regarded as supplies for the Army.  It doesn't appear how much the used nor how much should really be paid, if anything.  We must therefore reject this claim because the evidence on both branches of the inquiry is insufficient and unsatisfactory.  In his petition as first filed the claimant demands $1500 but in the application to take testimony he enlarges it to $3375.  To cover the matter in full, we enter the latter sum and reject it.

Claim #17941 -- 1873    Claim of John Williams, Sr., of Poplar Branch, Currituck County, State of North Carolina    
            1 horse -- $200.00
1 hog -- $9.00
                Total -- $209.00
Remarks: The claimant says he voted for secession in 1861.  In answer to questions 40 and 41 he says, "From the beginning to the end of the war I had nothing to do with either side."  He does not pretend that his feelings were on the Union side.  The claim is rejected.


This is an alphabetical index of the Currituck County (and some Dare) claims.  Some of these claims were not included in the above list.
Name Claim # Amt. Claimed Amt. Allowed Year Description
Baswood, Gideon 13234 $250.00 $0.00 1872 1 bay filly
Baum, Samuel (Dare Co. claim) 18982 $1237.50 $320.00 1878 wood
Baxter, Joseph F. 13229 $200.00 $0.00 1872 bay Stallion
Bliven, George B. (Dare Co. claim) 4171 $975.00 $650.00 1877 not listed
Bosswood, Gideon C. 18892 $200.00 $0.00 barred horse
Bright, Elizabeth A. 13232 $238.00 $0.00 1872 clothing, tools, farm produce, provisions
Brown, Joseph (estate of) 13228 $200.00 $0.00 1872 bay horse
Brown, Joseph (estate of) 21724 $550.00 $0.00 Barred horses
Burton, Dempsey 17904 $685.00 $0.00 1873 wood, rails & corn
Crain, Julia 17909 $200.00 $100.00 1872 boat
Davis, Andrew J. 13236 $250.00 $0.00 1873 mare, rations, forage
Dey, J.S. (estate of) 13235 $1879.00 $0.00 1873 horses, oxen, wood, bedding, poultry, pork, and provisions
John Dickinson, Wilson Walker & James S. Whedber [Whedbee?] 4717 $3400.00 $425.00 1874 Schooner Zephenich
Dowdy, Samuel 14140 $250.00 $175.00 1874 horse
John Doxey, Tully Halstead & C.T. Sears 17504 $1232.00 $0.00 barred horses & corn
Dudley, William 13239 $175.00 $0.00 1873 black horse
Dunton, Spence 13237 $175.00 Not found in alpha index
John Fanshaw & Barbara Snowden 13227 $396.60 $0.00 1874 filly, poultry, produce & provisions
John Fanshaw & Barbara Snowden 21725 $487.50 $0.00 barred horses, bacon, corn, fowls & fodder
Ferebe, James M. 13231 Not found in alpha index
Ferebee, James M. 19758 $493.00 $0.00 barred mule, mares, corn, cart
Forbes, Joseph B. 13226 $964.00 $0.00 1879 commissary & quartermaster stores
Forbes, Joseph B. 22193 $918.00 $0.00 barred stock, forage, cotton, lumber, etc.
Gibson, Abner 17914 $330.00 $0.00 1873 horse, bacon & sausage meat
Lee, Wilson 17924 $125.00 $125.00 1873 horse
Payne, Nathan (estate of) 17933 $505.00 $0.00 1879 horse & shingles
Shannon, Nathan (Dare Co. claim) 17728 $125.00 $100.00 1879 quartermaster stores
Simmons, E. 21723 $3710.00 $0.00 1879 houses, fencing, mare, oxen & produce
Simmons, Edmond B. 13233 $706.25 $0.00 1873 horses, harness, bacon & white lead
Simmons, Edmund B. 13240 $1482.00 $0.00 1873 mare, cattle, carts, tobacco, medicines, produce & provisions
Simmons, Hilliard H. 13238 $224.00 $0.00 1873 mare, bacon, fodder & meal
Snowden, William (estate of) 13230 $170.00 $0.00 1873 mare, carts, harness
Varser, William H. (Dare Co. claim) 17731 $1000.00 $0.00 1876 building destroyed
Walker, E.H. 13329 $1973.75 $0.00 1872 wood, hogs, cattle, schooner, salt works
Walker, John H. 6393 $500.00 $0.00 1874 bay mare
Wescott, George W. (Dare Co. claim) 17732 $1200.00 $0.00 1878 wood & timber
Wescott, John (Dare Co. claim) 17729 $3375.00 $0.00 1873 trees
Williams Sr., John 17941 $209.00 $0.00 1873 horse & hog

Permission kindly given by Bill J. Markland of Overland Park, Kansas who sent me images of the claims for Currituck & Dare County.




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