Located on N.C. Highway 170 between
Sligo and Shawboro. Present owner, Ambrose Forehand. Note
remnant of old porch room at right. Window left intact. Note
also nine-paned upper window sashes and six-paned lower, both on first and
second floors. Former home of Col. Samuel Ferebee of the Revolution,
who was born in 1761 and died in 1845. UPDATE
2/21/2006 from Anne
Jennings: Sadly, the Samuel Ferebee Home is no longer standing.
The home can be seen on an aerial photograph taken in 1938. All that
remains of the home site today is a grove of trees, one of which now
supports a deer stand.
Samuel Ferebee was born 20 June 1761 and was the son of William Ferebee
(b. 13 April 1722 - d. 9 July 1783) and Elizabeth Cowper (b. 3 Oct. 1728 -
d. 29 Dec. 1794) who were married in 1745. Samuel Ferebee married Sarah
Dauge (b. 22 Jan. 1766 - d. 27 Oct. 1801) on 14 Oct. 1787.
Jesse F. Pugh writes in his book, Three Hundred Years Along the
Pasquotank, published in 1957 on page 147:
"Camden is indebted to Currituck for the many
excellent citizens who from early colonial days have migrated from that
county to reside within these borders, the most outstanding being William
Reed, Gideon Lamb, Peter Dauge and certain members of the Ferebee family.
The contributions of this latter clan have been valuable and varied, but
none have been more significant than the achievements of two half-brothers
whose careers date from the first part of the nineteenth century. In 1834
one of the co-founders of Wesley's Methodist Church at Old Trap in the
southern part of Camden was the Reverend Samuel Ferebee who, along with
two other Currituckians, Bannister Jarvis and Nathan Poyner, was named as
one of the charter trustees and continued as pastor to minister to the
spiritual needs of the congregation for several years, though he retained
his residence in Currituck. Mention should also be made of his
remarkable matrimonial ability, it seems, since he succeeded in this
accomplishment five times. In 1843 the Reverend Samuel's younger
half-brother Dennis, having married Sarah McPherson of the South Mills
area, came to make his permanent residence there and went on to become
the most distinguished citizen in the county during the next fifty years,
and a leader in both local and state politics.
There was nothing singular in the aptitude manifested
by Ferebee for public life when one considers his
lineage. His paternal grandfather, William Ferebee,
had represented Currituck in the Provincial Assemblies
and his father, Samuel Ferebee, was a man of
considerable local prestige. His mother was a
descendant of the very able French Huguenot immigrant,
Peter Dauge (later changed to Dozier). The union with
the Dauges gave rise to one of those intimate family
situations which impart individuality to household
traditions. The father first married Sarah Dauge who
had red hair, as did her six children, including the
preacher Samuel already referred to. The second wife
was Sarah's sister Peggy. She had black hair and
likewise her three daughters and five sons, the
youngest of whom was the fourteenth child of his
father and the subject of this sketch."
Alma O. Roberts kept very extensive records of the
Ferebee family since she was a direct descendant of
this line. One of her interesting notes was that
Sarah Dauge had red hair. One of her files labeled
"Descendents of Ferebee Family" is more than an inch
thick with hand-typed pages. One doesn't have to look
far to find volumes of information about the Ferebee
family. When Alma took this photo of the Samuel
Ferebee home, she was living only about a half mile
north of the home. It was one of the homes that she
saw each time she left and returned to her home at the
DeCormis Place and was very special to her. |