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1714 Valuations
From N.C. State Archives Colonial Court Records
Taxes & Accounts CCR 190
Tax Lists -- Currituck County

In obedience to An Act of Assembly made and Rattefied ye 6th Day of Novembr. anno Dom 1714 Impowering and Commanding us ye Comissioners To Take a Trew Accont of ye Estates of ye Inhabitances of Corotuck That a Just Rate Tax Might be Laid Which accnt. Orderly followeth.  Vizt:

Name Value of property in pounds
John Maccuin 10
Henr. Davis 10
Fra. Farrow 5
Davd. Jones Senr. 30
Davd. Jones Jur. 10
Richd. Johnson 20
John Neal 150
Wm. Wells 20
Thos. Spencer Senr. 40
Henr. Gibbs 10
Geo. Barnes 10
Moses Rin[torn] 10
Wm. Johns[torn] 10
Davd. Linsey 5
Ralph Mathum 20
Wm. Hamton 20
Thos. Spencer Jur. 20
Edwd. Jelfe 1
Christ. Bustin 1
Ambros Maccoy 30
Alexr. Maccoy 5
John Beckly 1
Adalphus Hanson 5
Richd. Smith 50
John Mason 10
Mathias Towler 5
John Evans 15
Geo. Scarbrough 5
Danl. Linsey 10
Levi Smith 50
James Duglis 10
Peter Poyner Jur. 12
Wm. Bell 200
Richd. Etheridge 60
John Bailes 25
[Torn]siah White 1 year 18
[Torn]es Carron Senr. 20
[Torn]mes Carron Jur. 6
Saml Paine 30
Capt. James Dauge 65
John Whidbe 40
John Jones Jur. 10
Isaac Jones 12
Henr. Woodhouse 40
Edwd. Poyner 30
Capt. Lionell Reading 300
Capt. Richard Sanderson 400
[Jo]hn Smith free negro 26
[W]m. Lerry 100
Timo. Ives 50
Abraham Boom 5
Henr. Gibson 5
Jos. Sanderson 300
Richd. Sanderson Esqr. 750
John Woodhouse 700
James Row 10
Azricom Parker 70
Foster Jervis 210
Jos. Church 360
John Mills 10
Michl. Winter 5
Conl. Wm. Reed 500


Name Value of property in pounds
John Solly 120
Michl. Oneal 75
John Pell 40
Thos. Taylor Jur. 65
Wm. Russell 70
Thos. Simons 10
Margtt Morris 10
John Walker 7
Wm. Carsewell 5
Darby Bartlitt 25
Henr. Slade Senr. 60
Alie[?] Brent 30
Wm. Scott 10
James Brown 75
Wm. Johnson mallato 5
Richd. Ferrill 6
Saml. Jones 45
Thos. Muncrief 12
Charles Brent 20
Willoughby Merchant 35
Danl. Glasco Jur. 6=10=0
Andr. Etheridge 50
Marmeduke Capell 25
Geo. Thomson 30
Charles Sinqua 20
Adam Peavey 10
Wm. Lufman 80
Jos. Bennit 30
Robt. Heath 45
Thos. Cox 15
Thos. Cox Jur. 8
Wm Stafford 90
Richd. Bright Senr. 60
Henr. Bright Senr. 35
Richd Bright Jur. 10
Benja. Bennit 50
Edwd. Jones 55
James Jones 25
John Worrill 10
Wm. Etheridge 15
Nicho. Mershll 25
Henr. Etheridge 35
Saml. Ballance 15
Wm. Linton 15
Danl. Makefation 7
Martin Boulen 5
Elizabeth Williams 5
Robt. Bell 5
Thos. Davis 120
Thos. Miller 270
John Brent 12
Luke White 40
Humph. Vince 220
Thos. Vince 80
Catrine Evans 12
Richd. Cannady 2
Aron Prescod 39
Wm. Parker 30
Richd. Morton 10
[J]ohn Swindall 10
[S]aml. Wentworth and Compa. Merchts. of Boston 80
Thos. Vandermullen 180
Wm. Swann 220
Evan Miller 6
Jos. Poyner 24
Peter Poyner Senr. 35
John Dickson one year in ys [this] govrent. 40
James Keeth one year in ys [this] go[vernment]. 30
Wallis Bray 70
Charles Barbor 15
John Barbor 15


Name Value of property in pounds
Jos. Cooper 18
John Perkins Jur. 16
Danl. Savell 15
Marmeduke Etheridge 78
John Etheridge 2
Thos. Fansaw 35
Thos. Poyner 10
Wm. Poyner 9
Fras. Jervis 35
Thos. Swann 80
Andr. Consaul 25
John Legatt 20
Thos. Dudly 9
Benja. Tully 87
Southwood Denby 30
Peter Parker 60
Richd. Dauge 20
[Peter?] Dauge 10
Isaak Jacob 35
Elizabeth [___?]than 110
John Lewis 5
Wm. Hunter 25
Richd. Jones 2[_]
James Martne 15
Thos. Creed 28
Wm. Davis 5
Edwd. Bonny 5
Jos. Beckly 15
Benja. Beaselly 2=10=0
Ralph Love 15
Wm. Hancock & Edmd. Ashly of Virga. 34
John Jones 130
Geo Draper 15
Saml. Poyner 5
James Poyner 2
Wm. Wilson 14
Richd. Ballance 21
Timo. Matthews 15
Jeremiah Smith 2=10=0
John Harris 5
Fra. Jones 31
Henr. Claton 53
Wm Steavens 45
Geo. Duran 10
Wm. Wamoth & Robt. Wamoth 15
Jonathon Jacocks 30
John Wade 45
Capt. John Palin 5
Wido Scarbrough 6
Conl. Thos. Boyd 80
Capt. Cornl. Jones 40
Eman. Low 45
Patrick Callehan 1
Wm. Powell 5
Thos. Taylor 200
Wm. Nicholson 108
Wm. Williams 88
Thos. Williamson 12
Thos. Johnson 15
Jos. Wicker 140
Thos. Williams 200

Given under our hands this 12 day of Jany. Anno Dom 1714/15
    Thos. Taylor
    Wm. Nicholson
    John Jones
    Thos. Williams
    Wm. Williams
    Thos. Williamson
Vera copia test [Joseph W]icker Clk. to the Commissioners


These tax records were transcribed by Stuart Chaplain from a photocopy of the original record.  No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything here that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you look at the record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!