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Currituck County Wills

Caleb Ansell/Answell
March 13, 1779; Aug. 15, 1780
Currituck Co. Will Book 1, pp. 159-160

[Note: Much of this will is obscured by the imprint of a horseshoe. --M. H.]

In the Name of God Amen the thirteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine I Caleb ANSWELL of No. Carolina & Currituck County being very sick in b[torn] but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be to god Therefor calling t[torn] mind the mortality of my body knowing it was appointed unto all men to die do make this my last Will and Testament in following fo[torn]

Imprimis: I give and bequeath unto my son John ANSWELL one hundred and twenty five acres of land and marsh more or less begining on the East[torn] most part of the land I now live on begining at a C[smeared] joining Joh[torn] ANSWELL and running southwardly and Including ...[smeared]... his heirs forever.

[Item: I give and] bequeath to my son Caleb the remainder ...[smeared]... [plan]tation... [smeared]... him and his heirs forever.

[Item: I give and] bequeath unto my son Robert a small plantation ...[smeared]... land lying and being in the County of Currituck ...[smeared]... of Francis WILLIAMSON lying & binding on ...[smeared]... William WARDs land to him and his heirs forever.

[Item: I give and] bequeath unto my friend Jonathan BONNEY ...[smeared]... tract of land the said BONNEY now lives on ...[smeared]... pays unto my Executors all sum or sums of money due ...[smeared]... the afsd. BONNEY to me on or before the ...[smeared]... of my will ...[smeared]... and his heirs forever.

[Item: I give and] bequeath unto my son John and my son Caleb(?) ...[smeared]... [pur]chased of Willoughby DAUGE [lying and being on the?] Indian ...[smeared]... to be equally Divided between ...[smeared]... sons and their [smeared] forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to Lydia my dearly beloved ...[smeared]... part of the Schooner Lydia ...[smeared]... my will and desire ...[smeared]... enjoy all the ...[smeared]... of my land [or hand?] ...[smeared].

Item: I give unto my son John(?) [smeared--"one cow and calf"?]

Item: I give unto my son Caleb one cow and calf.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary my son John my son Robert my son Caleb and my son Frederick three hundred pounds to bring them up in a Country School.

I give unto my dearly Beloved wife Lydia, Daughter Mary and son Frederick all the rest of my Estate both real and perishable to be Equally Divided after all my Lawfull Debts being paid. I likewise Constitute & Appoint my wife Lydia sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.

Caleb ANSELL (seal)

Signd. Seald. pronounced and declared by the said Caleb ANSWELL as his last Will and Testament in presence of us
    John ANSWELL
    William (his x mark) WILKINS

Recorded & Examd. this 15th day of August 1780 pr. Wm. FEREBEE, C. C.

This will was contributed by Marty Holland. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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