Currituck County Wills

Curnealus Berry
April 17, 1751 - April 7, 1752
Secretary of State Original Wills, NC 1663-1789

[Note: Some words are cut off at the right margin of the page].

Aprill ye 17th 1751 I Curnealus BER___ Being weak & Low of Body but of perfect Mind and memory Blessed be God for it do make and ordai_ Constute and apoint This to be my Last Will & Testamen_ in maner and form fouling first I Gave my soul to ye mercy of god hoping ye merrits of Jesus Christ my Savio_ and Redeemer to Receave pardon for all my sins and as for Body comitt to ye earth to receave desent buriel & hopin_ it will a Receave a Joyfull Resurrection & all my Worldl_ goods and estate it Pleased God Almighty to ____[?] __ with I give & Bequeath as Followeth Vizt. Them I desire that my Just Debts to Bee honestly Paid & satisfied By my Executors Hereafter Named Them       Amen

I Give and Bequete unto My Loving wife Cumfort BER___ the Moveable house & goods during hir Life or widowhood an att The day of hir deth or marage & Then to be Equly Devided Between Litletun BRRY & Curnealus BERRY & John BE___ I Give an Bequite to my Loving my Plantteshon during hir Life & for hir disposhell

I Leave my Beloved wife Exector of This my last will & Testament
    /s/ Curnealus [his U mark] BERRY


North Carolina
Currituck County
At a Court held for sd. County at ye Court House for the Same on ye Seventh Day of April 1752
Present His Majesties Justices

These may Certifie that William WHITE and Thomas MILLER the Subscribing Evidences to the within will Appeared in Open Court and made oath on the Holy Evangelest that they were Present and Saw Cornelious BERRY Sign seal ___ and Declare the within to be and Contain his Last will and Testament and that the Said Cornelious BERRY then and at that time was of Sound and Disposing memory and Then Also appeared Comfort BERRY Executrix in open Court and took the Executors oath in Due form of Law, ordered that the Honble. Nathaniel RICE Esqr. Secretary of this province Have Notice thereof that Letters Testamentary Issue thereon as the Law Directs
Signed by order of Court pr. William SHERGOLD

Cornelious BERRYs
Letters Issued the 21st April 1752

2 Copy Sheets & 34 words [?]

[on back of page]:
March The 18 1734/5
Litletun Berry was Born in Thee Year of our Lord [illegible on my copy; possibly 1734/5; a couple of additional illegible words].

This will was contributed by Marty Holland.  No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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