Currituck County Wills
Jan. 3, 1761; Sept. 15, 1761
Currituck Co. Will Book 1, p. 5
North Carolina
Currituck County
At an Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held at the Court House for the said County on the first Tuesday in July anno domini 1761 Present his Majesty Justices.
Lydia BOCUSS and Daniel BOCUSS Executors of the Last Will and Testament of William BOCUSS late of this County Planter deceased appeared in open court exhibited the said Will praying to have it proved whereupon it was then and there proved by the oaths of Elisha PARKER and Margaret JONES two of the subscribing witnesses thereto in due form of law: and ordered to be recorded which it is accordingly and follows in these words, To Wit:
In the name of God Amen I William BOCUSS of the County of Currituck upon the North Banks in the Province of North Carolina Yeoman being thro the abundant Mercy and goodness of God (Tho weak in body) yet sound and perfect understanding and memory do constitute this my Last Will and Testament and desire it may be received by all as such; Imprimiss I most humbly bequeath my Soul to God my maker beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it through the all sufficient works and mediation of my most compassionate redeemer Jesus Christ who gave himself to be an atonement for my sins and is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him: Seeing he ever liveth to make interession for the (torn) and who I trust will not reject me a ????? penitent sinner when I come to (torn) for mercy: in this hope and confidence I render up my soul with comfort (torn) by beseeching the most blessed and Glorious Trinity one God most holy most mercifull and gracious: to prepare me for the time of my dessolution and (torn) to take me to himself into that Peace and Rest: and ???parable Felicity(?) where (torn) hath prepared for all that love and fear his holy name Amen Blessed be God (torn)Impromis: I give my body to the earth from whence it was taken in full ?????(torn) of its ??????? from ????? at the last day; as for my burial I desire (torn) may be decent without pomp or wake (?) at the discretion of my dear Wife and executor hereafter named who I dout not will manage it with all requi(torn) Prudence: as to my worldly estate I will and positively order that all debts be paid.
Item: I give to my Dear and Loving Wife all my cattle and Hoggs that I am possessed of with all my household furniture so as to be equally devided between her and my child Mary , I likewise give to my Wife and child the house and land wherein I now dwell with all the lands and tenements that belongs to it and lie about it so as properly to be devided between them when my child Mary shall come of proper age in in case my child should die before she comes of age or hath lawfull issue then her deviden to be equally devided between my two brothers Daniel and Joseph BOCUS; or heirs lawfully begotten of them.
Item: I give to my Dear and Loving Wife all my Money and out standing debts to go on and finish my Quarter of a Vessell now upon the stocks and when finisht to be at her Deposal to assist her in bringing up my child Mary and do appoint and constitute my Dear and Loving Wife and my Brother Daniel BOCUSS my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of January anno domini One Thousand seven hundred and Sixty one 1761
/s/ Wm. Bocus seal
Rebekah PARKAH (sic)
Margaret JONES
Recorded and Examined the 15th day of September (torn)
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2002 Marty Holland