Currituck County Wills

Spence Chaplin
July 20, 1826 - Feb. Term 1827
Currituck Co. Will Book 3, pp. 225-226

The Last Will and Testament of Spence CHAPLAIN Deceased proved at February Term 1827.

In the name of God Amen. I Spenser CHAPLAIN of Currituck County being in perfect senses and strength of memory but calling to mind the mortality of the body and that the mortality of the body and that it is appointed unto man once to die, do make and ordain, this my Last Will and Testament first recommending my soul to almighty God, who gave it to me and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executor made and sealed that after all my just debts being punctually paid and the residue of my estate which it has pleased God to bless me withI dispose of in the following manner viz

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Hillery CHAPPLIN the plantation on the Point adjoining Mr. Elijah FREEMANs and two negro boys that is living with Mr. Luke GREGORY, the one by the name of Martin and the other by the name of Stephen also all property that belongs to me in the land of the said GREGORY after the decease of his wife consisting of one feather bed and furniture one linnin wheel, one woolen wheel and one negro girl by the name of Lydia.

It is my will and desire to leave my old black woman Siller Free from any control of my son or daughter and that she have twenty-five acres of land on the N.E. side of the plantation whereon I now live inclosing the point of high ground, where I formally have fed hogs and in complying with my will that she devote the one half of her time in weighing on my daughter as long as she lives.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Director CHAPLAIN the remainder of the plantation whereon I now live and one black man by the name of Sampson, one that I have raised by the name of March and one boy by the name of Jack. It is my will and desire that all property that I possess indoors and out should be sold that I have not willed away should be sold and after my just debts being paid that the remainder be equally divided between my son Hillary CHAPLAIN and Director CHAPLAIN also that my son have all my wearing close. I have appointed ordained and constituted my friend Malichi CORBELL my whole and sole executor to this my Last Will and Testament In testimony I have here unto set my hand and seal and published and delivered this my Last Will and testament this 20th day of July the year of our Lord and thousand eight hundred and twenty six.
    /s/ Spence CHAPLAIN    Seal

Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us the subscribers

State of N. Carolina Currituck Co     Feby term 1827
    The jury to whom this will was referred being impannelled and sworn. “______ that the proper writing exhibited as the Last Will and Testament of Spence CHAPLAIN deceased is not his Last Will and Testament as to the real estate therein mentioned and that he did not desire as to the same by the said paper writing, but they further find that it was his Last Will and Testament as to his personal estate only and that he did give and bequeath thereby as to his personal estate as therein mentioned. The said will was proved according thereto and ordered to be recorded. The executor therein named having relinquished his right as executor thereto Caleb FORBES was appointed as Advisor with the Will Annexed, who Bonded and qualified in form of Law and order that letters of Administration, ________________
Recorded Oct 11, 1827
    James G. HALL D. Ck for Spence HALL Clk.

This will was contributed by Stuart Chaplin. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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