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Currituck County Wills

Luke Ethredge
Feb. 25, 1732 - Nov. 5, 1735

I Luke ETHREDGE of Carrtuck in ye County of Albemarle in north Carolina being very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect memory Blest be allmighty god for it Do make Constetut and ordane this my Last will and Testament.  I Bequeath my Soul into ye Hand of god who Gave it me hoping to Receive ye Same _____ att ye Last Day and my body to ye Earth Desiring? to be ____ed in Chirston maner and my worldly goods as followeth.

Item  I Give to my Dafter Sarah ETHREDGE ye Land I now Live on after my wel be Loved wife Criston ETHREDGE Deceas to hur and hur heirs for Ever being part of asarten [a certain?] tract of Land Left me by my father Containg one hundred and fifty ackors and one Coue and a Cou Calfe and one young mare she giving ye first Colt ye sd mare Brings to my Dafter Elebeth ETHREDGE when my sd Dafter arife to ye age of sixtean years.

Item  I Give to my Daughter Elebeth ETHREDGEE that parsel of Land Lying In ye Greate Swamp Cald and none [known] by ye name of andrews ______ Containing seventy five ackors to hur and hur heirs for Ever and one Coue and yearling to be Delifred to hur when She shall Com to ye age of sixtean years or ye Day of marredge.

Item  I Give to my Dafter Ann ETHREDGES one Cou and Calfe and one heafer and ye foset [first] Colt my Riden mare or ye young mare bring to be Delifred when She is sixtean years old or ye Day of maridge.

Item  I Give and Bequeath to my three Dafters hear Before named Each of them a Sou and Pigg at ye age of sixtean years and att their mothers decease to hafe a feather bead Each of them and my house hould goods to be Equleay Devided betwean my three Dafters after ye Decease of my well beloved wife Criston ETHREDGE.

Item  I give and Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Christon ETHREDGES all my parsonable Estate both within Doore and without as De[cut off] Duee and Demands whethersoever thay be for and first paying my jest _____ making my wife Christon ETHREDGES my sole Executrix Joyning my well beloved friend Edward COX with hur to see this my Last will and Testement performed.
    /s/ Luke [his mark] ETHREDGE        Seal

Signead Sellead and Deliveread In the presents of us this 25 Day of febery Anno Domnay 1732.
    Elizebeth [hur x mark] DANEL
    Otho HOLLAND

This will was proved in Currotuck Court by the Oaths of Elih DANIELS & Otho HOLLAND the Subscribing Evidences thereunto & the Execx therein named tooke the Exts Oath.
    Test: Thos LOWTHER  Clk. Cort

[On the back of this will is written: Letters presentd ye 5th day of Novr 1735.  Recorded]

[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]

This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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