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Currituck County Wills

Joshua Gibbons
___ 14, 1823 - Feb. Term 1824
Currituck Co., NC Will Book 3; p. 170

State of NCarolina
Currituck County

In the name of God Amen I Joshua GIBBONS being sick in body but sound in mind and memory calling to mind it is once appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in maner as follows to Wit.

I first recommend my soul to God who first gave it to me and my body to be buried in a christian like maner at the discretion of my exor herafter named.

Item 1. My will and desire is that all my just debts be paid out of my estate.

Item 2. I give to my Wife Sally GIBBONS all the lands I now possess that is to say my houses and plantation to her during of her natural life or widowhood and then at her death or mariage for all of my lands I now possess to be sold at public sale at the discretion of my exor herafter named.

Item 3. I give and bequeath unto my four smallest children that is to say James GIBBONS, William GIBBONS, Lucinda GIBBONS, & Sally GIBBONS one hundred dollars out of the sales of lands when sold cash to be laid out on them in schooling as my exor or guardian may think best and proper

Item 4. my will and desire is that if any one of the three small children should die before they expend of their money I have given them that is to say William, Lucinda or Sally the remaining part they leave should return to James GIBBONS.

Item 5. I give unto my Son Caleb GIBBONS one young mare and one feather bed and feather bed and furniture generaly called his bed.

Item 6. My riding horse I leave to be sold to pay my just debts

Item 7. I give to my Daughter Hariet BROWN one spining wheel and one breeding sow.

Item 8. I give to my two Daughters Susan and Polly twenty five dollars each out of the sale3s of my land

Item 9. I give and bequeath to my Son James the residue of the sale of my land if there should be any and if my Son James should die without lawful issue I wish and desire that the residue of the sales of my land if any should return to my three smallest and youngest children living viz. William, Lucinda, & Sally

Item 10. I give and bequeath to my Son Caleb GIBBONS my stock of all kind that is my hogs, sheep, cattle and my farming tools of every discription and all of my housein furniture of every description that is not already given away sweeping(?) clause of each and everything. I appoint Sally GIBBONS and my Son Caleb GIBBONS Exor of this my Last Will and Testament I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th 1823.
    /s/ Joshua GIBBONS     seal

Signed seald & delivered in presence of us
    D. LINDSEY (Sff)
    Caleb GIBBONS

This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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