Currituck County Wills
Mary Halsted
July 7, 1835; Nov. Term 1835
Currituck Co. Will Book 4 ; pg. 12
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The last will and Testament of Mary HOLSTED dec'd was Exhibited in open court and Proven by the oaths of James BELL & William McBRIDE witnesses thereto at Novr. Term 1835 & ordered Recorded.
In the name of God Amen. I Mary HALSTED of Currituck County in the State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind & memory blessed be God do this the 7th day of July 1835 make & publish this my last will & testament in manner following that is to say.
First I give the use of a negro man by the name of Valentine to my Son Tulley DOZIER during the life of the aforesaid Tully DOZIER after his death I give the above named negro to my Grand son Edmund DOZIER to him & his heirs forever provided that my son Tully DOZIER shall pay or cause to be paid to my Daughter Elizabeth ETHERIDGE or her heirs the sum of one hundred dollars on demand.
Secondly I give to my Daughter Elizabeth ETHERIDGE one negro man to her and her heirs forever.
Thirdly My will is that my Daughter Sally ONEAL shall have the use of negro woman Patience & her increas during the life of my Daughter Sally ONEAL & after her death I give Patience and her increas to four of my Grand children namely Mary ROGESS Sally FROST Grandy BARNARD & Willoughbey BARNARD to them & their heirs forever.
Forthly After paying my debts I give all the residue of my property that is not given away above to be divided between Five of my Grand children namely Tully FANSHAW Mary ROGESS Sally FROST Jesse FANSHAW & James GARLINGTON to them & their heirs
And I hereby make & ordain my daughter Elizabeth ETHERIDGE & my Tully DOZIER Exors of this my last will & testament. In witness I the said Mary HOLSTED have to this my last will and testament set my hand & seal the day & year above written.
/s/ MARY [her x mark] HOLSTED seal
Signed sealed published & declared in presents of
James BELL jurat
Wm. McBRIDE juratRecorded & Examined Decr. 15th 1835
This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2011 Kay Midgett Sheppard